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/lit/ - Literature

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11102687 No.11102687 [Reply] [Original]

Do you lads ever just suddenly remember you think in English and realize just how lucky we all are?

>> No.11102731

I wonder what it would be like to think with no language in mind? I wish I could remember that far back

>> No.11102892

I think about this a lot. I heard a story that probably isn't true about a Chinese Emperor or someone who raised 2 children in his garden without ever teaching them language to see how they would act.

>> No.11102908

It's happened.


>> No.11102915

Huh, don't know why I thought this happened in ancient China

>> No.11102918


>> No.11103032

Pretty sad

>> No.11103059

Fuck no, English is a this nasally, chaotic G*rmanic-Latin pidgin.

Sure, there's probably far more world literature available in English than there is in other languages, but if I was born being able to speak, say, Japanese, I'd just focus on reading the countless Japanese classics that no doubt exist.

As an English speaker, pretty much anything of note is a translation. Also, since everyone speaks English, it's much harder to find the motivation to learn other languages.

Anglo domination was a mistake.

>> No.11103079

>anything of note is a translation
Why do people think pretension is a pursuit worthwhile?: The self-awareness of leddit

>> No.11103103

The guy expressed interest in other cultures' great works that most English speakers won't get to enjoy, and you respond with 'lol reddit'. pls go back to /tv/. I took the bait.

>> No.11103109

Get back to me when Hamlet and Paradise Lost are comparable to the Pali Canon, the Upanishads, the Summa Theologica, the Republic, the Divine Comedy, Journey to the West, the Interior Castle, the Odyssey, the Aeneid, the Tale of Genji, the Epic of Gilgamesh, the Torah, the Quran, the Canonical Gospels, the Way of the Pilgrim, War and Peace, the Conference of the Birds, and Fear and Trembling.

>> No.11103114

>A follow-up in 2007 revealed that Virginia works on an assembly line in a supervised job training center, while Grace mops floors at a fast-food restaurant.
Fucking losers, lel.

>> No.11103125
File: 120 KB, 442x269, bloomcanon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i mean hamlet is better than most of those works

>> No.11103135

They are comparable lol. And as far as modern literature English is pretty dominant. Self-hating natives are pathetic.

>> No.11103140

i'm unironically not a racist, but those oriental works are just absolute shit compared to the western canon

>> No.11103144

idk, macbeth is pretty good

>> No.11103157
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>Fear and Trembling

>> No.11103160

What? So universal grammar is real after all?

>> No.11103161


Ok, so English has some classics of fiction. It's philosophical and metaphysical contributions are sorely lacking, however.

>> No.11103171
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>saying hamlet is better than some books is edgy

>> No.11103172

I'm trying to start thinking in Czech. Easier to be less of a socially awkward faggot since it doesn't contain any of the childhood associations I developed as a kid speaking english.

>> No.11103173

No. I hate how it's so ubiquitous that I think in English more often than my native language.

>> No.11103176

It's only pretension if you either are unfit for what your pretending too be or think you are unfit for it

>> No.11103178

You realize that you only think Hamlet is good because the wester civilization has told you so, right? There's no such thing as good or bad when it comes to literature. Don't let an ideology to control your life.

>> No.11103190

>It's philosophical and metaphysical contributions are sorely lacking
Well we have Bacon, Hume, Hobbes and Berkely - pretty good set if you ask me. If you're comparing it to epics and foundational texts then obviously it's going to be lacking because it isn't an ancient language. I don't know why you would compare it that way in a thread about contemporary languages.

>> No.11103192
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>There's no such thing as good or bad when it comes to literature.

>> No.11103194

That sounds like more sound reasoning than yours, which seems to be which book was written first.

>> No.11103195

>There's no such thing as good or bad when it comes to literature
What are you even doing here, nigger.

>> No.11103207

I love reading and I have my own taste to rate the books I read. Hamlet is even one of my favorites, but I don't pretend it's objectively good or better than any other book. I just like it more.

>> No.11103208

you don't see how this refutes >>11103109 ?

>> No.11103228

The absolute state of these parents.

>> No.11103986


>> No.11104067


Ever since my daughter was born I started thinking about how one might form context without language so that link was fascinating to read.

It's also mind-blowing to watch the human mind build context and language from scratch, and then connect the two. The world must be such an insane, abstract place in the beginning.

>> No.11104082

>tfw God could have made your vicious self any race and he made you English

I unironically am quite greatful for it. I'm not a genius or anything, but holy shit if I was born stupid I don't think I would have lasted six months out of high school.

>> No.11104146

considering how easy it is to become completely fluent in english as a second language - without any real effort, just by playing videogames and browsing the internet as a kid - it's better to be born in a non-shithole non-anglo country and be bilingual. unless you're a total idiot english is something you get for free.

>> No.11104162

I do often think in English, and I like it. It's easier to control my thoughts from straying away in English than when thinking in my native language
t. ESL

>> No.11104201

And I hate how English has become the lingua franca of a post literate era

>> No.11104404


Not exactly. I live in a European country where English education is shit, and we’re less exposed to English-language media due to dubbing movies and subtitling video games etc. ~15% can speak English on a conversational level iirc.

It’s more about exposure to a language than intelligence.

>> No.11104419

I speak several languages, but lack an inner monologue. It was a little frightening to find out that this condition is rare.

>> No.11104427

What does it mean to lack an inner monologue? How do you think about things? Genuinely curious.

>> No.11104432

I only have an inner monologue when I decide to think that way. I thought that was the norm.

>> No.11104433

If you have no inner monologue then how does thinking work for you? Genuinely interested

>> No.11104444

"Inner monologues" don't feel natural, but I can create them as well. I'm really interested in whether that's the norm.

>> No.11104505

I'd like to say that those thoughts are "abstract", but that'd be a cop-out. Usually I resign myself to being given an answer by whatever it is that dwells in my head. It's usually right.
If the problem's complex, I devise some visual model to intuit it better. No words ever enter the picture, unless of course I'm thinking about how to articulate myself.

>> No.11105110
File: 19 KB, 350x350, innermonologue.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11105127


>> No.11105271

Poto and Cabengo are such cute names! I dare say creative, even.

For others, here’s another example of twins who invented their own language.

>> No.11105453

>he doesn't realize Hamlet is better than everything else in his spasmodic autistlist

>> No.11105475

Bud, you don't even now how to spell grateful. English isn't my first language and I do. Get it together, you'll never be Master race (as you averred in your post) like this.

>> No.11105492

>Monolingual languagelets consider themselves lucky
This is a joke right? My native language is the GOAT for philosophy and poetry, and I have achieved a level of English which allows me to read McCarthy, Pynchon, pretty much ever canonical writer out there without issue. I don't see how you can consider yourself "blessed" seeing as your options in terms of literature are limited to just one language. Enjoy your shitty Hesse and Kafka translations I guess.

>> No.11105506

That's what I get for typing too fast.

>> No.11105555


>> No.11105564

>tfw must honorabry an hero for my failure

>> No.11105603

>tfw most of the english i think in is 4chanmemes
>tfw greentexted in my mind too

>> No.11105628

>There's no such thing as good or bad when it comes to literature.
That's where you're wrong kiddo

>> No.11106778

Can't relate, a lot of what I think isn't in English or language at all
And even when I do think in English it's often disjointed and the space between is filled with abstract emotion or emulated senses.
This is probably something to do with me being a brainlet with an as yet undiagnosed retardation though.

>> No.11106854

>implying you can form complex thoughts without language