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11125705 No.11125705 [Reply] [Original]

Those are Ayn Rands words.

What are your thoughts?

>> No.11125708

That a hell of a lot more people have said that about Ayn Rand

>> No.11125710

Halt die Klappe, du hässliche Jüdin.

>> No.11125719

Ayn Rand is the evilest person to have ever lived.

>> No.11125724

>evil existing

>> No.11125728

Rand is the L. Ron Hubbard of philosophy, and isn't much of an authority

>> No.11125740

I think she confused the word "evil" with "boring."

>> No.11125745
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rebelious person evah. Eva. Eve. Lucid beam for magnetic fields. Some one who wants it. Mood awrkward chocochaos.

>> No.11125746

stop brainlet larping - it's not funny

>> No.11125911

Ayd Rand is basically a faggy Chopper Read.

>> No.11125919

How does she justify this bullshit of a statement ?

>> No.11125922

tbf, she did elaborate a lot more than that, whether you agree with her or not.
shitpost/slide/sage thread detected

>> No.11125927

Really don’t get libertarians obsession with idealism. I remember some libertarian think tank used to spam lovecraft book reviews about plato being evil.

>> No.11125972

>Creates transcendental idealism
>Cretes a new era of epistomology
>Creates new insight into all of philosophy
>Creates objective morality based on pure reason alone, transcending the is/ought gap
>Creates mastworks of philosophy
>Proves the existence of god and free will
>One of the greats

Ayn Rand
>Writes decent books
>Fails the is ought gap
>Calls her philosophy "objectivism" while the morality is based on a subjective choice
>Can't understamd solipsism, fails to refute it
>Establishes rational self intrests as the basis of morality, yet can't explain rights in a satisfactionary way
>Claims that the basis of morality is human flourishing, smokes a shitton
>Rememberd as a wackjob

Tldr: Ayn rand was retarded.

>> No.11125986

>morality is objective t. Kant
>my philosophy is caled objectivism t. Ayn Rand
What's the deal here? Why did she hate Kant so much?

>> No.11125999

I recently found out that he basically invented racial ideology regarding blacks and whites that stuck for the remaining few centuries, so in addition to secularism then yeah sounds about right even, if it's the pot calling the kettle black.

>> No.11126002

I don't get why she would call him that, because her absolutist morality is quite similar to his.

>> No.11126006

Because Objectivism boils down to absolute subjectivity. Kant wanted duty she wanted greed.

>> No.11126021

I suppose so
Rand's philosophy is pretty childish, refusing to cooperate with things like duty or obligation is the peak sign of a child

>> No.11126044

Because she never read him. She thought she knew what he was talking about, but didn't.

>> No.11126046
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disclaimer: this is what kant actually looked like

>> No.11126053

>Because Objectivism boils down to absolute subjectivity
then why not call it Subjectivism?

>> No.11126055

>refusing to cooperate with things like duty or obligation is the peak sign of a child
Aren't children essentially evil according to her logic?

>> No.11126063

I dunno, brainlet things I guess

>> No.11126085
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Objectivism and the Categorical Imperative are nothing like each other. The only similarity is that both thinkers have a hard on for reason. Objectivism says the only objective reality is the ego, and that every person should act in a self-interested way to maximize person interests. Kant says that everyone must follow objective moral laws which are implicitly apparent to any rational being. Saying each person has their own personal set of rules based on contingency is the exact type of poisonous morality that Kant couldn't stand.

>> No.11126092

Because she thought she was being objective by conceding to the most immediate reality we experience (i.e. the subjective experience)

>> No.11126094

So she was a brainlet?

>> No.11126095

Racists were far more influenced by gobineau than Kant. Aside from kant haters, no one even knows about his race writings.

>> No.11126143

what about p-zombies like Dennett?

>> No.11126180

I have no idea if she has any comment on that; she was writing before Dennett proved the existence of p-zombies through an extensive lecture series where he literally cannot comprehend the importance of phenomenological experience.

>> No.11126199

"Act only according to that maxim whereby you can, at the same time, will that it should become a universal law" sounds a lot like the "Taxation is theft" people, to me.

>> No.11126225

I have no idea how you got to that position but you might want to actually read Kant one day because he is pretty fucking far from anything resembling a libertarian (no matter what libertarians might try and do with him).
>On this originally acquired ownership of land rests, again, the right of the supreme commander, as supreme proprietor (lord of the land), to tax private owners of land, that is, to require payment of taxes on land, excise taxes and import duties, or to require the performance of services (such as providing troops for military service)

>> No.11126228

According to Kant though we also have an incomplete duty (I think) to assist others in their pursuits, though

>> No.11126247

Sure, but we aren't talking about Kant the person, we are talking about the actual consequences of holding to his ethical system.

It's quite clear that acting on maxims that can only be universal laws, means that all theft is immoral for every single person at the same time, including the state.

>> No.11126259

>I pay sufficient taxes to maintain a civilized society
>I wish everybody to pay sufficient taxes to maintain a civilized society

>> No.11126338

is kinda confusing what she tried to say, but for anyone that wants to know what she said:


>> No.11126340

She didn't read him and if you read her writings she never attacks Kant's arguments

>> No.11126374

No, this is such a bad misreading of Kant; you can;t just take one formulation of the categorical imperative out of context and run around beating ideas over the head with it, you actually have to get into Kantian philosophy to understand what he means. Kant is for a sovereign at the head of a state who has a monopoly over things like legitimate violence. If you were to say to Kant "The state can't be coersive because everyone can't be coersive" he would tell you to read Groundwork because that's not what he was writing about.

>> No.11126375

An ethical system is an ethical system. It doesn't have to conform to physical reality. Why is everyone being so autistic about that?

>> No.11126496

lookit the size o' that noggin, no wonderin he was such a smarty.


>> No.11127214

Objectivism is for universal morality, since people have common nature and must coexist peacfully to achieve happiness.

>> No.11127338

wish I could write a mastwork of philosophy

>> No.11127351

>the chinaman of koenigsberg

>> No.11127367

>>Proves the existence of god and free will
t. didn't read the First Critique

>> No.11127564

what's evil?

>> No.11127575

libertarians are the commies of the right, a bunch of idealists faggots.

>> No.11127674

hurr muh objectivism
hurr muh justification for basic, unrepentant immorality

>> No.11127727

>Ayn Rand has a hard on for reason
Stop talking about reason like that, it doesn't deserve this.

>> No.11127735

Sorry, reason, I didn't want to do this to you...

>> No.11128803

underrated post

>> No.11128807

you only had to read

>> No.11128809

>libertarians are the commies of the right
Without the bodycount in the hundreds of millions

>> No.11129200

t. Cracked

>> No.11129202

>Fails the is ought gap
But that's wrong

>> No.11129210

>conflates her iconoclastic morality with immorality
If you weren't so easily conditioned by the absurd notions on morality you've been taught all your life you might deign to check their premises

>> No.11129218

reminder that libertarianism=/=objectivsm
Former is essentially incomplete latter. Libertarian is valid ONLY as a technical classifier

>> No.11129381

you do know that there would be someone that will use the taxes to 'maintain' this society? taxes can't be a universal rule.

>> No.11129429
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>argue with libertarians
>push them a little bit on anything
>watch them reinvent the government while avoiding the magic words
every. single. time.

>> No.11129456

why so many people hating on libertarians? its not like the the idea is complicated or something.
Why do you need to make up some spiritual realm or some shit when the only life you have is the one you are living right now.

>> No.11129468

>you do know that there would be someone that will use the taxes to 'maintain' this society? taxes can't be a universal rule.
Government employees pay tax on their salaries like anyone else anon. Tax can be and is a universal rule.

>> No.11129483

where do gov employees get paid? from the taxpayers.

>> No.11129494

Yes they take a salary, and pay some of it back in tax like everybody else. If you sense a contradiction, check your premises.

>> No.11129508

by definition, in order for gov employees to have a salary, the value they provide would be lower than the taxes paid by non-gov employees. Why would you want to give $1000 to get back $100?
if this universal tax is supposedly voluntary, then it wouldn't be called a tax. Also your wish of everyone paying taxes would include a use of force to achieve that wish.

>> No.11129524

>the value they provide would be lower than the taxes paid by non-gov employees. Why would you want to give $1000 to get back $100?
I don't care about that. Check your premises.
>I pay tax on my earnings
>I want everyone to pay tax on their earnings
Me and Kant are satisfied if everyone pays taxes on their earnings. I didn't mention value for money or fairness. Children take a lot out of the system, and they don't have any taxable income. I don't care.

>> No.11129553

so if im understanding you correctly, you are saying that as long as people are paying taxes, it's fine. No matter how you achieved that, no matter if the results are good or not.
Ends > means? and the ends won't even necessarily be beneficial.
if that's the case, then we won't have much to discuss since i value individuals liberty and rights greater.

>> No.11129567

I'm just explaining how
>Act only according to that maxim whereby you can, at the same time, will that it should become a universal law.
Is perfectly compatible with taxation.

>> No.11129574

I like them both :)

>> No.11129602

Kant and Rand go hand in hand
>If I don't pay taxes or support/contribute to society, I shouldn't have a voice in society
Categorical imperative makes it a moral truth for that to be reality

>> No.11129639

But you'd want a voice in society if you lost your job right?
Kant and Marxism go hand in hand too:
>I share everything I have with my fellow man
>everyone should share everything they have with their fellow man

>> No.11129647
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>> No.11129652

Losing one's job isn't eternal, and I would highly doubt that a person would suddenly lose their job and then society would shift so much to inconvenience you.
Kant and Marx can't go hand in hand because of base human desires to own private property, the effect of sharing everything would eventually lead to a regression into tribalism and then war.

>> No.11129659

>base human desires to own private property
Oh anon, you were doing so well. Not the human nature argument.

>> No.11129877

#metoo anon

>> No.11129972

The problem with ancaps is that they dislike the government as a word but don't dislike the concept of a government
They hate the government as is but don't care about people remaking their own governments for some reason

>> No.11129998

Nice argument
Humans are naturally ego centric beings, you cannot refute this
Each person's attempt to live within the world is dictated by their person and their scope of existance, a person cannot exist without carving a piece of existance for themselves to exist - aesthetics has value here
Regardless of what a thing is, each person creates desire for that thing to be special to them, this can be ethereal like religion or actual like a nice painting or a different cup to their neighbor, the natural exists of humans differentiates them from others and from the herd, reducing this will as I said create a more aggressive resurgence of negative effects. Why deny it instead of accepting a biological reality of human consciousness?

>> No.11130008

It's weird people hate rape but love sex? Same action but different definition
All things are conditional

>> No.11130022

but then at that point it's just like leftists using the word "fascist" to mean "bad", to the point that even their own systems turn into "fascism" as soon as they turn "bad"

>> No.11130046

but there is a difference between rape and sex, one is consensual while the other is by force. Just like charity and stealing are two different things, one is giving away your money voluntarily, while the other is done by force.
Government as an institution is a monopoly of legalised coercion. Coercion is the fundamental issue libertarians, ancaps, objectivists etc are focused on. individualists would by reason and logic come to the conclusion that coercion is the evil.

>> No.11130058

>but there is a difference between rape and sex, one is consensual while the other is by force.
No, not really. Otherwise "marital rape" wouldn't be a thing. (In case you don't know -- you gave your explicit consent when you signed those marriage license papers.)

>> No.11130065

when i say they reinvent the government i mean they reinvent the actual government, with coercion and everything, as in they will say something like "we" wouldn't tolerate those people or "we" would stop them

>> No.11130302

ah but the marriage licence papers are a creation of the state. Just like how nowadays people are trying to get same sex marriage going. If we go by individualist thought, a marriage does not mean the wife forfeits her fundamental rights to the husband. The reason we are against coercion is because there no justification for a violation of property rights. Just as a murder will be violation of property rights since your body is your property, so too will a coerced sexual intercourse be the same.

i'm not sure who would simply change the word government. As i have said before, the fundamental issue is the factor of coercion. If we accept the non-aggression principle, then it follows that each individual are able to have weapons or anything as long as they are not violating other people.
This is the same thought behind the founding fathers of america, that each individual have certain inalienable rights, and the right to bear arms is a constraint against a tyrannical government.
Now it is arguable that such safeguards, the constitution and the declaration, have not in fact been effective in constraining government expansion, but that is only placing a greater support for the idea that government will always seek to expand, since they are a monopoly of judicial, legislative and coercive force.

of course i might be wasting time here, but i hope someone reading this would be able to see past all the bad arguments and misrepresentations, and in fact read the works by individualists such as ayn rand, murray rothbard etc, and form their own judgments.

>> No.11130337

and another point, i did not mention anything about marriage in my post about rape and sex. by your argument, a marriage licence shows consent, does that mean an unmarried couple would not be consenting? or does consent only come from a piece of declaration?
Using the formulation of coercion, the only time a sexual intercourse is a rape would be when force is involved, all others would not constitute rape. one might regret the act later, but that later regret does not mean the earlier consent is withdrawn.

>> No.11130352

>ah but the marriage licence papers are a creation of the state
So is the concept of "consent".

>> No.11130374

...are you that dense?
how is the concept of consent a product of the state? when you have sex with your gf/bf, do you get a consent licence from the state? when you buy a product from someone, do you get consent from the state? in your everyday actions, do you get consent from the state? or do you give consent? understand what voluntary means first.

>> No.11130526

>Hahden the fack up, pinkos

>> No.11130998

>Humans are naturally ego centric beings, you cannot refute this
Humans are naturally a social animal, you cannot refute this. We aren't sharks or bears who genuinely are solitary, we live in groups and cooperate.

>> No.11131062

>wrote a bunch of books
>did nothing with his life

>> No.11131064

No, she considers children tabula rasa and unable to form conscious thought until they are older and understand their sense of self to learn morals.

>> No.11131090

You're using 'social animal' as a way to argue for collectivism, that the self does not exist. That the individual does not exist simply because we live with other people. We live in a state but it does not mean citizens do not exist. We cooperate but not without compensation.

The only justification for collectivism, groups, tribes, etc is when civilization is unable to protect us from other groups or nature. When civilization is stable enough and nature is of no threat, individuals can live in solidarity without fear of death under the law which judges all equally and objectively.

There is no more need to advocate being a part of a tribe in our current era unless civilization were to crumble. And even then, as Ayn Rand argues, people would still come together to form new civilizations because it is preferable to living in a tribe where other tribes will seek to destroy for their own tribe.

>> No.11131356

t. Ayntologist

>> No.11131462

you do know that there would be someone that will use the taxes to 'maintain' this society? taxes can't be a universal rule.

Are you retarded or evil?

My bet is evil.

The human filth in the government that gets to use the stolen tax money can and does us it to gain massive influence and kick backs of every kind imaginable.

The problem with communist parasites like you is that you think others are as stupid as you are. Your genetic betters see through your simpleton's arguments and see you for what you are: a parasite that dreams of BEING THE GUY IN THE GOV that gets to control the stolen tax money and leverage it for all the power he can.

Get out of here with that sophist "Taxation is a universal rule". It is asymmetric theft by scum like you from good men like us.

>> No.11131470

my original reply was for this fool:

Anonymous 05/10/18(Thu)06:38:32 No.11129468▶>>11129483
>you do know that there would be someone that will use the taxes to 'maintain' this society? taxes can't be a universal rule.
Government employees pay tax on their salaries like anyone else anon. Tax can be and is a universal rule.

And not this good, nobel, upstanding anon:

you do know that there would be someone that will use the taxes to 'maintain' this society? taxes can't be a universal rule.

>> No.11131477

Pol/'s reply function is pure shit.

the last couple of posts were for the commie anon that pretended that taxation is a universal good. Not for the good guy that was also setting him in his place.

>> No.11131483
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>Ends > means?
There is more than one formulation of the categorical imperative you fucking mental deficient. It explicitly says that each human MUST BE TREATED AS AN END IT ITSELF AND NEVER AS A MEANS. Holy fucking shit every Kant thread you retards run out the woodwork memeing one specific (and explicitly incorrect) reading of the CI like you know anything at all about Kantian morality. Just read Kant ffs the Groundwork is short and understandable.

>> No.11131521

He already btfo one Randroid on this, as you'd know if you read the thread

>> No.11131540

I am impressed by the profound level of communist shilling on this board in support of Kant and and the irrational vitriol for the Greatest Philosopher of our time and since Aristotle: Ayn Rand.

Kant was a low IQ fool who spoke in the highest order of babble know to man up to his time, i.e., a constant word salad that served to confuse his low IQ target audience of men impressed by apparent knowledge conveyed through a string of rarely used vocabulary words. Improperly used vocabulary words to be precise.

The Greeks had a name for deceitful cretins of his kind: Sophists. And they were properly hated in their time, as Kant is today and will be as mankind wakes up to reason.

>> No.11131545
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Low quality bait man, not your best showing.

>> No.11131551

>objective morality
No he didnt

>> No.11131731
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Not him but I've never understood how Randroids could run with something as subjective and nebulous as "Rational Self-interest" and still throw around concepts like "Morals" as though that could mean anything at all under such a maxim

>> No.11131855

Maybe learn what morals are instead of just going 'lol spooks'.

>> No.11131944

Hi friend, you must be lost. www.reddit.com is where you belong.
Farewell. R/books is your place.

>> No.11131954

How can you possibly tell me anything is moral or immoral in the same breath you suggest that everyone ought to be behaving in their own self-interest?
It doesn't take a rocket surgeon to notice that one of the easiest ways for one forward their interests is at the expense of others.

>> No.11131974

Dude you need to read Rand. It's hard to choose a favorite among so many great works, but "Atlas Shrugged" is one of the best, most powerful novels ever written about self-preservation, dignity. Its universal message crosses all boundaries and instills one with the hope that it's not too late to better ourselves. Since, anon, it's impossible in this world we live in to empathize with others, we can always empathize with ourselves. It's an important message, crucial really. And it's beautifully stated in the book.

>> No.11132003

Because your life is your standard of value and to live in your own self interest is how to be moral by virtue of knowing how to best live in your own self interest. Hence why the 'rational' part exists in front of the 'rational self-interest'.

Just because something is easier doesn't mean it is rational. To use other is to rely on others as the source of your power rather than relying on yourself. If you are unable to use other and you have nothing to rely on, you die. This is why calls people that exploit others parasites. You cannot live on your own strength. Being independent and achieving your own happiness without using others is what it means to live rationally for your self-interest.

For example, if you murder others and steal, it isn't rational because it will come at the cost of your livelihood if you are caught or killed for doing crime.

Again, learn what morals are before going 'lol who needs morality, I'm going to just exploit others for my own self interest lololol'.

Ayn Rand on morality:
>What is morality, or ethics? It is a code of values to guide man’s choices and actions—the choices and actions that determine the purpose and the course of his life. Ethics, as a science, deals with discovering and defining such a code.
>The first question that has to be answered, as a precondition of any attempt to define, to judge or to accept any specific system of ethics, is: Why does man need a code of values?
>The purpose of morality is to teach you, not to suffer and die, but to enjoy yourself and live.
>Man must choose his actions, values and goals by the standard of that which is proper to man—in order to achieve, maintain, fulfill and enjoy that ultimate value, that end in itself, which is his own life.

>> No.11132019

>You'll only ever really connect with yourself, so you should do whatever you want
Yeah that's cool and all, but how can you get to morality from there?
Like it's moral for you to invest all your money in yourself because that's in your self interest.
If I kill you in your sleep and make off with all the money, that's moral too because it's my self interest?
If not, aren't you just insisting that everybody just follow the rules and get along?

>> No.11132045

>if you murder others and steal, it isn't rational because it will come at the cost of your livelihood if you are caught or killed for doing crime.
So what you're telling me is that anything goes as long as I don't get caught?
Or is this just petty legalism

>> No.11132064

>If I kill you in your sleep and make off with all the money, that's moral too because it's my self interest?
The question you're asking is whether or not it's moral to murder. What do you think Ayn Rand was advocating when she said ''I swear by my life and my love of it that I will never live for the sake of another man, nor ask another man to live for mine.'' ?
It's moral to live for yourself without exploiting others because no one wants to be exploited and want to live their life for yourself.

Anything goes if you don't care to get caught or destroyed by your actions. Because all you would be doing is obtaining materialistic gains with nothing to show for it. No amount of philosophy can stop you from being nihilistic and committing crime. But it is still your choice and your responsibility.

>> No.11132133

>Kant is for
Did you even read the post you were responding to?

>> No.11132187

philosophy discord


>> No.11132255

It's against my self interest to care about what other people think. If they are unable or unwilling to retaliate against me i will obviously consider that

>> No.11132279

Not even Kant haters, I hate him and didn't even knew about those. I also hate Schoppenhauer but not because of his writings on women and shit, people who do that are retarded.

>> No.11132289

Nigger libertarianism is literally calvinist atheism

>> No.11132305

While I know most people on /lit/ hate Ayn Rand you have to understand the situation she was coming from fleeing the communist revolution.

In her situation I would probably hate philosophers too.

>> No.11132310

the very notions of rape an consent as we deal with them are ingrained on the western / roman legal system. think about societies in which if you rape a woman you have to pay her dad and how ludicrous this sounds to us, while still being, materially, the same situation.
libertarianism is literally sociopathy coupled with a complete ignorance of how the capitalist west came to be in the first place.

>> No.11132352

>implying boredom isn't one of life's greatest evils

>> No.11132384


>> No.11132436

>you gave your explicit consent when you signed those marriage license papers

I'd like to see you prove something like that in court

>> No.11132541

How do you explain people sacrificing themselves to raise children? A man's ego-centrism doesn't get him anywhere, and reality can't be carved up and divided between individuals. Nobody is going to forbid a man's enjoyment of his child's first drawing, but there is no reason to place ownership of objects under sacred law. Do you think Karl Marx forbade men to keep hold of books for their own pleasure?

>base human desires to own private property
Men have a desire to possess something, but absolute ownership is not a concept that exists in nature. A man's life is finite, and his property won't extend any farther than that, and we have proof of living men's influence on society lasting for thousands of years.
Do men also have a natural desire to own land, or is it that a consequence of social reality?

>> No.11132681

>How do you explain people sacrificing themselves to raise children?
There's nothing against valuing someone to the point of defending it. I argue that children are you living legacy so it is placed high in your hierarchy of values. In an antinatalism view, if you decide to have children to leave a legacy, you're essentially dooming it to a life of suffering. So keeping said child alive is more important than your life unless you don't care about the child, like for example an unexpected child or one from rape.
The notion of sacrifice for children is not irrational.

>> No.11132700
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>> No.11132714

Kant uses his ethical system to justify his beliefs, if you couldn't guess. There's plenty of writing out there where he lays out all these arguments if you want to take the time to actually read something. Separating things he says that you agree with into "objective morality" and things you don't into "Kant the person" is simply being intellectually dishonest.

>> No.11132753

Where did he advocate that?

>> No.11132763

What a load sophistry. You're just redifining egocentrism as something that it isn't in order to avoid the problem.
>Humans are naturally ego centric beings
First, this is blatantly flase. People sacrificed themselves all time during history, be it for their children, their country, their family, their city or whatever else. The individual is a recent invention. Second, it's an appeal to nature.
Your argument is also self defeating. You try afferming egoism and attacking by positing that everything is a function of of egoism, while at the same time you say that your opponent are denying egoism, but how could they deny egoism if everything is just a function of egoism? By your own standards, they are egoists just as much as you. Your standards say that the evaluation of actions is tautological which leaves you unable to form evaluation of actions. Not a Marxist btw.

>> No.11132774

Animals piss where they mark their territory, birds swoop on predators invading their space, and you want to say it is an unnatural reality that man would want to own his own domain? All animals protect their property albeit to a lower degree than humans, because they are not as intelligent as humans. It is a natural progression for humans to have a space which is there's, this is as equally a mental distinction for an evolved brain as it is for a physical natural act like an animal protecting its nest. As I said earlier, this is part of aesthetics in the sense that people will always find value in something abstract that appeases them, ego centric thinking is always prominent

>> No.11132784

See >>11132681
Ayn Rand didn't say that because people sacrificed themselves that you had to be 100% selfish and not care about others. You can sacrifice yourself to something that you deem valuable.

>> No.11132785

People who sacrifice their lives for countries are selfish, they decide to give up their life in order to promote the future and dream that they wish. "if I lay down my life here, and we win, then our future will be as great as I desire"
People don't go to war selflessly and I hope that you don't think that is the case

>> No.11132806

Again, you're just playing sophistry and redifining egoism as something that it isn't. Facile semantic gymnastics that don't say anything actually meaningful about altruism or egoism. As I've already said in the second part of my post , if everything is a function of egoism then the commies are egoists just as much as anybody else which renders the whole discussion pointless.
Am I talking to teenagers?

>> No.11132822

You're acrually retarded and clearly know nothing about egoism
The entire point of the original comment was that Marx is not compatible with the categorical imperative, this is due to the fact that communists and Marxists are applying their egotistical beliefs universally, whereas it was mentioned that as people have their own egotistical beliefs that counteract that claim. Marxists are free to believe and do what they want, but to universally imply all people must have the same belief and naturally follow that belief is illogical
You're attempts to label others as sophists just show how insecure you are about your own arguments

>> No.11132827

That title belongs to Hegel.

>> No.11132841

Animals do not own territory, they are competing for resources and will fight others threatening their existence. Marking territory is a signal to friendly creatures as much as it is to competitors. Sharing can often be done without loss, or with benefit, regardless of consent. Ruling over territory is much more important to the group than the individual, because it enables cooperation and child-rearing. Is there a bird that aims to live alone in a nest?

Ownership of vast tracts of land, or an apartment building, is not about personal territory, it's about resources in the game of society. I'm not a Marxist either, but in many cases, it's just the degeneracy of the current systems exposing itself, not human nature. It's not reasonable to expect a creature to respect another's property over territory above its own survival, and since they are capable of fighting, absolute property is untenable, and I don't see any justification for it either way.

>> No.11132844

Says the idiot saying nothing. Not everything is egotistical. Selflessness is not egotistical.

>> No.11132847

But you're implying that ownership is directly related to only apartment blocks or big fields of land. A person can be quite content owning a small farm somewhere where he lives by himself. The attempt make ownership into a corporate capitalistic evil instead of just a natural desire is illogical and over the top

>> No.11132853


Kant is based, fuck Rand

>> No.11132877

>The entire point of the original comment was that Marx is not compatible with the categorical imperative
I wasn't attacking that you moron, I'm attacking the "humans are naturally egocentric" part which you used to imply that everything is a function of one's egoism. I won't get into the part where you conflate Marxist with communists because it isn't the point of what I was originally saying and it's irrelevant about this particular discussion but it shows that you probably haven't read Marx or Kant and that I am, in fact, talking to a teenager.

>> No.11132884

I'm not, I just think that ownership is ultimately socially determined, and that protection of property even in the current system is causing as much harm as it benefits society, and the individuals in it. If there is a group of people that fail to cooperate by sharing the exploits of valuable land, their neighbors aren't going to starve in quiet contemplation of the sanctity of personal property. We obviously should protect the individual's right of a homestead, but there are other rights, including basic needs, that compete with property. Capitalism and lobbying together allow the abuse of natural resources, for the gain of individual entities.

There is nothing about Rand's philosophy that appeals to me.

>> No.11132893

>and that protection of property even in the current system is causing as much harm as it benefits society
what harm?

>> No.11132908

Jesus christ are you actually retarded?
You're implying humans aren't egotistical, which means it is ethically correct to apply Marx to Kant
Humans are egotistical, so therefore it is unethical to apply Marx to kant
I've never seen someone so intensely trying to force others to believe they're not a child

>> No.11132940

Hello retard, I wasn't the guy arguing for applying Marx to Kant or Kant to Marx, you're reading things that aren't there.
>You're implying humans aren't egotistical
They aren't, in fact. But I already showed you that positing every human action as a function of one's egoism leads to an evaluative impasse.
>I've never seen someone so intensely trying to force others to believe they're not a child
Look in the mirror.

>> No.11132950

Monopolies? Also because the entities collecting power don't just want more cash, they often want to impose their will on others, and they don't tend to value the personal ownership of others as much as they do theirs. That includes governments as well as corporations.

>> No.11132978

Sounds very vague. What would you change?

>> No.11133017

I think there is a lack of democracy. As in the rule of the people, which had many form throughout history. I also think that it will have it's comeback, as the massive companies and invasive governments are not going to last forever, and they will lose their power over time.

I don't think I can change much, I'm driven by the same principles as everybody else, but I believe voicing your opinion has always been one of the most important influences men had.

>> No.11133045


>> No.11133063

Monopolies come from regulations and high barrier to entry though, which is caused by factors outside of capitalist systems (gov)

>> No.11133066

Thank you for reminding us that Rand hated Kant because she was a gibbering retard who disguised shallow personal vindictiveness as philosophy by draping it in the word "reason."

>> No.11133113

Fucking hell. It's like you both think the vast majority of soldiers in human history who died for their kings and their countries did so because they DECIDED TO, and not because they were forcibly drafted.

Let's be clear here. They did not sacrifice themselves. They were sacrificed. That is the place of the individual in a collectivist society.

>> No.11133117

I'm not an expert on this, but capitalism is not exclusive of government. Some probably do, but I think that monopolies occur in many systems, and don't see how Objectivism is going to make them disappear. I think they also come about from the protection of property, if a man has a monopoly on the only well in town, the reasonable thing to do is judge his property as irrelevant, if he is being exploitative.

>> No.11133125

Retard the implication wasn't about all cases of soldiers, if anything it was about modem military considering people freely join up nowadays

>> No.11133134

hegel is. probably fucked up more shit by proxy than hitler directly.

>> No.11133135

is there a difference between rape in our culture and rape in other cultures? Rape is rape because of force. How the society deals with this problem is that society's culture.
In fact, i would say the society you have given is a backwards society, but that's another problem.
how is libertarianism sociopathy? it is dedicating to the idea of individualism, that men has natural rights that cannot be alienated or infringed.
are you gonna say that capitalism is bad? when it is the system that has brought prosperity to the world. the formation of capitalism also follows from individualism, it is the system where each person can do what he wants as long as he is not violating the non-aggression principle.
if you want to argue, then provide your thoughts and arguments. Stop misrepresenting.

>> No.11133139

Why use such a ridiculous example? Do you live in Africa? We have moved past the point of someone exploiting a single well in town

>> No.11133150

Objectivism argues that monopolies only occur when there is government intervention helping companies. If they have no help, then competition arises and no sole monopoly is formed. Personally I don't agree with this view since you need a proper government to ensure property rights. Regarding the 'one well' Ayn Rand argues that it's not a monopoly if you live in a small town and own a single shop since the size of the population is low. A competitor wouldn't gain anything fighting with you for superiority if there's like a hundred people or so.

>> No.11133152

It might have actually happened since the beginning of time. Should we allow a conglomeration of corporations the ownership of data on us that they currently have?

>> No.11133155

Libertarian is sociopathic to brain dead collectivist who are too weak to actually ever succeed in life, so they have to view other people successes through a bitter jaded lense of a system out to get them.
These people posting are probably sitting at home unemployed living off mommy and daddy's money

>> No.11133166

I would say no as a person has a right to privacy and to own their own data, but I suppose if I was a Marxist I could argue its important for it to be shared

>> No.11133177

It's not their data, it's data on them. Do you think I can't record the people that come into my store for planning purposes? What if I put a sign that says, your activities will be recorded?

>> No.11133193

then you should read more, i would recommend austrian economics. how can a monopoly form in a capitalist system? understand that capitalism is a destructive advancement, just like how the creation of cars killed the industry of horses and wagons.

so many people here love misrepresenting.
ayn rand specifically said "the issue is not whether you should help other people", the issue is whether your choice of not helping makes you an immoral person, that you should not live because you don't help.
Rand is not against kindness, but against altruism, meaning that you place yourself beneath others. she is against a kindness forced by coercion.
would you save your children before others? if you do, then rand says there's nothing wrong with that, in fact it is the moral thing to do.
and DON'T try to misrepresent this as rand saying that you should steal or kill or w/e violation of the non-aggression principle to achieve your interest.

>> No.11133201

What books do you recommend?

>how can a monopoly form in a capitalist system?
"For to the one who has, more will be given, and he will have an abundance, but from the one who has not, even what he has will be taken away."

>> No.11133207

Data and Metadata are different though, recording purchasing habits is different to recording Anon comes into store at 11:54 Tuesday, then 3:45 Wednesday
But male enters store and buys X on Tuesday and Y one Wednesday is a different set of data
You could have every right to record someone coming into private property and put the sign up, people would no voluntarily come in anymore if they didn't want it to be recorded

>> No.11133220

That quote is pure sophistry in regard to economics

>> No.11133228

None of the tracking has been done illegally, as far as I know.

The original point was that there was a monopoly on massively valuable data, which can also be abused in many ways. It's not clear to me what the solution is.

>> No.11133236

Government is not "outside" of the capitalist system you dumbfaggot. And while bad regulations may create monopolies other ones are necessary for preventing them as well.

>> No.11133251

i would recommend books by ludwig von mises for economics, he basically destroys communism via his analysis of money.
for ancap, i would recommend rothbard's ethics of liberty.
for objectivism, read books by rand, watch interviews of rand. if you want non-fiction, get objectivism: the philosophy of ayn rand.

and regarding the quote you gave, is that from marx?
to the one who has, more will be given? from where does this 'more' come from? if it's from voluntary trade, then is there something wrong with that? Just like how bill gates got rich because of windows, but he has also made the world better with windows.
there's a saying, 'from rags to riches to rags', the current system we have is not even capitalist. the 'money' we have is just paper currency, controlled by the government. Corporations are formed as a result of government, limited liability is a product of government. intellectual property is a product of government.
i wonder why people still blame the current situation on capitalism.

>> No.11133290

>if it's from voluntary trade, then is there something wrong with that?
Arguably, it means that power breeds power, and monopolies occur. Power can breed through apparently voluntary as well as violent interactions.

>i wonder why people still blame the current situation on capitalism.
Because they see societies as capitalistic. I don't know what definition of capitalism you're working with, is there a society that implements it, or a reason to care about it?

>just paper currency
How does this matter if we're voluntarily trading with it? You can use bitcoin if you want to, it's viable.

>> No.11133323

Evil has nothing to do with your track record, only your intentions. The pure hearted idiot who accidentally kills all of humanity is not even slightly evil. The sadist who dreams about torturing children to death but is too incompetent to do it is pure evil.

The chances are good that your political enemies aren't any more evil than you. All political participants are somewhat evil because politics is inherently evil.

>> No.11133345

the society we have now is not capitalistic, it is mixed with capitalism and socialism, statism.
>paper currency
just because people trade with fiat currency doesn't mean it's voluntary. the government specifically makes a law that says the only legal tender is this fiat currency we print.
ah the always present power from marxism. don't think i can change your opinion.
there is no power in a capitalist society, the only relevant factor is the value you provide.

i shouldn't even be using capitalist as if it's just another system like socialism or communism. Capitalism means freedom and liberty.

>> No.11133356

Please go and read those books before trying to refute what he said, because you're responses make no sense within the actual reality of economics

>> No.11133441

where i live, it's also legal to trade with bitcoin

power just means influence, people with no money don't have the power to feed themselves. i don't know what power means to you.

>Capitalism means freedom and liberty.
yeah, you think it's a panacea, apparently

i really don't want to argue about economics with you guys, i might read something about it, but i have other shit to do as well. w/e.

>> No.11134611


>> No.11136026


>> No.11136081

why would you bump this shit thread?

>> No.11136323

>Rape is rape because of force.
Not quite. Rape is non-consensual touching, but so is a surprise hug. But you don't see people persecuting surprise huggers, do you?

Rape is rape because of psychological damage.

>> No.11136331

What's the point of defining it like that?

>> No.11138025

how is the thinker behind human rights the evilest person to ever live

>> No.11139388

What even?

>> No.11139392

Human rights were a mistake.

>> No.11139396

Because we aren't human.

We're animals.

>> No.11139455

The common English translation is perfect (vollkommene) and imperfect (unvollkommene) duties (Pflichten), although yours makes sense too.

>> No.11139484


>> No.11140585

I don't know, Ayn Rand's definition of evil is pretty on point.
>"Not blindness; but the refusal to see. Not ignorance; but the refusal to know."

>> No.11140595

so she's evil by her own standards

>> No.11142100

the only healthy way of government is aristocracy combined with meritocracy based on nicomachean ethics.

>> No.11142924

Ayn Rand was right.

>> No.11142976

>There is nothing idealist about communism, at least not Marxist communism. Also, typing the words 'idealists faggots' tends to suggest that you haven't read many books and/or struggle with reading and writing.

>> No.11143002

Marx wasn’t, but modern day commies and anarchists definitely are.

>> No.11143927

>Dude, emotions aren't reliable lmao
>Claims man can achieve knowledge of reality
Ayn Rand was a brainlet