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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 35 KB, 413x577, anon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11105751 No.11105751 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.11105846

What did you like about it?

>> No.11105871

the faggotry

>> No.11105887


Historical aspects. Replaying timeline from 2003. How the meme culture started and historical details on some memes which I did not know. Also as this is 2011 book it's about 4chan state back then.

>> No.11106476

mother of god, can't you idiots just go away?

>> No.11106491

What's the most interesting historical aspect, in your opinion?
You write like a telegraph from the 40s, by the way.

>> No.11106506

Duckroll. Naught else worth knowing.

>> No.11106525

Duckroll is an historical aspect? What do you mean?

>> No.11106527

Reminder that if it doesnt cover stormfront invasion then the book is trash. Is the worst political stunt of the century.

>> No.11106532

Yes and only thing worth knowing.

>> No.11106561

Ok, thanks. You must be ESL or something, I didn't want to be rude.

>> No.11106564

You must be retarded or something.

>> No.11106638
File: 5 KB, 326x154, cole.stryker.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Quite nice and comprehensive overview of our history
That is going a little far but, seriously, look at his autistic mug in the photo in the rear fold of the dustcover. That faggot is definitely one of us.

>> No.11106646

>Reminder that if it doesnt cover stormfront invasion then the book is trash.
The worst part of the invasion is that now, when you say anything mean about the Jews, the immediate response is "Stormfaggot!" even when you are making a cogent point.

>> No.11106663

>he doesn't just watch Internet Historian vids
>you shouldn't just ignore and filter jew posts because you want to discuss literature, you should read them and critically think about them
Gee, I wonder who could be behind this post.
You could logically prove the jews are evil from the cogito without a single misstep, and I'd ignore you because I don't come here to discuss politics.

>> No.11106669

>even when you are making a cogent point
not many such cases

>> No.11106670

What a meme post.

>> No.11106682

Normalfags are fucking embarrassing. You can compile a bunch of data and news articles but you'd never understand how a culture really worked and developed unless you were a part of it.

>> No.11106687

Storm weenie.

>> No.11106706

Why would you think that? It did happen, anonymity does attract such people.

>> No.11106710

>because you want to discuss literature
Much literature has some kind of a political angle - sometimes being of a Jewish nature. Depending on the piece, there may be no way to avoid the Jewish angle while discussing the point in question.

>> No.11106714

You sound kinda jewy.

>> No.11106716

This is why that book kill all normies is also trash because it made the same mistakes this one had. Being an outside perspective

>> No.11106723

>there may be no way to avoid the Jewish angle
for you, obsessive piece of shit

>> No.11106724
File: 58 KB, 185x224, 1525364093844.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>stormfront invasion

>> No.11106730
File: 10 KB, 250x250, pseudlove.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uh uh. I am not biting that empty hook.

>> No.11106731

Like clockwork. What an idiot.

>> No.11106735

But you just did, and it's not even bait.

>> No.11106740

So, how do you effectively discuss the works of Eliphus Levi without considering the context of the work?

>> No.11106745

Took the fuckin bait! :^)

>> No.11106748

>trap spamming stops
>/pol/ posting starts again
what did he mean by this?

>> No.11106750

>Like clockwork. What an idiot.
And your post was the tock to his tick.

>> No.11106755

Because it was always a meme. Sounds like you don't know your /pol/ history. Stormfront was a boogieman.

>> No.11106766

Just a (((coincidence))) :o)

>> No.11106772
File: 71 KB, 728x546, i.missed.you.too.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what did he mean by this?
I had to take a break and scrape some paint for a while. It's nice to be noticed.

>> No.11106774

Anon wasn't set up. Anonymity does attract the weak.

>> No.11106786

>author is context

>> No.11106792

>Anonymous 05/05/18(Sat)15:59:38 >No.11106774▶

>Anon wasn't set up. Anonymity does attract the weak.

Top lel

>> No.11106800

How is 4chan antisemitism a meme?

>> No.11106806

t. 50 IQ

>> No.11106814
File: 98 KB, 600x219, subjunctive.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you read his work?

>> No.11106820

Have you? I am not asking about him specifically, just why you think the author is context.

>> No.11106826
File: 2 KB, 124x102, heraclitus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>IQ tests are a relevant, objective measure of intelligence.

>> No.11106835

He is talking about this.

Jews did 9/11 is one thing (it was Bush) but spammed responses and catchphrases is another. Anyway from what i can tell it is not even happening on /pol/ and the jew hatred is organic there now. Does it mean their tactics worked? Hard to say

>> No.11106836

I don't think so, it was just an easy way to point out that if you found this so funny there is a good chance you're not smart.

>> No.11106840

t. reatard that posts thumbnails

>> No.11106841
File: 85 KB, 1000x581, fussball.affen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>just why you think the author is context.
He writes about things that are inherent to his people. There can be no study of the culture of the Jews without consideration of Jews.

>> No.11106843


I possibly write like that because I am coder :) Gotta share the information short and factual. Most interesting historical aspect probably for me was that 4chan started as much less extreme than it is now. The users had optional names and such and place had more "friendlier" atmosphere. I was not here then but this is what the guy tells.

>> No.11106847

Well that's stupid and you're stupid for using emoticons.

>> No.11106858


>> No.11106859

Best thread on lit aside from the now deleted tranny threads.

>> No.11106863

Are there also any recommended books with an inside perspective?

>> No.11106864

You do not have permission to respond to me.

>> No.11106866

I did not bring him up as an example. I was asking about the general point you made about literature.
Why do you need everything to be about jews?
Again, why do you consider the author to be context?

>> No.11106869
File: 181 KB, 1056x700, kinder.zukunft.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do not listen to this faggot: >11106847
I used to write technical documents for a living and it definitely shaped some of my writing style.

>> No.11106870

Understood. Thanks!

>> No.11106873

Because Jews are a parasite living within the bowels of western culture and bullets are the only meaningful purgative.

>> No.11106876

You can still use names. /tv/ is still pretty friendly and hilarious. /fit/ is surprisingly helpful. /po/ and /ck/ and other fringe boards are actually sincere and informative. /a/ is fucking shit and why i never learned about anime. Went there to ask about it and was cruelly shot down every time.>>11106847

>> No.11106881

You're welcome. :)

>> No.11106888

>jews are a parasite within western culture
And surely you produce important and timeless cultural works in stead of just feed on the works of others senpai?

>> No.11106889

It's not doing what you think it does, it makes the information more difficult to access. Writing better sentences is the /lit/ way.

>> No.11106891 [DELETED] 


go to browse /b/ for old times to see if it's chanced and see this, not sure if it's racist or not u tell me

>> No.11106893

Ok but why do you believe author is context, exactly?

>> No.11106897

Having a giggle at you niggers.

>> No.11106900

>Again, why do you consider the author to be context?
Apparently I am brainletting here. How is a Jew talking about Jewy things in which Jews engage not contextual to his work? I consider someone talking about themselves or their in-group members differently than I consider someone talking about the same group from the outside. I believe in bias. I suppose this makes me a post-modernist.

>> No.11106907

Hey, you, stop that.

>> No.11106911

Enjoy your giggle friend :)

>> No.11106913

It was not. Multiple proofs were given and Moot was angry at the raids.

>> No.11106914

No he wasn't.

>> No.11106915

Stop obssessing over your example and answer the /lit/ question. Author is context because you believe in bias? That would only makes you biased, anon.

>> No.11106916

post us up a rundown holmes i never hear of that

>> No.11106920

It never happened.

>> No.11106924

Right. And now they are doing damage control by misinformation. Again.

>> No.11106928
File: 9 KB, 237x213, lachen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

See pic related in >>11106869 and imagine the love that was in the heart of the man that took the time to paint this during a bombing campaign. Do not fill your heart with hate. Relax and fill your heart with love - then point your heart at your enemies and defeat them. You will find your purpose to be much more enduring.

>> No.11106929

this is irrelevant
no you people made up that idea as counter-intel when anons realized the traffick was coming from stormfront, aryanskynet and other hovels like that and then you LE EPIC REDPILLED the anons and it became “organic” it wasn’t organic at first that’s why the infographics, the oldest images on /pol/ are all from stormfront all the words and memes are from stormfront, nearly every oldfag /pol/ meme is something from IHR-Stormfront-Liberty Lobby land you guys made up your own history
completely incoherent and provides damning evidence that stormfront brigaded 4chan and spammed img’s

>> No.11106931


Also I did not know about the Shii guy before.

>> No.11106934

Those evil nazis!

>> No.11106941

lol wtf are you on nigger

>> No.11106943

Stormfront's influence on /pol/ is negligible at best but /pol/'s influence on the rest of the internet is not.

>> No.11106947


Yes true, but 15 years of engineering communication 10 hours a day leaves it's mark.

>> No.11106949

Is this pic the reason why you unrelentlessly post about how jews are evil on a literature board?

>> No.11106950

We're the jewluminati now.

>> No.11106953
File: 21 KB, 210x192, 1482575054260.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How are we going to do this stormfag, are you going to start denying obvious facts or just shitpost your way into retardation?

Too tired to post the same shit over and over but here:
It happened first in /b/, a forum called stormfront, they sent kids to shitpost idiocy like fake pedophilia, porn, racism, because /b/ was kind of getting the habit of trolling racist scum. Stormfags lured kids with fight club memes and shit like that, and THEN they got the idea of spreading their ideology by tricking kids into trolling with racism, doing their propaganda.

The people behind stormfront were people with money, probably high ranking white supremacists. They still raid 4chan.


>> No.11106957


Mostly /biz visitor for the crazy things going on there but slowly lurking in other places like /pol as well. And now /lit. Thanks you for recommendations.

>> No.11106958
File: 45 KB, 850x400, angry.white.woman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>That would only makes you biased, anon.
As I said, I am likely guilty of post-modernism. I admit to having a personal inherent bias.

>> No.11106960

More like those evil buttfucking ex cons and obese bbs veterans

>> No.11106961

That image is as real as the victims of the Khmer Rouge.

>> No.11106964

Stormfront was a spinoff of /new/, stop posting faggot

>> No.11106965

Literally synonymous.

>> No.11106968

oh ya for a few years there "anonymous" was sort of kind of progressive with a weird mexican fedora theme, i actually still occasionally see a guy fawkes mask around in my hispanic neighborhood, i'm like has this dude been on the site since 2016, its all white trash nazis hicks now, i found the mexican fedora anonymous stuff cringe worthy naturally but not completely repulsive like the straight up klan shit come out of /pol/ now

>> No.11106970

No problem. /tv/ is by far the best board but i am range banned for finna dabbing on niggas too much.

>> No.11106971
File: 117 KB, 500x678, 1432311827250.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck off with your lies.

>> No.11106972

Being a shifty, prejudiced person does not a postmodernist make, desu. That's something else.

>> No.11106976

Can't tell who's shitposting who or if the thread is merely half-filled with people this fucking new.

>> No.11106978

>faggots confusing stormfront with daily stormer

and you think you have any clue about anything to tell us what happened?

>> No.11106982

Now even 20 posters yet. /pol/ is a samefagging powerhouse.

>> No.11106988

Why bother counting? They have the guts to hire kids and pay for vpns anyway.

>> No.11106991

Those evil fucking racists have so much gall.

>> No.11106993

>The symbol of peace was not the banner behind which the greatest enemy the Jews faced in recent history assembled.
I am high on philadelphia.

>> No.11106996

Gonna go have a wank.

>> No.11107001

But not their pawns or the true believer, but they are definitely well organized. Deleting the forum to erase their tracks and and using Tor on the early days was well planned. Makes me wonder if politicians are involved.

>> No.11107003

no it absolutely wasn’t at all you lying faggot its been around since internet 1.0
a huge number of /pol/ users are involved with gangs and foreign intel, large number of them post with german ip’s and provably have ties to mil intel, german security services, US rw mil-intel. the site seems like its part of the greater US mil stranglehold over WN communities, shickshinny knights being US mil owned and operated, John Birch society the same, liberty lobby the same

none of it is organic down to the esoteric hitlerism, using idiot meme faggots to spread the message ironically, slowly pushing overton windows exploiting anime pedophilia gaming etc, spamming low iq /b/tards with pallatable anti-gov messages. /pol/ used to be extremely anarchist leaning and this was purposefully flipped once a critical mass of pliant servile foot soldiers was constructed

there is nothing organic about Occupy Wallstreet and Anonymous and there was and is nothing grassroots or organic about stormfags and /pol/ its all controlled. gov has had meme warfare since late 00’s and has had cyber psyops divisions in air force and navy since early 00’s when soc media launched. thinking for a second you aren’t talking with aryan brotherhood people with special agreements and contracts, private intel contractors, shills, and straight up mil-intel desk fags is naive to a point of suicide.

they prey on normalfags and gullible autists not knowing how information warfare and clandestine operations works. the moment politics or cultural warfare is present there are organized cynical groups involved who are gaming the limited human psyche. every single attempt in this thread to deny this is a blatant lie and being spread by people who are messaging each other, organized through algos and heuristics that alert them when there’s somethig unfavorable about the hive, they give heads up to each other, pay mods, pay admins, attack dissenters with dog piling and marshal contingent support from disinterested idiots and sociopathic irony faggots who think its still all a joke despite the writing on the wall

this place is a vector for diseased thought, which is why white supremacy and pedophilia are its two forms of produce

>> No.11107004
File: 101 KB, 960x720, charles.brif.biz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello, fellow /biz/.

>> No.11107008

Ok but what about the thing concerning literature? How would you explain your idea that the author is context?

>> No.11107010

>More like those evil buttfucking ex cons and obese bbs veterans
I, personally, think there is the possibility that skinhead orgs are Jew puppets to help perpetuate this mythos.

>> No.11107011

'avin a giggle right now. You thought there was sincerity in my response. What echo chamber did you crawl out of?

>> No.11107014

18 posters still lmao

>> No.11107015

>Being a shifty, prejudiced person does not a postmodernist make, desu.
Bigot much?

>> No.11107016

>/pol/ used to be extremely anarchist leaning and this was purposefully flipped once a critical mass of pliant servile foot soldiers was constructed
Fuck, I remember when I posted there, it was like half decade ago. Makes me fucking mad.

>> No.11107018

How much money you lose today fellow financial wizard?

>> No.11107022

It would make you a bigot, sure.

>> No.11107024
File: 386 KB, 592x570, 1525286483451.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw i account for almost half the posts

>> No.11107033

get a life

>> No.11107034

I have often thought the same. I go in the traditionalism general and I am not bothered. I read some Savitri Devi and enjoy it quite a bit. /pol/ posters make it all so anti-intellectual and cringey.

>> No.11107037

>pay mods, pay admins
Not all. I know for sure they are trying to take out one mod from /lit/, so many attacks but /lit/ still stands. He probably didn't sell out.

>> No.11107038

No, not never, especially when there's a shitposting thread on a serious board.

>> No.11107042

>the author is context
I never explicitly said that. You must have inferred it. See: >>11106786

>> No.11107044

Get a load of this pseud

>> No.11107046

>a serious board
crossposter detected

>> No.11107048

>there are organized cynical groups involved who are gaming the limited human psyche. every single attempt in this thread to deny this is a blatant lie and being spread by people who are messaging each other, organized through algos and heuristics that alert them when there’s somethig unfavorable about the hive, they give heads up to each other, pay mods, pay admins

oy vey it's high time we don the tinfoil hats now isn't it

>> No.11107053

Shut up. You explicitly said author is context and now I demand you explain what you mean because I have a comprehension deficiency.

>> No.11107055

believe whatever you want man its not true to the extent you want it to be, most of it is real, your side really is pathetic psyops taken seriously by desperate people from dying demos. savitri devi was likey paid for her work by clandestine actors its al SS propaganda mixed with theosophy. tradfaggotry is also probably funded by private think tanks connected to reactionary groups just like pomo was for lib think tanks. nothing like that is safe. its bizarre how people scream tavistock but don’t realize everything in the modern information landscape has pathways for manipulation and associations can be established tacitly
its too depressing to even contemplate, what a waste of energy, anonymous was such anti-climactic nonsense. could have ended things in 2016 with two outrageous retards cementing the illegitimacy of democracy but shilling for based casino mafia money launderer was too addictive

>> No.11107058

>How much money you lose today fellow financial wizard?
I made $220 today shipping electronics components to some Pajeets.

>> No.11107063

Wow you're already practically rich if you were an Uzbek.

>> No.11107070

>It would make you a bigot, sure.
Think on your own bias, anon. I truly try to explore concepts and work around my personal bias. You do not sound like you do the same. You sound angry and bigoted.

>> No.11107071

Serious as compared to really any number anything else on this site. Even then not really as we are having this wonderfully shit thread.

>> No.11107073

Welcome to the truth. If they are near, whenever you want to speak about real arguments you get trolled. This is happening on /pol/ 24/7.

>> No.11107076

You made a statement about literature that was backed only by a cherry picked example concerning jews, to then avoid the implications of your post. The line of questioning was absolutely warranted.

>> No.11107079

Stop being so bigoted towards hateful people. They deserve equal expression even if it means some fags' brains get spilled in the gutter.

>> No.11107086

I don't advocate for fascism or anything like it I think traditionalism and the thulean esoteric stuff has unintended appeal to enemies of the state (generally) ...not everyone who hates neoliberal globalization is a nazi. At least it was not always so.

>> No.11107088 [DELETED] 

No it wasn't. I don't have to respond to you. In fact you should explain to me why we should even graciously allow jews to continue living.

>> No.11107094

Not that I like cringey/sad memories, but I remember the dick pictures epidemic. Stormfags spammed blacked porn to all threads that were leftists, and when they were losing they somehow got an admin to autosage the threads.

>> No.11107102

looks like my filter isn't working again

>> No.11107104

I sound angry yet it's you that takes pride in bigotry and can't stop railing about the jews. Hilarious. I'm just curious about the drop of literature content you post and, no surprise there, you can't explain what you wrote and just deflect.

>> No.11107105

Hey, I just took a small break from reading the holo and link threads, soon to return.

>> No.11107113

rule 3, fucker

>> No.11107120

What is wrong with that word when it is applied to neoliberal policies like deregulated international trade and finance? Neoliberalism uses a few humane gestures to mask its inexorable policy of global hegemony

>> No.11107124

because enough whites like Jews that if you try to kill them they’ll kill you and so will other races who realize you will attempt to do the same to them despite your propaganda saying you won’t. When you eliminate someone ruthlessly others take note, that you don’t understand this is a sign of psychopathy and is the general pathos that afflicts all reactionary thought: not understanding the blind violent repression of potential threats eventually misfires too often to sustain itself and the differential yields vengeance seeking as an imminent and fatal contractive force that will put the entire system into crisis and cause exhaustion in attempts to ward off the incipient defensive preemptive revengeance and elimination of headless war machinery

>> No.11107127

Um, sincerely questioning and critiquing post-enlightenment thought is important you double-nigger.

>> No.11107134


>> No.11107135

You don't have to respond, that's true, but the questioning was exactly about what you wrote. It's there for everyone to read.

>> No.11107138

>he thinks that's what he's doing
lay off the pipe mate

>> No.11107139

kek, I did not mean to create a top trending thread but looks I made a place livelier.

>> No.11107142
File: 190 KB, 800x500, 1510934507567.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>year 2009
>seducing kids into joining a sekrit club
>make kids part of neonazi agenda

>> No.11107149

>top trending
go back

>> No.11107158

Perhaps I've been facetiously placing words in another anonymous users mouth for a lark.

>> No.11107162

thulean telos involves global genocide and fascist racial theocracy, you are a hyper nazi and all of that was created by theosophists, intel agents and aristocrats who previously had associated with masonry and black lodge germanic occultism. your ignorance is palpable to a point of repulsiveness, this is typical of most catholics, tradfags and peterson niggers.

you don’t think for yourselves at all
they are extremely well organized because half of them are gang bangers and the other half were or are involved in mil-intel or psyops from time in the service its not a coincidence their earliest adherents were aryan bro. and vets. the sexual dimension is two-fold, black propaganda to incite hatred and grey propaganda which is ambiguous and could be a lure for degenerates (like MAGA generalw with tons of pedo animu pics inside of them) or to provoke resting disgust which can then be exploited with rousing imagery of beautiful handsome aryans in well ordered uniforms. contrasting blatant inhumanity with overhealthed hyper-human aesthetics and of course taking advantage of existing pathways, gore porn, pedophilia, contraryanism are all fruitful for converting intelligent spergs into viral vehicles. i have to hand it to them its almost genius how they came from underneath to establish a permanent spot in western “cons” movements which will only swell with time as techno capital mulches whites for more placid brown hordes of identitarian bugs. perfect dialectic, perfect science of occult warfare, they even gamed the existing numerology on the site for their own psyops during the election, made up a fake religion, recruited approachable media whores filled their ranks with teenagers so its no longer fat prison rapists and dishonorably discharged grunts.

10/10 nothing like it has ever been seen on the internet. most important cultural shift to ever occur besides free streaming porn sites and YT vision machine nexus

>> No.11107167

How /pol/ of you.

>> No.11107174

>I was only pretending to be retarded
no one believes you

>> No.11107177

Sounds as if your every thought and action is chained to your ideology.

>> No.11107183

>to be interested in something one must be entirely credulous towards it
What an angry little man you are

>> No.11107191

why do you think they are doing it?

>> No.11107193

Which is? And what's yours?

>> No.11107196


>> No.11107202

>they are extremely well organized because half of them are gang bangers and the other half were or are involved in mil-intel or psyops from time in the service its not a coincidence their earliest adherents were aryan bro. and vets. the sexual dimension is two-fold, black propaganda to incite hatred and grey propaganda which is ambiguous and could be a lure for degenerates (like MAGA generalw with tons of pedo animu pics inside of them) or to provoke resting disgust which can then be exploited with rousing imagery of beautiful handsome aryans in well ordered uniforms. contrasting blatant inhumanity with overhealthed hyper-human aesthetics and of course taking advantage of existing pathways, gore porn, pedophilia, contraryanism are all fruitful for converting intelligent spergs into viral vehicles. i have to hand it to them its almost genius how they came from underneath to establish a permanent spot in western “cons” movements which will only swell with time as techno capital mulches whites for more placid brown hordes of identitarian bugs. perfect dialectic, perfect science of occult warfare, they even gamed the existing numerology on the site for their own psyops during the election, made up a fake religion, recruited approachable media whores filled their ranks with teenagers so its no longer fat prison rapists and dishonorably discharged grunts.
This and your previous post are something I agree. But I don't like what I see, is just disgusting to imagine how this can be real, and frightening too.

>> No.11107223

I understand that obfuscation is an important part of the way you operate but are you saying that you are a nihilist? Or that I am one?

>> No.11107231
File: 1.03 MB, 1080x1080, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11107233

This has to be projection. Were you triggered by the word /pol/? lol

>> No.11107250

i remember browsing /b/ when i was 13 and there were kids deads executions by the cartel and cp.

>> No.11107252


>> No.11107259

Very inefficient technically speaking. A lot of times engineers just don't answer anything when they have nothing to say for example. So many times it's like communicating into void with other engineers.

>> No.11107266

I've been shitposting at you nonces for matter of amusement. Not in mood for matter discussion to grow serious and sincere. You all are ideologues the worst sort in this thread. All of you. Not at all worth wasting dwindling moments of my being on especially as the pleasure in this has died. What is most pathetic is strain conspiracy thinking in some thought here just as bad as actually found on either /pol/ or /x/.

>> No.11107281

>I was only pretending to be retarded
it doesn't work like that anon

>> No.11107285

the most pathetic is you desu

>> No.11107290

>the pleasure in this has died
Ok, now go shit post somewhere else will you?

>> No.11107298

Doesn't really matter. Thread will disappear. The day will disappear. So too will this site, and so will you fools and so will I. Who gives a fuck.
I might or perhaps I'll return to solace of William Blake.

>> No.11107302

You're wrong, we live forever because of we will be merged with AI. Just wait some years.

>> No.11107316
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they also turned what was a minor sympathy towards islam into full on genocidal hatred of anyone living in the middle east. absolutely reeks of CIA NIGGERS

>> No.11107318

If you actually like literature why didn't you try to answer the question about what was on topic: how would the author be context?

>> No.11107319

You attempt at sound cool and generate some pity only makes me more angry. All your actions show an agenda, all intentional.

>> No.11107326
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>> No.11107329

truly pathethic post

>> No.11107335

i don't know but i'll just be a good tribal monkey and call you a faggot

>> No.11107336


>> No.11107344

Don't joke with that, I just watched the Snowden film by Oliver Stone. I am legit concerned.

>> No.11107356

still gettin (You)s :^)
I hope you're mad. I hope you get so buttflustered you break something.
As said earlier I was interjecting to insert the comically stupid into another's mouth. I have no investment in their argument.
The form of Orc in Europe a Prophecy is arcane representation of the global Fourth Reich which will sweep international jewry eternally from the earth.

>> No.11107374

If you think stormfront could manipulate anything you're completely delusional, that site is populated by 75 IQ hicks.

>> No.11107381

We're actually all of us Russian intelligence officers.

>> No.11107388

You said a lot of things earlier, all of it really dumb. It's always the same script, you go on and on deflecting until you are properly challenged, to then ironically fold like an empty husk and fall back on some bookish meme. You do it again days or hours later. Post about literature or fuck off.

>> No.11107390

Also Master Masons and satanic magicians

>> No.11107392

Why don't you tell us what group you belong Mr. nazi. Are you paid to post here? Don't cheat, answer.

>> No.11107394

>This thread will disappear
There are archives
>This site will disappear
I doubt that but if that were to happen another chan will take it's place

>> No.11107399

Look at original post and tell me this thread is about real literature and not consumer fluff culture.
I'm paid by Trump's secret Kremlin connection to keep you kiddos from doing your math homework.

>> No.11107405

That is why an organized group with money controlling the pawns is the logical answer. Politicians? People from the intelligence community like another anon said? Both?

>> No.11107416

All and everything falls into disintegration. Some day national border you sit within will disappear from the map. Sol and moon will fall from sky. All the stars will burn to cinder. Great emptiness eventually overtakes all and everything, always. Don't mean a goddamn if another chan is made as you'll be bonedust for eternity and history rolls on. There is no guarantor for freedoms you have now. All expression aside from internal can be stripped in instant.

>> No.11107420

Ha, other anons might get caught by this and say "well, he hates Trump for saying this, he is not right wing". The curious thing is, ultimately /pol/ has being hating on Trump for some reason only the real deal behind /pol/ knows.

>> No.11107425

You certainly are desperate in search of conspiracy.

>> No.11107431

Here's a quip you will recognize: not an argument. The consumer fluff culture here is the opinions you peddle with absolute disregard for literature and the anons you address.

>> No.11107433

Well, you sure give people reasons Mr. evasive.

>> No.11107439

You two have your heads up your ass.

>> No.11107441

We're on to you, asshole.

>> No.11107456

It's because the ones who write about it are either trying and failing an objectively distanced perspective or normalfags without a clue.

>Though I guarantee the day someone from this hellhole writes anything worth reading about and it includes 4chan, they'll be ripped to shreds by the public for 3 reasons:
>1. Unleashing pandora's box of awareness on normalfags; their primary mode of operation is blissful ignorance. If they knew what lurks around their neighbourhoods, there'd be international witch hunts. The empaths would probably take the brunt of it, being mistaken for anons due to their nature, too.
>2. After the first shockwave, it would die down for a bit. Until the public realizes what #1 really means... nowhere is safe, no one is sane, nothing is sacred. Rampant fear and chaos. Political agendas would all be misfiring they lazors and making shit worse. The author would go down irreparably in flames.
>3. A niche group of justicefags would dedicate their time and significant resources to showing how influential 4chan really is/was on the western mainstream. Every new event or horror in the news (school shootings, concert bombings, isis) would be tied to this retardo set of imageboards. Hell, people have already tried to tie ISIS to Cicada bs. By this point, there'd be a secondary witch hunt to tag all the people who have posted here, so the normalfags can feel secure again knowing little 8yo Jimmy down the road is a future menace to society for looking at boobs.

Well, maybe not. Might only spurn on the american civil war between alt://lefty, spiralling into WW IIi. I'm game however that plays out.
>mfw when nukes send tsunamis through the portuguese islands
>mfw i has no face

>> No.11107461

Pandemic spectrum illness of our age. You are problem you accuse me of being. I merely shitpost as ideologue. You have a worm in your brain of which all your thought and action is defined by.

>> No.11107467

Why don't you tell us more about youself, anon.

>> No.11107474

Nothing worth saying. Hardly word in world is worth putting to print. Too many people already have their voices heard that oughtn't.

>> No.11107475

Do you still get paid if you fail?

>> No.11107486

Yeah nigga. Even on that JIDF gravy train. Sent out some feelers to a handler in Tehran but haven't heard back yet. You dumb fucker.

>> No.11107490

>the voice of many people should be silenced

>> No.11107493

>Doesn't know the true history of the white man
"Adam" was a combination of Middle Eastern/Semitic/White and "Eve" was a reddish-black skinned Negroid. Whites, Asians, Middle Easterners, Jews, etc. all came from one place.

Africans came from another place. An offshoot of their "main" ended up puplish-bluish black, and were the historically-recounted "Blue/Sea People" who wiped out a good deal of the civilizations around the Cradle.

Yin & Yang have more significance than people think.

>> No.11107494

>I merely shitpost as ideologue
Ironic shitposting is still shitposting. Don't act like you don't understand that.

>> No.11107502

Their tongues aren't fit for talking. Doesn't matter. History halts for no one and no doubt again will come a time when the value of words will rise.
When ever did I argue otherwise.

>> No.11107504
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>invoking the name of our fallen pretty-little-princess
Nigga, for shame. That fucker created this place exclusively to shitpost.

>t. snacks

>> No.11107509

To be honest, I wouldn't be surprise if this /pol/ack is jewish himself, paid to say things against jews to put an act.

>> No.11107514

The guys at Stormfront never had any significant in /n/, nor the two /news/, nor /pol/. You know nothing and you obviously weren't there then.

>> No.11107515

>hand rubbing intensifies as pathologizing intensifies

>> No.11107520

>/pol/ used to be extremely anarchist leaning

Complete bullshit and i've been lurking since /n/.

>> No.11107521

Renounce to your masquerade prince of lies. Meaning, fuck off /pol/.

>> No.11107532

blatant lie the infographics and slogans, spamming of images came from stormfront
no its correct you’re lying because the board culture shifted to being pro-cop and pro-corporate in the last 3 years and became neonazi over time there was no strong fashy presence on 4chan before /pol/ at all it was transplanted by organized brigades

>> No.11107534

Fuck off /pol/, I was there and it was like that like he says. You fucking idiot can't argue the libertarian it was.

>> No.11107547

Liable they meant libertarian. Very early in this site there was strain disorganized juvenile anarchistic thought but out of younger userbase which has matured. Primarily stems as reactionary sentiment against mainline thought. Reactionary not in sense of ideology but as revolt in action.

>> No.11107562

I maintain my claim. The main thing then was RON PAUL 2008 in /n/, then RON PAUL 2012 in /news/ and neither can be considered anarchist.

>> No.11107568

Your PATHETIC attempt at using my words can't deny the makhovnist movement was in /pol/. Fuck off.

Fuck off corrupt bastard.

>> No.11107592

Also even /n/ was already quite racist and misogynistic in a casual, semi-serious way. The seeds of what would become /news/ then /pol/ were already there.

>> No.11107610

I remember Ron Paul, he was the placebo used by stormfront to replace all the figures of the left. All trying to take away the identity of the left so there is no more left. Your strategy is replacing all ideologies by yours, so there is no resistance.

And by the way, trying to confuse people that nobody was anarchist but libertarian is another placebo. Another strategy to make people end up eating shit. Waving the gagsden flag doesn't make you libertarian, he was a militar you thought you could shove into people's brain to your ideological bias, just like you tried with Ayn Rand and Jordan Peterson now on /lit/.

>in a casual, semi-serious way
You mean other kids fell in your grooming thinking they were part of a joke? Oh, yeah, like everything you do, corrupt bastard. Using kids for your dirty work.

>> No.11107622

Wonder if manner conspiracy thinking has encircled all your thought like worm around an apple's core.

>> No.11107658

You didn't argue, you act like you are sincere and insincere, alternatively, to suit how you want the reaction to your posts to be. Simply put, it's propaganda.Play both sides, using false flags, samefagging. But we recognize you.

>> No.11107692

Having japes. Cannot for money believe otherwise, could you. You are sick with the illness of our times. Could not begin explanation how to lance these poisons from your mind and even if managed liable you would have no will.

>> No.11107693
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>> No.11107708

Such sort as you leave me depressed. Collectively giving over your will to unsound ideology. All thought, all action defined by identity crafted by another. Forsake your stupid ideology and rebuild yourself into a living human.

>> No.11107724

You won't turn me into a victim, you're the sick poster here. There is evidence.

>> No.11107744

Again, you run in circles in hope of mystifying your interlocutors. Pathetic.

>> No.11107756

Weak smokescreen.

>> No.11107811

A mass, an alphabetic mess. A meaningless pile of drivel soon disappear into ether.
You're one set so easily spinning by not much anything at all.
Smoke screening naught is not smokescreen.

>> No.11107826

It's time to stop posting, Paul.

>> No.11108051

>The line of questioning was absolutely warranted
Holy shit. Is this an interrogation? Besides - no, I never said what was claimed.

>> No.11108076

You should accept that you did because it's the only thing you wrote that's on topic.

>> No.11108107

>You should accept that you did
Show me the post. I reviewed the thread and did not see it.

>> No.11108128

Review it again, there's plenty of evidence. I won't grant you the gift of a snippet to spin.

>> No.11108142

>gift of a snippet to spin
From my own post? Shheeeeiiiit. Dropped.

>> No.11108164

Yes, drop.

>> No.11108300

Yes, drop.

>> No.11108332

You didn't drop, you're still posting. Or did you not say that? Try again and climb higher this time.

>> No.11108391

Someone's upset.

>> No.11108414

do a barrel roll

>> No.11108766
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>> No.11109057

das ist gute digitz