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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 673 KB, 1101x850, dfw.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11111209 No.11111209 [Reply] [Original]

Care to explain your "guy" /lit/?

>> No.11111212

WTF? I love DFW even more now.

>> No.11111218

damn and dfwfags thought suicide would save him from #metoo

>> No.11111221

I dont care now. He gave himself the death penalty. Rip in peace.

>> No.11111226

I don’t read anyone after Joyce. That’s why I don’t care.

>> No.11111241
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this is fucking low. This bitch got up on stage to celebrate him but now sees it fit to call him out for attention?

>> No.11111243

Guess why: he's dead

>> No.11111251

The only sincere act he ever did was tightening the belt he hung from

>> No.11111255
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>b-but muh sincere saint

This shit was never a big secret you plebs

>> No.11111266

>Mary Karr reminds the world that she strung David Foster Wallace along and everyone told her she was a right cunt for doing it, but now that he's dead and cant' defend himself and that #metoo allegations are the new 'I have depression and other mental illnesses' Mary Karr is trying to jump on the bandwagon. She hopes this publicity stunt will boost her latest books sales.

>> No.11111271

>But DFW was white.
Have no white guys been metoo'd?

>> No.11111278

>Washed-Up Hack Screeches for Attention
How can anyone fall for this bullshit? It's obvious she's riding the #metoo train just because no one has cared about her in 20 years.

>> No.11111282

>poet, essayist, memoirist

So in other words has lived her life doing absolutely fucking nothing and now wants to ride a wave of social justice to relative notoriety.

>> No.11111285

Fucking tons. If you consider Jews to be white.

>> No.11111292

She doesn't even give a fuck if those allegations are true. It's just: "I must support my sisters, even though they're probably just attention seeking, paranoid e-sluts."

>> No.11111304

>She literally has to put author in her twitter name so people would know

I'm sure her carreer is going great.

>> No.11111305

Why was he such an absolute madman, bros?

>> No.11111314

she looks like an ugly old roastie, was she hot when he was stalking her?

>> No.11111317

>laying into a dead man for attention
It's really cool that instead of literary figures like Joyce and Pynchon, the literary culture is managed at all levels by these social climbing urbanites. Love to see western art and culture degraded by sub human narcissists who have never had an authentic aesthetic experience in their lives.

Reminder that you will never be published by these people. Reminder that if you want to produce art of any quality you will need to separate yourself from this culture, and create your own counter culture. Reminder that the scorn and ire of these people is the sweetest reward you can attain in this life.

>> No.11111334

>Love to see western art and culture degraded by sub human narcissists who have never had an authentic aesthetic experience in their lives.

It warms my heart to know that others can not only see that, but also articulate it.

>> No.11111339

I've read Max's bio, there's plenty in there about Wallace being a stalker and an abuser, and Max never casts doubt over whether any of it happened. And I remember before the bio came out Rolling Stone did an article called like Five Things You Didn't Know About DFW, and they highlighted stuff like he wanted to kill Karr's husband and so on. The biographer took it seriously, he wrote about it, and I took it seriously when I read it, and big publications like Rolling Stone took it seriously and also talked about it. So I don't know about Karr's claim that his behavior was ignored.

>> No.11111343

kek this is like a Onion headline

>> No.11111344

Did none of you read the bio? It's reduced to one sentence, but it does say that he threw things and tried to push Karr out of a moving car as well as the "half-baked" plan to kill her husband
There's also stuff about sleeping with undergrad students, there's noticeably little included from any of his other girl friends.

>> No.11111349


>> No.11111350

>But DFW was white

The fuck are you woman, mohican?

>> No.11111353

None of you retards have even read the bio or any of the other work on DFW, she talked about this in 2015 and other times years before #metoo.

>> No.11111363

You can dislike her work but she was a successful memoirist with The Liar's Club in 1995 before IJ or DFW's career had taken off.

>> No.11111381

He was a respected writer back then, he just wasn't recognized for his groundbreaking genius until IJ

>> No.11111389

She's pretty successful. I read Abacus for a class I took and thought it was kind of painful. Her essay "Against Decoration" is one of the wrecking balls that led us to people like Rupi Kaur so I feel pretty strongly about her.

>> No.11111390

I think she's referring to other stuff that he did (and apparently that he wrote in letters to her about) like kicking her and following her son. I know when I read the bio I thought it was really bad but it didn't say he outright hit her.
The bio also left out if he did any of the same stuff to his other girlfriends. It's likely some talked, but also likely a lot don't want to be seen as an asshole and villified for shitting on a man who had recently killed himself. There's lots of glaring (and understandable) omissions in the bio and not all of them on DFW's bad behavior, his family life is left under explored iirc.

>> No.11111393
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You can't #metoo someone who's dead, that's just mean

>> No.11111397

we all know that he was a fucking lunatic and probably a shithead. But she plays her relationship with DFW to the tune of whatever will help progress her career. Sometimes it was convenient to be the girlfriend of the genius, and sometimes it is convenient to be the formerly abused girlfriend of the cult leader of white bro lit.

>> No.11111398

>Did none of you read the bio? It's reduced to one sentence, but it does say that he threw things and tried to push Karr out of a moving car as well as the "half-baked" plan to kill her husband

No because OP linked to a former Gawker property and I would rather kill myself than read it. Who wrote said bio?

>> No.11111407

None of that negates my point that she's bitching for attention.

>> No.11111413

It's going to come out eventually, guy had a string of relationships where he was violent and students and people he met on the road that he slept with. There's dozens of people out there who saw an uglier side of Wallace who are going to want to say the truth about their interaction with him at some point. I'm sure the This is Water Saint Dave team will be able to brush it all aside so they can continue to make money and it's not like his work isn't going to live on.

>> No.11111414

>thinking girls care about ethics

>> No.11111418

>Her essay "Against Decoration" is one of the wrecking balls that led us to people like Rupi Kaur

>> No.11111420

DT Max, it came out in 2012 iirc, you can find copies to download out there or your library almost definitely has it

>> No.11111427

Was DFW the guy who stalked a woman and eventually got her to leave her husband or was that someone else? I definitely read about it on /lit/ a few years ago, but obviously this story is not that one.

>> No.11111434

>be good artist
>yeah but he stalked and abused this girl
>??so he's not a good artist??

>> No.11111436

it’s modern equivalent to fashion statement
if i were a grill and thought guys would notice me more because of abuse i’d drag my neighbour on the news too even though i don’t even know him

>> No.11111444

found this a few years ago, interesting look:
"DFW was my thesis advisor at Illinois State in 1997. Infinite Jest had just come out. He had just won the McArthur Genius Grant. He was the sole reason I went to ISU, to study under him.

He was, in a word, brilliant. Not his own work, which I wasn't attracted to, but in his ability to root out instantly what wasn't working in your story. This is, verbatum, what he wrote on my first story:

"Excellent character work, excellent voice, blah blah blah -- look, the real issue here is that you haven't done any fucking research, and if you want to be a writer, that's ridiculous. If you ever turn in another substandard story like this, I will make it my life's mission to make sure you aren't in this program next semester."

Sounds awful, but that was just him.

Physically, he had let himself go - acne, weight gain, and some weird bandanna thing he wore all the time. He chewed in class, carrying around the ubiquitous spit cup, and he and I got into it once because I thought it was gross. He dumped the class on the carpeted classroom floor and said, fine, now shut up.

He was extremely paranoid. After awhile he started having class at his house because he thought people were out to get him. He bought to two pit bulls that you had to navigate to get to his front door that were scary as hell. His house was full of things that were odd, but that you chalked up to genius -- for example, his bathroom was FULL of jock straps. I mean, dozens of them. Never understood that.

He had a weird fetish for female students who had just given birth. Three times while I was at ISU, he hooked up with them, and wood beeline for them if he'd heard they just had a baby. That was odd.

The night before myself and another student were to defend our thesis, he called us at 1 am, freaking out, and said that we were in on "it," and that we were never going to "get him." Being dumped the night before a defense after two years of work is catastrophic (he also tried to fuck up my comp exams, too, by changing the questions at the last moment). It all worked out all right, due to the intervention of the Chair, who took over, but that was the last time I talked to him. I've hated him for years for doing that to us.

When I read that he killed himself, I was floored. He never, ever seemed like he would do that, despite all the stress he was always under. I didn't post back then because I didn't want to jump on the bandwagon. I still don't know how to qualify my experience with him, which was often borderline (and then, well over) psychotic, and yet he taught me literally everything I know about research, character, and voice. I don't actually believe in the afterlife, but I hope he's at peace."

>> No.11111458

burn the roasties

>> No.11111462

9.5/10. Also checked

>> No.11111472

Didn't he also steal milky ways from gas stations?

>> No.11111482

If this post is made up they definitely had some intel, it was posted in 2008 and DFW's thing for new moms also made it into the bio years later, along with other facts that wouldn't have been public knowledge back then.

>> No.11111487

What are you implying?

>> No.11111497

Well there's no source provided and a lot of it sounds just silly (jockstrap bathroom, dumping spit-cups), so sensibly I'm assuming it's fake.

>> No.11111504

I don't believe women in most cases who claim abuse. I had a relationship of 2 years where my ex was head over heels, we split in a bad way, then she started telling people I would hit/abuse her.

It was fucking wild finding that out. I never put my hands on her in any violent way. I guess the last thing you tell a girl Should not be " do me a favour, don't tell people we dated, I don't want to be associated with your reputation "

>> No.11111515


It still sounds fake but it is from 2008. Gotta scroll all the way to the bottom

>> No.11111519
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>> No.11111535

That's nothing dude, try this on for size:

"I took a creative nonfiction course with him at Ponoma back in '94. We weren't allowed to show anyone our essays outside of the class for some reason. He seemed naturally intelligent, didnt need to look at any notes or textbooks or prepare for any lectures, he just knew his stuff and was super casual.

I saw him talking to a girl on campus one day. He uncharacteristically wore a Fila sweatsuit, the kind that looks like it's made from the same material as parachutes, and trainer sneakers with a matching bandana. That was his pussy hunt outfit apparently. Several times a week, same outfit, I'd see him hitting on women in it. I once saw him wearing it while carrying an identical outfit from the dry cleaners, he had like 4 sets of same Fila sweatsuit.

I asked him about it in class and he said we aren't allowed to discuss anything unrelated to class while inside class, the same way we can't show anyone outside of class our essays. A student called out "but Dostoevsky isn't in this class and last week you talked about replicating his black tea obsession to test its affects on your own writing". Wallace stared blankly at the student with dead eyes for 30 seconds in dead silence then said "you just got knocked down a full letter grade. Any other smart asses? Didn't think so." and pushed up his glasses with his index finger.

I remember telling myself this guy will either be super successful or kill himself."

>> No.11111549

he lived in syracuse in 94. faggot

>> No.11111555

don't mind me

>> No.11111556

DFW reputation pogrom NOW

>> No.11111560

Incorrect, he lived in ponoma and pussy poached in his 4 identical fila sweatsuit

>> No.11111564

Trying to push her out of a moving car, breaking her coffee table, planning to kill her husband, etc. - the examples given in the book may not be all the examples of his abuse, but they're certainly representative ones. That he also kicked her and followed her son home from school one day is totally believable, because it's of a kin with the behavior Max wrote about it in the biography. So her new examples strengthen the case that Max already made, but they aren't revelations.

>> No.11111569

that's just shitty behaviour. stealing from a big company like walmart is justifiable, but fucking with some poor gas station pajeet is kinda wrong. fuck him if true

>> No.11111573
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>Wallace stared blankly at the student with dead eyes for 30 seconds in dead silence then said "you just got knocked down a full letter grade. Any other smart asses? Didn't think so." and pushed up his glasses with his index finger.

>> No.11111598

Really makes you think why she had a relationship with him after he essentially contributed to ruining her marriage, think about how much of a whore she must be

>> No.11111617

In better times a woman like that would have been ostracized and shunned by society. Modern whores don't seem capable of shame.

>> No.11111624

Reminder that unironically this.

>> No.11111700

There's nothing women wouldn't do in order to get attention. Ever since society made being a victim both a virtue and the ultimate testimony of pure character, it has become more and more ubiquitous.

News flash: just because you've suffered doesn't mean you're special or a good person and just because you're a victim doesn't mean you're innocent. To have been abused is not something you should be fucking proud of.

>> No.11111740

He stalked, harassed, and pressured her until finally, after her marriage fell apart and her will was expended, she gave in. That's not being a whore.

>> No.11111764


>> No.11111825

It is being weak though.

>> No.11111831

It is a failure of will, sure, but I sympathize with people who are bullied into doing things, especially when they spend a long time standing up to and resisting that bullying, which Karr did.

>> No.11111833

>she ruined her marriage and needed someone to blame
How convenient for her dead men can't defend themselves.

>> No.11111839

You don't think her marriage falling apart had anything to do with the fact that she had a guy stalking her who wanted her husband dead?

>> No.11111890

I'm sure it didn't help, but her marriage was ending without DFW's influence. His actions didn't ruin an already functioning relationship.

>> No.11111908

>booh oooh he threw me out of a moving car
bitch should grow up

>> No.11112276

where should i start with DFW

>> No.11112307

Good Old Neon is a barometer of whether you will like his writing.

>> No.11112330
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Very few; #MeToo is overwhelmingly Jewish.
>Larry David Criticized for 'SNL' Monologue on Jewish Sexual Predators and Holocaust

>> No.11112337

this isnt true at all

>> No.11112341

What's wrong with sleeping with groupies?

>> No.11112353

is there anyone prettier than Anne?

>> No.11112361
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>He had a weird fetish for female students who had just given birth. Three times while I was at ISU, he hooked up with them, and wood beeline for them if he'd heard they just had a baby.
The madman.

>> No.11112380
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Fila killa lmao

>> No.11112383

>Ever since society made being a victim both a virtue and the ultimate testimony of pure character, it has become more and more ubiquitous.

>News flash: just because you've suffered doesn't mean you're special or a good person and just because you're a victim doesn't mean you're innocent. To have been abused is not something you should be fucking proud of.

GOLD, this is exactly what I wanted to express, thank you for putting it so perfectly.

>> No.11112385

>women have no agency

>> No.11112388

It’s a meme you dip

>> No.11112389

Jfc no wonder why he necked himself

>> No.11112607

These are the traits of a genius. I think I'll finally give DFW a try.

>> No.11112616

Funny enough, I still don't care.

>> No.11112630

To me it started on 9/11 when they referred to the people who died there as "heroes" constantly. This burned itself into my generations psyches.

>> No.11112636

9/11 ruined absolutely everything.

>> No.11112641

That was the point i think. It was the reichstag fire all over again.

>> No.11112644

people just don't want to face the horrors of reality. calling them hero's is easier to accept than saying they just sat there and burned to death or jumped off the building
it all boils down to the fact that people are sensitive pussies, this happened so fast too. 10 years ago you could go on xbox live and call someone a faggot, now if you did that you'd be lynched

>> No.11112656

Was he even sincere?

>> No.11112665
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>> No.11112689
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Pretty sure DFW is the guy that hates DFW the most. He was well aware of how shitty of a person he was.

>> No.11112702

>kills himself because he knows he would've been MeToo'd
djw was just planning ahead desu

>> No.11112709

I cared

>> No.11112710

>10 years ago you could go on xbox live and call someone a faggot,
can you seriously not do that anymore? Im pretty sure you can

>> No.11112718

please, if there was a "reason" and not purely the bad luck of his brain not working with his medicine anymore it was because he was having trouble writing
I doubt he would care if everyone thought he was an awful person as long as he was considered a great writer.

>> No.11112719

Could bin Laden have really seen all the ensuing discord coming? Or did it snowball into something that even he couldnt have planned?

>> No.11112745
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>bin laden did 9/11

>> No.11112791

>even a Jewish commedian is no longer allowed to make holocaust jokes
I'm seething.

>> No.11112793

How much hatred can you have in your petty heart?

>> No.11112813

everyone worried about DFW's legacy relax, we've known for 20 years that JD Salinger was a pervert who mistreated his girlfriends and general freak and it hasn't ruined his legacy

>> No.11112825

That was before the age of hegemonic feminism. Women are practically trained to hate Catcher in the Rye, so I'm soon it will be phased out of popular consciousness soon enough.

>> No.11112839

lets archive that

>> No.11112846
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when will the race baiting end

>> No.11112848

maybe in the next 50 years, but his literary legacy hangs more on F+Z and the short stories anyway

>> No.11112925


He can’t think, he can’t write. There’s no discernible talent.

>> No.11112948
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>mfw Harold Bloom's only published novel is literal fanfiction

>> No.11112991

>the real issue here is that you haven't done any fucking research
why did dfw confuse good writing with dumping information

>> No.11113000

I don't think he necessarily means information dumping. You could also research form and style.

>> No.11113093

well i'd said a few decades after the race wars end

>> No.11113150
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And we still don't.

>> No.11113171


For real, though, these exact feelings led me to start my own publishing house of sorts. Can't fucking stand "literary culture," even if I'm in love with the craft of it.

>> No.11113175

The man is dead, what possible redress can she get now? Trying to make everybody stop respecting his legacy is just petty vandalism born out of spite, there isn't an iota of intellectual credibility to it.

>> No.11113192

I want to agree with you but I'm not sure if you're serious about the upboat or what

>> No.11113204

If you think research = info dumping then you clearly have never written any non fiction or fiction worth reading.

>> No.11113333

That part was a shitpost. Sorry.

>> No.11113381

Good post

>> No.11113395

Is Karr a jewess?

>> No.11113403
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No one with half a brain thinks jews are white.

>> No.11113406

No half brain even thinks they are human.

>> No.11113436


>> No.11113442


>> No.11113452

>JD Salinger was a pervert
Here's a news flash for normies who don't understand the JQ: jews are perverts, jewish culture is perverted, and they are the sickest fucks on the planet.

Salinger pedo shit, Roth's perversion, weinstein jacking off into plants, the jewish sex cult guy who just got caught, all down the line. Jews are middle easterners who come from a twisted ass culture. This meetoo stuff and whatever are not deviations from the norm, they are the norm.

>> No.11113478

made by weed gang 69 irony_fyad_gamer420

>> No.11113501

tyanks for your contribution

>> No.11113637
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>as a single mom
>DFW was white


>> No.11113649

How much of a whore must you be to give into to that level of shit, any rational person would have told the person to fuck themselves and gotten a restraining order, clearly she wanted him to a certain level

>> No.11114363

If anything, Joyce (Dublin, Paris, Zurich) and Pynchon (Manhattan) are a lot more urbanite than Karr, who lived in Grover, Texas for twenty years and frequently writes about rural life.

>> No.11114367

>wood beeline

Fucking arts students

>> No.11114374

Pynchon, though, never did the Kenosha, kid.

>> No.11114380

There is a saying in my country:
>When speaking of someone who has passed away, say good things, or say nothing.

>> No.11114396

That's fucking retarded, I bet you live in a third world.

>> No.11114526

I've read Bin Laden's strategy document, in it he claims the best way to defeat America is drawing them into a series of expensive but useless wars in order to fold the US economy, he also believed the US military was a paper tiger.

I've no idea how he reached these ridiculous conclusions.

>> No.11114536

So you guys speak highly of Hitler?

>> No.11114674

As a Mossad asset; that's the whole jewish strategy the US has been engaging in since.
Hitler is a sweetheart compared to the group of people he was trying to get rid of. That's why he has been placed in your brain as the ultimate bogeyman.

>> No.11114961

It’s usually used in the context of a person you knew before he or she passed away.
It’s really impolite and rude to shittalk someone after they have died.

>> No.11115012
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Thought it said Miranda Kerr at first senpai

>> No.11115032

holy shit i love miranda kerr now

>> No.11115065

At that point, what do you even do with all that money? I mean, what does a 35 year old woman do with like $100,000,000?

There's only so much endangered Caribbean fish menus and Russian oligarch parties you can attend before all that money would get boring. After that, it's all just financial excess, no?

>> No.11115091

>dfw DFW definitely would have been a whiny limp wristed Trump replier who complains about the wage gap had he survived into the Twitter era

>> No.11115096


Wow. Did DFW have some personal issues? Nobody seems to mention them.

>> No.11115100

Ha! All these roasties worrying about incels. Chads will throw you out of a moving car even if you do fuck them. Roasties are fucking doomed. Everybody hates them/

>> No.11115202

women are well aware that all men hate them, yes

>> No.11115224

>women are well aware that all men hate them

women aren't really all that crazy about other women either
at least cats can tolerate them but even that's conditional as all fuck

>> No.11115229

>single mom

kek, never fails

>> No.11115233

Giving rights to women was a mistake.

>> No.11115238

So shouldn’t this be an indictment of the metoo movement as well as of DFW? Agree with her or not if she’s saying no one cared then isn’t she saying there’s a societal issue not simply a DFW issue

>> No.11115244

Why would that have anything to do with metoo? An indictment of the literary community maybe, which desu is deserved. The lit community loves excusing proven abusers and sex criminals if that person was nice to them at a party one time or they think they can help their career.

>> No.11115266
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Reminder that Gawker broke a lot of legitimate news stories before any other outlet, including the first inklings of a scandal around Benghazi and Hillary’s emails. Gawker hate is for mentally malleable brainlets.

>> No.11115281

Why should I care about every single 'abuse' case that occurs in the United States?

I care about the work. DFW was a must-read novelist, even if, in the end, he wasn't so great; Mary Karr is a nobody, a second-rate, an irrelevant, a non-entity, means nothing to me. Why should I care about evil things that happen to her? She's clearly unable to write, and therefore uses dirty play to push a competitor away from the canon.

Alas! he's there already, and he won't go.

>> No.11115324
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>> No.11115354

Wow, he kicked her. Fuck this guy.

>> No.11115369

The quote in the article mentions her only claim to fame is DFW.

>> No.11115379

Please, her first memoir is more popular than all of DFW's books except IJ. Just because she works in genres you don't care about doesn't mean she hasn't done well or that she's an unknown.

>> No.11115401

>muh joos
At last I see.

>> No.11115431

She's trying to boost her career off abusing the dead.

>> No.11115454

I feel like when you leave the tens of millions and start accelerating beyond that you start to lose any sense of "what am I going to do with this" and get to the point you're fetishizing the sheer overwhelming amount if money you have for money's sake
Then again I am poor, so I don't know

>> No.11115543

Never did, the Kenosha Kid?

>> No.11115721

I was in his class in early 2000s. I'm 90% sure he used to put vodka in his water bottle. He once asked me why I'm wearing advertisement on my shirt, I just told him I bought it because it was cheap. In response he told me I was a cheap slut and he kept insulting me and somehow it ended up with me giving him head.

>> No.11115831

i think PTA was one of his students back in the 90's

>> No.11116130
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>why aren’t people deriding a dead man, oh it must be because he’s white!
>why are people talking about this sex pest, oh it’s because he’s not white!
>why have I conviently forgotten about all the white men that had their careers destroyed last year for sexual misconduct?

>> No.11116136

B-but... white men

>> No.11116166


that was, like, his style, you know?

>> No.11116169

the most believable one yet

>> No.11116188

You shouldn't. He was a hack.

>> No.11116213

is identity politics the slave-master synthesis? its like they're changing the world but not really tho

>> No.11116635

Identity politics only gets presented as a problem when white people play it. Every other group, in America and around the world, plays and knows only identity politics. It's whites alone who are expected to only care about muh abstract principles instead, essentially playing the game with one hand tied behind our backs. Why is this set up this way? Because whites asserting themselves as whites is bad for jews and jewish power, and jews run the social enforcement mechanisms like media trying to keep us in line. The people telling you jews are the problem are right.

>> No.11116720

>hey guys identity politics is kinda dumb can we stop shitting
>well actually anon identity politics is awful but you know my side of identity politics is correct, we must secure a future for white children and all that
You are the least self-aware people in the fucking world

>> No.11116831

this 2bh

>> No.11116846

I sometimes forget that this website still crawls with unironic alt right guys.

>> No.11116883

I don't think you understand the perspective here: nonwhites don't belong in white countries, so the reason identity politics exists is because jews are promoting multiculturalism for all White countries.

>> No.11116891

Why is this filled with so many errors? DFW clearly didn't do a great job teaching.

>> No.11116902

Everyone understands your idpol stance. There isn't a person on any board that can look through three threads without hearing more of you spouting it incessantly.

>> No.11116907

If you understand and disagree then offer a counter-argument.

>> No.11116935

Ok. Identity politics is absolute nonsense being used by people above you to keep lower classes squabbling over who is allowed in what bathrooms so that no actual systemic change can be implemented in western economic systems and they can continue to line their pockets. You've been conned into believing the frustrations of atomised 21st century life are the fault of brown people, and brown people have been conned into believing it's all your fault. This keeps you at each other's throats so you can each pick a team color and cheer on whatever professional wrestler will dogwhistle for your team while doing whatever the wealthy tell him to.

>> No.11116999

>fault of brown people
No, the current problems in the west are a result of increased jewish power and diminished white power; brown people are mostly dysfunctional and thus less of a threat. Jews have always created these types of divisions among their host population, and they are the ones pushing it now, but with the stipulation that whites cannot engage in it while brown people can and are indeed encouraged to.

Nonwhites will not stop playing identity politics; they do not think in terms of abstract principles like whites do. But within any multicultural society identity politics will become the only game in town by default, because people are tribal, and tribalism is a defense mechanism against other tribes, especially when competing for resources.

I dislike identity politics as much as the next guy, and prefer abstract idealism generally, but I also understand that to obtain that environment again jews and non-whites must be removed from my white society. Until then, as white countries continue to look more like Brazil, there's no shame in whites sticking up for themselves and advancing their interests politically as a group.

>> No.11117002
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>her first memoir is more popular than all of DFW's books except IJ.
That doesn't change the fact that David Foster Wallace is actually known whereas Mary Karr hasn't been relevant in over 20 years. The Pale King is far more popular than everything Mary has written except The Liars' Club.

>> No.11117014

Come on, be serious.

>> No.11117073

The divisions are created by everyone at the top, jew and goy alike, and are exacerbated by gullible mouth-breathers like you. Ethnic groups aren't monolithic tribes, especially not any as retardedly huge and vague as "whites." I have a hell of a lot more in common with my black friends and cuban roommates than with shitheels like you or some other white guy in eastern europe. You have swallowed the greatest bait of the millenium and are rabidly defending that fact.

>> No.11117075

It's fine that you disagree but you haven't addressed a single thing he said. What's your point? Hurr durr right wing dumb, but look at me I am one of the enlightened? You're a fucking faggot dude

>> No.11117077
File: 14 KB, 480x360, DFW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be author
>struggle with addiction and depression entire life
>have qt3.14 literary oneitis that is a complete bitch
>cant let.her.go
>achieve literary acclaim suddenly
>all these hoes want your dick
>oneitis Karr wants you back
>block that hoe
>forget about oneitis for years
>finally kill yourself
>oneitis bitch stomps on your legacy
>get metoo'd from unproven allegations

>> No.11117084

he literally kicked her out of a moving vehicle

absolutely based Dave

>> No.11117142

>but DFW was white
Well done feminists, you've turned me from a fairly nice middle of the road liberal into a raging misogynist

>> No.11117149

>ass culture
Huh? latin and african-american culture is way more ass focused

>> No.11117158

I am actually glad that he died now

>> No.11117164

why let tweets have that much power over your life or why pretend on an anonymous board that they do, stfu drama queen

>> No.11117175

Our patience has its limits.

>> No.11117214

>jew and goy alike
False, and since you're using the word "goy" others should now assume you are a jew covering for your tribe.

The current social system browbeating whites lauds and protects jews, because it is a jewish ideology post-Christian whites have adopted due to the concepts of morality jews have embedded within it, where whites are bad people who must lift up the brown masses.

Poster, you clearly have a minimal understanding of HBD and the JQ. In the future don't insert yourself into these types of discussions until you are willing to broach the material, you only waste people's time doing otherwise.

>> No.11117240

>using the word goy on 4chan means you must be a jew
Oy vey, it's like anudda shoah

>> No.11117262

It's fine that you disagree but you haven't addressed a single thing he said. What's your point? Hurr durr you are dumb, but look at me I am one of the enlightened? You're a fucking faggot dude

>> No.11117274

what are we, in middle school?

>> No.11117289

It's usually a good indicator, isn't it? If a white guy uses the term I expect him to be in the know.

>> No.11117304

lol, are you?

>> No.11117329

Man stop replying to me if all you can come up with are variations of >no, you

>> No.11117339

Its not specific tweets but the whole #metoo culture. Of course I'm aware that there are stupid feminists (like there are stupid people in any group) who are going to write and say and promote stupid ideas. What I can't deal with is how many women are agreeing with it, and how few are willing to say a word against it. The fact that this woman in the OP is so comoftable saying things like 'he's white' shows you that that is how women genereally are thinking and behaving. The reality is an entire generation of women has decided that due process - a tenet of a functioning society arguably more valuable than the vote - isn't worth anything, certainly not as much as a twitter backpat.

>> No.11117412

The way white women use the term "white" as an insult is very offputting.

>> No.11117429

They get it from jews. White feminists didn't wake up one day and start hating white men, jewish anti-white ideology was and has been projected onto them through jewish-controlled media and culture. That's how jews have implemented a successful coup over white men, by using minorities and our own women against us, to insulate their power and push us out. Which is why we have to now accept this reality, spread information about jews, and kick them out of our countries again.

>> No.11117436

Only after we put an end to the White race, inshallah.

>> No.11117438


>> No.11117477

Your days are numbered you pastey fuck. You know it, I know it, everyone with half a brain is aware of it. You're becoming minorities within your own countries, and your birth rates have fallen below 60% replacement rate. You're dwindling and yet you're still too afraid to talk to girls much less knock them up lmao. I'd be sorry for you if your extinction weren't the product your own cowardice.

>> No.11117520

We will be reaching all time peak historical white people in a couple years, and you will still be a shitskin from a shithole that has never accomplished anything. And you will be sent back there. It will take time, and you will certainly enjoy being a patsy for your jewish masters in the meantime, during this short interlude of our recent cultural decline, but you will ultimately fail because you come from a failed culture and a backwards people. You are inherently inferior and you know it.

>> No.11117523

Raskolnikov was right

>> No.11117569


Both of you honestly need to consider killing yourselves. For your own sake, really.

>> No.11117570

>the jews
Are these posts copypasta? Its seems depressingly real. How did this happen to you?:(

>> No.11117583
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>We will be reaching all time peak historical white people in a couple years
Cope harder whiteboy. In terms of proportionality you will go from but a small nuisance to nothing at all. And there is nothing you can do about it! My people will dance upon the ashes of yours erecting a civilization 2 millennia in the making, do not kid yourself in thinking this decline is just a temporary trend. For you, it is the inextricable end. You have already lost. Just look at you, pitifully slinging racist epithets like it'll change anything. You're a joke. A sad, sad stereotypical joke.

>> No.11117616

Proportionality doesn't matter and was obviously not what was being referred to. Whites have controlled millions of shitskins like yourself with very few. You cannot run anything, which is why you will not be taking over anything, but merely squatting in a country you could never build and being a useful idiot for jews until the day you are inevitably kicked out. I thank you for showing your real colors to white people who may be on the fence here though, who may still be influenced by jewish narratives about the nature and intention of mudblood savages like yourself.

>> No.11117625


you're not interesting.

>> No.11117652

Are you low IQ or 14 or new to the internet or what? That is all pretty obvious and straightforward.

>> No.11117662

you're not important

>> No.11117676

>tfw all the CEOs of financial institutions are still white men

>> No.11117682

Shh, don't tell them about mathematics and how percentages work though.

>> No.11117709

So you're supposed to feel sorry for this slut just because Dave grabbed her right in the audience pussy?
What a world.

>> No.11117806

Unless you are some mulatto caught up in the mix, and assuming you're white, you're going to have to pick a side at some point. Jews hate you and are importing into your nation people like that guy who hate you.

>> No.11117830

Is like roasties have a manual

>> No.11117874

>an entire thread of stupid racewar larping
Everyone posting in this thread without saging should be banned

>> No.11118092

>Wahhhh, why can't everyone just get along and let me immerse myself in fake Harry Potter world while infinity muds flood into every white country on the planet
This is the level of stupidity we're dealing with.

>> No.11118192

Stop tormenting me, Jezebel!

>> No.11118195

why does every thread devolve into freaks using it as an outlet to rant about their pet paranoid conspiracy theories

>> No.11118311

we live in a society

>> No.11118454

She's a good white, a master white.

>> No.11118464
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>> No.11118726
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>> No.11118817

Corrective rape is in order.

>> No.11118832

How do we get africans to stop fucking, lads?

>> No.11118839

No that's the solution. We just need to stop sending HIV treatment.

>> No.11118859

We need to nuke Africa

>> No.11118868

I don’t understand how these graphs are made and it doesn’t matter how because they shouldn’t be made.

>> No.11118893
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We need to stop feeding them so their populations reach a more sustainable equilibrium. What we can't keep doing is letting such dysfunctional people into the west. Africa is time bomb and whites, like with the rest of the world, need to wash our hands and step away.

>> No.11118909

Whites need to be shocked back to reality and out of the delusion of boomer abundance jews used to lull us to sleep and enact their western civilization-destroying agenda.

>> No.11118912

Brazil is 50% white though.

>> No.11118922
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>all the /pol/edditors decided to congregate in this thread for some reason and now they're just debating among themselves

>> No.11119022

No, it's not. There are a lot of whites hiding out from pardo murderscapes in the south but they aren't 50% of the country.

>t. brown loiterer who doesn't read and thinks pro-white speech = pol

>> No.11119065


new narrative: white guys were largely absent from #poundmetoo allegations because of white privilege and anti-semitism

>> No.11119140
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>> No.11119207
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>when the thread goes full /pol/

>> No.11119402
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>How did this happen to you?:(
Shots were fired.

>> No.11119450

What's the point of bullying a dead man?

>> No.11119451

Most authors are dysfunctional as all getout

>> No.11119457

>mary karr
>karr mary
>karl marx
it all makes sense

>> No.11119467


>> No.11119479

I wonder how anyone even buys this, both in 1939 and now.

>> No.11119481

it's a meme you dip

>> No.11119527

Buys what? That's jewish strategy 101, use the bottom against the top, weak against the strong, etc., to propel your group over all. Nietzsche and others have talked about this.

>> No.11119555

james van der beek for one

>> No.11119578
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>> No.11119590

the absolute state of booty blasting

>> No.11119599

Not even the dead are safe from #metoo.

>> No.11120551


>> No.11120668

Because it was and is grounded in a core truth: Jews were and are a rich, powerful and influential minority, which feeds resentment. Malaysians and Indonesians have developed the same kind of attitude towards their Chinese minority whose position is very close to that of the Jews in the West.

>> No.11120672

I would say that thread got derailed hard but, being a DFW thread, it's actually going just fine. Keep it coming.

>> No.11121885

Jews are disliked because of who they are and how they behave. That's it.

>> No.11122000
File: 550 KB, 878x599, 1519841317150.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

jews rock!

>> No.11122008

The nerve of these kikes. And they think it's envy, who could envy these sick fucks. Boy I hope I live to see when they get their coming comeuppance, which I'm pretty sure I will at the rate they're again pushing.

>> No.11122011

>boy i hope we get to slaughter lots of jews and steal their wealth again
>n-not that i think the holocaust happened

>> No.11122015


>and nobody cared

well I guess nothing has changed

>> No.11122046

You mean shut down their ethnic fiat scam and keep them from crying wolf making up lies about lampshades and soap.

>> No.11122070

But /lit/ hates DFW, that's the joke right?

>> No.11122096

But the dislike of Native Chinese people is due to Chinese culture being privileged over native cultures among elite circles for centuries.

The West has never had a period where Jewish culture was a status symbol. At no point have we ever donned yarmulkes to move up the ranks of society. The irrational fear of Jews is a boogeyman the Christian bourgeoise & ruling class use to distract the common people from who actually holds the purse strings.

>> No.11122193

This is wrong and you are retarded.

>> No.11122247

i don't get how this routine was even slightly offensive, he said he was upset so many of the predators were jewish and then told a relatively tame joke about trying to ask out a girl in a concentration camp

>> No.11122269

Do you know anything about jews? They attack and try to destroy the lives of anyone who even hints that jews could possibly do anything wrong. They're complete lunatics.

>> No.11122275

Genius doesn't have to care about the dwarfs it treads on

>> No.11122286

who cares what this shit board likes I'm just here to own libs

>> No.11122296
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>muh holoblaust!!

>> No.11122323

If you research Nazi economic policy towards the Jews, you will discover that ironically, the Nazis ended up doing exactly what they accused the stereotypical jew investor of doing. Fixing the market so Jewish businesses were either forced to sell at a ridiculously low price or had to agree to be overseen by a nazi, who then quickly sold off all the assets to line his own pockets and fucked off when the business was in ruins.
That's not to mention pressuring customers to avoid jewish businesses (which didnt work until ~37/38 because, again, ironically, jewish businesses simply often had cheaper prices) altogether, nationalizing the banks and freezing jewish assets, cutting out pensions for jewish civil servants and veterans, the list goes on.

>> No.11122326


Nazi Germany really was the definition of an open "ethnic fiat scam"

>> No.11122440

DFW sucks and he was one of those scummy fags who acts diffident and softspoken in order to disguise his his predatory nature. if you want to rape people at least have the decency to do it in a forthright, masculine fashion.

>> No.11122444

And? I don't see any problem here. It's, hmm, almost like you think this foreign race of semites has some right to live in other people's countries.

Jews do not belong in the west, and if they refuse to leave we have every right to remove them.

>> No.11122637

He fucked some of his students and kicked Mary Karr out of a car but that's it. He didn't rape anyone.

>> No.11122651

except for that one student he raped, sure

>> No.11122658

>except for that one student he raped

>> No.11122669

>getting triggered by al goldstein