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/lit/ - Literature

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11107376 No.11107376 [Reply] [Original]

>library sale
>all this for 7 bucks
h-howd I do?

>> No.11107386

I see 20 books and the 4 with pricetags add up to 5 dollars already....

>> No.11107398

there was a section where you could fill a bag with books and pay 2 bucks, and another where it was either 1 or 2 books for a dollar. Theres actually more that i didnt bother stacking

>> No.11107497

then you did very well obviously

>> No.11107505

did this happen to be in philly? a local library near me just did the exact same thing last weekend, where you could get a $2 bag of books. regardless, you made out better than i did. i got there pretty late so a lot of the good stuff was already taken

>> No.11107513

>King, Queen, Knave

ya did good

>> No.11107530

waste of money. everything else is alright.

>> No.11108460

You did just fine, anon. Excellent work.

>> No.11108471

All great picks except for Bukowski. Good stuff, anon...it takes me back to my days of scoring hauls at book sales and reading all the greats for the first time...

>> No.11108489

the bukowski is actually a gift for a girl. ive no intention of reading it

>> No.11108491

I think all libraries that do sales do the fill up a bag thing on the last day to get rid of more stuff.

>> No.11108506

how do I find out when libraries will be doing this?

>> No.11108549
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This Library does the first day for patrons of the library only and the next day is open to the public. It really is a lot of fun parsing through piles of shit Dan Brow and Tom Clancy to find Tolstoy.
Im in California. I went the first day it was open to the public.

>> No.11108554

>All those horribly cracked spines
How are people reading these books.

>> No.11108556


Your local library might have a website that will announce it. I get a montly newsletter from my library.

>> No.11108564


>> No.11108567

Sometimes, when you can't reach a bookmark you just lay a book open and upside down.

>> No.11108574

That Melville collection is really good, you should start with it.

>> No.11108653
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Op, you lucky sob, i couldnt spent less than 70 bucks on those books at the dirtier warehouse in my city. Sucks to live in a 3rd world shithole. You did great.

>> No.11108660

>those leggings
post tits

>> No.11108686

how do i find library sales in Australia

>> No.11108715

I went with the intention of looking for some Melville, so I most likely will.That or the Shakespeare.
Go to your local library and ask if they, or any other branches, will be conducting a library sale; and if so, when.

>> No.11108798

Its a strong possibility that OPs wears leggings but has no tits anon.

>> No.11108801

then op needs to post her feminine penis uwu

>> No.11108807

not likely noticing the cat figure and the candles.

>> No.11108842
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>> No.11108946

Anna Karenina is good, but the character is shallow af.

>> No.11108949

The cat figure is suspect... candles look electric so I dunno. Besides, who doesn't have candle or two?
Its also worth noting that OP mentioned giving of these books as a gift to a girl. Unlikely a fag on here has female prospects/acquaintances.
You may have a point anon.

>> No.11108991

>Spending $7 on some smelly paper that some nigger probably ripped pages out of to roll his devil cigarettes.
No thanks, I'll go digital.

>> No.11108999

Where should I start with Zola?

>> No.11109242
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>TFW no /lit/ gf to go shopping for books with

>> No.11109247

Germinal is considered his masterpiece, so I dont imagine its a bad place to start.

>> No.11109916

pretty good

>> No.11110063

>that comic

>> No.11110129

>mass market paperbacks

>> No.11110822

>judging books by the cover
ironically, you're probably one of the people who shittalk ereaders. tell me if i'm wrong

>> No.11110970

it's not about the cover, it's about the tactile experience of reading a flimsy old book with a musty odor and rough, brittle pages. Books with smooth, supple pages are much more pleasant to read and worth the extra money. I have nothing against ereaders.

>> No.11111216

I can't really disagree but I'd argue small paperbacks are often much more comfortable to use, especially if you're reading outside or somewhere other than home

>> No.11111743

the zola and macbeth are hardcovers. all the books are in rather good condition aside from the Hesse and greek plays

>> No.11112994

Fags definitely have female friends dumbo.

>> No.11114570
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>cool to hate bukowski

>> No.11116499

Pretty good

>> No.11116570

what the fuck man

>> No.11116583

Decent for a papercuck but if you'd get an e-reader you would have infinite books for a 100 bucks or something.

>> No.11116755

cool ivan denisovich edition

>> No.11116769

Got it for 0$

>> No.11116809

I only buy shitty cheap copies of books so I can be rough with them

>> No.11116827

never understood why people dislike bukowski. disliking him is a meme.
also, what's hesse like in English? I only read him in German and the dude is so fucking lit

>> No.11116859
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>disliking him is a meme.
Can you really not understand why people may dislike him? How much poetry have you read?

>> No.11116963
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Well, he's rather crude, his use of words is surpassed by the majority of internationally renown authors and neither his values nor his outlook on life are exactly pleasant.
But there is a reason meme related is making its rounds on this forum. He puts the spotlight on a number of issues that prevail in our consumerist society and draws attention to the arbitrary of rules we have given ourselves in many cases. On top of that he was quite an avant-garde author of his time and ought to be respected for breaking taboos.
In my opinion his near-pretentious unpretentiousness makes him stand out. The guy just didn't give a fuck and though there is lots of bragging in his book his honest self-analysis is something many authors can only aspire to.

>> No.11117097
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that pic related is just prose with line spaces. No metaphor, no imagery, no rhythm. Any taboos that he broke led to the surface-level confessionary style that plagues contemporary poetry.
>the guy just didnt give a fuck
and that makes him a good poet how? He is a fucking dreadful poet, and a third-rate thinker you mistake for first. Out of curiosity what other poets do you like?

>> No.11117132

>a good poet
I never said he was. He's an interesting author nonetheless. Primarily because of his disregard for conventions.
And I am not going to give you a list of guys I like reading just so you can have your high horse shit all over them. We both know it's going there no matter who I name. This board sometimes is unnecessarily pretentious. You could really learn a thing or two from our man Chinaski.

>> No.11117250

You said you never understood why people dislike him. Now you admit he's not a good poet; maybe that could be a reason people dislike him. I wanted to know who you read to know what poets someone who likes bukowski reads. You seem to have considerable apprehension towards appearing pretentious, which, if youll allow me to pontificate, seems to come from insecurity.

>> No.11117302

that pic *IS* prose you retard. it's from a novel.

>> No.11117319

Speaks more to Bukowski's poetry than it does me.You act like bukowski doesnt write poetry akin to that.

>> No.11117342

I'm not that other anon and I actually don't like Bukowski's poetry. I do like his novels though.

>> No.11117348

He writes humorous situations well.

>> No.11117362

when i start reading a book i crack the shit outta the spine so it's more comfortable in my hand

no ragrets

>> No.11117367
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Yeah, that's where the crude style works well. He generally cheers me up.

>> No.11117371

Totally, since books are property. You wouldn't tell me how to treat my slaves, since they're my property, too.

>> No.11117725
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>A- anyone who doesn't like Bukowski is pretentious