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/lit/ - Literature

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1111104 No.1111104 [Reply] [Original]

Good afternoon /lit/
i have about 3500 e-books stored on my harddrive and was wondering what one i should read next?

post ending in 61 decides what i start reading today (i will not read anything else in this time)

personally, i quite fancy Metro 2033

so that's my choice.

choose for me /lit/!

>> No.1111106

How can we decide what you read next if we don't know the titles of all the books?

>> No.1111112
File: 29 KB, 468x458, Brofist.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Bro fist, bro.

>> No.1111114

>Metro 2033 is a book
So the game IS a complete shitty rip-off of stalker.

>post ending in 61
sigh... Lurk more.

>> No.1111116


i've got 3,500 ebooks stored on my harddrive, i'm pretty sure i'll have it.

>oh you

>> No.1111122
File: 64 KB, 248x249, 1283707123729.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If doubs you have to read Atlas Shrugged.

>> No.1111125


>> No.1111126


Are you a wizard.

>> No.1111128
File: 281 KB, 1366x768, atlas shrugged.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


fine. i'll start it now (i've actually never read it before though apparently it's fucking whack and everyone hates Rand.

(look out for my thread discussing this book soon)

>> No.1111136

>(look out for my thread discussing this book soon)
don't bother. it's an interesting read but further discussion on ayn rand books is hardly necessary, the topic is pretty much exhausted.

>> No.1111137

haha, sorry bro. I'm sure you could read Fountainhead instead if you prefer.

Do you happen to have The Castle by Kafka in any convertible format by the way?

>> No.1111144
File: 220 KB, 1366x768, kafka.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nah i'll stick with Atlas Shrugged

and yes, i do, only in .txt though
want me to link you?

>> No.1111146

Oh God yes I love you. Please stick around on this board.

>> No.1111149

Also I think .txt is the best for converting anyway. Unicode anyway.

>> No.1111155


well i cba uploading it as a single file, but here's a rar of authors (surname) beginning with K

and yeah i will!


>> No.1111156 [DELETED] 

Jesus Christ. Thanks anyway. Do you have most of Kafka's stuff in this folder then?

>> No.1111159

Thank you!

>> No.1111165


no probs! hope you enjoy reading it on your PSP!

>> No.1111169

What do you use to read e-books? You were inquiring into getting a Nook right?

>> No.1111172 [DELETED] 


>> No.1111178


>> No.1111180


nothing yet, i'm looking around to see which one would be the best for me, a kindle, nook or sony or whatever else is out there.

any reccomendations?

>> No.1111235

Well you have to decide whether you want an e-ink or lcd screen.

I think the PSP is perfect really. Even more so if you don't have an iphone or ipod.

>> No.1111296


not sure tbh, i'm gonna research the advantages/disadvantages of both now!

>> No.1111308

The Club Dumas. Read it nigga.

>> No.1111416


read the rest of the thread negro

>> No.1111428

I feel all the e-readers are still way overpriced. You shouldn't be paying £70+ for something that can only read books.

The phat original PSP is good if you can get it on the cheap, as they can all be flashed with custom firmware (you need this to read books for free).

>> No.1112009

yeah i suppose they are a bit, but they do look pretty snazzy, and just easier to handle as a book if you get me.

>> No.1112272


just coz.

>> No.1112291

posting from a kindle master race here

>> No.1112305

worth the money?

>> No.1112308

>implying you can post from portable devices since captcha

>> No.1112321


Given that "about 3500" describes my ebook archive before my friend offered his server for this, I'm guessing it's likely you're referring to the archive that was on mediafire for a while. This is that + 8,000 new ones.

There y'go.

>> No.1112326

er, and givent he fact that you linked it.

As I said, that link has that whole archive plus more.

>> No.1112552


thanks brah