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/lit/ - Literature

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11118273 No.11118273 [Reply] [Original]

no one ever makes threads about this book for some reason. did /lit/ forget about this book?

>> No.11118301
File: 48 KB, 400x462, disdain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Recordatorio diario de que leerlo traducido es de puto y monopleb.

>> No.11118315

/lit/ here. I forgot that thing existed! Thanks for reminding me!

>> No.11118320

We don’t discuss books here we have pissing contests and shitpost about how everyone else is a brainlet or pleb. Example: >>11118301

>> No.11118323

One of the best books I've ever read. I highly recommend that translation btw. I cried laughing a few times through this one.

>> No.11118336

¿Qué se puede decir sobre el Quijote que no se haya dicho literalmente millones de veces ya? Maduren, estamos grandes ya.

>> No.11118340

this is an english-only board
you have been reported

>> No.11118342


>> No.11118353
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>dulces lágrimas monolingües

>> No.11118368

>he doesn’t parle pas tres idiomas

>> No.11119535

Is it highly recommended to read a book about chivalry before reading this? The consensus seems to be that the Grossman translation is the best?

>> No.11119537

cervantes is a kike faggot

>> No.11119539

What is the Lattimore and which is the Fagles of Quijote translations?

>> No.11119737

>I can read a children's story like Don Quixote in the original language! get on my level plebs!

>> No.11120096

No you don’t need to read any. Most of the jokes and references are about vague stereotypes and tropes because the joke is that chivalry books are cliche and usually badly written. Anything specific to certain stories are explained by Cervantes or by annotations. You’re probably vaguely familiar with a lot of them from pop culture anyway. By the end you’ll be familiar with Amadis of Gaul and other knight errants.

>> No.11120105

dont forget pseud

>> No.11120118

Is it worth trying to read in the original Spanish? My Spanish is decent, I'd never pass for a native speaker but I watch and understand movies and television. Should I read it in translation anyway to be sure I'll pick up all the jokes?

>> No.11120163

A lot of the language related jokes are mishearing words or mispronouncing them, old idioms being said wrong, puns and funny names. The Grossman translation tries to do English analogs but also explains the original joke if it doesn’t really work in English.

>> No.11120983

>he doesn't parle pas
... so he does?

>> No.11121020

Hopefully when the Terry Gilliam movie is (finally) released it'll encourage fresh discussion about the original novel

>> No.11121054

Reading it right now. So far it seems comfy but very wordy. It ruins comedic timing for me.
Also the
>poop jokes

>> No.11121983

The poop jokes are sublime.

>> No.11122032

>close to 1000 pages
>children's story
The absolute state of brainlets.

>> No.11122105

Don Quixote isn't funny at all and anyone who says so is a neckbeard fedora tipper trying to look intelligent.

>> No.11122149

Never read it but had a dream that I was reading it last night. It was absolutely sublime and Cervantes was my new favorite writer. Wish I could remember what I had read.

>> No.11122152

There's a Borges short story about a guy who attempts to write Don Quixote without having read Don Quixote. You should read that if you haven't.

>> No.11122170

Nah you're just dumb. It's not laugh out loud funny (for me) but it is funny and entertaining. Sancho's banter and Quixote's inability to control his madness is funny. One of my favorite parts is when the guy in the Sierras tells Quixote that he l'll tell him his life story on the one condition that he doesn't interrupt him, then he mentions one of the fictional knights and Quixote just can't help himself.

>> No.11122175

I definitely will, thanks for telling

>> No.11122246

Its not about having read him but imitating him. He writes a more don quixote donquixote than cervantes has written and it is the v short story you are referring to.
Good stuff.

>> No.11123453

how do you pronounce the title?

>> No.11123459

The first book is funny, and the second is heartbreaking.

>> No.11123463

Don Quick-sott

>> No.11123498

Don Kwee-khoatey.

>> No.11123517

doh-nee queek-nok-quik-note-ee

>> No.11123520

Don Quiz oat

>> No.11123647


>> No.11123655

"The Knight of the Woeful Countenance"

>> No.11123670
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>misunderstanding Borges' story THIS much
The whole point of the story is that Menard's Quixote is completely different from Cervantes' Quixote, despite both works being textually identical. In fact, Menard considers what you suggest (imitating Cervantes) and rejects it because he considers it too easy; the real challenge is writing Quixote without being Cervantes. The broader point of the story is how important the context of production of a literary work is when evaluating it.

>> No.11123673

>Terry Gilliam Has Suffered Stroke, Amazon Pulls Distribution For ‘Quixote’
Posted by Mary Anne Butler May 8, 2018
>Amazon pulling distribution

>> No.11123684

Donkey Hotty

>> No.11123688
File: 148 KB, 1024x700, 86CD20ED-4285-4111-81D2-2000A7FBBDF4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m a little disappointed that it’s not just a straight adaptation and instead is some meta story that takes place in the present day about a man who goes crazy and believes he’s Don Quixote. Still hyped to see it, if it ever comes out.


>> No.11123690

This book is less accessible than handicapped conference at the top of a spiral staircase. You have to learn italian just to bribe the janitor to carry you.

>> No.11123743

Is Ormsby as good as Grossman? Anybody here read both?

>> No.11124114


What is the other must read in Spanish aside Quijote?

Like their second best book ever

>> No.11124272
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Way back in high school and had only read the name Don Quixote without seeing it spelled out and I read this title as 'don quicks-oat' while speaking with this qt girl. tfw she laughed and corrected my pronunciation.

I think she found it endearing or something though, because we ha a good time. I still feel like a little bitch whenever I see the name though. Oh well.

>> No.11125352

I'm really excited about it too, unfortunately Amazon has already stated that it won't distribute in the US because of the legal claim with the Portuguese producer.

It was going to be released in Cannes but is not going to compete because of the Portuguese faggot.