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11109398 No.11109398 [Reply] [Original]

>Deeply saddened by the allegations against #JunotDiaz & I support every woman brave enough to speak. The violence #DavidFosterWallace inflicted on me as a single mom was ignored by his biographer & @NewYorker as ‘alleged’ despite my having letters in his hand. But DFW was white.

When will it end

>> No.11109404

Did DFW actually get #MeToo'd?

Bravo to the anon a couple weeks ago who was saying he was glad DFW died because he would have been destroyed by #MeToo

>> No.11109411

never. its high impact sexual violence all the way down

>> No.11109418

Link with more, although isn't this more celebrity worship than /lit/ discussion?


>[DFW] tried to buy a gun. kicked me. climbed up the side of my house at night. followed my son age 5 home from school. had to change my number twice, and he still got it. months and months it went on

I guess the only way to make impactful work is to live a controversial, extreme life.

>> No.11109429

>I guess the only way to make impactful work is to live a controversial, extreme life.
or the only way to get attention as a woman is to slander someone who can no longer present their opinions on the matter

>> No.11109662

Legitimate question, is there any high-profile, reasonably intelligent man the #MeToo thing HASN'T touched?

I'm sure if you dug deep enough, you could find dirt on literally everyone.

>One time as a grad school student in the 70s, Obama touched my butt in a nightclub. #MeToo.

>> No.11109673

>but DFW was white
Or maybe it is the fact he's been dead for almost 10 years

>> No.11109674

No, because literally any sexual contact that isn't explicitly consented to ahead of time can be interpreted as a form of assault. #metoo is a conservative critique of casual sex culture masquerading as female empowerment.

>> No.11109681

If dfw never had any success I think Mary Karr wouldn't care to speak up, it is just when somebody had a newfound success she began to shill.

>> No.11109684

>#metoo is a conservative critique of casual sex culture masquerading as female empowerment.
makes sense if true

>> No.11109704

>I guess the only way to make impactful work is to live a controversial, extreme life.
If you asked Harlan Ellison he’d definitely agree.

>> No.11109710

suprising how most of these allegations are coming mainly from america
maybe a few from england here and there

but havent heard anything from russia, japan, china, mexico, brazil or any other nations.

>> No.11109712

I'd rather we lived either as bonobos, to whom sexual contact is totally free and unbounded, with no concept of any sexual ethics as such, or as hot blooded Christians, as either monks fighting against the currents of our own lust in the convent cell with Christ's assistance, or married men and women performing our sacred duty with especial pleasure in the conjugal bed. None of this flimsy, complicated nonsense - at least, none of it with any paperwork. Sex is powerful and dangerous, good! Good! But don't sterilise the thing! Channel it... redirect it... not decapitate it... subjugate it, frustrate it...

>> No.11109714

Because the KWA is the toilet of the world

>> No.11109721


>#metoo is a conservative critique of casual sex culture masquerading as female empowerment.

Indeed. Man make sex jokes among them all the time and yet a woman can't get a sex joke without calling it sexual harassment. They're launching a second Victorian Age and they don't even realize it.

>> No.11109739

me and you both

this fearful semi-puritanism is just an accident waiting to happen

>> No.11109821

Fucking right on. This halfway house between Dionysian degeneracy and Chivalric purity has created a schizophrenic culture where sex is simultaneously the best thing ever and the most shameful, free yet restricted, no big deal yet extremely important for our social and mental well being, everywhere yet hidden.

No wonder society has descended into a vicious and sometimes polarity. We don't know who we are anymore. We though we could have the best of both worlds, the animal and the divine but we were wrong. This will all end in bloodshed sometime soon.

>> No.11109880
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DFW inflicted the most extreme act of violence against himself. It follows that he would have also committed violence against others.

>> No.11109887
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>> No.11109894


>> No.11109899

>bonobos, to whom sexual contact is totally free and unbounded
Incorrect. Sex to bonobos is a primarily used as conflict resolution.

>> No.11109900

Maybe the number of these claims points to a ubiquity of male violence?
Is it so hard to admit that we as men have as part of our culturally shaped gender role, an element of violence? Look at any of the traditional representation of masculinity and you will see it. What bothers me about all of it is none of the feminist ask why it has been made necessary for men to be violent. The perpetrators of the patriarchy are in a very real way its victims as well. This is why metoo strays from the more comprehensive approach towards a feminist critique. It is in fact empowering the criminal justice system which is inherently racist and dare i say sexist towards men as well.

>> No.11109906

Except DFW did absolutely horrid shit to that woman. Not even remotely defensible. The worst part is he wasn't even that good of a writer, which would have offset his lunacy.

>> No.11109909

What'd he do to her? If she had letters, then they were on writing terms after the fact.

>> No.11109919

That does not suggest that he is not guilty. I dape raped a girl once. I am very unhappy about it. Afterwards we remained in contact and she even painted my portrait. We reconciled but i am still guilty. The only thing I can do now is to try to teach my son about respecting people, and stand up in these kinds of conversations for realism.

>> No.11109921

>If she had letters, then they were on writing terms after the fact.
Not necessarily. You can send someone letters without them corresponding with you.

>> No.11109922

Except many men do seek validation through females. Sex seems to exist on two planes for men (perhaps women as well): the visceral - tits are tits, orgasm is an orgasm, just want to feel good; and the spiritual - I want to feel wanted, I want to be desired, I want to be respected by women and my male peers, I want to be seen as enough as a person in a societal and existential sense and sex is the best way to do that.

The former can easily be placated by jerking off or going to prostitutes. And for some men, that's enough. But not for most. Without the second dimension, the validating part, you get the male obsession with virginity, you get communities like /r9k/ and Forever Alone and Incels, you get anger and frustration and depression, you get violence and misogyny and misanthropy.

I don't want to turn this into a fucking gender war - that's retarded and exactly what certain feminists want. We need to find a way to come together (in more ways that one) and work together that benefits both sides. Or we're fucked.

>> No.11109923

But what did he do?

>> No.11109932

Sounds like he kind of terrorized here, screamed at her, threatened to get a gun. Typical rage induced acts. Using the suggestion of violence to maintain control.

>> No.11109933

>We need to find a way to come together (in more ways that one) and work together that benefits both sides.
It's called patriarchy.

>> No.11109935

>that we as men
Hi fem bot.
No. I'm not one who's hard to admit violence is a part of us. It's a core aspect of the male experience, pretty much everything is fighting in one way or another against other men.
>What bothers me about all of it is none of the feminist ask why it has been made necessary for men to be violent. The perpetrators of the patriarchy are in a very real way its victims as well.
Interesting sentences to put next to each other. The first is your typical anti-feminist point and the following is the feminist perspective. Men are violent because of competition, but there has to be other reasons because it's far more complex than just that. The patriarchy part isn't about patriarchy, this is life. No matter what system you have, there will always be some sort of deceptive, violent undertone carried out by men against on another. It's the same as saying that removing capitalism will remove inequality. Sure for a time being things maybe equal, but systems like monarchy which are by definition inequality carry profoundly deep continuity in European culture (assuming you're European or American). Nothing would really change if these systems were removed. So to address your final points,
>It is in fact empowering the criminal justice system which is inherently racist and dare i say sexist towards men as well.
Well, yes. But it's the best we have, and the best we ever have had. These systems like Capitalism and the rule of law have indeed the best things to handle the problem we face. they're not the best, hell no. But we need to work with something rather than nothing.

>> No.11109936

You are being dumb, patriarchy is just as much a shit deal for men as women.

>> No.11109939
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> I dape raped a girl once

Tell me more, tell me more.

>> No.11109941

I'm surprised to see this here, because I expect better from /lit/.

I'll try to extricate this carefully. First of all, the first bullet point sets up a false mutual exclusivity.

People, in general, like being treated as human beings. Validation necessarily involves being recognized as a human being, as opposed to animal, object, etc.

I mean, the premise is intriguing--and maybe some shadow of truth can be salvaged through severe backpedaling and qualification--but the author set out goals way too lofty and the whole thing is sexist trash.
>Primitive female logic
I mean, really? Go back to /r9k/.

>> No.11109945

The individual will has to be subjugated to the collective good.

>> No.11109947

>People, in general, like being treated as human beings.
Women don't.

>> No.11109949

>stop suggesting there is a way out of the status quo
I am not even suggesting a radical change, but at the very least a less defensive reaction when the violence which men are convinced they must bear for muh society and because of muh human nature is pointed out for the negative effects it inflicts on others. Mostly i am sick of fucking polemics. Maybe i should finally leave 4chan.

>> No.11109951

More anons like you

>> No.11109954

Top slave morality my cuck friend

>> No.11109957

I bet that more than anything else incel frustrations come from the fact that we live in a hyper-sexualized culture that constantly exposes lonely men to experiences that they aren't having. Male virgins back in the day weren't watching beautiful young women slobber on other men's cocks on the internet.

>> No.11109959

Seems very likely that it's true but I'll nontheless deny it until my last breath

>> No.11109960

Just sounds like a standard fight. This is Tuesday when you're dating a latina. Unless he hit her or the gun threat was legitimate, it's very bourgeois to call this abuse.

>> No.11109964

Got black out drunk and forced her to have sex with me after she stopped wanting to. It is hard to imagine how much it sucks since i am not the receptive partner but it is obviously something i would not want to happen to me

>> No.11109969

Yeah the patriarchy is destroying mens minds with its commercial objectification or female bodies.

>> No.11109974

They are the ones who voluntarily exchanged their socially treasured familial roles as wives and mothers for being pump-and-dump sex objects.

>> No.11109975

I'm not disagreeing with you at all. It needs to happen and change. I'm just saying the changes that have been offered have fallen to the historical continuity.
To rant a bit I think the funny thing is our current time is that men don't reflect on the shit they do, and aren't honest with themselves. I'd say this is one of the larger problems we face. We do have a defensive reaction, and that's what I mentioned, it's rule of law. It is a reaction to the wrong doings, unfortunately, it's not what I think you are going for (a preventive measure, otherwise it would be aggressive rather than defensive).
Good luck with your travels if you do decide to leave, don't let the shit stop you :-)

>> No.11109976

Well it is standard but there is a reason why this standard is shit and maybe DFW's baby momma isnt fucked like a lot of us are. I am dating for the first time a woman who did not come from a fucked up home and it has been eye opening. A lot of my retarded behavior is just not acceptable to normies. I never knew.

>> No.11109980

The root of all of this is individualism. You can pin whatever term you want on the inverse, it doesn't matter to me.

>> No.11109987
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So now that he's been exposed as a sex pervert, do you guys also think he's overrated? Cause I do.

>> No.11109988

Capitalism finds any niche and fills it, it has nothing to do with patriarchy. Porn as a commodity exploits a man's inherent desires, and desiring to see female bodies isn't the result of a particular ideological belief.

>> No.11109989

Well you are right, the changes offered are mostly petulant and i totally agree that on both sides we are plagued by self deception. I make arguments for a better world but at heart i feel as though time is cyclical and we are living in the decline of an empire. It may not be ideal but at least it is sometimes interesting. Would not want to live in the wake of a fall desu.

>> No.11109990

Then the complaint is that DFW was a bad person because he wasn't morally exceptional, which is retarded

>> No.11109993

Capitalism is historically patriarchal. They are definitely not mutual exclusives. Capitalism requires men to "be men" and die in war, at work, etc. and this is body objectification as well and it blows.

>> No.11109995

Its not just the exposure but the celebration which causes the frustration. Sex is no longer entirely a shameful act; it is now officially a Great and Important thing whilst also at the same time a fairly casual and laid-back act, like tying your shoelaces. If you aren't having sex or have never had a girlfriend, you're a loser because A) you're missing out on this AMAZING and LIFE-AFFIRMING thing and B) Everyone is doing it, what kind of fucking weird pond life can't get sex, its like riding a bike.

Men who can't get sex are infantilized by their lack of participation in what is seen as the very act which defines the shift from childhood to adulthood - quite literally what separates the men from the boys.

>> No.11110000

Well i think it is good to point it out, people actually view DFW as some kind of moral guide to the postmodern world. You may not but i have witnessed it. Iconoclasm is necessary.

>> No.11110004

i know enough "men" who are searching validation through number of girls they slept with; funny thing is how they look down on you if you tell them that you dont fuck everything that has a vagina and usually it is all you can talk with them about

while i support some of the #metoo cases, it is a dangerous tool for women who are just batshit crazy. a woman can ruin your life without evidence.
when i remember how my ex accused me as irrational being who hacked her skype account.. the fact that she was illoyal, a cheater and violent being was not even important; she still was a victim.

>> No.11110007

I wouldn't worry about the decline thing. Focus on yourself and navigating through life. I disagree with the declinist viewpoint completely, but I'll give you solace on that because I don't want to argue.

>> No.11110015
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It is entirely possible that I am wrong. Still love me some Neetch

>> No.11110019

Never read him desu

>> No.11110020

Capitalism and endless media telling them "Just have FUUUNN gurlz! XD" certainly hasn't helped

>> No.11110026
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Is Junot Diaz genuinely better than Louis Ferdinand Celine?

>> No.11110028

Never read El Culo Violacion de los Americas but i cannot imagine how it would be true. Celine actually lived what he wrote.

>> No.11110029

Yeah, yeah. Women are never responsible for anything, it's always someone else victimizing them. Even the negative consequences of their own "liberation" movement are someone else's fault. Just more examples of how they want to be objects.

>> No.11110033

I never said they weren't partially responsible, tard. I just said the issue was compounded as soon as the ((companies)) figured out they could make megabux by getting women to spend lavishly on an endless party lifestyle.

>> No.11110037

"Patriarchy" is really an amorphous term that refers to anything that (for physical, material, or ideological reasons) was historically done by men. That's fucking it. Capitalism as an economic system wasn't patriarchal in the sense that it developed in order to create a system where men hold dominion over women, it developed because merchants needed to climb the material hierarchy in order to get a chance to reproduce after the start of the agricultural revolution, and capitalism became the most efficient method of doing this at a certain point. Male breeding has historically been exceptional.

Unless you think that men should sit down and go back to the early agricultural model of 1 in 17 of them reproducing, we had to develop those systems as a mating strategy.

>> No.11110038

Not to mention that almost all media is centered around a very specific notion of romantic love, which incels can never relate to.

>> No.11110040

>"Patriarchy" is really an amorphous term that refers to anything that (for physical, material, or ideological reasons) was historically done by men. That's fucking it
No it is not that is just your bias riddled hot take on the word.
>breeding should be an inalienable right for all men no matter the cost on women and society
This is why time magazine is writing articles about incels. You are a bunch of entitled technocrats who are too afraid of competition.

>> No.11110044

>fuck a dude to get ahead
>dont get ahead because youre a dumb cunt
>go back to the well and double dip on said fuck

>> No.11110047

As in, he was anti-semitic in his writings and in his life.

>> No.11110052

Yeah that is true. But i dont think he ever yelled rape at a chica.

>> No.11110055

>You are a bunch of entitled technocrats who are too afraid of competition.
Why do you need human sexuality to be a marketplace competition?

>> No.11110056

>No it is not that is just your bias riddled hot take on the word.
As opposed to your ideological keyhole view of the world expounded by sheltered blank slatists?

>>breeding should be an inalienable right for all men no matter the cost on women and society
No one brought up the concept of rights except for you. Men, who have a biological imperative to reproduce, do everything in their power to get the opportunity to reproduce. Same for women. The difference is that male reproduction is rarer, so men developed the capitalism game as a sexual strategy. Like a guy who works out at the gym to get laid. No one's saying that most men should or have to reproduce. It wasn't an imperative, or a normative claim about men's roles in society.

>> No.11110057

I think it's really annoying how he mixes spanish with english. Yeah we get it, you're hispanic. Now fuck off

>> No.11110061

Another day, another probably fake allegation. We know that psychologically women are drawn to powerful men because it's a status symbol to be a partner to one, so my theory is that many of these #metoo women pretend to be sexually assaulted by famous men in order to make themselves feel and/or been seen as important (it raises their status). It also slides nicely into the 'perpetual victim' narrative where they get a boatload of victim points too.

The only claims that should garner any credibility are the ones that were reported to the police shortly after the time of the incident occuring.

>> No.11110069

I like your view of capitalism as a sexual strategy. DNA has an imperative to reproduce but we are just vectors for that. There is much more to the story than evopsych. Newton was a volcel. I think perhaps most incels are volitional to some degree in their isolation. We are complex, self deceiving beings--we often disavow our deepest motivation. That is just my opinion of course, but reducing people to their biological functions is really very reductive and i think depressing. If anything since not all people reproduce but all people die it would be more accurate to say in that line of thinking that we have a biological imperative to feed parasites.

>> No.11110091

I agree that a purely material, monistic view of human beings is depressing, which is why I stopped reading evolutionary anthropology, but the people who view all human behavior in social and relational (and overall cultural) terms are causing a ton of damage to how we interact with one another. If you genuinely believe that sexual assault is only the result of a culture that dehumanizes women, and is completely independent of any sort of inherent male desire, you're going to create new forms of repression.

>> No.11110109

>youre going to create new forms of repression
This is absolutely true and even though i pointed out the patriarchy i only did so to suggest that it has a lot of unintended consequences for men as well and that being for one thing this kind of pseudofeminism politically correct culture; i only point this out for people who react and act as though we should double down on the shitty behavior we are accused of and there are a lot of pepes like that on 4chan. But yeah pc culture is a kind of social technique and like all techniques it usually creates a greater number of problems than it solves. I think you have a balanced view of things for what it is worth.

>> No.11110119

Not saying she's lying but interesting that she has an upcoming book of poetry.

>> No.11110140

I think that a lot of the leftists who talk about patriarchy in cultural terms are making the same mistake that pepe reactionaries do, which is to assume that old systems are replaced (or reverted back to) only in so far as ideologues convinced the populace to change its values. The old patriarchal system was dismantled because the pill gave women control over their reproductive rights, washing machines (and other inventions) made domestic work part time, and work moved from the physical realm to the social and intellectual realm. My main issue is that people think that conversations like these are much more important than they actually are. PC feminists and creepy reactionaries are wasting their time annoying us without realizing that they're being controlled by systems (biological and economic) that they don't understand.

>> No.11110143


It seems like it's very much an American social justice phenomenon. You look at some of these tales of 'sexual assault' but they seem to stretch the concept of sexual assault completely. A lot of this would be responded to incredulously in any of those countries.

Obviously not the sexual coercion stuff, but the Aziz ansari stuff etc.

>> No.11110153

Unfortunately these runny discourses wash into the publishing world like shit into a cut. It is possible nothing worth reading will be published in our lifetime. I love the classics but there is something greater in a living art. I really like the quote "don't engage in the spectacle of opposition, oppose the spectacle!" (not all leftists are trash)

>> No.11110158
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david, why won't you let me exit this moving car
david, why don't you have a gun?
david, all men have guns are you not a man?
where's the money, david? where's the cash?
i'll tell on you
ill tell on you right after
hanging you from the rafters

>> No.11110211
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>> No.11110235

Why do roasties cry about this shit? They probably get off on it in secret.

>> No.11110357

One thing that could be interpreted as ideological in regards to sex, is the notion that having sex with women is conducive to a man's pride and value. That is to say, in reality, you are a better person and it is not just something that a person can't help but feel after having sex.

This is actually caused by beta-male and feminist veneration of women though, should you truly, truly HATE women the way the Nazis hated the Jews, you wouldn't care to induce her lust, but the myth about some kind of special female social-intuition has infected our culture and the truth is nobody truly HATES women anymore and are just angry and disappointed at them for various reasons.
Hate is the same as anger but without the hope of changing anything.

For the same reason a man that sleeps with many women is a 'player' and a woman with many men a slut. If female sexuality is noble and discerning, while male sexuality is thoughtless and crude, it follows naturally that inducing female lust is good and inducing male lust is bad.

>> No.11110522

The whole idea of "toxic" masculinity has completely undermined the necessary discussion that neither side wants to take part in. Powerful men don't want to be undermined and ousted because they exploit women for their own gain, but on the other hand, feminism lacks the imaginative capacity to re-envision a positive form of masculinity to which less despicable men can abide by.

Because women's liberation is by its very nature a balancing force in a patriarchal society, its presence will always result in a reduction of the male stature. Ask a feminist if there is anything beneficial or worth reclaiming from the traditional notion of masculinity: chances are they've been too busy condemning a history of exploitative power relations to instead explore a future in which the positive natures of both sexes are affirmed, and the topic of gender is no longer a divisive concern. In order for something like that to happen, we cannot let feminism speak for us.

DFW is a perfect example: a man, conditioned by the latter half of the 20th century to believe himself to be so irredeemable that suicide poses the only option of escape. In order to avoid these tragedies, men must affirm the contents of their better natures. The next great socio-political movement will not be a ridiculous form of "meninism" but rather the reclaiming of male identity as a force for positive change, overthrowing its negative portrayal as the scapegoat for the world's ills.

>> No.11110582

>New collection of poems, Tropic of Squalor, from Harper Collins soon!
>On Sale May 8
Aah, I see.

>> No.11110586

This is wonderful. I hope you develop it further.

>> No.11110609

Bodoni Egyptian is such a sexy font

>> No.11110866

What if someone makes an account of an old woman and #metoo's Hemingway?

>> No.11110875

they are already me tooing him by calling him gay and trans

>> No.11110902

>For the same reason a man that sleeps with many women is a 'player' and a woman with many men a slut.
no its because its harder for men to fuck women.
a women if she wanted too. walk down the street and get any guy to fuck her
a guy can't do that. not even a 10/10

>> No.11110980

>a women if she wanted too. walk down the street and get any guy to fuck her
I'm sure you know that so well, obviously being a woman.
And if that were not the case, then I must assume you would have sex with any woman, no matter their appearance, that you saw on the street if they asked.

>> No.11111061

The first time I noticed this “happy coincidence” was when some bitch accused Michael Gira of sexual assault weeks before a new album release and it’s remained a pretty consistent phenomenon.

>> No.11111160
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>has a book coming out in two days


>> No.11111169

There has to be some well known literary hero that is a known "Ally" that can be easily taken down.

>> No.11111173

even if there is consent, it can be made to look as if "power dynamics" were abused. There really is no way out.

>> No.11111184

And that he killed himself, which showed that he had personal problems that might have lead to him being violent to others.

>> No.11111367

> it is now officially a Great and Important thing whilst also at the same time a fairly casual and laid-back act, like tying your shoelaces.

I once asked a girl who threw away her virginity on a 31 year old man she met abroad and never saw again if she regretted it. Her eyes told me she did regret it, but she lied and said that it made no difference to her.

Our entire culture is engaged in a conspiracy to cover-up what our conscience tells us is wrong. This isn't puritanism, it's nature. Women are ashamed when they let themselves be used like whores; and even men are ashamed when they treat women like whores. That's why both men and women refer to is as "filthy" and "dirty-minded". I honestly could never understand why treating another man's sister or daughter like a whore was supposed to be OK. I mean, I can understand doing it (lust), but I can't understand those who try to justify it. If a man "banged" my sister or daughter and forgot about her for the rest of his life except when bragging to his mates - I'd be angry.

Praise God atheists and darwinists are going instinct because they do not have the moral tools to have children or raise families. They will be wiped off the face of the earth, and good riddance, "For dreadful are the ends of a wicked race."

>> No.11112176

to be fair i think the greater part of the ideas DFW was known for derived from his personal experience and struggle with whatever it was he was discussing - his insights on tv, for example, were largely a consequence of his own inability to responsibly watch it. maybe along the same lines his morally objectionable behaviors left him in a position to be more thoughtful about them objectively

>> No.11112332

>Men don't seek validation through females

explain incels then

>> No.11112340

*thinks philosophy is video game villain monologues*

>> No.11112342


That was me! Hope they get Socrates next, after what he did to those little Greek boys.

>> No.11112344

>pretty much everything is fighting in one way or another

"I'm not a beta cuck, posting on 4chan all day is manly fighting too!"

>> No.11112348

this is just biological programming to protect mate value it has no bearing on right or wrong

>> No.11112378

South Korea

>> No.11112506

Pretty much. People who never struggle with moral issues are unable to write honestly about them.

>> No.11112539

For a narcissistic tripfag, you said one alright thing.

>> No.11112561

nibba please, pederasty is a social movement in the west at this point.

>> No.11112569

>man and woman get really drunk
>if they have sex and the woman feels she was coerced or manipulated into it afterwards it’s the man’s fault because women can’t have autonomy especially when they’re drunk and men have it even when they’re drunk because #modernfeminism is actually about abnegating women’s autonomy and infantilizing them when it fits their agenda even as they talk about empowering women

That’s just an example of if a man and woman are both drunk, I see though in this case you didn’t say if she was drunk or not. But, assuming she wasn’t, still, since you say you were blackout drunk (meaning you don’t remember anything), why do you trust her account of it?