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11105208 No.11105208 [Reply] [Original]

>don't want to work

any books for this feel?

>> No.11105214


Cormac McCarthy - Suttree

>> No.11105217

Karl Marx's works

>> No.11105249
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>> No.11105266
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>> No.11105312

confederacy of dunces

>> No.11105376

This desu. The Hackett selected writings is good.

>> No.11105449
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>> No.11105466


>> No.11105533

I like how you said "works", implying your comment wasn't meant as a "lol gommies do not woork", but more of a reference to how Marx critiques the alienating nature of modern work and the inherent systemic exploitation associated with wage labor, so it would be best preferable not to work if OP has other sources of income.

>> No.11105537

Related question that hopefully won't derail the thread, how do you deal with people that can't or won't realize realize the absurdity of the existing economic system?
>le capitalist brainwashing
is a meme, I know, but there's a kernel of truth. The majority of people seem incapable of questioning the existing structures, and any attempt to get through to them is met with platitudes such as "why do you hate freedom?"

>> No.11105547

I actually meant the former but ok

>> No.11105566

You don't. Stop being optimistic. Realize it's hopeless.

>> No.11105571
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>> No.11105671
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yeah girl, my life's quite Beckettian

>> No.11105679


lel no

>> No.11105680


>> No.11105694

I saw a cute girl reading this once, is it as irredeemable as I imagine?

>> No.11105699

How do you live then? Seems it would be maddening.
Also nice digits.

>> No.11105704


>> No.11105708
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>> No.11105711


>> No.11105715


this short essay

>> No.11106228

op here. I think its not that people don't consider the absurdity of it, but that they have accepted that thats the way it is. >>11105566
is right, but it doesn't have to be maddening. If it was really truly unbearable or is not compatible with humanity then it will collapse. It's beyond our control, fretting over it will just make you despair while everyone else is just getting on with things.

>> No.11106314

a bit utopian for me. Its a lot easier to automate the job of a retail worker than say a plumber. And even with all the automation in the world you need someone to keep the machines running and do things that is impractical for a machine to do. Who would do that job when they have everything taken care of for free?

>> No.11106322

>I would like to challenge that idea. I don’t think there is, or ever again can be, a cure for unemployment. I propose that unemployment is not a disease, but the natural, healthy functioning of an advanced technological society.

so dumb

>> No.11106385

Riveting counterargument anon

>> No.11106392

he is right, most people are not productive, an increasing number of them will be permanently unemployable which is fine

>> No.11106416

Marc thought labour was the most authentic mode for the human; the problem with capitalism isn’t that it makes you work, it’s that as a mode of production it alienates the labourer from the products of his labour.

>> No.11106418

>not compatible with humanity then it will collapse.
I'd argue that it is incompatible with humanity, but instead of collapsing it's tried to strip the humanity away.

>> No.11106443

I think most people agree with this, people don't hate labor, they hate laboring in alienated conditions. It's the reason why historically the NEET population has taken up things like gardening or a craft.

>> No.11106481

oblomov and confederacy of dunces. oh and communist manifesto

>> No.11106501


>> No.11107060

because for many people products substituted meanings. pretty much every (good) commercial try to associate an higher value to the product.
so you have cars showing endless roads in the middle of nowhere symbolyzing freedom
pretty much every female personal care item is linked to strenght and ability to make decisions (you go girl kind of bs)
every house care ads focus on family

in the enda good percentage live more or less cushy lives and we're showered with messages saying "you just need THAT item to be happy" "if you reach THAT position you'll be validated and happy". then you have kids, a dog, 2 loans, etc.also th entertainment industry let you literally shut down your brain outside your job/social life

>> No.11107125

wtf i love marx now

op here and this is more accurately how i feel. its not that i hate the idea of work, just the modern menial and pointless kind. wish i could be a comfy carpenter 200 years ago making chairs and tables for people desu.

>> No.11107188

my diary desu

>> No.11107224

I wish I had a solution for you anon. /lit/ commune fucking when?

>> No.11107229

>Carpenter who makes chairs and tables

You can still do this today. Go to school for carpentry and specialize in cabinetmaking or something.

>> No.11107232


>> No.11107261

I never said you couldnt do it, it just has no place in modern society as a sensible income. A lot of things that were necessary crafts in the past are now just hobbies. Who is going to buy handmade shit when they can go to IKEA.

>> No.11107284

1-10 how unbearably pseud would that be?

>> No.11107296

Philip Larkin

Why should I let the toad work
Squat on my life?
Can't I use my wit as a pitchfork
And drive the brute off?

Six days of the week it soils
With its sickening poison -
Just for paying a few bills!
That's out of proportion.

Lots of folk live on their wits:
Lecturers, lispers,
Losers, loblolly-men, louts-
They don't end as paupers.

Lots of folk live up lanes
With fires in a bucket,
Eat windfalls and tinned sardines.
They seem to like it.

Their nippers have got bare feet,
Their unspeakable wives
Are skinny as whippets - and yet
No one actually starves.

Ah, were I courageous enough
To shout, Stuff your pension!
But I know, all too well, that's the stuff
That dreams are made on:

For something sufficiently toad-like
Squats in me, too;
Its hunkers are heavy as hard luck,
And cold as snow,

And will never allow me to blarney
My way of getting
The fame and the girl and the money
All at one sitting.

I don't say, one bodies the other
One's spiritual truth;
But I do say it's hard to lose either,
When you have both

>> No.11107307


>> No.11107327

easily a 10; may still be worth it though.
Someone here has to have a trust fund and nothing to do with it, right?

>> No.11107411

The Metamorphosis by Kafka

>> No.11108390

>tfw you don't want to work of be a comfy carpenter 200 years ago either
books for this lazy feel

>> No.11108689


>> No.11108707
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>> No.11109315

You would anon. Under the right circumstances for yourself it would be more miserable not to work. You're just demoralised

>> No.11109325

>comfy novel
The Ego and his Own

>> No.11109385

do we have any books for demoralization?

>> No.11109542
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>also th entertainment industry let you literally shut down your brain outside your job/social life
feels good man

>> No.11110333

i hope you get hit by a dump truck nigger

>> No.11111351

No I'm not, the only "work" I want to do is writing or art and that's not real work.

>> No.11111423

im legitimately surprised this is a thing

>> No.11111438

Raskolnikov was a pretty big neet

>> No.11111478

All kinds of rich people.
The real problem is you are still alienated economically because of liberalised markets and debt, not to mention that community structure is non existent now that it is compossed soley of individuals who mostly have only economic relationships to the community.

>> No.11111719
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The New testament.

>> No.11111722

a-are you trying to encourage me, I just went to mass, p-please, I don't want to work. I-it's Sunday!

>> No.11111744

You asked for a book about a guy who did not want to work as a carpenter, no?

>> No.11111754

I also went to a mass.
I am more the bar type but I wanted to reconnect, you know left to the right right to the left.

I ended up eyeballing and getting eyeballed by the priest for quite a while.

>> No.11111766

Oh, thanks senpai

ayy, I'm a virgin tbhwyf

>> No.11111781

Everybody used to be virgins.

>> No.11111790

All I want to do is read and enjoy other forms of art. I don't even much want to write, or create anything. Am I the lowest of the low?

>> No.11111804

Same here.
Of course it is work.
Does it not teach people?
Does it not unload you from your excess feels or knowledge?
Do you not feel that you contributed?

Hell, I work a shitty warehouse job in a different country, despite being college educated and having quite a lot of xp, and I keep dping art.
I actually send my art as gifts to people that taught me stuff, or are alone or want to reconnect, ex family in villages or m8s from the national service etc.

>> No.11111808

No, reading and relaxing is a legitimate pursuit, so long as you fulfill familial and religious duties I don't see anything wrong with avoiding work. Especially the degrading abuse suffered under globo-corp wageslavery. Really, why waste your time for a measly paycheck? What justification is there? Read Jacques Ellul's Critique of the New Commonplaces. He BTFO's the meme that work is dignity.

>> No.11111811

Depends how you view it.
Depending on your life status, at some time inevitably you will start producing art if you consume loads.

We are what we eat, no?

>> No.11111820

Change religious duties with carousing duties and I am with the guy.

Think of me as your demon and him as your angel.

>> No.11112113

My goal in life is to generate enough passive income to allow living a simple, comfortable life dedicated to enjoying art. I study law in a country in Europe, and have started dabbling in Internet commerce. How do I reach my goal, bros? All the greatest writers were NEETs, and I want to reach that level one day.

>> No.11112148

same here, my life's passion is creating art influenced by my love of wonderful literature and fine art. My I have a little money coming in from my family's company. Enough to be a NEET, but my family wants me to get a job for the CV, is there a job that I can do one day a week just to say I have a job. What is the most part-time job imaginable that counts on your CV? I couldn't give a shit about the rat race.

>> No.11112194

Nah, that's the life

>> No.11113353
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Right now, I dont wanna sound too pretencious, but a lot of common core moral structures, economy etc is actually functioning.
I have a second class degree from a small island in the aegean, used to live on EU spaghetti, been a thief, been in the army, know three languages and others.

Genuenly speaking, try to figure out who you are, and where you are at.

And a good question to ask yourself, is, what exactly is, in the end, the worst that can happen to you?

Btw have some art.
Old stuff, but fits the size filter.
You liek?

>> No.11113360

Depends for what you want the cv for man.

If you want to be a bouncer persay, you need rep and martial art diplomas.

>> No.11113672
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>> No.11113706

I bet you feel cool for posting that

>> No.11114353
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>> No.11115949

>Doesn’t want to work
>Likes the idea of woodworking/carpentry but it doesn’t yield enough money to support your ideal lifestyle

Might as well kys

>> No.11115957
File: 74 KB, 386x661, wageslave.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he wasn't born rich

Too bad for you wagie, now get back to work

>> No.11115976

my diary desu

>> No.11115980

Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow, they toil not, neither do they spin.

>> No.11116041

beautiful anon, I'm considering getting a driving license so that I can deliver food perhaps, but I'd much rather prefer to have a one-day desk job where I don't have to talk to people. If there is such a job. Somewhere where I can do the minimum mental shit out of site

>> No.11116951
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That drawing kinda reminds me of Raffaello from BT-X.

>> No.11116955

>81 replies
Good Lord

>> No.11116965

Just reading this chart makes me want a drink

>> No.11116981

It sounds like you want to be an artist, who indeed struggle under capitalism. Real carpenters do jobs that need doing though, like working on a kitchen or stairway. By all accounts it's honest, fulfilling work. And on your own schedule once you start your own practice. Perhaps you could try to derive some joy out of meeting a need rather than expressing yourself?
There's a certain level of mastery where people would be paying you money to build more personal items like chairs or guitars or whatever but that of course, takes years.

>> No.11117771
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“The Human Condition”, obviously, to learn exactly what kind of work you are talking about.

Then Agamben's discuaaion of inactivity.


>> No.11117784

maps of meaning

>> No.11118203

why not 12 rules?