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11106534 No.11106534 [Reply] [Original]

>reads books

>> No.11106543


>> No.11106547
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haha not me

>> No.11106565
File: 43 KB, 326x326, 1517858079771.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you morons even know what onions is?

its a fucking plant, like trees, which books are made of
books are literally solid onions-drinks

>> No.11106574

oh shit I've been duped!!!!!

strangely enough my argument is still sound.

s o y = onions

>> No.11106577

>tripfag outs himself as newfag
big surprise

>> No.11106595

>anonymous thinks his opinion matters
how do i ever hold you to your word if you are no one?

>> No.11106631

Please go back to Red it

>> No.11106640
File: 115 KB, 1300x957, man-swallowing-red-pill-12837443.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>makes a shit thread

>> No.11106644
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I don't think I will, and (you) certainly aren't smart enough to convince me otherwise.

>> No.11106652

>thinks being a tripfag on 4chan makes his opinion matter
Unless you turn out to be Pynchon or something literally no one cares.

>> No.11106673

Then why have the most powerful and intelligent men of history been so well-read?

>> No.11106683

>tfw forgot how awful summer 4chan was

>> No.11106692

It matters in that regard, that you can point to me and tell me i am wrong. as an anonymous i can at any point claim bullshit, and not be have to take and consequences. With a trip-code i have created an identity which i am attached to and don't want to abandon. This identity forces me to put effort into my posts and stand for them, otherwise i would be known as a bullshitter and get (you)s only when people are telling me to fuck off.
I bet you didn't even read this, because you aren't attached to your responses on this site, so you reply and then leave the thread like most anons. also you can't prove that you are the one replying to this because any anon can pretend they are you

captcha is telling me to stop, maybe i should.

>> No.11106702
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>not be have to take and consequences.
and not meet any consequences.*

I had a stroke.

>> No.11106705

But Trump doesn't read

>> No.11106713

You realize everyone here just filters trips right lol?

>> No.11106734


>> No.11106739

Not everyone,but some do. What I'm writing here isn't exactly good prose, they aren't missing out on much. The trip is more for my sake than for others. i want credit for the good thing, and discredit for the bad thing that i write.

>> No.11106741

The expectation should be that you provide quality posts on your own initiative. Despite the anonymity the quality here and on most other media boards on this site is better and funner than most forums - primarily cause there's less ego-shitting, inter-user drama and rigid workplace-norms that would come with visible people interacting with one another. If you want a with strong quality-checks and people self-checking their persona's when on the line then unironically a place like reddit would be for you.

>> No.11106746

Tourists to the board don't. Like me. Everyone else does.

>> No.11106749

Yeah, he's an anomaly and he's setting a bad precedent. Washington, Adams, and Jefferson very well-read. Though, really, that someone as uneducated as Trump was elected suggests the voters themselves are uneducated. Trump appeals most to the benighted whites of America, who sadly will benefit the least from his presidency.

>> No.11106756

Who else was there to choose from

>> No.11106771

I do unironically use reddit also, but 4chan is a forum where i get to see all the responses, not only what the reddit hive-mind offers me as best.

The quality check provided by reddits karma system dis-compensates by removing the polyphony, unlike this board.

At the same time i can claim my opinion and force everyone not tripping-filtering me to see my responses. so the mods don't decide which of my opinions can be shown, individuals do.

>> No.11106773

There were no choices.

>> No.11106782

So what do you expect people to do

>> No.11106787
