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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 29 KB, 640x480, Underwoodfive.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11102726 No.11102726 [Reply] [Original]

Is there a single greater mark of "I'm a writer (who doesn't write)" than a fucking typewriter? I swear all these wannabe prose-hoes and their trembling Bukowski jr boyfriends have one (in perfectly clean working order of course) often facing out of a window onto a suburban street or something. They don't even have it loaded with paper or halfway through a page, it just sits there like a trophy to everything they haven't achieved. What's the point? Why do people live their life as shameless consumers with nothing to give?

>> No.11102742

Because of shit publishers like NYRB who only live for "muh aesthetic image"
You should seriously kill your self if you think your bookshelf looks good because it has NYRB books on it or if you ever bought a book for its "cover design".

>> No.11102761

I've never seen that before. Although, I never leave my house or have any literary friends, fake ones or real.

>> No.11102776

Count yourself lucky, the last thing you need is to meet someone who lines their "writing room" with YA fiction and reads the harry potter series once a year for inspiration.

>> No.11102968

theres that one guy who browses lit that posts on workstation threads every once in a while. i can't find his pic, but it seemed like he actually used his typewriter to draft instead of his laptop. anyone got his pic?

>> No.11102977

I think I have seen a genuine antique one. My grand aunt had one for a long time. Don't know where it ended up.

>> No.11102981

This thread sucks. Nobody writes on a fucking typewriter. Get real.

>> No.11103007

I write all of my rough drafts by hand because I believe the pen is an antenna to God and the ink flowing through my handwriting is the true historical record of my bond with the eternal.

Also I lock them away so generations of my family have new, handwritten, original material of my genius they'll be able to posthumously publish and sell at auction to, not only live comfortably, but perpetuate and cultivate my legacy long after I'm gone.

I'm not joking.

>> No.11103008
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Believe it or not, there are pretentious shitheads who type on typewriters like it was a forgotten art


>> No.11103021
File: 44 KB, 732x490, 1977-hunter-thompson-lying-on-couch-smoking-and-smiling-Gramercy-Hotel-2-Edit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I generally think it's kind of dumb to be a stickler on how you write. I've written poetry in the notes app on my smartphone before. It doesn't matter what method or medium you use as long as you actually do it.

>> No.11103064

Well it kind of is a forgotten art but there's good reason for that. Having to reset them every line, the tedium of fixing mistakes, mainting the keys, replacing the ribbon, being limited to a single font and font size, dealing with jams, and all that is a pain which offers no real benefit.

>> No.11103116
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Take it easy, chief. I have a typewriter. It's a nice one! The only things I've written with it are letters to friends and family, ephemera to be kept, and in one case a recommendation for an award for one of my soldiers. I bought it because I like old mechanical things, and because I like things that don't depend on electricity. Any actual writing I do is going to be on a computer, where I can mail it to myself and share it with others easily. My typewriter isn't for show, it's kept in a closet until used.

Why are you so bothered by hipsters? They're keeping the typewriter market and repair trade alive. Stop being a nuisance, OP.

>> No.11103170

>inb4 OP was just posting ironically

>> No.11103331

I don’t like computers because they have too many distractions and I don’t trust them not to be evil. So I use a typewriter. I only do it in the privacy of my home though so who are you to judge?

>> No.11103337

my sense of identity is fragile enough and you attacking my insecurities isnt doing me any favors. not being ironic.

>> No.11103339

>dude I rape people in the privacy of my own home who are you to judge?

>> No.11103340
File: 195 KB, 800x800, FEELS_BUGMan.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Single greater mark of "I'm a writer (who doesn't write)" than a fucking typewriter?
Moleskins, in public, at a coffee shop.

>> No.11103347

what I wear moleskins

>> No.11103366

desu I just order books off book depository but then when it comes and it's an NYRB cover I'm always like "haaw fuck yeah looks very comfy". anyway what's wrong with them if they look cool.

>> No.11103367


>letters to friends and family, ephemera to be kept, and in one case a recommendation for an award for one of my soldiers

>ephemera to be kept

sorry what?


I use these for logging my gym workouts and stuff. People use them for prose?

>> No.11103371

get over yourself cunt

>> No.11103414

>one causes direct harm to another human being and one is some innocent thing done in the name of eliminating distractions
Yeah real good logic there, pal

>> No.11103418
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whats this new meme about hating moleskins? theyre just notebooks. yes, currently writing in a moleskin and genuinely curious why they are so shit when my experience seems to say that theyre ok.

>> No.11103514

>Just read a NYRB edition I got from the library

Is that OK lad?

>> No.11103712

I think it's kind of pretentious and pseud, but I also see a legit reason for them: computers are full of distractions. I cannot write in a computer, the temptation to get a high of instant gratification is just too big. That's why I write with pen and paper.

>> No.11103750

/lit/ is done for, fellow typist. Instead of encouraging each others art, we polarize ourselves.

>> No.11103817

Being a writer has a ton of hurdles tho, and a writer should learn to work through them. If you ever make it they'll see, and move on to another aspiring writer.
Or as Kanye put it:
>there'll always be haters that's the way it is
>hater nigga marry hater bitches and have hater kids

>> No.11103821

Typewriters are a legitimate means of getting rid of distractions. And they give you a hard copy of anything you write right away.

>> No.11103825

youre not who hes talking to

>> No.11103827

What does a typewriter do than pen and paper don't (excluding the incurrence of unnecessary expense and perceptions of pretentiousness)?

>> No.11103830

Typewriting is like playing on a keyboard with weighted keys. I feel bad for you onions who can't appreciate a multi-sensory experience like using a typewriter.

>> No.11103831

>he handwrites prose
pretentious desi

>> No.11103837

I've a typewriter but that's just so I can carbon what I write to the government/official papers.

>he only things I've written with it are letters to friends and family
Just so you know, unless you would need to hire a scribe to make your writing legible otherwise, typewriting a personal letter is one of the rudest things you can do. It's up there with "writing professional letters by hand in red ink" for the Western world.

>> No.11103841

A typewriter can produce a more legible copy at greater speed. It was a very important technologic innovation. Your question would be better asked about a typewriter vs. a computer and the answer is because people are literally addicted to the internet.

>> No.11103848

The question stands since the writer does have to learn to use a typewriter and there is still the question of expense.

>> No.11103873

Most people can type faster than they can write

>> No.11103888
File: 137 KB, 1080x1316, 1524836860267.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tfw ordered a type writer to do my drafts on the other day.

>> No.11103889

It is more expensive (nominally) but saves time. Also learning how to type is becoming a lost art. I could type much faster than my parents but all the younger kids in my life type with two fingers like a fucking boomer. On the whole I agree that typewriters are mostly used for conspicuous consumption reasons.

>> No.11103929

I honestly don't understand the "computers are full of distractions" argument. Is your desire to write so weak that you are easily swayed away by youtube or a messenger? I write on my pc and when I get into the flow there is literally nothing I would pay attention to except for getting thoughts out of my head.

>> No.11103942

>Just so you know...
Yeah, I'm aware. My particular cases are exceptions: personal letters praising coworkers that might be included in official promotion packets, and correspondence with a sibling who also writes with a typewriter.

>> No.11104376

I exclusive write poetry on my phone's notes app, and once every few months I upload them to docs. By the time I have a pen and paper out the inspiration is gone. I sometimes copy actually passable stuff from the notes app to an actual physical notebook though.

>> No.11104421

This is what I do
Very cathartic
Also like to transcribe conversations I overhear on the bus, try doing that with a typewriter

>> No.11104446
File: 83 KB, 1024x683, alte_erika_modell_10_reise_schreibmaschine_im_koffer_typewriter_ersatz___farbband_2_lgw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're just fucking jealous that I got this baby for 2 bucks. suck on my typewriter you faggots.

>> No.11104457

nice typewriter, fag!

*punches you in the chest*

>> No.11104521

Their ubiquity has made them more fashion than function. They're quite expensive for a notebook, their design is no longer unique and so they have to court brand name instead of the quality of their product. And heads up - the quality is shit. The binding has become lax, the paper is either too rough or too waxy depending on the production line, and neither hold fountain pen ink. The paper size is different from what it used to be, because before, the paper went right up to the edge of the hardcover yet now, there is an overbite of the hardcover (or an underbite of the paper, whichever sin is greater). You can get better quality notebooks in the same style and design for cheaper. Just look at Rhodia.

Moleskines are not a writer's notebook. They are a notebook as a shorthand for saying "I'm a writer," which, incidentally, seems to be the only content they'll put down on that rabbit-bed waste of paper.

>> No.11104543

moleskins are pretty good quality wise and quite simple in design, what you are refering to (in terms of pseudery) is paperblanks

>> No.11104578

What the hell is a moleskin, I'm looking at the site and it just looks like tacky notepads with graphics on the front. Maybe I'm not looking at the right thing. Help a brainlet out.

>> No.11106148

Overpriced notebooks, but the classic ones aren't that bad (leather, plain paper, plain black cover). They're like the Apple of notebooks.

>> No.11106153
File: 194 KB, 750x1086, 1515367936767.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11106163
File: 77 KB, 599x601, 1515367936768.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11106169
File: 81 KB, 675x976, DIXfA-_W4AEhp1B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11106182
File: 89 KB, 600x598, get it, head board, like she was giving head to a board.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11106188
File: 170 KB, 931x596, my aesthetic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11106196

I have some Moleskins bought on the cheap I use not for drafting but for putting down ideas and lines that come to me away from a computer.

That said, now I buy $1 ones from Daiso and other 100 yen shops. Stronger elastic bands, basically just as usable, cheaper even than the Walmart kind.

>> No.11106207

his aesthetic is instagram free verse written by a clinically retarded Bukowski impersonator who has never been to a library.

wew lad.

>> No.11106209

i think i just had a stroke
jesus christ that's bad

>> No.11106234

>he typed a poem without thinking, without planning, and without the ability to revise anything.
>He fell in love.
Is this seriously how you sell a poetry book these days?

>> No.11106361

This guy is more of an artist than 99% of /lit/.