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/lit/ - Literature

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11113634 No.11113634[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

ITT: Pseuds and/or talentless hacks related to literature. Talk about why you don't like them. Bonus points for goofy pictures. I'll start: Jordan Peterson reeks of pretentiousness because he never has anything profound to say.

>> No.11113689

clean your room

>> No.11113722
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"If you don't clean you're room you are literally and metaphorically inviting he'll on Earth. And when you have that, the literal and the metaphor together, that right there, that's the truth."-Betersun

>> No.11113740
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I hate him only because he probably gets so much pseud intern pussy when he's a millionaire pseud egg.

>> No.11113743

when will the School of Life cover JP

>> No.11113890
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>> No.11113915

I really doubt it. De Botton is just not attractive enough for that.

>> No.11113928

>jordan peterson thread in disguise

>> No.11113946
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“The sky above the geodesics was pink plastic burning into a fading monochrome cathode ray tube tunes to a dead channel where dreams of matrix brought on virtual nightmares of that night back in a Memphis motel. Something something neon. ”

>> No.11114193

Can anyone give me the metaphorical truth behind the name Jordan son of Peter? Also how many archetypes are there in total? More than 5?

>> No.11114207

Peter is the Rock... the Jordan is a river, and thus water. A rock is permanence at rest, and water is permanence in motion. But the fact that he's the rock's SON means that he's just a pebble, and so the motion (and chaos and randomness) will overcome the steadfastness of the rock.

In other words, he's gonna change his mind sooner or later, and write a book that his current audience will hate.

>> No.11114216

How is Peterson related/relevant to literature? He's written books but he's not really known for them.

>> No.11114240


Well, he wrote some shitty poetry.

>> No.11114251

Mick Jagger was an ugly mother fucker but he's fucked thousands of women

>> No.11114255

The Pseud of Life definitely belongs here. As far as I can tell it just exists to sell the dude's new age-y products on his webshite.

>> No.11114291
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>re-invents the book but in an obfuscated way
>known for being an asshole
>likely a schizophrenic
>the only worth of his is his penchant for grammar
I hate that he was born in my State. Just icing on the cake on the long, list of famous Arizona morons.

>> No.11114300

liking his books is the sign of the pleb

>> No.11114310

i've had enough of this internet dad appearing on my board. we get it, you dont like him. please refrain from posting him ever again.

>> No.11114344

he wasn't schizophrenic whatsoever

>> No.11114350
File: 41 KB, 927x198, Screen+Shot+2018-03-20+at+6.22.05+pm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread reminded me of a fragment of a dream I had just before I woke up. A thread on /lit/ about some EPIC NEW FAIL tweet that Jordan Peterson had just made. It was something like:
"At the very bottom layer of reality can only be an OBJECT, not a SUBJECT, and this object has to be GOD. How's that, postmodernists"

>> No.11114376

Yeah dude, wouldn't want to introduce casuals to philosophy - they might start to read the secret texts at which point we would no longer be better than them.

>> No.11114379


>> No.11114381


>> No.11114383

The south west is known for producing 21st century geniuses.

>> No.11114387
File: 46 KB, 593x170, Screen+Shot+2018-05-07+at+3.22.50+pm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's with his autistic boomer hyperbole?

>> No.11114403
File: 113 KB, 601x669, Screen+Shot+2018-05-07+at+3.28.27+pm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Really makes you think

>> No.11114417
File: 98 KB, 592x375, Screen+Shot+2018-05-07+at+3.28.55+pm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11114419

Plenty of people get away with plenty of things, as long as you exploit ignorance who is going to find out?

>> No.11114483

>Specifically physics related question
>let me, the pseudcologist, answer it

>> No.11114498

Prepare for lols, you only get a taste of how much of a wingnut Alain de Botton is here.

>> No.11114502

Here's the source review btw:

>> No.11114520

>he doesn't know
Read this and tell me this doesn't sound like schizophrenia to you. >11111444
>The night before myself and another student were to defend our thesis, he called us at 1 am, freaking out, and said that we were in on "it," and that we were never going to "get him." Being dumped the night before a defense after two years of work is catastrophic (he also tried to fuck up my comp exams, too, by changing the questions at the last moment). It all worked out all right, due to the intervention of the Chair, who took over, but that was the last time I talked to him. I've hated him for years for doing that to us.
Let that speak for itself.

Also, he had an obsession with words and women; he literally studied the dictionary and hit on pregnant women constantly. One common trait of schizoids is obsessive-compulsive disorder which Wallace took to an unhealthy extreme.

>> No.11114523

that's from a humorous almost certainly fictional comment
any proof of him having ocd? it would be interesting. having an 'obsession' in the colloquial sense doesn't necessarily coincide.

>> No.11114524

>see this dudes face spammed across multiple boards for a year at least
>because i stupidly click videos from here he is also in my youtube feed
>finally break down and click on one just because
>it is a genuinely sweet old man talking about mock fighting with my son will help him learn to limit his real agression and make friends
There is nothing wrong with this guy. He is just a charming and comically voiced old professor. Are all the haters just trasnpeople?

>> No.11114527

Why would transpeople hate him?

>> No.11114533

Arizona: the home of Sandra Day O'Connor, John McCain, ASU, Joe Arpaio, Lawrence Krauss, Jeff Flake, the land of frauds.

>> No.11114542

He made a bitch about pronouns which is why he got spammed on /pol/ and then trickled down to us.

>> No.11114548

I was being ironic. I can't believe it, but I'm defending jp on this one, because Transpeople have no reason to be mad at him, because he said explicitly that he wouldn't call someone by their pronouns *only if he was legally forced to do so*, on other occasions he's said he would call transpeople by their pronouns if they just ask him.

>> No.11114554

See i did not even know that part. I don't think peterson is great but he is certainly not as bad as people make him out to be, a bit of a pseud but he teaches in Canada ffs.

>> No.11114557

It's real which makes the relation with OCD more probable. I suspect he has OCD because it affects people with schizophrenia as well as his habits of studying words. Why does he wear the bandana and a certain outfit when he hits on women? It's simply because he is obsessed with his idea of self and is insecure about it. Well that's my theory anyways.

>> No.11114558
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>> No.11114561

So this is postmodernism.... Woah.... So meta....

>> No.11114568


Nope, just some capital T Truth.

>> No.11114576

Like philosophy truth?

>> No.11114585

dude, weed.

>> No.11114666

That's the nicest answer ever tho.

>> No.11114669


he’s popular now, so

>> No.11114676

Imagine digging through someone's online history in an attempt to make fun of them.

>> No.11114684
File: 41 KB, 885x516, Peterson.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*lives life honestly and truthfully*
*makes it his goal to set others straight while earning laods of cash in the process*
*dabs on pseudo-intellectual /lit/tledick tweens*

>> No.11114686
File: 480 KB, 911x553, Immagine.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why does he cry so much

>> No.11114722

I've read only indirectly about this guy and I feel like I'd agree with most of his, but I reallt don't want to.
So I'm avoiding getting into him more.

Am I a massive cunt for doing so?

>> No.11114727

Ask yourself why you don't cry enough

>> No.11114728

you're a massive cunt if you think you'd agree with him

>> No.11114742

boo hoo

>> No.11114752

All critics of Peterson are just lazy and don't want to confront their dirty room.

>> No.11114770

yeah, really have to dig deep to see his most popular answers on his public profiles with millions of views at the top of google.

>> No.11114805

Why are you looking at his social profiles instead of reading his arguments? I like him generally and never thought about looking up his facebook page.

>> No.11114824

What do you mean "reading his arguments" retard? Are you saying his online profiles where he offers his advice and contribution in the explicit capacity and qualification as psychiatrist and professor don't count toward his total intellectual acumen? That they're just truly casual shitposting that doesn't represent him at all? That they aren't worthy of any attention if one wants to have a casual laugh at the man, engage in a bit of informal scrutiny? Little pseud idiot. I will tie you up and licc you cumboy. Little. Midget.

>> No.11114890

>Lawrence Krauss
Christ, I hate that rat-looking motherfucker.

>> No.11114901



>> No.11114922

I just think it's funny how both the far left and the far right are both absolutely livid about the guy for vastly different reasons. The far left seems to think that he is a gateway drug to the alt-right, while the far right thinks he's a gatekeeper.

>> No.11114937

Not that guy but I agree. I think he does have interesting insights sometimes but needs to be seen with a critical eye like everyone else. You just have to be outside of the jerk of him from fans and those greatly opposed.

>> No.11114939

Then he said that Jews are smart and white nationalism is stupid and they started hissing at him because he did a wrongthink.

>> No.11114941

Did that happen when he was speaking or a reaction afterwards? Real interested so hope there's a link.

>> No.11115099

Well, they weren't hissing literally, although that would've been hilarious. It's just that after those statements of his the consensus about him on /pol/ changed very quickly from him being a decent entry-tier redpill and helping young white males out to him being a Jewish shill and keeping those same white males away from
white nationalism.
Goes to show that you shouldn't waste your time pandering to these types of people. They may be decent paypigs, but one wrong move and it's all over.

>> No.11115111

lol that narrow-mindedness. /pol/ is such crap

>> No.11115180
File: 90 KB, 284x160, web_extremist-profile_stefan-molyneux.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He is the dumb persons smart person.
He says basic shit in long drawn out speeches with biblical metaphors and retards clap their hands and go wow.
He has some good content and he's obviously above average intelligence but he's no great mind.
His cowardice towards the Jewish Question is an instant turn off for me, and his obvious moneygrubbing nature also turns me off. I cant take anyone seriously who makes good money off spouting their opinions on the internet, because as far as I know they are just interested in making more money instead of telling the absolute truth.
I also cant stand his historical lectures. When it comes to history Peterson is a complete brainlet. "I've studied Germany and Russia for 20 years of my life!" aka "I read Gulag Archipelago and some sob story about the Holocaust 20 years ago and regurgitate what I read over and over again and pretend to be a master in my field."

Pic related is another dumb persons smart person, and he's an even bigger businessman than Peterson is. Its all about money and winning arguments, not philosophy or honest rational debate.

>> No.11115182

Cormac McCarthy

>> No.11115192
File: 704 KB, 826x668, pill.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the Jewish Question
stopped right there. back to /pol/

>> No.11115211

>le /pol/ this le /pol/ that
I dont go to /pol/.
The relationship between Jews and Gentiles has been a subject of debate for almost a thousand years and countless people (both Jews and Gentiles) have written books on it. Being able to have an honest calm discussion about it is a sign that you're not a retard. Peterson is clearly a retard and so are you.
Now fuck off.

>> No.11115217

>His cowardice towards the Jewish Question is an instant turn off for me
Why are you people so fucking obsessed with jews? Shut the fuck up and go back to /pol/ you flying homosexual faggot

>> No.11115234

Who is "you people"?
I take issue with the way he refuses to answer questions about the Jews when asked, or if he does give an answer its an insultingly dismissive one
I'm not obsessed at all I just hate cowards who pretend to be brave intellectuals
I dont go on /pol/ and i'm straight thanks though

>> No.11115241

Truth, as always, is in the middle.

Peterson's numbers don't make sense, because the representation of Jews in position of power is even more than you would have expected just by looking at their intelligence numbers, specially because after 120 or so it doesn't really make that much of a difference any more.

The fact of the matter is that there is indeed a very large number of Jews who are in power just because of crazy levels of nepotism. Jew won't marry out of their tribe, they won't put non-Jewish actors in movies, and they will often find difficulty in truly relating with other Jews. They do see themselves as 'the chosen people', and as such spiritually superior to others. Look at any Woody Allen movies: how many whites, Latinos and blacks does he use in comparison to Jews? Nepotism is evident. I think this is even normal to a certain extent - Italian-American De Palma used Al Pacino to play a Cuban -, but in the case of Jewish directors it almost looks as though they have some prejudice hidden inside. I remind you that it was George Steiner - a Jewish novelist and literary critic - who, in his novel The Portage to San Cristobal of A.H., described Jews as the inventors of racism, and therefore as the precursors to Nazism. That description was made by Hitler (a character in the book), but it still leaves a lot of room for thought.

Also, both socialism and Christianity - things which white nationalists hate - have certainly been invented by Jews. As such, they have put their hands in the core of Greco-Roman society and changed it to something completely different. No more Jupiter, no more Minerva and no more Venus. No more Bacchus! Now, everyone will forget about the strong-minded and strong-bodied warrior heroes of the past and praise the name of a mendicant and circumcised monk from the desert! As literary history well shows, that revolution didn't go very well with the European mind, so much so that even Dante couldn't help but insert many dozens of Pagan symbols in his poem, so ridden that his mind was with the brilliance and greatness of the pre-Christian past, and this not to mention even more complex cases, such as that of Camões, who got into a lot of stylistic trouble trying to reconcile his pagan Gods with his Christian faith.

Furthermore, Jews have no attachment to any nationality, and generate the typical dislike for immigrants that is very common among any native population. They are, whether you want it or not, outsiders, and have always been so, and do in fact see themselves as such.

And to finish, they are now the masters of a state which many see as a terrorist one, having destroyed the lives of many Palestines, and that, although much weaker militarily speaking, still seems to use the US almost as if it were some sort of puppet, or perhaps its brother or something, when in fact the US has much deeper cultural ties with other countries that it doesn't help near as much, such as Mexico, Ireland etc.

>> No.11115242

Is he really a pseud then...?

>> No.11115246

He's a dimestore pynchon

>> No.11115254


With all that said, it's still not the case the Jews create massive conspiracies to rule the West. Nor is it the case that they are some sort of secret society in which every single individual who belongs to it is as morally corrupt as a mass murderer.

Jews a very varied bunch, and there are millions of them - in some places, perhaps most of them - who are perfectly secularized and integrated into their societies, and are patriotic about it, and do not support the state of Israel (or at least don't call antisemitism whenever you criticize it), and who love the West and its culture and so on. Harold Bloom, George Steiner, Franz Kafka, Saul Bellow have all been Jews that have given immense contributions to the West and whose work must be valued and cherished. They are probably the most hardworking people and also help to advance science, technology and the well-being of people all around the world. How many millions have had their lives improved by social media? How many millions benefited from the discovery of relativity?

In the end, I think Jewishness really did some bad things to the West, but also brought a lot of good ones. It was, in a sense, a cultural revolution not much dissimilar to most others.

Antisemitism, therefore, is absolutely wrong and despicable, but the love of American neocons to anything having to do with Jewishness is also wrong.

>> No.11115290

>antisemitism, therefore, is absolutely wrong and despicable
You realise someone can be an anti-semite and not hate all jews on virtue of them being jews alone
Jewry will never coexist with Gentile society. They bring disorder wherever they go. We're in a quiet period right now but make no mistake, the same conflict that has been raging since antiquity will continue until some permanent form of separation is put in place.
Dont even think its a point to debate anymore, history proves it. The holocaust was just the most recent event but shit like that will happen again and again since nobody learned any lessons from it.

>> No.11115295

>He is the dumb persons smart person.
>He says basic shit in long drawn out speeches with biblical metaphors and retards clap their hands and go wow.
>He has some good content and he's obviously above average intelligence but he's no great mind.
>His cowardice towards the Jewish Question is an instant turn off for me, and his obvious moneygrubbing nature also turns me off. I cant take anyone seriously who makes good money off spouting their opinions on the internet, because as far as I know they are just interested in making more money instead of telling the absolute truth.

I've just binge watched some of his content and that's my impression as well. He just seems like a very eloquent reasonable man

I think his crux is that he simply justifies the status quo (which is the status quo for a very good reason so it shouldn't be that hard for anyone to find arguments to support it) but he never get into why it should go unchanged

>> No.11115313

Its just hard to go from reading someone like Julius Evola and his critique of the modern world to reading Jordan Petersons critique of the modern world (or what he calls "postmodernism") and take is seriously. He can identify the symptoms just fine but when it comes to talking about anything concrete he just cant make that leap.

>> No.11115316

it* not is

>> No.11115322

Also I dislike that he circles around clear cut questions.
>Should gay parents raise children?
>Well on average children from eteronormative families do better because they have both a male and a female model

Ok, but should gay parents raise children? He still doesn't answer the question

>> No.11115366

I don't think /pol/ would give a shit about his "cowardice concerning the Jewish question" if he never talked about the Jews at all. It's amusing. Because he's not a /pol/tard they think he's a "controlled opposition shill", as if the whole world revolves around them. I agree with you about the money grubbing and the "muh study for 20 years!!!" stuff though. He really tries to sell himself too hard.

>> No.11115372

>d a m a g e c o n t r o l

Sorry, /pol/, not everybody is as illiterate as you

>> No.11115386

we literally are reading his arguments

>> No.11115393

He doesnt talk about them at all, he was asked a question on two separate occasions about the Jews (they were pretty basic bitch questions too) and he weasled his way out of both
I'm not expecting him to go "YEAH FUCK THE KIKES HOLOCAUST 2.0 NOW" but if he really is this buff on Nazi Germany surely he would have a bit more of an informed opinion on that matter?

You can screech /pol/ at everything you dislike all day it doesnt mean anything
I told you I dont go to /pol/
I havent been there since 2016 aside from occasionally lurking to see what is happening in Syria

>> No.11115399

Molyneux is probably the biggest psued alive. Far far worse than peterson.

>> No.11115400

What were the questions and what did you object to in the answers?

>> No.11115408

And you can keep blaming the Jews for everything too and that doesn't mean anything, kiddo

>> No.11115409

The fact that others might be ignorant about your wrongdoimgs won't shield you from the intrinsic damage that for example might come up after your father dies and you realize that you had ruined your relationship because of some minor disagreement.

>> No.11115410

I completely agree. Funny that the guy who coined the phrase "Not an argument" is the worst offender of making non-arguments.
Always the one who smells it first

The first question was why are the Jews hated and he dismissively said they're smarter and white people just keep getting jealous and taking it out on them (paraphrasing obviously)
Which is complete and utter bullshit and he knows it

The second time, well watch and see lol

>> No.11115412

Can you quote me where I blamed the Jews for anything? Retard projectionist

>> No.11115421

You are propably shying away from his message because you know your life is somewhat of a mess and cleaning it up would be hard work.
I latched on to JP from the beginning and I can honestly say that he is the father that the internet needs.
Watch his lectures on Youtube if you are a neet with to much time on your hands... It will literally change your life

>> No.11115426

>hurr but what about the JQ???

Yeah, alright

>> No.11115429

Jesus why do people like you exist
Why do you need a grown man on the internet to tell you to clean your fucking room
Dont you have parents?
And why are you acting like thats some kind of massive breakthrough? I could have told you that

>> No.11115430

>I latched on to JP from the beginning and I can honestly say that he is the father that the internet needs.


>> No.11115435

Believe it or not anon I like to read about everything from everyone instead of forcing myself into an echo chamber of shit that pleases me
You should try it some time
Most of the books I have on the JQ are actually written by Jews

>> No.11115438
File: 186 KB, 768x1100, __ayase_eli_love_live_and_love_live_school_idol_project_drawn_by_mogu_au1127__d682f560215257bc886a472602d15ada.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Peterson BTFO: http://voxday.blogspot.ro/2018/05/book-review-12-rules-of-life.html

This, ladies and gentlemen, is what a "thought terminating cliche" is.

>> No.11115439

That's nice

>> No.11115441

Peterson is the 2010s Lacan.

>> No.11115470

>explains the meaning of a bible verse exactly as it was supposed to be interpreted
>tell people being organised helps with mental clarity
>talk about evil communists and evil nazis and how being a fence straddling sophist gives him the moral high-ground over every other political persuasion
>retards clap and give him thousands of dollars every month to continue doing this

I don't..
I can't..
Because he told some mentally ill teenagers to fuck off with their made up pronouns? Ok thats great, how did we go from that to pretending this basic bitch teacher is the Nietzsche of our time?
I've listened to his lectures, its the sort of shit I could learn in any class at Uni.
What the fuck is so amazing about this bloke?

>> No.11115485

Yikes, that video made me uncomfortable. One thing that interests me is the conjecture that the anger toward Russia is perpetuated by Jews out of an ethnic hatred for Russians - comparable to the alleged Jewish action against groups such as the Ukrainians (which I'm not sure of, but I don't doubt its possibility in principle. I think a similar thing occurred in Poland). That may or may not be the case, but there are already many plausible motivations for the anti-Russian bias in the United States media, the primary one being a matter of conflicting geopolitical interests.

Anyway, how would you answer that? As a public figure. Having that thrust upon you in a setting like that. He did the most honest thing in saying "I can't answer that."

>> No.11115495

>explains the meaning of a bible verse exactly as it was supposed to be interpreted
you mean interprets it according to his 20th century perennial jungian nonsense... I'm sure there's a lot he has something interesting to say on, but he doesn't strike me as the kind of person that reads a lot of Biblical criticism and scholarship. Unless you were being sarcastic

>> No.11115530

Out of all the "questions" out there, why only focus on the Jewish one? Why not the Russian question, or Saudi question, or Anglo question?

I'm sure the Jews have a unique relationship with society and history and all that, but then.. so does literally every human group in existence.

>> No.11115546
File: 696 KB, 528x553, peterson.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Bonus points for goofy pictures
a guy that wears make-up ain´t gonna tell me nothing

>> No.11115549

>there are already many plausible motivations for the anti-Russian bias in the United States media

Yeah, its Russia

>> No.11115557

except Lacan was a memer and a fraud and Peterson wants your room to be clean

>> No.11115587

>Lacan was a memer and a fraud
Just like Jordan Peterson.