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/lit/ - Literature

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11104831 No.11104831 [Reply] [Original]

What does it mean /lit/?

>> No.11104970

It's a dream my dude

>> No.11104997

A prime example of how syphilis gradually degraded Joyce’s creative ability

And that’s all it is

>> No.11104999


It's the Ready Player One of its time. Just a bunch of references to literature and other languages.

>> No.11105036


>> No.11105212

>reply uses the "this" of agreement
>reply also uses the meme arrow of disagreement

What did he mean by this?

>> No.11105375

"What does it mean /lit/?"

>> No.11105692

It's like being a baby whilst Shephen Hawking reads you A Brief History of time. You don't read it to understand it, you read it for the experience.

>> No.11106306
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>> No.11107031

This is /lit/ in a bad way.

>> No.11108383
