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11116133 No.11116133[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Peterson's belief that our morality comes from Christianity would mean that historically Hindu, Buddhist, pagan, etc. cultures would be morally inferior. I don't think Peterson is stupid enough to believe that. So is he saying the Christian west is superior to attract his white supremacist "alt right" fans, or is he mentally ill, suffering from something like manic states or sociopathy?

>> No.11116147

Only thing worse than a Peterson supporter is a Peterson critic. Go back to Rebbit.

>> No.11116152


Secondly, he's simply saying that in the West the moral system which has guided its advancement, progress, and preservation is inherently Christian and that this system works for Western societies. He would probably say that Buddhistm, Shintoism, Hinduism, is just as viable if the societal zeitgeist of the culture has been preserved. In this sense, he's rather Burkeian.

>> No.11116154

>le removed thread thread

>> No.11116159

Modern 'Christian' West: liberty, democracy, egalitarianism

All other cultures: pedophilia, gang rape, discrimination against women

>> No.11116163

>Peterson's belief that our morality comes from Christianity would mean that historically Hindu, Buddhist, pagan, etc. cultures would be morally inferior.
how does a culture existing make other cultures inferior?

>> No.11116207

All morality has its origin in mythological beliefs.

>> No.11117435
File: 952 KB, 1262x2094, The death of the West.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Peterson is a retard just like all individualist ideologues.

>> No.11117441

At least you had the good graces to put quotes between Christian. You have to be utterly deluded to think the modern West is in any way, shape, or form Christian.

>> No.11117445

Are you fucking retarded?

>> No.11117451

Why do you consider people of opposing political views to be mentally ill?

>> No.11117461

Our Christian morality is superior and it's mostly what makes us consider that maybe some other cultures are equally valideven if they are not.

>> No.11117464
File: 139 KB, 320x480, trinity man.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

did someone say 'hierarchy of religious structures'?

>> No.11117474

>Peterson says that the west's morality comes from christianity
Wow, what a controversial suggestion, thank god you made this thread instead of using your brain for literally half a second.

>> No.11117479

Peterson is not a Christian. He's basically a neoplatonist.

>> No.11117485

Christianity merely adopted the trinity. Platonism was born with it, moulded by it.

>> No.11117505

Contrived reach

>> No.11117513

Y'all are taking a self-help author much too seriously.

>> No.11117543
File: 268 KB, 500x606, ByAllahSeinfeld.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

from what i can tell, he's just saying that Christianity is a good thing, but he doesn't believe in it yet you should or something. Honestly he is pretty dumb from the start, and he refuses to just categories himself into yes or no questions which is really fucking annoying
It's because everyone else doesn't think he's a self-help author, hell he's in magazines now

>> No.11117559

>pedophilia, gang rape
Hard choice. I hate pedophiles and rape, but egalitarianism is the worst sin of all.

>> No.11117617

What Trinity does Platonism have?

>> No.11117699
File: 122 KB, 495x640, cg_jung_10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The Christian missionary may preach the gospel to the poor naked heathen, but the spiritual heathen who populate Europe have as yet heard nothing of Christianity.

>> No.11117710

Self-help authors are in magazines

>> No.11117727

pederasty and gang rape is extremely Aryan and trad

>> No.11117756

That pic probably is the stupidest thing I’ve ever read on 4chan.

>I want to literally kill citizens of my own country, start a civil war and install a fascist regime
>w-why won’t we be allowed to speak in public discourse? Haha checkmate libertarians guess you’re not so free as you thought :^)
>logical fallacy, logical fallacy, appeal to emotions, rhetoric with nothing behind it and simply meant to make one feel violent and strong
>cities are made up of families and states are made up of cities and the nation is made up of states therefore the family is the basis of society :^)
>what? What do you mean what are families made of? “Individuals”? Shut the fuck up you communist
>btw the founding fathers were fascists let’s go kill people now :^)

stupid pseud

>> No.11117764
File: 82 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He believes our morality is evolved, but that we also evolved a "dark side", the Jungian shadow so to say.
Religion is the discovery of this morality; or truth: religion/stories are the only way to truly understand it (metaphor). If someone just says "be an hero, a real human bean" it won't work, but if you witness the story of the hero—then you see. That is meaning, you feel meaning, it's in the core of our being; reason can't grasp it. This is why we need religion, and according to him, Christianity (Jesus) is the best example of this "human-meaning", self-sacrifice, admonish yourself and pick up the burden of suffering proudly. To clean your room.

The other religions got other things right and better, like Yin-Yang, but none captures Meaning as well as Christianity.

>> No.11117825

What about commies and anarchists you fucking retard

>> No.11117826

They're right

>> No.11117834
File: 88 KB, 350x350, the son.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey mods dont delete this thread you shitbuckets

>> No.11117851
File: 1.77 MB, 347x312, giphy[1].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>taking the bible and jung seriously

>> No.11117860

>bible is truth
>/lit on Jordan Peterson
>bible is useless

how can I take this board seriously

>> No.11117885

why would you consider taking this entire site seriously?

>> No.11117887

That's a lot of non-arguments.

>> No.11117939

God this post was obnoxious to read. You should have concluded it with a "sweetie" for good measure

>> No.11117941

This senpai
Our board lies between a bunch of closet homos and people learning to tie nooses, this entire site is one big joke

>> No.11118146

Sickening, fascists are the same as commies both disgust me.

>> No.11118495

>Peterson's belief that our morality comes from Christianity would mean that historically Hindu, Buddhist, pagan, etc. cultures would be morally inferior
No, that is a logical fallacy on your part.
Peterson says A => B, from that you conclude, not A = not B. This is REALLY dumb.

>to attract his white supremacist "alt right" fans
The alt right hates him and for good reasons they have heard enough boomers.

>democracy, egalitarianism
What a disturbing indictment of the West, but yes these things are likely the result of Christianity.
