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11114393 No.11114393[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

My theology teacher at uni just got arrested for driving drunk. He had almost sold me on the church, but he's just like the rest of the "good Christians". God truly is dead bros. Give me books for this feel.

>> No.11114399

Thomas Paine's Age of Reason. He's pretty butthurt about the church and shits all over the Bible. He believed in God though, deism might be the path for you as well.

>> No.11114420

this is a bait thread so understand this post as you will.

>> No.11114433

I wish

>> No.11114436

What does forgiveness mean? What does our imperfect human nature mean? God, sometimes I feel the worst sin is not even to “do” this or that bad thing — to kill, cheat, lie, steal — but to be incapable of forgiving people their sins, to only see the worst in other people and think one failing makes them a completely awful person. This is what Christ in fact constantly says in the Gospels in parables and straightforwardly, that our worst sin is not being able to forgive others and instead judging them. See the parable of the asshole creditor who won’t forgive his debtor despite himself being forgiven by someone he’s in debt to, judge not that you be not judged, cast the beam out of your eye, let he who has not sinned cast the first stone, etc.

We’re all douchebags in some way. We’ve all failed. But the most reprehensible and toxic thing you can do is to hold people to such high standards and judge them instead of forgiving them. This is indeed the “sin against the Holy Spirit, which shall not be forgiven” spoken of. It’s criticizing or ignoring all that’s good, holy and sacred in the world of people in favor of judging them.

>> No.11114452

I know that feeling, my priest for 10 years came out as atheist and I felt like all those masses, communions and confessions are worthless because God`s true grace wasnt involved

>> No.11114460

> moderns acting like people succumbing to modernism makes one a bad person

Even Judas played his role well.

>> No.11114469

But if the entire system has no actual power over people's actions, what good is it? This man taught courses on Christian ethics for god's sake, and he's just as debauched as the college students he lectures to, and he put others in danger. I'm not saying God doesn't exist, but he is most certainly dead to humanity.

>> No.11114473

if this is honestly the logical process that you have in light of the situation, then you are actually too stupid for God anyway

>> No.11114474

everyone stumbles, OP. we're sinners, remember? and even mother teresa doubted her faith.

the sacred isn't dead, it is constantly regenerating. read the greeks.

>> No.11114486

Everyone drank in the bible. There just were not packs of centurions stopping people on their camels to make a quick buck for Pilate back then. Hell Christ was executed on a technicality. The whole ministry is an indictment of the american criminal justice system if you get right down to it. In the book of acts god sends an angel to break an apostle out of jail.

>> No.11114588

I'm really good at driving drunk, i think some people are and should be allowed to

>> No.11114593

God is not one person.

>> No.11115712

Drinking alcohol is not a sin in the Bible.
It's a means of social control instituted by Southern Baptists. Die-hard Southern Baptists are the only Christians who have a problem with alcohol.

>> No.11115745

> Christians are the least Christian people.
More news at 11.

>> No.11115759

So am I. Me and my Father probably drive drunk more than sober desu. Once you get used to it it's no big deal. Really it's just a bunch of suburban idiots who don't know how to handle themselves or people who drive on the verge of blacking out that give it a bad name.

>> No.11115813

Can Christians do drugs ?

>> No.11115847

No but getting drunk and being debauched definitely is

>Wine is a mocker, strong drink a brawler, and whoever is led astray by it is not wise.
>Do not be among drunkards, or among gluttonous eaters of meat
>Do not get drunk with wine, for that is debauchery; but be filled with the Spirit
>let us live honourably as in the day, not in revelling and drunkenness, not in debauchery and licentiousness, not in quarrelling and jealousy.

>> No.11115901

I'm a christian i do drugs

>> No.11115909

>humans sin
>this isnt what the bible taught!
>fuck god

>> No.11115929

t. protestant
if you aren't already a protestant in letter, you are in spirit, just make the change you disgusting heretic