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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 41 KB, 324x499, As_I_Lay_Dying.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11114364 No.11114364 [Reply] [Original]

ITT : Post your favorite books which expose plebs, illiterates, reddits, goodreads, and just plain lazy sloppy stinky smelly low IQ's for what they are
Starting with my personal favorite pleb filter : As I Lay Dying

>> No.11114382

Burger lit is for the intellectually disabled.

>> No.11114384

Anything by Kafka.

>> No.11114388

Not a fan of thesaurus abusing passages mixed with hick dialogues, this anon >>11114382 is right.

>> No.11114398

>he can't handle a different dialect than he is familiar with
>he can't identify with a different origin of people than he has been born and raised with

>> No.11114400

Kafka is not a pleb filter, he is a pleb identifier.

>> No.11114407

I judge people based on how they interpret Lolita.
If they use the word "pedophilia" or "pedophile" they fail.

>> No.11114409

first good response desu, thank you

>> No.11114411
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The ultimate pleb filter

>> No.11114415

>Kafka is a pleb identifier
Pleb detected

>> No.11114416

excellent post

>> No.11114422


Enjoying Nabokov for the prose - ye ye
Unironically enjoying his actual novels - kek

>> No.11114426


the chapter or the whole Dick

>> No.11114432
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>> No.11114443

Really all the cetology chapters. Filters plebs like nothing else.

>> No.11114444

Not even American but you're literally brain-damaged. Read Suttree and Sound and the Fury and tell me these can be reduced to "muh thesaurus and muh Hicks"

>> No.11114455
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>> No.11114458

incredibly based post

>> No.11114459

Suttree and Sound and the Fury can be reduced to "muh thesaurus and muh Hicks."

>> No.11114468
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>> No.11114470


>> No.11114517
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>> No.11114549
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You don't have to love it, but if you don't at least like it or appreciate it, something is wrong with you.

>> No.11114560

Literally redit the book

>> No.11114565
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>> No.11114572 [DELETED] 

this thread will continue to have catty infighting among literati and i dont have much judgment about peoples taste in classics but one of the few books i unironically judge people on is this one. anyone ive met who holds this book in high regard i make a mental note to not give them a wide berth and stay away from abstract topics in their company

>> No.11114577

quality post, I agree

>> No.11114582
File: 21 KB, 220x278, 220px-TheSecretLogo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

(forgot pic) this thread will continue to have catty infighting among literati and i dont have much judgment about peoples taste in classics but one of the few books i unironically judge people on is this one. anyone ive met who holds this book in high regard i make a mental note to not give them a wide berth and stay away from abstract topics in their company

this is the book equivalent of wagon wheel. congrats on this, seriously

>> No.11114584

give them a wide berth*

>> No.11114587

the fuck is wagon wheel?

>> No.11114589


the song every fucking pseud on the planet plays on acoustic guitar at a party

>> No.11114592

So I take it you don't like Invisible Cities?

>> No.11114602
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>> No.11114619

its fine as a novelty, like house of leaves. its certainly a favorite among those who tend to enjoy precious, clever art. wouldn't be out of place next to wes anderson and garden state dvds

>> No.11114634
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"I can't keep track of the characters"

>> No.11114637

Can't say I agree.

>> No.11114646

>even so much as bringing up the secret
pleb filtered

>> No.11114651

>guy posting The Secret as a plebfilter says Invisible Cities isn't good

the absolute state

>> No.11114675
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>> No.11114888

Anyone that appreciates it I'm sure is a good or at least an interesting reader for sure.

>> No.11114910

isn't there thats stupid fucking family tree

>> No.11115480

Posts like this are why I come back

>> No.11115560

i dont think you get it, im saying people who enjoy the book are plebs

>> No.11115593

But that's not what a plebfilter is. It's the opposite.

>> No.11115608

That's wrong though. You wouldn't use Harry Potter or Stephen King as a pleb filter.

>> No.11115644
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>> No.11115682

john rawls, imagine being such a bugman you think "original position" is a valid argument

>> No.11115719
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Just draw the line where you think pleb territory ends.

>> No.11115722

A better way of identification is what name they use to refer to Dolores Haze.

>> No.11115726

Proust is THE pleb filter

>> No.11115732

On phone so I would say at most Hesse or early Burroughs.

>> No.11115739

lol @Hesse
no, do it where do YOU think it ends

>> No.11115747

This is hardly a good chart for that because Sartre is under Hesse yet I doubt any pleb reader has ever heard of Sartre.

>> No.11115758

Best post

>> No.11115777
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>I have read a book and say I like it
>This means I'm smart

You'd have to be kinda dumb to think this way. But it's hard to qualify intelligence at a glance like that.

>> No.11115783

I wouldn't say that Orwell lacks substance.

>> No.11115801

>book is critically acclaimed and canonized
>majority of readers say it's hard to read
>hurr this is not a sign of a pleb-filter
The only thing lacking intelligence was your post

>> No.11115816

we clearly found the fucking idiot of the thread

>> No.11115821

If a cannot pass b than it cannot be a c.
b has filtered a from c

>> No.11115830
File: 8 KB, 275x183, 25BF1AC6-4748-4973-891C-7FA4EAF8DD3D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>As I Lay Dying

>> No.11115843

>artistic internecine
>adjective adjective

line ends right below that

The whole list is fucking stupid with Bolaño below Cervantes, Lerner (reddit embodied) below anyone, Jane Austen below Greene or Roth, Mailer below Melville or Mann or Bolano or Abe or Hamsun or Faulkner is really pitiful.

It is probably 50-60% accurate and thus not all that helpful

>> No.11115855

>the secret is a good book

yep, it's (You)

>> No.11115862


You are so exaggeratedly stupid I have to think you're trolling. You just don't know what a plebfilter is nor do you understand why people think you're fucking dumb. Again, nobody is disagreeing with you that the secret is a terrible book and only someone as stupid as you would read such a book and then feel superior to others who have as well

>> No.11115870

lol you are a pleb with low iq

>> No.11116072

I was about to rage about Dosty being so high up before I realized it was about accessibility.

>> No.11116231

>no one mentioned catalogue of ships yet
the OG pleb filter

>> No.11116274

>pseud, the post

>> No.11116286

Understanding Kafka is why I hate Kafka. He's the worst kind of neurotic Jew stereotype and I despise him.

>> No.11116287

Herman Melville is better than your favorite author.

>> No.11116313

This was pretty okay, but I still haven't found any book more cringey and reddit-like than If on a winter's night a traveler. As if Wes Anderson purported to write /lit/. I definitively have a problem with magical realism that is quirky, inoffensive and overdone. Same shit with Murakami.

>> No.11116322

Plenty have, anybody at all that likes him. He's about as well known as Camus.

>> No.11116325

Europoor plebs. Faulkner is one of the all time greats.

>> No.11116329

>not understanding the secret
Not THIS is the real pleb filter

It's a work ethic, a law of the universe that you will tend towards that which you work for. It's so simple that you plebs misinterpreting it is funny

>> No.11116345
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>> No.11116354

I got reccomended Murakami and then dutifully realized at the behest of my very own 10 pound note that all his fucking books are him just going
"Wouldn't it be cool if _____"
I'm fine with books being masturbatory but at least make them more than a list of things you like.
Example: "There was this girl next to a swimming pool"
Oh yeah Murakami? What about it?
"It was sexy"
Alright, fuck off.

>> No.11116355


>> No.11116359

>Tolkien level 0
i can only imagine how many s-o-y triggerings this is causing

>> No.11116363

O my

>> No.11116376


>> No.11116390
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>> No.11116407


everybody taks about, but noone has actually read it correctly

>> No.11116441

yeeha so many people get marx all wrong

>> No.11116491
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>Tolkien and Orwell lack substance
>Steinbeck is more advanced than Tolkien and Orwell

This chart is a pleb filter in and of itself

>> No.11116555

Freedom or death

>> No.11116589

>Sound and the Fury
Actually reading this for the first time right now.... About 100 pages in and I don't get why some people say it's difficult to read? Am I missing something here?

>> No.11116638

where is the line for middle and late era Nabokov? In my mind the russian novels are early, the american novels are middle, and LATH and Transparent Things are late. Transparent Things is shit and LATH is only funny if you've read everything prior by Nabokov.

>> No.11116649

Dionysodorus you absolute bants-master

>> No.11116682

You're clearly missing a lot in the Benjy and Quentin sections if you don't think it's difficult.

>> No.11116724

I want to kill whoever made that fucking retarded list. You can physically feel the hours he spent on wikipedia to make up for never having read any of those.