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/lit/ - Literature

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11108140 No.11108140 [Reply] [Original]

dropping this shit cuz i have no idea what the fuck is going on
> tfw haven't studied kant, heidegger, etc.

i hate my life

>> No.11108145

Don't hate yourself, you did the right thing.

>> No.11108146

So study them? What's the problem

>> No.11108153

epic REEE! kek btfo! i wanted to be able to own the libs with baste antihumanism, but i'm a child who doesnt read or engage in anything otherwise

>> No.11108156

i will, i will. and then i can come back to this. just feel kind of bummed because i was excited to read this but can't understand any of it
nothing in there worth reading or?

>> No.11108201

People hate on it because it’s kind of a meme and Land is a kook

>> No.11108251

yeah, i wanted to read it for that reason, see how crazy he was. but i feel like without being familiar with the big guys in the continental tradition im just lost

>> No.11108256

You will be. Even when you’re familiar with them it’s still confusing. People like it because it’s very esoteric.

>> No.11108311


this is a terrible post and you should feel bad for making it

>> No.11108349

yeah, makes sense. i'll come back to it someday i guess. i wonder what anyone who read it got out of it if they came into it without the same amount of background info as i did

>> No.11108371

I want to read this so bad as well, I am just afraid I cant comprehend it
I have read Nietzsche with comparative ease, but Kant and Heidegger were harder

>> No.11108412

lol at sub 130 iq people

going to read a few chapters in about an hour high off my ass a few drinks deep just to spite the termite folk who think they need to share this kind of crap

>> No.11108434

You shouldn't boast about such things and you should read philosophy with the clearest mind possible

>> No.11108540

yeah, you sound like a pleb. real patrician don't drink alcohol or get high loser

>> No.11108687
File: 22 KB, 219x350, wieland-or-the-transformation-9781633558779_lg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

twisted sister cover art screeds and all, I'll think desu recommending this sign in 2000, during the whole Conan bit about the future, I was reading this and this song came on and it all connected. It's a bit cheesy.


>> No.11108697

God, those years! On and on and on....

>> No.11108703

literally kants neologism
read kant

>> No.11108704

>Who is Pynchon
>Who is Joyce
>Who is Burroughs
>Who is Huxley
>Who is Carver
>Who is Dick
>Who is Wallace
>Who is Hemingway
>Who is Miller
>Who is McKenna

>> No.11108711

>fiction pseuds with no rigor

>> No.11108730

>Who is Dick

I think we all know the answer to that

>> No.11108736
File: 266 KB, 1065x1280, ItwassuchacoolskullthatIjustcouldn'tleaveitintheearth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shots fired. Man breakdancing and crawling comes down the street with a panic and then laughing jibber, begging and hooing, angry and guilty. More for his kin and castle.


>> No.11108804

anyone else think the early tempered essays on Heidegger, Trakl, Freud, and Kant far outstrip his later gimmicky cyberpunk poetry (which he is, probably for memetic reasons, more well known for)?

>> No.11108844

What are you talking about? I smoke blunts and read Hegel all the time and I get him

>> No.11108858
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Skip the first 5 or 6 works, they are from his days as an academic. That is what reading academic philosophy feels like. The rest of the book is theory-fiction (esoteric horror) and much easier to get through. That being said, Kant, Capital, and the Prohibition of Incest is a fucking great paper.

>> No.11108868

>The rest of the book is theory-fiction (esoteric horror) and much easier to get through.
I felt that this part was the slog, not the early papers. Reza's Cyclonopedia is a far better take on the theory-fiction thing.

>> No.11108880

If your issue if you have no background experience in Kant, Heidegger, ect. then yeah those initial papers would be quite the slog. KCPI references all 3 critiques lmao

>> No.11108898

that looks like a fun not fun record cover or some california hypnagogic pop bullshit lmao

>> No.11108900

no, because it wasn't written sober and people who can't think while intoxicated are weak/low C
I would, if i could, behead every single person historically who has referred to themselves as patrician, both online and in the Roman Republic. Disgusting caste/class signalling, absolutely unbecoming of a noble spirit
they can't read anything anon
forgot Hume, Nietzsche, Shakespeare and probably most continentals

>> No.11108902
File: 2.69 MB, 3264x2448, 41D5A738-D963-4E19-8119-9D20C028EEEC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this but unironically

>> No.11108908

improperly cured, low triche cover, looks like the stem is ~1/3 the mass of the nugs, probably has only a mild floral aroma, upper-mids at best, I bet you paid eq. of $13 a gram for it. please don't post ugly weed, this is a board for adults

>> No.11108923
File: 1.46 MB, 3264x2448, 58064320-C7BF-4055-87B6-FD31989904D3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I live in BC faggot I smoke better weed than you guarenteed.

>> No.11108925

uh I live in BC too where you at faggot

>> No.11108928

Van Isle

>> No.11108932

kek nice same here

>> No.11108933

Really? wow you must be infallible dude, I live in WA and we had better weed than you till 502 allowed nigger capitalists to encourage neurotoxin coating and wholesale Jew'ing of dispensaries. I was smoking quite possibly some of the best weed on Earth and have been since I was 16 years old. You only RECENTLY regained status as dominant weed producer on this God's Green Earth, but until 502 raped our output of high quality medical we were dominant, and the Oregonian faggots

still improperly cured and massive stems, again you probably paid $13/gram which is disgusting considering what weed is worth (just around $1-$3/gram)

>> No.11108935

are you a uvic qt

>> No.11108944

>You only RECENTLY regained status as dominant weed producer on this God's Green Earth
>t. smoked weed for 2 years and thinks he knows what he's talking about
I started at 13, and that means i've been smoking daily for well over a decade. BC bud was world renown before there were even dispensaries in Cali.

>> No.11108951

is BC more /lit/ than I knew? I know I've gotten nothing but compliments and interesting conversations reading in public here.

>> No.11108960

this is some high school shit my dudes

>> No.11108971
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weed quality is a touchy subject

>> No.11108980

>is BC more /lit/ than I knew?
Yes. All the top ranking ironic-shit-posters are and always were Canadian, too.

>> No.11108993

What is Land saying about the jews here?

>> No.11109000

>I started at 13
gross, you fucking degenerate

and WA's total supremacy in weed production was a short lived period of wild west unregulated medical from 2010-2014. I'm perfectly aware of BC Bud and BC grows, just you don't have any special status at all whatsoever I've very likely smoked original cuts from strains you pride yourself on
unbelievably important matter of taste and honor, you should stay out of this

>> No.11109023

I thought it's interesting how he doesn't talk about "Jews", but specifically about the Jewish problem (which he says is actually the problems of Odeipus, female sexuality, and consumption). It almost sounds to me like he's saying the Jewish problem will exist in modernity specifically because it is a masking of the problems of capitalism, problems which must exist in modernity. It could be an interesting analysis of the Jewish Question completely sans Jews; but I practice epoché on these parts of Land.

>> No.11109041
File: 259 KB, 486x600, Descartes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I could see Texada Island from the beach I used to live by as a kid, where do you think Timewarp comes from? If you can't talk Land, go to /r/trees or something man. Also, checked.

>> No.11110593

I actually found his earlier texts way more coherent. KCPI and Delighted to Death are great papers, so is his text on Trakl and Heidegger.

>> No.11111441

How big of a brainlet can you be? I just read the two first texts JUST FOR YOU (and a little myself as i've wanted to get into him too), and what he says makes perfect sense. Mabye his first is just abnormally easy to read compared to the rest of the book, but i have little to no knowledge of kant, marx, the enlightenment memes or any of the feminist memes hes refering to, but when a concept comes up just google it.

>be me, philosophically uneducated and probably not very high iq
>read prohobition of incest meme
>Nick dick in hand land brings up a buch of kantian memes like alterity, transcendental materialism, the other
>be me
>google the terms
>thats it

>> No.11112035

I hope you started with the greeks first anon, you are not supposed to do philosophy like that :^)

>> No.11112136

You sound like a fucking loser

>> No.11112246

Isn't that basically what Zizek says?

>> No.11112371

>Who is Poe
>Who is Faulkner
>Who is Fitzgerald
>Who is Beckett
>Who is Wilde
And there are tons of other excellent authors who liked alcoholic beverages.

>> No.11112387

its what everyone who isn’t a simping apathetic sociopath has realized, techno-capital goes with female promiscuity, goes with judaic culture, goes with degeneration, there’s no reason to believe that Jews cause any of this at all, system is not sensitive to one tiny race of people to that degree at all. they were brought about by latent proclivities within human information systems not the other way around.

>> No.11112419


>> No.11112441

What fan fiction have you been reading?
>"But this people has deliberately made itself stupid, for nearly a millennium: nowhere have the two great European narcotics, alcohol and Christianity, been abused more dissolutely."

>> No.11112449

I was trying to stick to writers that drank and drugged, not just drank

>> No.11112464

Claiming to "get philosophy" while intoxicated doesn't make you look like a genius, it makes you look like a posturing idiotic child that cares more about status than insight. It reminds me of myself in junior high school. Pretty pathetic to still be doing shit like this past the age of 18

>> No.11112756

read this you stupid faggot

>> No.11112775

Dude don't hate cause you can't read the phenomenology high as a kite and still get it

>> No.11112783

I certainly thought that I did, when I smoked heavily. I look back on all the supposed "insights" I had while reading philosophy stoned and shiver with regret. I hope you will adopt this perspective when you grow up, if you manage to do that before you die.

>> No.11112797

Sounds like a you problem bud, I used to ace essays on Husserl high

>> No.11112804

I knew about that. Huxley was not patrician.

>> No.11112805
File: 83 KB, 689x241, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think you might just be retarded, anon. If you can read philosophy when you're tired you can read it when you're stoned.

>> No.11112810

>his essay grades are his criterion of whether or not he firmly grasps a concept
Jesus Christ, you are a teenager, aren't you?

>> No.11112816

that's literally the whole point of writing essays; do you have a philosophy degree anon?

>> No.11112820

Yes. Do you?

>> No.11112822

his death is /lit/ af regardless

>> No.11112840

Yes I do, and it's obvious to me that the philosophy doctorates that graded my papers knew the material well enough to know whether I grasped the concept at hand and reflected that assessment in my grade.

>> No.11112843

Phenomenology brackets givenness as an immanently transcendentalizing function: even within the epoche self-experience, there is an intentionality, and with intentionality an therness constituted by its adumbration in/by consciousness. Husserl does a great job of systematizing some really Eastern sounding concepts

>> No.11112852

My point is that there's no reason to rest contented because you received a good grade. It's nice to know others think you're on the right track, though.

>> No.11112886

I thought you guys were talking about reading philosophy stoned, not "rest[ing] contented"

>> No.11112905

If you're satisfied with your understanding of something, then write an essay on it stoned and get a good grade, that's your business. Even though I disagree that you can get the greatest understanding of philosophy while reading it stoned, it's possible that you can. Good for you and all that, I can't go inside your mind. But if you aren't sure of your understanding, and cease interrogation because you get a good grade, I'd say you're doing the thing more for good grades than for the love of the thing itself.

I still maintain that bragging about your ability to understand something high is childish posturing.

>> No.11112933

I once got into an argument over whether Irving Layton was better than Al Purdy at Macleods in Van. Def a big literary scene out there. If it wasn't for the shitty wages, and high living prices, I'd move back in an instant

>> No.11114179

Good thread man

>> No.11114186

you unironically sound like a fag

>> No.11114229
File: 19 KB, 223x346, Sextus Empiricus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11114614

if you work through it slowly, you can understand it without having prior philo knowledge, just be prepared to google stuff as you're reading it

>> No.11115437

where can i buy this? it seems like it's out of stock everywhere.

>> No.11115443

Good luck

>> No.11116374
File: 206 KB, 762x730, alpha2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A dose of "shut the fuck up and analyze more" would do 4Chan good. Suspension of judgment is the golden path and the Greek already knew that.

>> No.11117499

Study them

>> No.11117839

I found it for $11 at a used bookstore the other week.

>> No.11118846

>He can't understand the Land

>> No.11120097
