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File: 1.50 MB, 2264x3120, sgreybook.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11117684 No.11117684 [Reply] [Original]

What's the most embarrassing book you physically own?

>> No.11117697

Is it any good?

>> No.11117707

>owning books

>> No.11117711

Ride the Tiger
Bought it in the 16-year-old /pol/ phase.

>> No.11117713

Given the chance, I would fuck her with at least two condoms on

>> No.11117714

The Sun Also Rises, On the Road, Naked Lunch (on account of the gay pedophile rape)

im proud of my Magus book, my Atlantis books, my books on Freud and Jung and everything else that faggots would get upset by

>> No.11117715

Also me, funny thing was I couldn't even read it or understand the references until reading for a few more years. Now I just think it's slop.

>> No.11117723

I'm in the exact same boat, at least it looks nice on my shelf I guess

>> No.11117740

I've got an illustrated Kama Sutra I'm ashamed to put on my shelf.

>> No.11117743

Atlas Shrugged.
When I was younger the idea of someone "achieving/winning/standing above" and all that shit in an egocentric kind of way appealed to a disillusioned post-commie (high schooler) middle class guy who had no business either being a commie or a total libertarian given that I fully enjoyed the benefits of the commie and capitalists aspects of the system I live in...
Either way, I read like 50 pages and was already hating it because it was shit. I read to 200 or so and then decided I could simply read better (or worse but fun) things anyway. It also made me feel revolted at even idealizing the ultra libertarian views for a while.
I kept it for a long long time because it worked as a nice weight though.

I also own chinese comics which are embarrassing in a completely different way but at least they are thin enough I can hide them behind the "real" literature.

>> No.11117755

I have an extremely shitty translation of the Decameron that pretty much hurts my eyes.
Other than that nothing really.

>> No.11117762

a couple self-help books for depression

>> No.11117781

Foucault's history of sexuality. I just threw it in the closet because my parents visit me sometime. I know it is ironic.

>> No.11117783

marie calloway's, but it's not that bad

>> No.11117792
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Roxane Gay's Hunger.

Was a required text.

>> No.11117799
File: 44 KB, 333x499, 3878C6E6-2267-4632-8718-D1366C4C3CED.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i bought this when i was about 10 years old. i own it with much shame.

>> No.11117802

is that a girl's hand?

>> No.11117813

White Niggers of America. Hard to keep on a visible shelf.

>> No.11117819

This one book written by some nun in Sri Lanka. It’s about prayer but doubles as erotica.

>> No.11117821

Nigga but using two condoms don't work for shit

>> No.11117827

This, but only because of the cover.

>> No.11117831
File: 189 KB, 600x960, 144c9-cover[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This, but only because of the cover.

>> No.11117879

I struggle to describe the aesthetic of this cover, but it is an aesthetic that seems common place with fantasy/scifi released either from low tier publishers or self published. What they all have in common is, despite large block fonts and busy low quality art, a feeling of blank space. The font and the picture don't connect, they don't integrate and give the impression of a book cover. It is just font over a picture, it looks like a meme.

>> No.11117895

Isn't he Mel Brooks' trust fund kid?

>> No.11117905
File: 920 KB, 1535x2344, 62D6DA50-C5E6-4458-91D3-EA3B5E72357E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I purchased this “book” before I ate shrooms whereby I had a mystical experience and renounced my fedora tipping ways

>> No.11117915

>I struggle to describe the aesthetic
"Pretentious Poser cheesecake" would fit the bill pretty well I think. In a way I'm glad that covers like that exist, just so that we can appreciate the artistry that goes even into mundane professional releases.

>> No.11117932

Nothing like brain altering chemicals to convince yourself what you experienced was 'real'

>> No.11117935

It actually increases the friction making both condoms more likely to tear

>t. physics fag

>> No.11117947

Revolt against the modern world

>> No.11117959

An unread copy of Atlas Shrugged. The business building at my University was giving them away for free so I thought I might as well take one.

>> No.11117978

When did lit become anti-Evola?

Is the hate just air cover to avoid being associated with fashies? Evola is interesting if not particularly correct.

>> No.11117999

>tfw Sasha Grey's pr0n actually makes me feel disgusted

>> No.11118006

Astrophysics for People in a Hurry. I wasn't expecting much especially at its length but the real joke is when you open it and see how big the text and the margins are. It's short-story tier. Could read in an afternoon at like 30 seconds a page.

>> No.11118011

I have a tattered paperback edition of Roald Dahl's 'The Twits' that I am just loathe to part with.
I first acquired it as a child, and it quickly became my favourite book.
In the ensuing years, time took it's toll, and now the pages are torn, the binding loose, almost about to give way.
Presently, the book is placed amongst the multitude of leather-bound books that I display around my apartment (many of which I have never read, and some indeed aren't real books at all), in places where they will catch the eyes of my frequent guests and callers.
At times, though, I feel as if I am being judged.
Judged for the shabby, discoloured old paperback edition of Roald Dahl's 'The Twits', by the interlopers in my home.
They don't understand it's significance.
They could never grasp, they could never contemplate, how dear, how venerate I hold this folio to be.
And yet they judge.
I see it in their eyes when they enter through the porch and immediately espy the browning edges of it's pages. I see it as clearly as the hawk sees the dormouse.
And yet... I do nothing.
I remain...

>> No.11118015
File: 2.51 MB, 3264x2448, 15257445169341266387722.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I live in the area where the author is from. I'm more embarrassed because I paid it.

>> No.11118167
File: 216 KB, 922x692, 2212123.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I rather liked it. Have to admit I didn't know who the author was until afterward, so the knowledge of her career history didn't influence my first read.
>Can't say I particularly care one way or the other, either. If she actually went for the (astro?)physics degree mentioned in an interview, good for her. We need more women like her.

>Coming from someone who owns pic related, so take that with a couple grains of salt
>Favourite books being The Edge of the Abyss (old, condensed lectures) and Freedom in the Ancient World, if that makes a diff

>> No.11118181

better than dying and coming back

>t. someone who died and came back
>and proceeded to spend 30 grand on acid after selling the book rights

>> No.11118185

Fanged Nouema

>> No.11118193

What did you write?

>> No.11118207

???????????? And....!

>> No.11118293

At least you can resell it for 150 bucks if you get desperate

>> No.11118317

What gullible schmuck will buy it for that price?

>> No.11118328
File: 49 KB, 343x499, 6A808489-98EF-4DF8-921F-BA0BDC2FE9E6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11118331

Dunno, probably some Silicon Valley autist. The lone physical copy on Amazon (US) is 194.39

>> No.11118348

Yeah you're probably right. No one will pay that much for some dumb book. I'll you what though, I'll give you $40 for it right now

>> No.11118352

That one's perfectly fine.

>> No.11118393

Satanic Bible
Evloa's main works (I might have thrown them out, not exactly sure).

>> No.11118395

Why is The Sun Also Rises embarrassing?

>> No.11118400

That reminds me. I have one of Jung's books. Probably should sell it soon.

>> No.11118402

Its a good book but I’d be embarrased if my friends or parents saw that I owned it and read it.

>> No.11118410

it implies i like nihilistic secular drivel

>> No.11118436

My mom bought me that book for Christmas like 5 years ago because she saw it on my Amazon wishlist and knew nothing else about it lol

>> No.11118444

Why didn’t she just use her non porn name?

>> No.11118456

Not any more than owning Marx implies you're a Marxist.

>> No.11118465

It's basically textual porn

>> No.11118500

I Love Dick

>> No.11118754

The complete works of Rand. I found atlas and fountainhead to be fun reads but it's hard for me to look at her other works on my shelf.
I was never an objectivist or libertarian and read her philosophical works out of curiosity

>> No.11118877

I'll bite, what did you do with that much acid?

>> No.11118878

I still have all the Left Behind books that my parents bought for me when I was a fundamentalist 6th grade kid.

>> No.11118894


>be american
>blush at the sight of sex or profanity

>> No.11118902

Those are some sexy eyelashes, I'm not gonna front.

>> No.11118923

Profanity is great, but I'm not a degenerate Eurofag.

>> No.11119164
File: 130 KB, 500x775, F08DB240-8184-4EAC-95A9-D33DC5C98036.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11119179


Sup' Nick

>> No.11119184

Why is it embarrassing?

Besides the fact that it's written while tripping acid

>> No.11119186

Because then nobody would have bought it

>> No.11119189

lmao same

>> No.11119200

Lauren southern's book about how Islam and immigration ruined her country, I didn't actually buy it, it was just left there by a /pol/tard classmate who thought thats what I meant when I said I read a lot of theory in my free time.

>> No.11119221

At work, otherwise I'd Google and post the image, but Racial Hygiene. Got a big ol' swastika on the cover, and the title suggests, as my white skin would emphasize if I were seen reading/owning it, that it were some sort of treatise for racial purity/ethnic cleansing/white supremacy, although it's just about medicine and the practices Nazi doctors used. Have had it for years and have never read it because I do a fair amount of reading on public transit and at work. Same reason I got a handful of unread Peter Sotos books on my shelf that I've had for months, cuz his publisher or he thought it'd be a good idea to print PETER SOTOS PORNOGRAPHY on the back flaps of certain books lol

>> No.11119223
File: 29 KB, 301x499, 41gxbonteAL._SX299_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It WAS the God Delusion, but I either left it on a train or stuffed it into a book trade shelf.

Now it's this. I bought it when it "in" because I thought it "would be funny to use as a journal" except you can't, and it's stupid, and I still hate myself for buying it like a fucking tool.

>> No.11119256

>If she actually went for the (astro?)physics degree mentioned in an interview, good for her. We need more women like her.
We absolutely do not. But seeing how you have some book about gender there I'm guessing you have the dildo of jewish propaganda up there deep.

>> No.11119283

So much this. What a pathetic fucking book.

>> No.11119345

I enjoyed reading this

>> No.11119351

t. brainlet

>> No.11119365

>take girl back home
>open the door
>she is immediately assaulted by the heat and noise of 500 NIVIDIA graphics cards mining bitcoin
>only piece of furniture is an Ikea bookshelf packed from top to bottom with Fanged Noumena
>"uh, sorry I have to go now"

Why do they always leave?

>> No.11119373
File: 269 KB, 959x1360, 813b+BMeezL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What am I supposed to do with this? I'm sure as fuck not going to read it.

>> No.11120087

Southern and her cohorts "books" aren't fit to even be toliet paper

>> No.11120098


None of these are embarrassing. This post is the same as a cute girl posting a photo of her perfectly shaped butt saying she's ugly.

>> No.11120099


A CEB bible. some strange missionaries wearing fucking aloha shirts were giving them out at campus a few months ago.

>> No.11120106


All the volumes of A Song of Ice and Fire (in my defense: I was learning English and I thought it would be better start with something easy, i.e. genre fiction. I bought all of them in cheap paperback form and they have been buried behind other books ever since.)

>> No.11120122


What are your political beliefs now?

>> No.11120127

please go back, and for you its not embarassing and for the public it might not be

>> No.11120135
File: 1.37 MB, 3264x2448, BF513206-AFD5-4898-811B-7D33655570D4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the only one that stands out but I’m not ashamed of it because it’s the 2nd book I ever bought back in 2010 and it’s signed :)

First book I ever bought was in high school now I think about it I’m so embarrassed by it I’d never put it on my shelf, my mom has it in another room. Hitch hikers guide to the galaxy. I bought it just because my friend also bought it so I just copied him as thoughtless 13-14yo me did back then. I’ll never read another pointless sci fi book again. My grandma bought me a Harry Potter book around the same age but I never read it. Proud of myself for that.

Anyone here read an Australian book called max and Murray? I must have discarded it but it was pretty good I remember reading it in the mornings at high school roll call.

Oh and I’m still a vegetarian btw. 10 years now.

>> No.11120137

What's wrong with it? Haven't read Evola, but I enjoyed Savitri Devi, Guenon and Savarkar. I'm not /pol/, but I've never had a problem with reading books I disagree with. Always been interested in traditionalism, occultism, mysticism, fascism, pre-abrahamitic religions and so on. Do you dislike the book because you hate his ideology or because he's a bad writer?

>> No.11120146

they're overrated but nobody would judge you for having them on your shelf.

I still have >>11117905 from when I bought it at 16. I dropped that shit halfway through because it was boring and repetitive, but I became an atheist anyway.

>> No.11120235

You haven’t actually read it, have you?

>> No.11120273

Unironically what is this book?

>> No.11120285
File: 15 KB, 297x475, ashida kim.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11120284

If you've read Guenon there is no need to read Evola. Evola should only exist as a stepping stone to real mystics.

>> No.11120295

Hitchhikers is remarkably reddit, but it’s perfect alright as far as genre fiction goes. It’s worth reading alongside something by James Goss just to get an understanding of how to spot bad mimickery in prose.

>> No.11120297

Dude, the ISBN is RIGHT THERE.

>> No.11120308
File: 55 KB, 552x552, WE ARE KINGS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

None because I throw away all my books i don't like, or give them to goodwill

>> No.11120323


>> No.11120387


More like Ebola, amrite guys???

>> No.11120400

I got that too. My favorite book as a 9 year old.

>> No.11120403
File: 23 KB, 266x400, 17225311.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one is tucked away in a corner.

>> No.11120409

Tampa it's not so a bad book. Some chapter are interesting.

>> No.11120415

I know it's not bad, but the cover is a bit much.

>> No.11120426
File: 20 KB, 442x704, theory-of-justice-fifth-indian-reprint-original-imaeajts9kvjdutp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This really started the beginning of the end.

>> No.11120433


>> No.11120457
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>> No.11120485


>> No.11120543

lmao is her name seriously Nutting?

>> No.11120545

Nietzsche by Ernst Nolte (He is a nazi)

>> No.11120549
File: 23 KB, 200x300, mobys dick.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Moby Dick

>> No.11120587

I have Asa Akira's memoirs. The funniest bit is that I've never seen her porn, I used to just watch her on the DVDASA podcast and just thought she was a fairly intelligent person

>> No.11120804

How prudish can you get?

>> No.11120925

He is neither

>> No.11120985

I really want to be friends with Asa. I remember hearing her say in an interview once that she’s actually a bit of loner.

>> No.11121015

This was good

>> No.11121046


>> No.11121079

She's really nice and funny imo. Seems like she'd have lots of friends.

>> No.11121332

kys triggered commie retard.

>> No.11121358

its nawt they’re just being petty. Land is a genius and his work will increase in prescience as we ACCELERATE

>> No.11121401

I disagree. For a book to be embarrassing it needs to known well enough to be recognized by a visitor to your home. Ride the Tiger definitely doesn't qualify.

Some book by Dan Brown would be a better fit.

>> No.11121482

>"that's that pedophile book right? huh."

>> No.11121564

I heard about that on steebee weebee. Grey seems like a self righteous cunt.

>> No.11121568

Hero with a Thousand Faces
I'm pretty ashamed of my teenage self.

>> No.11121602

Have you read any Peterson? He's like Campbell but better and more mature.

>> No.11121603

Ride the tiger might just be the rare kind of self-help book which has something worthwile to say to the right kind of audience -- not necessarily teenagers or cripto-fascists, and definitely not the kind of "intellectual" pseuds you usually see in boards like these, at least you're probably not going to like him very much if you're too attached to something Evola takes the time to shit on, such as anyone who even slightly disagrees with him (then again what's the difference between him and any other philosopher in this regard)
It probably isn't his best book anyway, also he's probably the most "politicized" of the traditionalists so there's necessarily a lot of idiotic "ideologic" posturing going on, whether with or against him, which I don't think was really the point of his oeuvre either way
I suppose it's probably true, as some people say, it would be better to dive into actual tradition rather than traditionalist writers, still I personally think Evola is quite readable and interesting, might be because I'm not forced to rely on translations ;^

Really avoiding anything too "ideological" does not make you guys any more of a grown up than something stupid like avoiding anime or vidya because it might corrupt your soul or intellect or take time away from "important" things or whatever, seeing young people taking stuff like "degeneracy" seriously on internet imageboards really does make reading Evola not the most worthless activity to potentially engage in

>> No.11121605
File: 28 KB, 640x791, the-communist-manifesto-ni-why-the-fuck-everything-cost-money-LKJxK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I prefer this cover

>> No.11121610

Dumb post

>> No.11121684

thx i guess, i put the most effort in the latter half
fuck i was going to meme something like go back 2 peterson or something and then i see someone was recommending him like 2 posts above mine
never change i guess
i don't really post often though

>> No.11122161
File: 123 KB, 1200x1200, 31292764_10160373095415118_7266266370482896896_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who would actually read Evola if not pubescent /pol/fags?

>> No.11122168

nigga, she quit porn and went to school

>> No.11122182

Pro-democracy of course. I'm also become increasingly anti-white and conscious of the struggles of so-called minority groups despite being Anglo. But that might just be because I'm a student now.

>> No.11122191

Kids versions of the Iliad and the Aeneid
Civil War comicbook

>> No.11122316

>i see someone was recommending him like 2 posts above mine
that was also me but i was baiting

>> No.11122976


>> No.11123169

Me too, I own a handful of books because of pol that I look back on and cringe over

>> No.11123177

Selected Tweets by Tao Lin and Mira Gonzalez

>> No.11123180

That's because you're white and middle class (demographically suicidal). Ditch humanism before you give yourself an aneurysm and start dressing like a clown.

>> No.11123248


>> No.11123299

>I’ll never read another pointless sci fi book again. My grandma bought me a Harry Potter book around the same age but I never read it. Proud of myself for that.

Man, you're taking the memes you find here too far. There is no need to have such a strong sentiment against genre fiction. Not having read Harry Potter doesn't make you any more smarter too and is ridiculous to say that all sci-fi books are pointless.

>> No.11123313

shut up. I'm the one with the (you)s.

>> No.11123315

I bought women and men by McElroy years ago lol. I read plus (terrible) and had to stop reading a smuggler's Bible cause the professor part was so gay. The phony professor guy. Never reading his shit again.

>> No.11123361

>implying roasties can ever be truely lonely

loneliness for a guy = no friends or romantic prospects, been months since you spoke to anyone except family, coworkers or store clerks

"loneliness" for roasties = "ugh i only have 4 guys at my beck and the social media post i made this morning only go 13 likes, i'm so lonely :(((("

>> No.11123368

are you example 1?
It shows.

>> No.11123454

lmfao she would be turning in her grave

>> No.11123481

Calling bullshit. You guys are probably just dumb or 14 and didn't understand what you were looking at. No one takes the redpill then goes back.

>> No.11123506

That's because they an hero after realizing they dumped one blue pill for another blue pill.

>> No.11123527

uncle tom's cabin
bought that shit for a fucking mandatory english proj back in highschool, bouta throw that nigger book out my window

>> No.11123536

I’m really upset we didn’t get a story to go along with this post

>> No.11123924

Someone gave this to me for my birthday a few years back, but I managed to convince him that it would very appropriate if I actually set the book on fire as the grand finale.

>> No.11124128


>> No.11124211
File: 77 KB, 1200x630, max and murray.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Anyone here read an Australian book called max and Murray?

Dingo literature at its finest.

>Some people should never move in together. Max and Murray do. A hilarious black comedy set in contemporary youth culture, set to be a cult classic. Max and Murray drink too much, smoke too much and spend most of their time listening to music and watching videos: a gritty portrayal of young people who are Australia's new poor.

>> No.11124358

A year ago I might have agreed with you, but I've learned that there's a lot more to loneliness than just the amount of people you have around. You can have a ton of friends and still be absolutely lonely. It really comes down to having someone you really connect with/achieve true intimacy with. Plenty of people in relationships even still feel insanely lonely because they don't have that.

Yeah "roasties" might have a hundred guys around but whenever the high wears off I'd be willing to bet that they feel even more alone than the guy that just doesn't have anyone.

>> No.11124915

lmao Evola is just a shitty Guenon.

>> No.11124923
File: 77 KB, 800x530, books1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Probably one of these.

>> No.11124934

/lit/ has always been anti-evola. The only reason it's seemed that way is because posters from /pol/ have been shilling for it. You know it's them because it's the only book they seem to know.

>> No.11124939

Enlightenment is knowing that all things have their time. This also means that wisdom that falls on deaf ears must not be the right time.

>> No.11124942
File: 229 KB, 600x600, bugman cuck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go easy, guys. My gf just left me because she thinks I'm "pathetic". She doesn't understand I'm just sensitive and want to make her happy...

>> No.11125034
File: 23 KB, 800x664, 1513086195273.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hmm. Can anybody affirm this? I've always heard it the other way around—read Guennon prior to Evola. I haven't read either but I plan on delving into one of them soon.

>> No.11125052

Me too but I didn't read it in the end

>> No.11125054

I forgot /p/ had that, is it ok? A lot of them don't seem bad at photography, or at least they are able to weed out the shit pics obviously

>> No.11125073

>>11117905 in English
>>11118328 in English
>>11119164 in Bulgarian
I have these and they are good.

Books I am ashamed to own though? I do own a translated to Bulgarian version of Adolf Hitler's Mein Kampf, from when the intellectual property became free and it was everywhere. Maybe that. Alternatively maybe my Warcraft books.
I can't really be ashamed of books, I've read so much good and bad, and its not like I bring people to my bedroom to look at my books.

>> No.11125081

It was alright back then. Don't bother with the latter abortions, though.

>> No.11125096
File: 1.85 MB, 4032x3024, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not a bad book, but embarrassing as hell.

>> No.11125153

bruh wtf is wrong w/ur nail !?!

>> No.11125194

Yeah, you haven't

>> No.11125241

Guenon set all the groundwork for Traditionalism, and Evola refers to his a lot and shows him the proper respect, despite their disagreements.

>> No.11125255

It's fecal matter, residue from the asshole he got the book from.

>> No.11125258

Yeah actually Asa makes a point to even say, "I'm one of porn's biggest names, but that creates a very realistic wall. Her persona is very clearly not the way she lives in real life. She has close friends like David Choe who have all described her as hyper isolated even mocking her for sleeping in seperate beds with her now ex-husband. Having people around you and a huge career doesnt make you less lonely much like New York City for its size is often described as one of the loneliest cities in the world

>> No.11125364

How fucking gullible are you?

>> No.11125393
File: 180 KB, 640x1097, 71cZgHfoAoL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still regret wasting money on it

>> No.11125424

>Bought it in the 16-year-old /pol/ phase.
>I'm also become increasingly anti-white
Once a brainlet, always a brainlet... At least you are pro democracy, that's at least something...

>> No.11125488

She's not some millionaire media personality that needs everyone to like her. She sucks dick for a living, no reason why she can't be as nice as she seems.

>> No.11125504


i plan on doing a hate-fuck read-through fueled by pure spite. her essays are absolute garbage so im wondering if these are even possibly worse.

>> No.11125510


youre elevation of sex as some kind of self-fulfillment shows how fucking worthless you are as a person.

>> No.11125537

Fuck! this made me cry!
It's so fucking great!

>> No.11125546

If you think evola is a redpill then you haven’t even begun

>> No.11125585

She’s actually a pretty good prose stylist, unfortunately she has extremely bad, yet somehow very typical, opinions.

>> No.11125600
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Yes, good consumer. The white working class are our real oppressors. We must dilute the labor market with diversity and embrace our new global multicultural capitalist class.

>> No.11125612

None of those are embarrassing you pretentious try-hard

>> No.11125613

Something cannot come out of nothing.

>> No.11125636

Evola did great work on the jewish problem.

>> No.11125645
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He admitted he's an Anglo. Anglo Saxon scum and their various Germanic kin sent Europe into the Dark Ages and prepared the road for the Moors to invade. North Africa and Carthage was White untill the Germanic Vandal tribe destroyed it and then left for the Muslims to waltz all the way into Spain.

Germanic scum always blame Christians for destroying European civilisation and sending us into the Dark Ages yet always fail to notice the fact that Christians in Rome, Greece and even pre Saxon Britain kept their culture alive just fine. Its only the Germanic barbarians that destroyed everything and they were already like that before Christianity.

Even the greatest "Germans" were not even blonde therefore noy really German.

The true master race is R1b. DNA proves they built Egypt, Rome, Carthage, Troy etc and now populate France, Wales, Ireland and Spain. This is the true master race.

>> No.11125661

and the retardation continues

>> No.11125714
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>If Somalians colonized Japan they would continue on the Japanese culture despite the founding race eventually being genocided

This is what lemmings actually believe. Culture is an expression of the blood. Bring a Frenchman to Haiti, he creates French culture. Bring negroids to Haiti, they create negroid hell holes. Bring White men to Detroit, they build an industrious city. bring in Negroids and you create a welfare drain on the rest of the country.

But tell me about the Jewish books you read where they debunk history and give you a promise of utopia...

>> No.11125738

larping this hard

>> No.11125829
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> anti-white
oh boy

>> No.11125994

Didn't read a word of this garbage

>> No.11126192

She must be a genius!

>> No.11126385

Not an argument.

>> No.11126397


Nice meme

>h-hey guys I used to be /pol/ (no really), thank god I grew out of it amirite?

>> No.11126434

>Sasha Grey
I actually have Asa Akiras biography. I mostly leave it around to trigger prudes, conservatives and anti-porn feminists.

>> No.11126444

I'm going to print this post and it will be my new most embarrassing book i own.

>> No.11126482

>starts out in /pol/
>moves on to anti-white rhetoric
Truly the greatest social commentary of our time, once you become a hateful shitstain, you can’t grow out of it.

>> No.11126489
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i've got some books that i don't have on display in my living room. pic related for example
but i'm not embarrassed to own or read any books. why would i be? i read books as long as they are interesting somehow, even if i disagree with their viewpoint. there's no point in simply reading books that reinforce my own prejudices

>> No.11126897

Ready Player One, the Inheritance Cycle, and the Zombie Survival guide. Might be good to donate some of those soon.

>> No.11126907

Rational Male

I'd be embarrassed for anyone to find out I own it, but it really helped me with girl troubles.

>> No.11126919

>people don’t change thier opinions over time
Imagine being this much of a brainlet

>> No.11127054

There is a big difference between changing opinions and claiming to "outgrow" a previously held opinion (here the reference to 16-year-old).

>> No.11127075

I need to translate in English that article by Furio Jesi in which he shits all over Evola one of this days

>> No.11127095

Capital in the Twenty-First Century
Misbehaving: The Making of Behavioral Economics

Probably those two.

>> No.11127241


Most people don't feel the need to make a big deal about it

>> No.11127247


>"outgrowing" the belief in freedom, accountability and competition

Sounds more like regression to me

>> No.11127251

The one with the shitty illustrations?

>> No.11127294
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This book is hot.

>> No.11127302

This post is pathetic. Nice dubs though

>> No.11127491

Letters to Penthouse 41

>> No.11127538
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>> No.11127630
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Found it in a box of old books my father gave me.

>> No.11127643


>> No.11127773

>i went from gullible poltard to gullible neo liberal shill
you are far from the truth

>> No.11127775

>using terms so vague they could apply to one billion ideologies

>> No.11127788
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>> No.11127797

Your dad is redpilled

>> No.11127837

Go on then. What's true redpill literature?

>> No.11127849

Imperium and Theozoologie, they don’t have anything else to offer he’s merely bluffing. Esoteric Hitlerism is hilarious tall tales spun by intelligence agency connected schizophrenics. The whole of the 21st century fascist ethos can be covered by reading Carlton Coon, watching Bowden lectures, reading Dugin, Lanz, Rosenberg, Weninger, Hitler, Spengler, Evola and Yockey and you’re done, throw in a little Schmitt and de Maistre to avoid being called a Nazi and that’s a fascist you’ve just molded. Childish dress-up ideology from people who supported libertarianism and socialism just 5 years ago.

>> No.11127931

Why is it childish? I see nothing wrong with natsoc and I'm not even white. Seems like the best way to clean up society. I also think we need some form of eugenics.

>> No.11128182


All I want (in porn viewing, not in general) is to find high-res vanilla porn of Sasha Grey. Missionary, cowgirl. Just standard. Everything like that is grainy as shit and every decent resolution is like her licking toilets or drinking piss or getting railed by multiple dudes at once.

Like god damn, have sex for money, but have some fucking standards.

>> No.11128352
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But she is ugly

>> No.11128359


>> No.11128374


Nothing vague about a individualistic competitive capitalist society with minimal government

>> No.11128560

The Will to Power tbn

>> No.11128726

You have to read Guenon to understand Evola properly, but those who say Evola is just a stepping stone or whatever are essentially just signalling their factional allegiance within Traditionalist circles.

>> No.11128733

they’re all embarassing for people with self respect, if you’re a shit breathing ruminant from the pens of MFA programs or worse your dad’s taste in lit then of course they’re fine and if you’re the public you wouldn’t know the difference between bukowski and blake or dumas and goethe
its childish because they don’t understand economics, techne or how human information systems work so they think they can trap and exterminate all undesirables, stop all corruption and consolidate massive killing force and surveillance apparatuses into one intelligent war machine, all of which are either fantasy or suicidal thanatos instinct.

>> No.11128763

You're the retard if you think that is not possible

>> No.11129037

Why are you bring those kinds of people into your house if you don't like them?

>> No.11129391

Not him but I have a David Hamilton collection that would trigger the fuck out of any normie, let alone a feminist. My older sister got triggered when I showed her the only book of his I had at the time, La Danse. She has been a shitty amateur photographer for years so I thought she might appreciate Hamilton’s masterful work but all she said, with a displeased look on her face, was “they’re all so young”.

What I only showed her half the book because towards the end you see a breast etc and that would have probably been the final straw before she called the police.

So while I don’t buy books to trigger people, I take pride in collecting books etc that go against what the lemmings believe and supporting ideas I believe inspite of what negativity will come my way as s result.

>> No.11129432

this arouses me

>> No.11129446

Both of them are transsexual, so I'm immediately interested.

>> No.11129582

Then you should look up baldazzini's work, anon. Depictions of improbable situations, and frequent masturbation, await you

>> No.11129599

o la la

>> No.11129619

There is a golden middle ground with me and smut, that thin line between vulgar and pornographic sex-a-thon with little context and exaggerated to comedic levels, and the very long winded novel with a bit of red district content every 200 pages of bad fiction.

Where does this guy lie?

>> No.11129635

Exaggerated to comedic levels is pretty much his genre
It's fun though

>> No.11129642

Oh well. I prefer more tasteful (yet still hardcore) erotica. Its a barren field, sadly.

>> No.11129648

my diary desu

>> No.11129656

I remember when I was a kid I wanted to start a diary. I wrote 1 page, and hid it under the mattress of my bed. My mother found it literally the next day, said its very cute, I should do it, learn to write, write down everything, etc. She was so supportive I got ashamed and stopped writing and threw it away as the badass edge rebel that I was.

>> No.11129665

How to win friends and influence people by Dale Carneige

>> No.11129817

Sun also rises

>> No.11129819


>> No.11129823

>having a physical diary

>> No.11129848

This happened to me too. Let them laugh, we know the truth.

>> No.11129850

Its a good book desu

>> No.11130489

try to debunk him pro tip you cant

>> No.11130498
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>Pro-democracy of course.

>> No.11130504

why? those are two good books, empirically speaking, well researched shit

>> No.11130594

>no one takes the redpill and goes back
try reading plato dumbass

>> No.11130615

it's not intellectual literature but it's a comfy book