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File: 55 KB, 900x524, hitler-mein-kamp-big.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11102375 No.11102375 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.11102390

Because you're a psued

>> No.11102396

Because it was dictated. Imagine an autistic Hitler pacing back and fourth in a cell while Rudolf Hess writes.

>> No.11102407


>> No.11102740

because it is just another bad politician's book, but praised by blind neonazis who haven't read it.

>> No.11102747

Because it's some retards autobiography, nothing in it is interesting unless you're doing a Freudian analysis. I'm even surprised naziboo's praise it, there's nothing of value in it politically.

>> No.11102758

Most of the ideas aren't that new, and if you're reading because you admire Hitler, you'll expect much of what you've been reading. I enjoyed the dramatic effects, the exclamation marks, the anger and love for his country.
>Those who want to live, let them fight, and those who do not want to fight in this world of eternal struggle do not deserve to live.
This is just a great and inspiring quote regardless of context, and impassioned me when I read it.

>> No.11102880

>there's nothing of value in it politically.

it's only part autobiographical. The entire second volume focuses on the NSDAP. He discusses the politics of the Austro-Hungarian empire in great length in the first volume

>> No.11103392
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Let me guess, you're reading the Manaheim translation?

The problem with Mein Kampf is that there are currently not complete high quality translations (every one was either sabotaged or a first attempt at translation).

My suggestion would be to switch to the Ford (least bad) or wait for the Dalton translation to be finished (currently only the first volume is done but I've heard very positive reviews)

>> No.11103424

>most of the ideas arnt that new
>book was written 93 years ago
Joking aside I'm glad you actually read it and enjoyed it.


It's so easy to spot the reddit tier trash who only pretend to have read Mein Kampf

>> No.11103442

Only a small portion is autobiographical. Most of it is about Social Darwinism.

>> No.11103488

2 antisemitic threada up on lit....

Gee i wonder if there is some stupid fucking loser in charge of making sure stupid shit like this doesn't get posted...

And I wonder why they are not doing their job

>> No.11103497

Because I'm being forced to by some men in black coats.

>> No.11103529

Just read the first few autobiographical chapters and then read chapter 11

>No more than Nature desires the mating of weaker with stronger individuals, even less does she desire the blending of a higher with a lower race, since, if she did, her whole work of higher breeding, over perhaps hundreds of thousands of years, might be ruined with one blow. Historical experience offers countless proofs of this. It shows with terrifying clarity that in every mingling of Aryan blood with that of lower peoples the result was the end of the cultured people. North America, whose population consists in by far the largest part of Germanic elements who mixed but little with the lower colored peoples, shows a different humanity and culture from Central and South America, where the predominantly Latin immigrants often mixed with the aborigines on a large scale. By this one example, we can clearly and distinctly recognize the effect of racial mixture. The Germanic inhabitant of the American continent, who has remained racially pure and unmixed, rose to be master of the continent; he will remain the master as long as he does not fall a victim to defilement of the blood.

>> No.11103537
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>jews get kicked out of 109 countries
>every time it was just dumb anti semitism
>Le I'm 16 and my intelligence is superior to every one else
I bet you think John Oliver is a great intellectual

>> No.11103628
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Stalag Edition is the best

Why have you simultaneously posted this on /pol/, /his/ and now here?

>> No.11103727
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Stalag is more for a second read through. The language is more poetic and the text closer to the spirit of his message but the grammatical mistakes and awards sentence structure can be challenging for first time readers coming to grips with the ideas of this complex work

>> No.11103772
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Good point, I read the Ford translation first and now I'm going through the Stalag edition. Almost every sentence I find myself gripped with every word he said. The amount of truth in this book is astonishing. I can't believe he managed to lay out (((their))) plan so thoroughly and come up with a way to combat it. He was a prophet and a seer. I will always look to his speeches for wisdom. Have you read his second book?

>> No.11103793
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88 dubs

>> No.11103810

I am willing to believe that maybe at certain times Jewish people had a nefarious role in politics (just for an example the african diamond industry) but this does not convince me that they are genetically evil.
So I am not anti-semitic, mostly because the idea of race in general is archaic.

>> No.11103814

88 dubs wasted on this shitpost

When I went to the store to buy mein kampf the employee working told me that she has to keep copies of it up at the help desk because someone comes in and hides them. That shit is lame.

>> No.11103819

Exactly my point
How does it feel being alone?

>> No.11103865

I liked it but the long run-on sentences got annoying after a while

>> No.11103931
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>the idea of race in general is archaic.
Yes, good goy

>> No.11103938

Jews are just not genetically homogenous. Most "nations" are not. My haplogroups are well distributed throughout britain and central europe. Genes drift and so do religious memes. There is too much confluence and race is just oversimplified imo.

>> No.11103967

I'm reading it for my first time, and I'm having no problem with it. My biggest problem is that the epub I'm reading keeps putting paragraph breaks in the middle of sentences for some reason.

>> No.11103974

Soldier, Politician, Strategist, Tactician, Writer, Artist, Architect

Is there anyone that has been more of a polymath since Hitler?

>> No.11103977

Yes lots. I admire Hitler's rise from abject poverty I have to admit but
Come on now

>> No.11103983

His tactics worked for the first half of the war.

>> No.11103990

Close only counts with hand grenades son

>> No.11104011

Yeah it happends to me all the time :/

>> No.11104204

Is the parasite evil?

>> No.11104220

He's an amazing public speaker, maybe even the best one who ever lived. However, he's not a good writer and he said so himself in Mein Kampf. He jumps from one point to the other. There are, however, very interesting chunks in the book that are worth reading.
Anyone who is interested in National Socialism itself should read Rosenbergs book "The Myth of the 20th Century".

>> No.11104221

I really want to know the source for this.

>> No.11104258

>My haplogroups are well distributed throughout britain and central europe.
What did you get a 23andme test?

>> No.11104268

109? Can i acknowledge your source? I'm not denying it but being curious.

>> No.11104389
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Good site. Thanks for the link very informative. I’ve always had my suspicions about those DNA testing companies

>> No.11104400

>maximum amerimutt COPE
I-i'm aryan i swear! Must be the jews! Here is a source it's goingrogue.angelfire.com

>> No.11104408

1) Hitler was not a particularly good writer
2) It's been translated by someone who most surely has an existing bias against Hitler.

>> No.11104504

>Strategist, Tactician, Writer, Artist, Architect

>> No.11104518

Jews are not a race (subspecies).
They are an ethnic group.

>> No.11104596

>Not being German or learning German to read Mein Kampf

>> No.11104635

Okay well then how does it make sense to say they are somehow genetically bad, or was that not part of My Struggle, i have not read it.

>> No.11104651

Because the unedited version no longer exists
you seriously think ZOG would let the goyim know?

>> No.11105195

Oh yeah the widely sold and distributed version during Hitler's time no longer exists. Idiot.

>> No.11105284

People who have read the first chapter and pretend to have read the entire thing will tell you:
>Its just an autobiography
>Theres nothing of political importance in there
>Only Nazis can enjoy it / find any redeeming value
These people are in every MK thread. Beware.

>> No.11105315

>>Le I'm 16 and my intelligence is superior to every one else

Holy mother of projection. Why are antisemites so fucking embarrassing?

>> No.11105320

Because you probably aren't reading the right version. The best translation is the Ford one, which was very interesting from a /his/ perspective.

>> No.11105860

He was also a captivating orator.

>> No.11105878

>His tactics
*Guderian's tactics

>> No.11105879

>how does it feel to be alone
Buts he's not alone. Do you assess your beliefs based on how many people agree with you?

>> No.11106406

>genetically evil
I am convinced that anti semitism is pushed by Israel, nobody sane believes that "Jews are genetically evil".

It isn't so hard to believe that after the Holocaust, Jews living as a diaspora, would have a substantial amount of fear of any kind of nationalism developing in the nation they inhabit. Which leads many them to use their above average IQ to take action against such movements.

>the idea of race
It is hard to describe Jews as a "race", it is a small and genetically diverse group of people.
Nevertheless they practice in-group preference.

>> No.11106424

My mother has an original version from before the fall of the third Reich, from her parents, lying around, I really ought to read it.

>> No.11106471
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It's dogshit because Adolf barely had the brains to write it.
It was the task of a sleuth of editors to turn his ramblings into coherency:

>'which was edited by: Amann, Müller, Hess, Hanfstaengl, Stolzing-Cerny and Bernhard Stempfle. 'They rewrote entire paragraphs, which would hereby win in readability, without losing Hitlers chaotic and incomprehensible style. Even after that the text was heavily edited before it was allowed to be released in print. According to Hans Frank, Hitler admitted that it was poorly written, he labeled it as ''nothing but a bundle of front page articles for the Völkische Beobachter''.' (the newspaper owned by the NSDAP)
-I. Kershaw, Hitler 1889-1936 Hoogmoed/Hubris, (Houten 2008) 323.

Only larping idiots praise such drivel

>> No.11106696

Fuck off (((Freud)))

>> No.11107434
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>Only a 109 times

>> No.11108472

Soldier, strategist, tactician-loses war.
Architect-no. no he wasn't.
Writer-only for fringe political purposes
Artist-failed artist you mean
Politician-only hit in the bunch, but still a loser
1 out of seven, try again.