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/lit/ - Literature

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11125928 No.11125928 [Reply] [Original]

Start doing drugs

>> No.11125946
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But I just stopped

>> No.11125948

>I hate to advocate drugs, alcohol, violence, or insanity to anyone, but they've always worked for me.

>> No.11125952

Already did!
Don't do drugs, is not worthy desu.

>> No.11125958

He's not brillant anyway. Greater man made it sober.

>> No.11125971

I have much to consume.

>> No.11125976
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Not gonna happen, you bald degenerate.

>> No.11125989

Name a more /lit/ journalist; I'll wait.
>If the current polls are reliable... Nixon will be re-elected by a huge majority of Americans who feel he is not only more honest and more trustworthy than George McGovern, but also more likely to end the war in Vietnam. The polls also indicate that Nixon will get a comfortable majority of the Youth Vote. And that he might carry all fifty states... This may be the year when we finally come face to face with ourselves; finally just lay back and say it — that we are really just a nation of 220 million used car salesmen with all the money we need to buy guns, and no qualms at all about killing anybody else in the world who tries to make us uncomfortable. The tragedy of all this is that George McGovern, for all his mistakes... understands what a fantastic monument to all the best instincts of the human race this country might have been, if we could have kept it out of the hands of greedy little hustlers like Richard Nixon. McGovern made some stupid mistakes, but in context they seem almost frivolous compared to the things Richard Nixon does every day of his life, on purpose... Jesus! Where will it end? How low do you have to stoop in this country to be President?

>> No.11126081

We are talking about artists here, fellow.

>> No.11126082

Go larping as a vikang/neanderthull somewhere else.

>> No.11126125
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>Hunter gradually lost the ability to sustain the necessary concentration to write, almost certainly because of the cocaine and booze. He wasn’t a binge cokehead. Hunter snorted a little bit all day, probably to balance the whiskey, but I’m sure it impaired his ability to concentrate. Then, just as he was a maintenance cocaine user, he was also a maintenance drinker, not a binger. But a fifth of whiskey a day for forty years takes its toll on the body, no matter how strong the constitution. In the last ten or so years of his life, Hunter was often sick with a variety of ailments, sometimes the usual cold or flu, but also things like fungal growths, throat infections, nasal infections, cuts and bruises, and occasional seizures. The cuts and bruises were not a result of drunken stumbling, but instead a result of his decreasing ability to walk unassisted. First the degeneration of his hip joint, then of his lower back, caused him such pain that he avoided walking as much as possible, and when he did have to walk, he would prop himself up on counters, chairs, bookcases, anything that could provide him extra support. Every now and then he missed, or slipped, and ended up cutting or bruising himself. There would be a lot of roaring and yelling, blood and excitement (he had a tremendously high pain threshold, but a very low screaming threshold) while the wound was tended to, and then he would settle down. The problem was not the bruise or the cut, but the fact that they took so long to heal. His immune system had been so beaten down that a cut that used to heal in a few days could now take weeks.

>There was also the effect of long-term alcoholism on his muscles, something called alcoholic neuropathy, in which the nerves are actually poisoned by the alcohol. Gradually his muscles lost their ability to work properly, and this showed up in his walking, and as incontinence.

>Toward the end, in the last year, I remember him standing in the kitchen one afternoon in his bathrobe, and he suddenly cursed and grabbed the bottom of his robe and pulled it up between his legs like a diaper. He didn’t say what had happened, and I pretended I hadn’t seen it and left the room so he could deal with it privately.

>> No.11126171

What a pathetic loser.
>muh drugs
And look where it got him.

>> No.11126191

>And look where it got him.
Cemented into American literature, journalism and as a general American cult figure forever?
I'm not saying do drugs, it probably wont work. But would you rather have him live to 80-85 having accomplished nothing of note?

>> No.11126197

>ctrl+f artist
I think you ended up in the wrong thread or something

>> No.11126217

I don't like being high though. It's uncomfortable.

>> No.11126241

More like you're uncomfortable and the drugs dredge that up to the surface

>> No.11126277

But the message I got from your book was that deep down your a miserable man who only uses drugs to escape the banality of life.

>> No.11126282

He's not as by a cult figure as people on here think he is. And most of the people out there who do know of him dislike him.

>> No.11126289

no, i legitimately dislike the physical sensation of being high.

>> No.11126300

He literally created a new genre of journalism that not only took over American journalism (global journalism, really) it put it on it's deathbed. He is, for better or worse, one of the most influential writers of the past century. You can love him or hate him, but it's hard to downplay his reach.

>> No.11126304

Gonzo journalism began and ended with him.

Settle down Johnny, I liked your movie. It's not personal.

>> No.11126305

You are a very lucky man.

>> No.11126311

and who exactly are the ones following in the wake of gonzo journalism's 2nd "author is work" wave?
>The Guardian

I wouldn't be proud of that at all.

>> No.11126316
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>> No.11126318

>Implying any of these are gonzo

>> No.11126327

I did mean it when I said
>for better or worse
Gonzo was the end of objectivism in journalism, or better said the need to keep up of the appearance of objectivism. The journalist will forever be part of the story, and feels will forever be a part of the media's reals.

>> No.11126388

gotta say, I'd much rather some asshole very obviously being unobjective telling me shit, then some simpering asshole pretending to be objective and then not being that at all.

gonzo journalism is ethical journalism. It's just punks, kicking up. Wanna report about the hell's angels? Take a ton of fucking coke, get the shit kicked out of you by some bikers and then write about it.

>> No.11126393

the individuals who work for them largely fit the term 'gonzo', yes. The difference is, Thompson made his persona characterful whereas modern writers who work for those companies are just flat out egotistical.

>> No.11126395
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didn't he get fucked up by his alcoholism?

>> No.11126402

I practice epoché here

>> No.11126409

Is Fear and Loathing in L.A. a good piece of literature? Seems mediocre.

>> No.11126421

It's Las Vegas; and yes
>There he goes. One of God's own prototypes. A high-powered mutant of some kind never even considered for mass production. Too weird to live, and too rare to die.

>> No.11126637

I really like Thompson's writing. He has a very cynical entertaining style

>> No.11126805
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>he thinks this is good literature

>> No.11126838

riff on him all you want, very few people have been as right as the doctor.

>> No.11126862

Thompson is one of those Americans puts shame to our literary tradition. Bukowski's another.

>> No.11126888

Care to extrapolate?

>> No.11126984

wtf is the entirety of Vice media then?

>> No.11127785

It's bait you moron.

>> No.11127816

I was insane before i ever used drugs. Mommy died when i was 10, dad was spiritually dead/depressed, cue me cutting my wrists, teacher asked me “do you need help” after i forgot to wear my second row of armbands to cover the cuts this week

It was only years later of cutting and insanity that i started using periodically

Then habitually

Then almost entirely sober now

>> No.11128340

source? Couldn't find this quote, but entirely believe it; both cocaine and alcohol are terrible for your body, esp long term.

>> No.11128345


If you want more detail it's a bunch of young, millennial, wannabe Hunter Thompsons with less talent than HST had in his pinky. Doing cocaine doesn't make you a genius - just look at what happened to Oasis.

>> No.11128349

Not the guy you're replying to but I have read Gonzo: the oral biography of Hunter Thompson. About halfway through it gets pretty tragic, although it isn't just the drugs that got him - it was the fame too.

>> No.11128378

There's nothing on Vice even remotely like Hunter. What are you even talking about? They do news and have drug shows so they're Hunter Thompson now? Get real.

>> No.11128380


>> No.11128385

And end up in rehab like my uncle? No thanks.

>> No.11128389

>Doing cocaine doesn't make you a genius
This is important. Hunter was already intelligent and wrote well which is why it was interesting seeing his intellect and writing lenses through various drugs. While it made for interesting material in the end it probably held him back

>> No.11128394
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>probably held him back
This is like saying Nick Land should have never done amphetamines because he had a promising career as a professor.

>> No.11128417

Nick Land is Burroghs for stupid people

>> No.11128436

Then Burroughs never should have done opiates because he had a promising career as an Army Officer. I don't know man, what do you want from an analogy here.

>> No.11128501

ITT: virgins who can't get over the drugs thing

you don't have to love him, but he was a unique writer and personality who carved out a piece of the world for himself, something none of you will ever accomplish

>> No.11128508

you're missing the key element of his journalism that made it what it is - he had skin in the game, incurred personal risk for the sake of his journalism. something nobody at vice can claim to have.

>> No.11128523
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Vice used to be great before they became total shit. Fucking Gavin McKinnis was a co-founder lmao their politics used to be... well, less political.

>> No.11128557

Yes. Though he wrote about drugs his main vice was booze.

>> No.11128671

true, I had current era vice in mind when i wrote that. it really went down the shitter

>> No.11128688

Vice has been about as political as always, it's just that you're a baby who just started paying attention.
When the fuck 4chan even became the place for christians who hate drugs and weird sex habits

>> No.11128702

>any way related to drugs
I've unironically done crack, heroin, meth, and an assortment of psychadelics and I have yet to see pussy

>> No.11128706

typically people who do drugs are having lots of sex, they tend to go together just like aids and drugs or mental illness and drugs

>> No.11128715

>you're a baby who just started paying attention[...]When the fuck 4chan even became the place for christians who hate drugs and weird sex habits
huh, weird post.

>> No.11128729

as a degenerate, this made me laugh

>> No.11128739

as a fellow degenerate i can tell you im sorry you didn’t get the one benefit from your degeneracy you can brag about, hope you get clean and fuck a nice woman soon

>> No.11128758

doing drugs was transgressive during his time, like tattoos or punk rock. now everyone does or has done drugs, has tattoos, and green day is still playing stadium shows. you cant just lift his method whole out of its time, it must be interpreted. the more transgressive thing to do now is abstain from sex, drugs, alcohol, have no tattoos, and listen to bach

>> No.11128784

‘Drugs’ is a silly title. Soma is the great liberator of the vedas. Pharmakon of Plato. All of the mystery religions used hallucinogens. All of your favorite artists/writers used/use the right substances. The association of vice-impelled substances and psychedelic substances is a trap. It is scientifically easier to get addicted to hitting your head against a wall than it is to get addicted to psychedelics. You are a sheep until you have eaten enough ‘drug’.

>> No.11129114

It's from Stories I Tell Myself, the memoir Hunter's son Juan wrote.

>> No.11129149

Nah. What he means is the Hunter had already written some pretty good stuff (like the long unpublished Rum Diaries) before he joined the San Francisco drug scene. Even after that he still wrote Hell's Angels in a straightforward (read: not Gonzo) style. It was only when he wrote The Kentucky Derby is Decadent and Depraved piece that his writing style changed: becoming more drug influenced and personal.

>> No.11129277

amateurish selective spectacle reporting (that is, entertainment rather than news) that stringently aligns to mainstream american political sensibilities

>> No.11129323

Psychedelics is real magic, expanding your consciousness is a very powerful thing I recommend doing. I have done plenty of other drugs as well over a 8 year period. Quit 6 years ago. I don't recommend going into addictive drugs unless you have a strong discipline and will to live healthy, because getting addicted is a thing and it can ruin your only life. Psychedelics once a year are the only reason I can abstain doing addictive drugs today, it's extremely hard to let them go once you fallen in love with them. It's real love, strongest you ever felt.

>> No.11131044

I'm starting to use drugs in order to have an excuse for my balding head. At least people will think that I have a wild and exciting life,

>> No.11131143

based louis the theroux.

>> No.11131165

You could say the same thing about Land and Burroughs I don’t get your point.

>> No.11131231

Lmao oh Anon.

>> No.11131237
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>> No.11131996

This. I'm facing 2 to 20 bro fuck yall

>> No.11132832

You have to be pretty damn oblivious to have never heard of him

>> No.11132859
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>smoke high grade hash with tobacco once a week
>drink a few bottles of red wine once s month in good company (in the french sense you degenerates)
>4 dried gs of mushrooms once a year or less
>Only read pynch, pennac, aragon, burroughs and WALTER MOERS
>Understand that the g-o-single-d is a superfluctuating pineally (!) generated metagnostic dickian simulacra of the labyrinthian archetype respondible for turning the artificially intelligent frogs gay

Hunter was a cuck.
His best works are Hell's angels and his suicide.

>> No.11132876

why does the entire fucking internet not understand the concept of moderation? drugs are good, doing lines of cocaine and a fifth of whiskey every few hours is bad.

try acid for inspiration, shrooms for introspection, mdma for understanding emotion, nicotine+adderall/other stims for productivity, alcohol for escape, and ket/dxm/other dissos to understand surrealism and because they're fun.

weed is degenerate, smoke socially if you prefer it to drinking but don't smoke everyday.

drugs are necessary to become /lit/ but you can't be /lit/ if you're fucking dead.

>> No.11133329

>Dude drugs and alcohol are so cool, they made me the great man I am today
>kills self
What did he mean by this?

>> No.11133363

Sometimes you need to make the decision between greatness and a long and happy life.

>> No.11133377

Is that Dale Gribble?

>> No.11134251

he never advocated that, but he did said that it always worked for him, he's no leary