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/lit/ - Literature

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1111378 No.1111378 [Reply] [Original]

alright all you clove-smoking, dead-russian-author-reading, non-lit-related-thread-saging, ayn-rand-loving-or-hating /lit/fags, listen up: literature is the subject of a major current news item, and for the first time in your sexless lives it doesn't involve some inane contemporary vision on what it would be like if wizards or vampires went to high school. no, this is much more important: some asshole in florida is going to burn a bunch of books about genies and some other really badass shit! and we're not happy about that! or maybe we are, i don't really care what position we take -- but we must take one and mount a full-frontal assault until we have bill o'reilley referring to /lit/ as a bunch of readers on steroids. what do you say, /lit/?

>> No.1111389

How about no

>> No.1111394

Burning books is a shame but the Koran is no book so it's okay.

>> No.1111397

there's already threads about this

>> No.1111418

Burning books is meaningless in the information age, so we should burn all religious texts because those idiots actually manage to get pissed off over it.

>> No.1111447

yes, but they are shit

>> No.1111460

Clearly you should be doing some reading instead of posting.

>> No.1111482

This post is the best post.

>> No.1111502

got my scimitar at the ready. It will sing the glory of Allah as I cut pig American heads. On camera!

>> No.1111535
File: 33 KB, 400x497, evil joker.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

now we're talkin'

>> No.1111541

If there's a "right way" to sabotage this, it's to throw copies of other religious texts into the pile (after it's burning, of course).

>> No.1111552

I say let them have it OP. America is going to be a fascist state soon enough just so we can have lower taxes and buy more useless things at walmart and eat and drink our worries away and hopefully Pakistan will start some war and we can use nukes and all kill each other so I won't have to live anymore in this world

>> No.1111680

Right on, man. Hopefully this shithole of a world will be gone soon enough. Or at least the people fucking it up will die.

>> No.1111688

Facist indeed! They outlawed my clove cigarettes!