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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 89 KB, 633x758, Intelligent Feel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11103165 No.11103165 [Reply] [Original]

>The once was a hobo named Dave
>Who had a dead whore in his cave
>She smelled like shit
>and was missing a tit
>But think of the money he'll save

>> No.11103191

>There was once a homo
Named Ohpee
>who had a shit post hidden
Up his sleave
>with a shit eating grin
>he posts it again
>but think of all the (yous) he'll breathe

>> No.11103586

like snowfall in spring
soon this thread will melt away
postponed a hour

>> No.11104260



I'll sing you the story of Norman the noob,
A fellow so square he was almost a cube,
Who ventured on 4chan without any lube,
And got roughly raped in the morning.

He opened up /lit/, full of innocent dreams
Of discussing great novels - their language and themes -
And was quite unprepared for the onslaught of memes
Which attacked him without any warning.

This imbecile rashly created a thread
About Wuthering Heights (which he'd recently read),
But the storm of abuse which came down on his head
Made him wish he had stayed in bed sleeping.

/lit/ ought to have something constructive to say,
He imagined - but found, to his utter dismay
That the very first answer was "OP is gay",
Which reduced him to something near weeping.

Soon others were posting to laugh at his folly:
"This Emily Bronte's a WOMAN, by golly!"
How was it, he wondered, that /lit/ was so /pol/-y?
And what could be done to reshape it?

Alas! he soon found that the board was obsessed
With works like Lolita and Infinite Jest
And The Crying Of Lot 49 - which depressed
Him so much he logged off to escape it.

And then he saw only this process would work:
The way to get rid of anonymous jerks
So memorize this as a warning:

And then you won't suffer like Norman the noob,
A fellow so square he was almost a cube,
Who ventured on 4chan without any lube,
And got roughly raped in the morning.

>> No.11104940

If I share one here I surely won't be raped by you guys, right?

>> No.11105172

what are some good spanish speaker poets?

>inb4 neruda

>> No.11105204
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Brother! I see you are enjoying your physicality!
Are you close to climaxing?

>> No.11105317

Lol this was written for my request of a ballad stanza

>> No.11105322

If it's bad, it doesn't say anything about your potential or moral fabric, so go ahead, anon. Take some risks

>> No.11105335

O star, I look up at you
And something greater looks back at me.
If my soul was not born up there,
Then why does it feel so homesick?
You glittered at the hour of my birth,
You shimmered over the death of my ancestors,
Who looked on you with this same deep wonder.
Looking at the sparkling child of antiquity,
My mind experiences a double trembling,
For above this mystery, there is a greater mystery.

>> No.11105394

Do you have anything against rhyme?

>> No.11105431

read this in mlk's voice

>> No.11105513

as intended . . . carry on

>> No.11105604

Brother, silly thought... illness has not existed since the war of the pink flesh. Good way!

>> No.11105750

Infertile earth spasms, stark view – of discord come – incapable of silence,
Echoes, then, that never end, observed and listened.
To the distance, occurrence; more so miracle and eternity,
Fallen from the heavens, far away mercy, dark litanies that crown you.
Long distance, how you speak,
White plain without end, unscattered by the absurd,
posthumous contemplation of my soul,
Eden’s possibility,
be and don’t, come and go,
but may I form part of your whispers and not die a stranger.

>> No.11105763


>> No.11106280

I just wrote this bad boy


If it were still the age of chivalry,
When manners and decorum still had rights,
When "romance" was not just an industry,
When women were "damsels" and men were "knights":
For you I'd slay a dragon, yes I would,
Then bend my knee and give your hand a kiss,
Propose all that a true romantic should,
And write you sonnets more refined than this . . .

Thank God it's not the age of chivalry!
So I may love you unpretentiously.

>> No.11106291

>That the very first answer was "OP is gay",
Me on the right.
Lope de Vega, Lorca, Calderon, etc.

>> No.11106391

I wake and feel the fell of dark, not day.
What hours, O what black hours we have spent
This night! what sights you, heart, saw; ways you went!
And more must, in yet longer light's delay.
With witness I speak this. But where I say
Hours I mean years, mean life. And my lament
Is cries countless, cries like dead letters sent
To dearest him that lives alas! away.

I am gall, I am heartburn. God's most deep decree
Bitter would have me taste: my taste was me;
Bones built in me, flesh filled, blood brimmed the curse.
Selfyeast of spirit a dull dough sours. I see
The lost are like this, and their scourge to be
As I am mine, their sweating selves; but worse.

>> No.11106516

>writes a psudosonnet

>> No.11106567

insidious fire of sweet desire
as you wallow in the darkening mire
a cold haste, a windswept pace
steadies your hand in the halls of grace

>> No.11106619

what makes it a pseudosonnet and not just a sonnet?

>> No.11106725


You need another quatrain.

>> No.11106728


It's a workable idea, and a good final couplet.
It could become a sonnet with a certain amount of care and feeding.

>> No.11106744

Too much substitution, especially of phyrric feet. There's also no power in your lines; it isn't complete. You have this idea that chivalry and passionate romance in past poetry, etc. is somehow wrong, but don't flesh out why it is, nor why your love is better, and more depth would be had to give the other side some points too, and then show it wrong. Basically it's shallow.

>> No.11106765

Read it and imagine someone other than you wrote it. See how unimaginative and pretentious it is in it's shallow irony?

>> No.11106770

I like this a lot, though I think some feet and phrases could be substituted to make it better.

>> No.11106816

hey /lit/ rate my poem:

Slavic Night


>> No.11107067

thanks, I didn't even notice


If it were still the age of chivalry,
When manners and decorum still had rights,
When "romance" transcended mere industry,
When women were "damsels" and men were "knights":
You’d be my lady and I’d be your lord,
Our courtly love advancing through each stage,
According to right etiquette’s record,
Restraining passion with a noble cage.
At last I’d slay a dragon, yes I would,
And bend my knee to give your hand a kiss,
Proposing all a true romantic should,
Composing sonnets more refined than this . . .

Thank God it’s not the age of chivalry!
That I may love thee unpretentiously.

>> No.11107098

I think it's light-hearted and humorous. and better than Shakespeare

>> No.11107111

There once was a girl called Sibeen
The biggest cock whore you'd ever seen.
She'd crawl on all fours;
never taking a pause
Because she swore one day she'd be queen.

I saw her there
Wearing all furs
I'd ask her trouble
She said if I pay double
I could rag her up the stairs.

Now the tale is over
She had an abortion down in Boulder
and so I think oft of life lost
If only i'd given a toss
I'd have saved my doubloons and despair.

>> No.11107197

I'm a devil
And you're a yellow-bellied snake
I'm digging through the gravel
Of the drivel you so love to accumulate.

You think you're larger than life
because of the position of your point on a bell curve graph.
So you've got an IQ (Whoo-hoo)
But I C U
And I've got news too.

On your walk through life
as soon as those bins change colour.
I mean, once you've left your borough.
You'll dissolve like the wallpaper
at my nans house.
After decades of nicotine.

>> No.11107539

How about I share it with you and only you?

>> No.11107859


Whatever you say, Norman.

>> No.11107978

All ears, anon

>> No.11108021

Technically meant to be song lyrics but guess I'll post it here anyways.

One day we’ll be quiet and hear
the melody of a rocking chair
as the dying leaves weave through the sighing air
and the trees have no need to be pitied.

All the broken glass and urban decay
Leave bold outlines as they’re washed away
But have you ever seen such a perfect day
Beneath the harsh skyline of the city?

And so the beggar's whistle blows
from the center of an old Greek inn,
but who wants to know
if there’s a better time for us to begin?

The groundskeeper and the summer rain
rip out all the weeds as they circulate
and so I’ll never see
the symmetry in how they lay.
A bird that never flies is not a stone.

All the chattering of the new display
is supposedly the sign of a coming age,
there are screams coming down the old alleyway
you can hear but only when you’re alone.

And so the epidemic grows
as the denizens flows on in,
but who’d want to know
when the withering starts to begin?

>> No.11108454

In private!

>> No.11108466


>> No.11108670

Yeah I know but I do think it's one of the better ones I've written.

>> No.11108683

four years i have wandered
under an open sky
ceaseless dreaming
kept inside

creatures spawning
uniting below
nothing left to hide
then say hello

>> No.11108970

It's fine, nobody can hear us :)

>> No.11108985

>not glean

>> No.11109045

fire, fire - and ash and smoke - burn and choke
hot coals of rage - the thousandth part of my contempt

I would gift the smallest embers of my pit to you
hated one - fires you would drown to put them out

who more hates the quarry? - the devil, wolf or slave?
I more hate the quarry - and more desire - too

master has no worth to me - sinner has no sin
hunt is all the meat and drink to me - I should gift

souls to soulless men - myself better to condemn
to blaspheme with blessings - for no taboo

I would not subvert - or pursue - God bless you
for the fires of the pit to work - man needs first

soul to burn - faith and sin - those he loves and hates
those and more I gift to you - just for me to take

truly God bless you well - and drag you down to Hell
your descent from heaven's height, all better you to spite

but most of all - my food and drink I give to you
my own bread and water, hot coals - served piping hot

fire, fire - and ash and smoke - burn and choke
hot coals of rage - the thousandth part of my contempt

I would gift the smallest embers of my pit to you
to cool, you would seek a river - and drown in it


I don't really think it says something very meaningful or unique.

Kind of mean

Neat. But also chivalric love was chaste (in theory) and cucked another man.

>> No.11109049


>> No.11109066

Everybody can! lets be pen pals

>> No.11109082

>i STUFF your MOM and SISTers WITH my SEED
That is actually in Iambic metre though.

>> No.11109099

contradicting a cuckoo in a dishonored venue
I bow to him, and addressed my chaos
"will wind whip your wimpy hand?"
"o mirage, o mirage,
you may fall if you betrayed your pride."

>> No.11109168

Anon, I...

>> No.11109790
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>> No.11110568


I stuff your mom and sisters with my seed,
I leave your teenage cousin impregnated;
I dig your grandpa up and do the deed,
(I'd do your grandma too, but she's cremated.)

I sneak up on your housemates and impale 'em;
Then do the same with all your other friends;
When neighbours call about the noise I nail 'em;
With me, you see, the party never ends.

I do your pit-bull roughly, which annoys it,
(I tried to do your hamster, but she split);
I do your spaniel twice, coz he enjoys it:
But worst of all...

...I read the verse on /lit/.

>> No.11110654
File: 9 KB, 240x193, apu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For sale
Box of condoms
Never opened

>> No.11111010


>> No.11111768

Come on man

>> No.11111869
File: 30 KB, 636x588, in spring.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11111944

Why does her face burn brighter in my mind
Than all the other loves that I now hold.
With every crimson tress I turn my head
But end up hurt, to move on with my life.

>> No.11112288

It was better as a pseudosonnet. "Yes I would" is an embarrassing way to force a rhyme.

It's a solid gag, not life changing or anything, but I have no idea why it's getting so much more shit than the first thing this guy posted, which is clunky AS free verse & just a solid wall of received language and philosophy

>> No.11112303

/lit/ critique threads select against writing with potential even faster and more ruthlessly than a Creative Writing program

>> No.11112316


>> No.11112323

This made me smile so fucking hard

>> No.11112349

What do you mean?

>> No.11112594

Miguel Hernández is the best one

>> No.11112615

Drink the Heineken
Watch the Cowboys win
See fifty players go
from the stars below

>> No.11112624
File: 93 KB, 645x773, 1446050734671.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Deep inside you feel the hurt
>Chad just made your oneitis squirt

>To drown the sad, you drink rum
>She blows Chad and drinks his cum

>Chad pleases her like you never could
>While you rub one out in solitude

I'll go back to r9k now.

>> No.11112647

>than the first thing this guy posted

What was his first thing?

>> No.11112924

OP sucks fat dicks
thick as a brick
fit a whole sausage stick
rubbing his clit

>> No.11112944

Im a brainlet

>> No.11113412

Would you give an example of a poem that tackles the same topic but you don't consider edgy?