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/lit/ - Literature

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11119371 No.11119371[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>posts calling out /leftypol/
>redditfags paranoid delusions about /pol/ strawmen bogeymen
>stays up
really makes you think

>> No.11119374

jannies are cancer in human form which makes them worse than actual cancer

>> No.11119377

I know you are butthurt but please refrain from making off-topic threads

>> No.11119381

kill yourself booknigger

>> No.11119384

A sage isn’t a downvote, redditfag.

>> No.11119386

> ;,( y jannies opress me

>> No.11119388

go back to pol, stop ruining every other board, you have your own one

>> No.11119390

4Chan is /pol/ and books are for faggots

>> No.11119391

Boards aren’t the same thing as subreddits, redditfag.

>> No.11119392

1 thread about the state of the board is permitted you dumb retarded nigger

>> No.11119393

Falseflagging redditor.

>> No.11119398

right, just because it says literature at the top doesn't mean you have to give a fuck about bookshit to post on it

>> No.11119406

Falseflagging redditor.

>> No.11119417
File: 135 KB, 954x1157, 040E2AE9-2D53-41E8-B004-4E3987AC9DB5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>everybody has to stay on one or two sub er i mean boards because that's how we do it on reddit /pol/ is wrongthink we should only use preapproved boards

>> No.11119421

didn't read, kill yourself booknigger

>> No.11119431

me in the thread before 404

>> No.11119443

this thread was made by a commie faggot who wants everyone on /lit/ to think that redpilled men are autists who chimp out whenever they see a post they disagree with

>> No.11119456

This guys good. Too bad the rest of you are dumb enough to fall for it

>> No.11119466

But they are

>> No.11119474

I hail from /r9k/, and it's just as bad over there. The mods banned threads showing your face and they've filtered s*y. They even tried filtering cuck back in 2016. Yet they do absolutely nothing to combat the blatant /leftypol/ shilling, the LGBT cult which has destroyed multiple boards, and the never ending influx of low quality users which do nothing but drag quality down to a worthless level. They have treated everything user's care about as trivialities, yet act with hast to stop any attempts by the user's to maintain quality on their own. The moderation team is foreign and disconnected from its own userbase. It appears that it is more interested in destroying and mongrelizing various boards, so that they become completely pacified, and are left to nothing but mindless shitposting. It is not exclusive to this website. 8ch, YouTube, reddit, and every social media platform has increased their censorship on an unprecedented scale, and engage in the same nefarious practices as this website's moderators do.

>> No.11119483

come to reddit, we don't 404 there

>> No.11119487

kys yourself

>> No.11119488

Onions isnt filtered here

>> No.11119490

/r/books is redpilled

>> No.11119494

The real question is why the get thread asking what your favourite book is got 404'd

>> No.11119496

kek one of the ass-blasted trannies reported me
i can't imagine what it's like to seethe so much at anyone you disagree with

If only you knew how bad things really are.

>> No.11119508

Quality literary discussion

>> No.11119511

kill yourself booknigger

>> No.11119524

Have you seen what happens when people actually try discussing books? You get idiots who don't know what they're talking about acting like know-it-alls and you get /leftypol/ screeching at anything which isn't directly pushing their ideology. There is absolutely no literary discussion on this board. The mods have done absolutely nothing to change that. They refuse to maintain any measure of quality, yet will surely delete this thread and ban some of the posters.

>> No.11119540

Yeah, where’s all the faggots posting ‘nice spook’ and memes from r/blackpeopletwitter?

>> No.11119544

bookcucks getting owned hard, literature is finished

>> No.11119576
File: 31 KB, 517x488, 1523000244260.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>anyone who isn't /leftypol/ is /pol/

>> No.11119582

redditfags are /pol/, you didn't spend the last three years promoting yourselves there for nothing