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File: 405 KB, 2468x1252, Italo_calvino_guide.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11111322 No.11111322 [Reply] [Original]

Chart thread

Is there one for David Foster Wallace?

>> No.11111329

No he got metoo'd from beyond the grave we can't read him now

>> No.11111342

Shit that's possible?

>> No.11111454

Why do you need a chart thread for a specific fucking author? I've never understood this. If you want to read them, just google their fucking wikipedia page to find out there body of work and starting checking shit off the list. Who cares what order you read it in?

>> No.11111498

I like getting recommendations for a specific author because certain works can be more representative of their body of work than others. Reading the "wrong" thing can lead to losing interest in an author, or just winding up with no real sense of what their work is usually like. And for me personally, because I don't have as much time to read as I'd like, I prefer to avoid works that are generally considered to be worse or not a good starting point, at least until I'm more familiar with their work. Plus I read physical copies, and I don't want to spend money unnecessarily.
Ulysses is one of my favourite novels, and it's usually considered Joyce's best, so it's often the one people talk about the most. But I don't know if I would have stuck with it or appreciated it anywhere near as much if I read it first rather than following Dubliners and A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man, which was the recommended order.

>> No.11111531

So why don't you Google each book in their list to see which has the most reviews? Or you could just READ THEIR FUCKING BIO ON WIKIPEIDA which tells you their most famous books. Why are you such a lazy sack of shit?

>> No.11111534

this guy gets it
also, im looking for the nabokov one. ive got my hand on King, Queen, Knave and Ada. Wondering which one to start with

>> No.11111544
File: 499 KB, 1653x2560, 81KBldResmL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there is now
you can thank me later

>> No.11111546

I think you missed my point. I'm not looking for an author's most famous or most reviewed books, I'm looking for the ones which are recommended to someone new to the author. There are some authors that benefit from being read in a specific order, like James Joyce or Italo Calvino.

>> No.11111551
File: 541 KB, 2203x1814, eric_carle_essentials.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11111552

can't believe I laughed at this

>> No.11111570

No because anyone with half a brain wouldn't bother starting on a meme.

>> No.11113222

there isn't one for dfw because his works is all over the place and its pretty disconnected. There are several works of essays and short stories that are their own things. His only novels were the broom of the system, IJ and pale king which is unfinished. Some people read broom but is not in any way a requirement to read IJ, so literally whatever of his books you want to read, just jump straight into that book.
But I understand your asking for a chart, like, makes sense for joyce, his writing is very simple yet brilliant in dubliners and it 'evolves' deeper and deeper in each of his later major works, but its not like that with DFW, each of his works is standalone, basically.

>> No.11113233

Heres a couple lists, should probably add some from my personal collection
Anyway i don't think DFW has one

>> No.11114021

Who has that hilarious "start with the Americans" chart, I forgot to save it last thread.

>> No.11114110
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>> No.11114123
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>> No.11114127
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>> No.11114157
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>> No.11114171
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>> No.11114184

good chart

>> No.11114195

need to add more to it

>> No.11114227

Ada.... That book started my love of Nabokov.

>> No.11114244


>> No.11114880
File: 55 KB, 802x960, 30180141_2026808990868309_993432650_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11114895

>There are some authors that benefit from being read in a specific order, like
You mean chronological order?

>> No.11114911

Ugly covers

>> No.11114917

Nah you're the lazy one anon. Other one puts effort into understanding an author and their work. You're just grandstanding.

>> No.11114944
File: 531 KB, 1100x1100, 1524523625870.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11115006

You mean best covers

>> No.11115037

I approve of the Calvino one but Il sentiero dei nidi di ragno should be on there somewhere

>> No.11115416

someone please add my twisted world

>> No.11116089

Is there a Terry Pratchett chart? Would appreciate it.

>> No.11116218

DFW chart:

Start with IJ. You'll never finish it, so this chart is done.

>> No.11116258

Chart doesn't even include Friends or the Second Amendment? Miss me with that pleb shit.

>> No.11116285

But I did finish IJ

Should I just read it again?

>> No.11116307

Incredible post, truly fantastic.

>> No.11116347

ideally, yes, but a lot of people only re-read the few first and last chapters

>> No.11116370

Most start with Lolita, but Ada should be a good starting point. After that, read whatever other books you have and then check out Pale Fire. Lolita, Ada, and Pale Fire are his essential works (if you want to be familiar with Nabokov). After that, read what interests you.

>> No.11116615

Would be top-notch if Seinfeld wasn't unironically the greatest show in television history, aside from based Breaking Bad.

>> No.11117028
File: 188 KB, 1280x720, philip k dick chart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone have a Vonnegut chart?

>> No.11117052

thanks guys, i have read lolita previously and loved it, cant wait to start ada as soon as im done with finals.

>> No.11117070

thatd be cool if it included his short stories, plays, and miscellany. In terms of his novels, i think you could divide them into two broad categories: before Breakfast of Champions and after

>> No.11117147


The Broom of the System -> Infinite Jest -> Girl with Curious Hair -> Brief Interviews -> Oblivion -> A Supposedly Fun Thing -> Consider the Lobster -> The Pale King -> Both Flesh and Not