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/lit/ - Literature

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11112557 No.11112557 [Reply] [Original]

how do i become intelligent like you guys? do i just have to read a lot or are you born this way?

>> No.11112564



>> No.11112573

>want to talk about book i read
>people willingly ignore it and call me names

>> No.11112579

This made me sad

>> No.11112582

Read a lot to hide your retardation behind a façade of trivia and fancy words

>> No.11112583

well I didn't say it to show off.

>> No.11112585

spend less time watching tv, playing games and browsing 4chan and spend that time reading or thinking.

>> No.11112587

You pretty much only need to get to the point to realize how full of shit everything is.

>> No.11112589

Drink the semen from a man with a higher IQ than you.

>> No.11112606

well i got smart after drinking loads of GoGurt.

>> No.11112613

smash your head on concrete. it happened twice to me when i was a kid so maybe you'll need 3 to 5 hit

>> No.11112618

this made me snicker quietly

>> No.11112621

You don't have to be smart, buddy. Just do as we say

>> No.11112623

well maybe if you didn't name fag people would be nicer to you

>> No.11112628

Kill yourself readfag

>> No.11112638

This guy gets it.

The point is to broadan your horizons with brain activity. The best way to do it is to shake the brain up well. Or drill a hole in your head just enough to allow the brain to expand into the skull, as monks used to do.

>> No.11112649

The trick is either make connections, or knowing a topic deeply. For both modes, you need a lot of data. The more you read, think, and converse with others, the easier this will become.

As far as non-textual sources, I certainly recommend the 'A History of Philosophy without Any Gaps' podcast, and Wes Cecil's lectures on Youtube (if you're a total brainlet, you can do the 'School of Life' youtube channel, but only stick to the videos which are 'nutshells' of thinkers; everything else they make is strongly ideologically slanted).

Otherwise, you need to find people who like reading, who are intelligent, who can engage with rational debate. Find book clubs, meet-ups, or irl communities; if non-existent, you have to form your own and try to get the ball rolling (most people are flakes, or don't really care; don't get discouraged early on). Otherwise, go to your local university, and attend public lectures. They might have receptions or mixers afterward which can help you contect with these people. Make personal 'business' cards, and exchange info.

>> No.11112663

ahahahaha that's a funny one boy.I don't think you have realized how lit works kid.

>> No.11112671

Read a fucking shitton of big brained shit my dude

>> No.11112708

And then you kill yourself.

>> No.11112738
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Literally why would you want to? You're much better off sticking in your little bubble of ignorance. Knowledge is pain. Thinking too deeply leads to madness. I honestly regret that I ever started to read, which I did purely for social signaling initially. I may have actually amounted to something instead of ending up a depressed lonely sad sack who spends all his time moping about the meaninglessness of life but is too much of a pussy to actually kill himself.
I wish I was memeing right now

>> No.11112750

lmao'ing @ camusfags, nigga they still let you nap at school lmao

>> No.11112758

All you have to do is #WokeUp

>> No.11112764

Can you be intelligent and smoke weed?

>> No.11112773

They actually do