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/lit/ - Literature

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11116046 No.11116046 [Reply] [Original]

Once I took my copy of Mason & Dixon on an airplane, and as I walked down the aisle a seated 10/10 qt said "hey, that's a great book!"
Hopefully you guys have more exciting stories. I was just pleasantly surprised that someone like that would read Pynchon.

>> No.11116058

My aunt once complemented me on reading Faulkner
>Oh, he's tough anon.
>Eh... Well, maybe for someone like you.

Maybe it's rude, but this is how you silence plebians irl.

>> No.11116233

You're going to die lonely and confused.

>> No.11116501

Good job on demeaning one of the only people in your family that you could have a decent conversation about literature with. With that attitude I'm hoping you're young and will grow out of it because if you're past 20 I genuinely feel sorry for you.

>> No.11116819 [SPOILER] 
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>Faulkner is a BIG GUY
>Eh . . . for you

>> No.11117204

You fucked up, she wanted your dick anon

>> No.11117224

thankfully you used that image otherwise i never would have gotten that obscure reference
good job anon i really appreciated that

>> No.11117255

Waiting in line at pizza hut, was reading dubliners. Guy asked me if I had read his other works. He noted that he never sees young people read anymore.

>> No.11117299

I'm a male in my late 20's and the only people I know read Ready Player One and terrible sci-fi series (men) or "___ on the ___" chick mystery books (women).

>tfw i read all this lit and no one to talk to about them except people on an anime message board

>> No.11117401
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Even if that’s ironic, you need to leave.

>> No.11117460

>1am, heading out of a pub where I drank a tad bit
>go to a place with a foutain just ahead, waiting to be picked up
>take this XVIth century poetry book I had on me
>black dude in his 40s comes to me
>asks what I'm reading, starts talking about XVIth c. Occitan poetry
>shows me the fountain, asks me if I know who it is
>it's one of the occitan poets he was talking about
That was pretty eerie due to drunkness. I forgot I lived that, thanks for helping me remind that.

>> No.11117495

>reading in line at Pizza Hutt

>> No.11117612
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>sitting on bench outside politics & law building on campus
>reading Capital by Karl Marx
>not a commie or anything, just would like to understand what the big hubbub about communism is
>guy comes out of building, glances at me while walking then suddenly pauses, squinting his eyes a bit, then walks over towards me
>"Hiya mate. Enjoying the book?"
>"Yeah it's a pretty interesting read so far..."
>"Haha yeah... Listen I gotta get going, but you should come to our social sometime"
>he gives me the date and time that they hold their socials each week
>I end up fucking going because I don't have any mates anyway and whythefucknot
>it's literally a commie social club filled with Guevara t-shirt wearing hippies and the like
>we just go around to different pubs getting more and more drunk as the night goes on and ranting about how we desperately need another communist revolution
>I go along with it and role play as a commie to fit in
>go to 7-8 of their drinking events over the course of a year whenever I just wanna get drunk with a bunch of people

Was it morally wrong to do this? To pretend to be a god damn commie just to have some drinking buddies for my last year of university?