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/lit/ - Literature

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11109080 No.11109080 [Reply] [Original]

What book will you bring with you when the war starts?

>> No.11109084

the gita

>> No.11109101

complete shakespeare

>> No.11109107
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>> No.11109108

How to build a tank

>> No.11109110
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A little big for the battlefield my friend.

>> No.11109112

Fear and Trembling

>> No.11109117

I'm a big boy, i'll manage

>> No.11109120
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>> No.11109149

Thats nothing

>> No.11109155

Liber AL vel Legis.

>> No.11109163

God I wish that were me.

>> No.11109198

i unironically wished i had died in cheney's war.

>> No.11109221

Why anon.

>> No.11109237


>> No.11109313

What book is he reading ?

>> No.11109320

Murdering Brown People for Dummies. It's a made-up book.

>> No.11109328

#metoo anon

>> No.11109402

the pali canon

>> No.11109431

I was gonna say Thucydides but it's a bit thick to go carryin around. probs some poetry. though I don't know any good poetry

>> No.11109432
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tfw used Anne Frank’s diary as masturbation material while in Afghanistan

>> No.11109436

The Brothers Karamazov.
>implying you'll have time to read past the first chapter before being turned into radioactive ash.

>> No.11109439

Big enough to stop a bullet.

>> No.11109466
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this bad boy

>> No.11109476
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>> No.11109504
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Obvious answer desu senpai

>> No.11109533
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I just finished it while studying in the Military. A very fresh and empowering thinking. Once I've read it I've continued with Vattimo and fuck, his way of thinking seems now cold and inhuman, almost like every book of philosophy now.

>> No.11109551
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Für deine Frage gibt es nur eine gute Antwort

>> No.11109571
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>> No.11109789

The Illiad, Mishima's Sea of Fertility series, and Mein Kampf.

>> No.11109792

Unironically good taste. His childhood and WW1 experiences are inspiring and moving.

>> No.11109795

pick one

you know wittgeinstein wrote the tractucus in the trenches?

>> No.11109799

my diary desu.

>> No.11109801

lol fag

>> No.11109809

field and technical manuals

>> No.11109810

>Penguin Nietzsche
How Americain... (please, do no ask me to elaborate)

>> No.11109814

>Getting mustard gassed and getting cucked by turbo-autist Wittgenstein as a child is inspiring

>> No.11109823
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Das hätten In Stahlgewittern sein sollen.

>> No.11109830

Le Voyage au Bout de la Nuit

>> No.11109844

Ian Wright: My Life in Football

>> No.11109884


>Hitler cucked by Wittgenstein
Please go on...

>> No.11109956

Penguin is British, though.

>> No.11109998

>Inspiring and moving.
>Retarded rant about supremacy and power that nowadays appeals to failed white bois.
/pol/ or /k/ is your home

>> No.11110001

You clearly havent read the book, go fuck yourself.

>> No.11110031
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>that part where Jünger says that he found nice leather bound copies of books but left them because he didn't have anywhere to put them

>> No.11110111

His diary tobeh

>> No.11110115

Atlas Shrugged

>> No.11110123


The Decline of the West

>> No.11110203

those digits tho

>> No.11110246
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>> No.11110253

Industrial Society and Its Future

>> No.11110254


The advantage of this is it will stop a bullet.

Other good candidates: Decline & Fall of the Roman Empire; Ulysses; Infinite Jest. (At last! A use for Infinite Jest!)

Imagine the poor sap who takes The Great Gatsby. That little 7.62mm parcel of destiny is gonna go straight through Mr Fitzgerald without even pausing.

>> No.11110270

you're on the wrong side of the war

>> No.11110302

Fetish erotica collection

>> No.11110318

I’m actually deploying in a month, and rather than repeat the mistake from last time of bringing a ton of medium sized books, i’m Just going to bring Against the day and Les Miserable.

>> No.11110322
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Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus

Wittgenstein wrote it whilst fighting in the Austrian army.
Maybe when I am fighting I'll find some inspiration

>> No.11110327

By the end of Atlas one is pretty hyped for war though.

>> No.11110413
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Anti-war books, to show my displeasure to my superiors of me getting drafted.
Maybe the illiad to.

>> No.11110422

Trainspotting, I bring it everywhere I travel

>> No.11110429

Why does that book have so many Arabic reviewers

>> No.11110430
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>Mein Kampf
>not bringing World as Will and Representation just like Hitler did

>> No.11110443

muzzies got good taste i guess

>> No.11110456

The Jew of Linz (1998) by K. Cornish
>The occasion for Adolf Hitler becoming anti-Semitic was a schoolboy interaction in Linz, circa 1904, with Ludwig Wittgenstein
>In the 1920s, Wittgenstein joined the Comintern
>As a Trinity College don, and a member of the Cambridge Apostles, Wittgenstein recruited fellow Apostles Guy Burgess, Kim Philby and Anthony Blunt, all students at Trinity—as well as Donald Maclean from nearby Trinity Hall—to work for the Soviet Union.
>Wittgenstein was responsible for the secret of decrypting the German "Enigma" code being passed to Joseph Stalin, which resulted ultimately in the Nazi defeats on the Eastern Front and liberation of the surviving Jews from the camps.
>Both Hitler's oratory and Wittgenstein's philosophy of language derive from the hermetic tradition, the key to which is Wittgenstein's "no-ownership" theory of mind, described by P. F. Strawson in his book Individuals (1958).[2]

>> No.11110481

Respect for Loeb because you may actually be trying to read Xeny's Greek. It's comparatively easy with a ton of repeated vocab, so good for a beginning student at war. But if you are reading English: why would you bring what is undoubtedly the dullest of all the Greek war narratives with you? Why not Thucydides or Herodotus for that matter?

Also when did /lit/ become /pol/? This thread is a shame.

I'd take either Borges' Ficciones or a collection Neruda's poetry.

>> No.11110487
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pic related

>> No.11110501

I wish I had died from sniper fire in Sarajevo, yet we're here

>> No.11110525
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>> No.11110533

Alain's (Emile Chartier) "Propos".
If you can read french I highly recommend reading him.

>> No.11110548

>>11109080 in stahlgewittern

>> No.11110556
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>> No.11110595

Probably books on agriculture or ranching. Once we eradicate the Bantu, there is a lot of fertile land in Africa.

>> No.11110605

I like how this guy thinks,
broke: Africa for Bantus
Woke: Africa for AFRIKANERS

>> No.11110639

How to Win Friends and Influence People

>> No.11112097
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>tfw Iraq War ended while I was still in boot camp and only a tiny handful ever got to go to Afghanistan

>> No.11112163

The Metaphysics of War

>> No.11112296

Not entirely, it's nauseating. Seems like something an autist, low self-steem young adult, rifle association member would write. Got fed up quickly with all the candid nationalist apology, the demonization of marxism and judaism and all the effort to build a touching short story "i also have a story, i'm frankenstein, i just had a rough life experience"

>> No.11112310

i read plutarch's lives during basic training, and when i got kicked out of my unit and thrown in jail i brought t.e. lawrence's seven pillars of wisdom with me

>> No.11112327

there is very little evidence that Wittgenstein cracked the enigma code and there is almost no evidence at all that Adolf Hitler was in touch with Wittgenstein at school or that Wittgenstein’s speculations had anything to do with hermeticism. Hitler was only tangentially related to it through ariosophy and some of the implications of N’s metaphysics which Hitler took quite seriously.

>> No.11112420

Alain ? tu veux dire celui qui pensait qu'Einstein avait tort, qui était jaloux de Bergson, le philosophe pour classe prépas ?

>> No.11112422
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Alain ? celui qui pensait qu'Einstein avait tort, qui était jaloux de Bergson ? Alain, le philosophe pour classe prépas ? Je ne crois pas, non.

>> No.11112423


>> No.11112491

dubs of approval

>> No.11112494


>> No.11112515

So you just hung out at the base? You still in the military?

>> No.11112534
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>> No.11112753

Fuck dude I always pack at least 30 books.
Last field exercise I read the entire phenomenology of spirit, all the pretty horses, the recognitions and Norwegian Wood.

There is free time in the military like you wouldn’t believe.

>> No.11112759

what book is he reading ,bros?

>> No.11112769

based FUCKING tosis

>> No.11112801

>tfw in the army but the job didn't allow me to just do nothing but read for 2 years

At last now I get my revenge, I've been reading like a maniac for a month

>> No.11112818

You read a wikipedia page I dont believe you read the book at all. The fuck does a "rifle association" have to do with Hitler or his beliefs?

>> No.11112829

Did he actually?

>> No.11112844

This or Degrelle

>> No.11112864
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>> No.11112879

No I meant we eradicate the Bantu for San people everywhere. Shake off the fleas of Zulu imperialism and start anew. /lit/ is a bushmen board

>> No.11112884

Good idea. Remember who you’re fighting for, anon :’(

>> No.11112889

Death note manga

>> No.11112896

What war?

>> No.11113095
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This, it's the cheapest edition and has all of the letters. Probably bring Augustine's Confessions or Oxford's Dialouges and Essays of Seneca too

>> No.11113215

>Neruda's poetry
when you live in a glass house anon

>> No.11113218

my life will be the book

>> No.11113235

Is no one gonna talk about fucking hot this photo is? His pecs are gorgeous.

>> No.11113238
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get that shit outta here i'm tryna keep the squad motivated hooah? i don't need a peacenick tryna undermine the mission and get us all killed hooah? gimme that and get in PTs you're low crawling no man's land hooah?

pretty sure it's a pic from the internet. and dull is a matter of taste, i think the anabasis has a lot to say about the grunt life. it is suffering and hardship, doing what has to be done. a bit too real for trench reading, i think i'd prefer bemelman's madeline stories tbhwyfambly.

and other anon is right, why are you reading neruda in a war zone my guy

you know what it is.

>> No.11113290

It's a scene from the movie 'Jarhead' (2005) with Jake Gyllenhaal.
It wasn't that great of a movie. Not even a little bit of cock.

>> No.11113299
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Confirmed as well by Hans Frank during Nuremberg, though it should have been obvious; National Socialism was fundamentally a Wagnerian German Romantic movement, and Wagner's greatest philosophical influence was Schopenhauer.
I'd be interested to know how many political leaders have read Schopenhauer. Many have read Nietzsche surely.

>> No.11113341
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That's alright with me.

>> No.11114163 [DELETED] 
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lol ikr

I actually once shot my load to her out the door of a Chinook flying at 1300 meters over the Hindu Kush. I like to image it landed on Osama bin Laden's head.

>Remember who you’re fighting for, anon :'(

I see what jew did there yah cheeky bastard

>> No.11114173
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lol ikr

I actually once shot my load to her out the door of a Chinook flying at 1300 meters over the Hindu Kush. I like to imagine that it landed on Osama bin Laden's head.

>Remember who you’re fighting for, anon :'(

I see what jew did there yah cheeky bastard

>> No.11115198

Why the fuck would i read the wikipedia page when the entire uncensored book is avaliable online you brainlet.
Rifle association is just used to emphasize the autism and to make it relatable to the cases nowadays.
Mein kampf is just the work of a monomaniac, there's no development on Hitlers view, there's no reason, there's just sentimentalism disguised as "philosophical beliefs" -note the oximoron-. The only thing the book seems to lead is to a mechanical society of well trained soldiers, clerks and bureaucrats.
And you accurately described the only thing that book can accomplish, to be "moving" or "touching".

>> No.11115219
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Gonna pick this up soon, so I'll probably tale it. Lot of demonic power in the air recently, I think something's going to go down soon. Just hope I can make it to confession before the missiles fly

>> No.11115390
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>lucky I always keep a copy of Plato's Complete works close to my heart

>> No.11115529

>demonic power
fuck off

>> No.11115571

The art of war.

>> No.11115614

t. demon

>> No.11115634


>> No.11115672

The Book of Mormon hardcover.
too bad Wagner über christianised the works he made

>> No.11115689

metaphysics of war, hardcover edition

>> No.11115698

>the book of Mormon
You don't believe that drivel do you?

>> No.11115716

No, just want to study it through a philosophic lens. How a post-christian religion starts and the like

>> No.11115724
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Demonic influence is no laughing mater
Vade post me Satana

>> No.11115755

The Bible
hard cover

>> No.11115822
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>> No.11117041

Aside from a field op in Thailand and a humanitarian mission in the Philippines, yes. Got out 2 years ago.

>> No.11117102


>> No.11117130

Storm of Steel

>> No.11117136

I've had a fragment of the ghita stuck in my head for years now that's really made me even sadder and more jaded than prior, never read the whole thing though

>> No.11117498

What section? Also, you should probably read the the whole work if its actually messing you up.

>> No.11117501

Magic Mountain

>> No.11117549

I read The Eastern Front last year, really gripping. Just curious, do you think it was heavily embellished? I’ve heard people criticize it for being inaccurate but never actually any specific examples. The overall narrative of the war seems pretty accurate, and the smaller details seem like they would be difficult to disprove considering how few of the Walloon Legion made it back, and how many were politically persecuted.

>> No.11117687
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>That cover

B-but this is a Christian imageboard

>> No.11117708

i would have already joined if it didn’t involve vaccination and being screamed at by people two SD’s beneath me

>> No.11118806

That's a really long winded way of saying "i have a knee jerk reaction at the sight of swastikas and army uniforms"

>> No.11118984

>Penguin is British, though.
Amazing, you have much elan. Except, Americains are the spawn of the English, and now we are really discussing what came first: the island inbred; or, the inbred from some large expanse of stolen land.

>> No.11119261

Anarchist cookbook and Steal this book

>> No.11119289

I skiped this book during my sci fi binge. Is it actualy good?

>> No.11119344

It depends. If I support the war then
>Storm of Steel, On War, some Mishima, the Bible, and Schopenhauer's Aphorisms
If I don't support the war then
>the Bhagavad Gita and anything by Hermann Hesse or Dostoevsky

The idea of being a soldier sitting on the front lines reading at night sounds pretty comfy. Just imagine all the thoughts that will be going through your head. Every message in a book you read is going to be ten times as powerful. Imagine picking up that same book years later, flicking through it a bit, and then stopping on a part you distinctly remember. A part that's been permanently associated with you sitting there in your gear waiting to hear if you're going to attack tonight or not. That slight tension in the air as everyone wonders if they'll sleep soundly tonight, or if they might die. When the radio makes even the slightest noise, everyone drops what they're doing to listen. After one of these false alarms you go and try to read again, and you perfectly remember the first sentence you stared at.

>> No.11119465
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What war lol?
>t. 19 yo

>> No.11119491

Catch 22

>> No.11119492

It's real LARPing hours, see also >>11119295

>> No.11119510

The second Finno-Korean Hyperwar.

>> No.11119513


>> No.11119566


>> No.11119610

Probably Les Miserables, a reminder that this time too shall pass and that when I get home I know I get to fuck my Eponine raw

>> No.11119619

if Anne Frank survived, you just know she would've been living the post-war life similar to a Setsuko Hara-starring Yasujiro Ozu film where after all that dreadful turmoil, the most worrying thing is if your daughter will marry before she's thirty or to look after your parents as they get older, even if the grandchildren aren't particularly appreciative of the efforts of the generations before them.

Maybe I just really want Anne Frank to star in an Ozu film.

>> No.11119624

lmao well you're not fighting for America then, maybe North Korea will take you

>> No.11119627

The Iliad. It's all I'd need.

>> No.11119632

War Is A Racket by Smedley Butler.

I will also not be going to war unless it's a class war. Fuck bourgeoisie interests.

>> No.11119646

It's L Ron Hubbard, what do you fucking think, pal? The man's a fucking joke.

>> No.11119683
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>> No.11119694

The Anarchist Cookbook. It's edgy af but might have some useful shit for war time, especially if its a civil war. It's like when people ask "What book would you bring to a desert island?". Obvious answer is How to Survive on a Deserted Island (Prepare to Survive) by Tim O'Shel.

>> No.11119749

They dont give you that many vaccines anon.

>> No.11119773

This. I know an ex-soldier in the UK and he said he never went anywhere outside of a UK base and most of the work was either training or communal support stuff. I think people kind of forget that being in the military isn't always battlefields and war movies, there's a lot of other positions.

Was considering trying to become a military cook for a while. It's not something I would WANT to do with my life but I can cook and clean pretty well.

>> No.11120600

My multiple copies of all the pynchon novels. I'll make papercut guns out of them and recruit every black man I meet. do night missions. the gooks won't know what hit em

>> No.11120627

I don’t mean to be rude, but he never wrote the second or third books, this is basically notes which he scrapped

>> No.11121858

Monsieur a lu Onfray et se sent capable de cracher sur Alain, qu'il n'a jamais lu ? :)