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File: 132 KB, 752x564, E.MichaelJonesjpg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11119602 No.11119602 [Reply] [Original]

One of his most famous books being Libido Dominandi and Political Control and another one being The Jewish Revolutionary Spirit.

Did anyone read any of this? I might consider read some of it but since they are long and heavy books, I want to know what I'm getting into.

>> No.11119607

Download pdf or look it up on Google books. Read first few pages or chapters. Then you'll know if you want to read the whole thing. Order it and finish the pdf before it arrives. Hate it and donate it to a library somewhere you hate to waste someones time.

>> No.11119613
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This is illegal though.

>> No.11119614

that OP pic is a complete false correlation and a massive assumption lol

brainlet text

>> No.11119623

There is just going to be a risk in research. If i waited to know what i was getting into before reading something i would have missed out on most of the best reading experiences of my life.

>> No.11119634
File: 74 KB, 800x450, TheArtOfWar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Why is that ?

We know that this is extremely pausible, especially with all the neurological science coming out concerning internet pornography (but really, it's the same principle for extensive nudity, be that soft porn/erotic or hard porn).

>> No.11119651


You are not wrong.

Might read Sexual Dominandi first. Might do a report here afterwards.

>> No.11119653

maybe they just broadcasted porn because it would get a high viewership and ultimately make a lot of money? that assumption is equally as plausible and moreso because it isnt steeped in conspiracy

>> No.11119655

Yeah, i'm sure it has nothing to do with the immediate demoralising effect that gratuitous sexual videos being broadcasted on state TV would have on a highly sexually conservative culture.

>> No.11119660
File: 237 KB, 640x604, 83aba32cae1e5b1c0ae1de76079aeeb5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>its not my fault I'm addicted to porn its the Jews!

>> No.11119661
File: 794 KB, 1471x3886, PornParasite.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Do you even believe what you are saying ?

>> No.11119663

>porn is free
>what are advertisements

>> No.11119665

Is this guy trying to say that if you saw some people fucking on tv then you wouldn't notice that your entire city was been taken over? Is he retarded?

>> No.11119670

Either way, you have to give it to the Jews, thats some high level tech for blowing the fuck out of the arabs

>> No.11119679
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The product itself is completely free, absolutely no need to pay to access the full site's content, maybe only slighty higher video quality and a few dozens "premium" videos.

Why do you think that facebook,twitter and porn are free? Because you are the product , not only of advertisement but also for much more: Colossal mass spying by government and spying agencies, weapons of mass political influence and control, weapon of demoralization, ...

Advertisements are just one part but hell, that's not the whole picture. Those plateforms are sure made has accessible as possible and that is on purpose.

See pic related and thi link, about the -Mindgeek- organization behind the pornhub group.


Moreover, the fact that israel just recently "soft" banned internet porn is extremely suspect, when you know they product almost all porn in the west. The UK has done it also but the reason is that almost all mayors of this contry are fucking muslims now.

>> No.11119684
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Oh hey, I was just revisiting his talk "Folk Music and it's Progeny" trying to find the part where he talks about his "Dionysus Rising" book. As a musician with an interest in these things, I find him especially interesting, although I haven't read anything by him (I've got a backlog).

>> No.11119688
File: 91 KB, 1196x299, PornBait.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It is a way to dumb down people, to bring them in their lower animalistic intincts. Oversexualize the minds of people, even more than actual animals, and their brains will be parasited with porn in their brain, pretty much lowering their rational mind and increasing their reptilian brain.

a.k.a, bread and circus but 100000x more powerful. Why do you think that politicians and corporatists can get away with so much bullshits nowadays? Because people are dumb down in the "bread,circus and porn" blue pill matrix. Those are a pacification, so a zombification weapons. It keep them "content" with immediate hedonistic "pleasures".

>> No.11119690

>absolutely no need to pay to access the full site's content

Only half true, there's tons of paywall porn and it probably represents a large chunk of porn's overall revenue. Since specialized fetishists and those obsessed with specific stars are willing to pay disproportionate amounts.
In any case its a free market you fucking dumby. Zuckerfuck didn't set out to create a mass spying network, he set out to make a shit ton and everything else comes after that fact.

>> No.11119700

>Why do you think that politicians and corporatists can get away with so much bullshits nowadays?

Because there's no God and life is pointless so no one gives the slightest shit. You're mistaking a sympthom for the cause because you can't stand facing the real darkness of reality

>> No.11119707

Yeah they do, but the technique is no more sophisticated than Genghis Khan riding into a village and raping the chief's wife in front of everyone, or the Romans sacking the temple mount and taking thier menorah. There's nothing special about it being porn.

>> No.11119710

>In any case its a free market you fucking dumby.

You really don't know anything about the Mindgeek shell group and Pornhub group ?

Actually believing that this is free market shows you that you didn't understand it.

Moreover, zuckerfuck didn't create shit, he stole it from a goyim first. And then, Facebook is a mass spying tool and stealing user's personal information for advertizement money. This is literally 1984. This has been true as long as it has been put into the public.

>> No.11119717

>Actually believing that this is free market shows you that you didn't understand it.

Anyone can make their own porn website and anyone can film their own porn. You might like there to be a secret cabal of Jewish pimps who stop anyone else from producing but this is not the case

>> No.11119719

Six things there are, which the Lord hateth, and the seventh his soul detesteth:

Haughty eyes,
A lying tongue,
Hands that shed innocent blood,
A heart that deviseth wicked plots,
Feet that are swift to run into mischief,
A deceitful witness that uttereth lies,


Sometimes I'm so relieved to know that hell exists. I can't imagine how frustrated I'd be if I didn't.

>Because there's no God and life is pointless so no one gives the slightest shit.

The sad thing is that you think you're enlightened when you're just the victim of brainwashing.

>> No.11119722
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>The sad thing is that you think you're enlightened when you're just the victim of brainwashing.

Compelling argument

>> No.11119725

Hypocrite, I answered a statement with a statement. When you make an argument I'll answer with an argument . . .

>> No.11119732


You aren't totally wrong but the said "sympthom" becomes an extremely serious problem on it's own and become itself the cause of other problems.

But if "life is so meaningless", it's because we let people from the outside derive us from conservative and direct us to primal hedonism and "sexual liberation"...Well guess what? All of these "liberation" of the family, morals, decency, religion, sexual prudity don't liberate us but instead enslave us into total slaves. Ironic isn't it ?

So yeah, pornography TOTALLY is part of the problem, and a stand-alone cause of misery but of course, you can go higher and seeking even deeper societal problems.

All pretty much comes to that: We preferred going for an unrestrained life full of pleasures , instead of having a restrained life with happiness. That's why society has gone to shit.

>> No.11119734

It was an account explaining the roots of apathy of people in the 21st century. Thats an argument. Saying "hurr no you're wrong" is not an argument
You're wondering why people don't give a shit about higher level injustice today I'm asking what reason could we possibly have to give a shit in the first place

>> No.11119739

>But if "life is so (sic) meaningless", it's because we [...]

Stopping you right there. Its not "because" of anything, it just is. There is a profound absence of justification to care about anything.
Its why you might posture and whine about how we lost family and morality but still visit a nihilist porn ridden website instead of actually spending time with your family and being a traditionally good person. Deep down you know its all a big fucking joke

>> No.11119745

>Jewish symbols
top kek, here's some more info on those nefarious Jewish symbols

>> No.11119750

I just jerked off to hardcore pornography AMA

>> No.11119753
File: 1.79 MB, 1300x867, PornLicense.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Stopping you right there. Its not "because" of anything, it just is. There is a profound absence of justification to care about anything.

Well, if you are a hedonistic/nihilist primitive animal that let his reptilian guide his decisions, of course your life is meaningless.

We are spiritual creatures that you like it or not. We have to have some sort of spirituality, might it be with god, your nation, your people or something else...A higher purpose, something higher than just yourself.

Without it, your life becomes worthless...Of fucking course, we are social and political animals, never forget it. Moreover, morals aren't a burden like those libertarians tell us, they are practical reasons, they are what keeps us human and sane, and not some primitive hedonist animal without any rational life,or in a more neurological semantic, being a dopamine whore junkie...Literally.

>> No.11119767


Just think of the Marshmallow experience...It's related really... Hedonist/nihilist = The person who wants his reward immediatly, a.k.a immediate gratification = pleasure --- And the smart one = The person who waits for his reward and willing to work (discomfort/sufferance) to get it = Medium-long term gratification = happiness (not pleasure).

>> No.11119769

>We have to have some sort of spirituality
We really don't. We can, very easily, just pointlessly exist for a while then pointlessly die. Everything you listed is just flimsy spooky bullshit that will inevitably reveal their own self referential emptiness, if they haven't already

>> No.11119770

How Israel Rules The World Of Cyber Security, better watch this guys


>> No.11119772

Happiness is a stupid waste of time.

>> No.11119781
File: 2.56 MB, 4000x2631, cole adulthood.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sorry you feel that way anon.

>> No.11119783

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