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/lit/ - Literature

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11101929 No.11101929 [Reply] [Original]

Post your favorite novel, favorite poem, favorite play by Shakespeare, favorite philosophers, favorite political theorists, and faith (if applicable)

Invisible Man, by Ralph Ellison

The Wasteland, by T.S. Eliot

>play by Shakespeare

Schopenhauer, Heidegger, Plato

>political theorists
John C. Calhoun, Carl Schmitt and Joseph de Maistre

American Orthodox

>> No.11101935

your mom

>> No.11101962

Sorry, wrong board. Meant to ask this on /pol/

>> No.11101963

>caring about politics

>> No.11101971

Do you know what the etymology of the word "idiot" is?

>> No.11101991

how can one man have such shit taste in everything

>> No.11102002
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Stoner, Invisible Man, Wuthering Heights, Return of the King, Big Sur

The Tiger (unironically)

>Play by Francis Bacon
Gotta go with Macbeth

Ted Bundy (Unironically)

>Political Theorists
The good anons over at /pol/

I have no faith in anything

>> No.11102005


>> No.11102010

LOTR is one novel generally sold in three volumes

Ted Bundy is not a philosopher, at least not in any academic sense

>> No.11102022

>Fav novel
On the Road

Fav Poem

Fav play by Shakespeare

Fav philosophers
Marx and Engels

Fav political theorists
See above

Free spirit

>> No.11102029

Fuck, you could at least have had the decency to name Naked Lunch

>> No.11102035

no idea tbqh

no idea tbqh

>play by Shakespeare
king lear

no idea tbqh
probably some virtue ethicist

>political theorists
no idea tbqh

no idea tbqh
was raised catholic

>> No.11102043

I hate that book.

>> No.11102049

Your only good pick is Schopenhauer,

>> No.11102057

Schopenhauer is a bitch. He'd be terrified if he ever made eye contact with me.

>> No.11102058

Burroughs was the only degenerate in the whole faggot circle with any merit whatsoever. The rest were complete hacks

>> No.11102063
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Alice + Through the looking glass
Lady Lazarus
Romeo and Juliet
who cares

>> No.11102064

Kerouac was an unprecedented genious. He's like a mix of Proust and Joyce but transcends them both.

>> No.11102078

If you don't care about politics, you are either an ascetic, or an idiot

Well he was smart enough to realize he was trash, that's true

>> No.11102079

The Pickwick Papers by Charles Dickens

The Ballad of the White Horse by G.K. Chesterton

>play by Shakespeare
Twelfth Night

not much for philosophizing

>political theorists
not very political


>> No.11102106

I'll bite.

2666 by Bolaño

The Suicidal by Borges

>play by Shakespeare


>political theorists

Lapsed Catholic

>> No.11102125

pretty eurocentric and privileged

>> No.11102126

Death Comes for the Archbishop, Willa Cather

The Mower, Philip Larkin

King Lear

Frege, Moore, Foot, Plantinga, David Lewis

>Political Theorists
Nozick, Huemer, Brennan

Restoration style protestantism

>> No.11102128



East of Eden


The Canonisation, John Donne


Hamlet or Titus Andronicus


Haven't read much, only read semiotic/cultural thinkers as i am an art fag. Barthes, Walter Benjamin

Meh, Im more into works on history and society rather than current politics. Don't have a favourite.



>> No.11102143

Anirara lmao
>play by Shakespeare
A Midsummer Night's Dream
Marcus Aurelius, Diogenes,Stirner.
>political theorists
David D. Friedman I guess, don't really have any favourites

>> No.11102149

richard yates by tao lin

by any measure by ben lerner

>play by shakespeare


>political theorists


>> No.11102153 [DELETED] 


Pedro Páramo

L'amour, l'amour by Houellebecq

>play by Shakespeare

Mainñänder, Schopenhauer, Nietzsche

>political theorists
who cares

was Catholic, lost faith in everything

>> No.11102157

Pedro Páramo

L'amour, l'amour by Houellebecq

>play by Shakespeare

Mainländer, Schopenhauer, Nietzsche

>political theorists
who cares

was Catholic, lost faith in everything

>> No.11102160

what a shit taste lmao

>> No.11102170

Aren't you gonna say that to everyone else too?

>> No.11102176

She walks in beauty
Camus, Sartre, Beauvoir
>Political theorists

>> No.11102182

the Sun Also Rises
In Search of Lost Time (it's a huge poem, deal with it)
>Play by Shakespeare
Hamlet of course
>Political Theorist
I like what Thoreau had to say on the subject
Non-denominational Christian

>> No.11102205
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Why? None of them are ascetics. And most people should not vote anyway because they lack the attention span. Universal suffrage is nothing but an attempt to artificially equalize will.

>> No.11102214

The Fountainhead

The Lovesong of J. Alfred Prufrock


Ayn Rand, Albert Camus

>political theorists
no clue


>> No.11102239 [DELETED] 

anything by welly becky
>play by Shakespeare
much ado
>political theorists
welly becky

>> No.11102252

anything written by welly becky
>play by Shakespeare
much ado
>political theorists
welly becky

>> No.11102354
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>only Shakespeare's plays are relevant

>> No.11102438

Catch 22, by Joseph Heller

Love Again, by Phillip Larkin

King Lear

Kierkegaard, Spinoza

> Political theorists
I have no politics in me

In Jesus Christ

>> No.11102504

Wizard and Glass, by Stephen King

When tomorrow starts without me, by David Romano



>political theorists


>> No.11102532

Moravagine by Blaise Cendrars

Allo by Benjamin Peret

>play by Shakespeare


>political theorists
my diary desu


>> No.11102553

La cognizione del dolore by Gadda
The broken tower by Crane
>Shakespeare play
Hamlet, duh
Neetchan, Colli, Deleuze
>political theorists
the demiurge

>> No.11102577

>liking Heidegger

>> No.11102871

Cien Años de Soledad by Gabriel Garcia Marquez

Balzarad, el Rawi by Rubén Darío

>play by Shakespeare
Romeo and Juliet

Marcus Aurelius, Camus, Nietzsche

>political theorist
Marx, Rousseau, Ramiro de Maeztu (half-ironically)

Agnostic, raised catholic

Do rate, do not hate

>> No.11104312

> novel
Crime and Punishment
> poem
Hindu epics, Rime of the Ancient Mariner, Eidolons by Whitman, Endymion by Keats, Daffodils, Road Not Taken, etc.
> faith

>> No.11104371


Meditations in Times of Civil War

>play by Shakespeare
Hamlet or Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead


>political theorists
Marx, Engels (what a dumb category)

lapsed roman catholic (I make fun of Pr*testants and larping Orthodox on this website though)

most interesting ITT. What do you like about Endymion?

>> No.11104417

>Don Quixote
>Non-denominational Christianity

>> No.11105539

I do. via the Gk one (idioths) who keeps himself apart, private individual. A term of political contempt.
Anyone know the etymology of moron?

>> No.11107172

War and peace

Ode on a Grecian urn by Junkets

Hamlet by far

Nietzsche, Girard, Kierkegaard, Aristotle, McLuhan

>political theorists
Politics gay (if I had to say probably rousseau, or kaczynski lmao)

Edging my way towards some kind of traditional Christianity, not sure whether to look into orthodox or catholic more or what the difference is

>> No.11107200

catholicism and christianity is extremely gay, organized religion is extremely gay, herd behavior is extremely gay, you didn’t read Nietzsche at all if you can look at that shit without wanting to vomit

>> No.11107258

Actually dude you can read someone and end up respecting their work powerfully even if you find yourself diverging from it. I tried nietzsche's solutions practically in my own life and found them lacking. I still respect his diagnosis and critique of modern decadence.

I disagree with Nietzsche that Christianity fits in the master/slave moral taxonomy and that Christ is merely a Dionysian figure. I think Christianity is something radically new in the history of the world. I just don't know what to do about that fact.

>> No.11107311

>ISOLT, The Day of the Locust
>Sphere (Ammons)

>> No.11107487

The Unlimited Dream Company
I do not like poetry enough to read it enough to give a favorite. Decadent poets are fun.
As You Like It
Locke, & Voltaire
I am obliged to say Paine, & Jefferson. I don't like to read political theory coming after the french revolution.
Deist, wrestling with the god of unitarians, trying to keep it silent.

>> No.11108053

Madame Bovary

Nearly impossible to pick one, but Prufrock by Eliot is probably the one I would pick if I had a gun to my head.

>Shakespeare play
Othello aka Iago featuring Othello

Philosophy is for faggots and a colossal waste of time.

>political theorists
Hitler, Machiavelli, Marx

Believe there is a higher power, but am pretty sure that it's not the Jewish desert god known as Yahweh

>> No.11108272

Henderson the Rain King
one of shakespeare's sonnets? 73 maybe
>play by Shakespeare
Derrida, Marx, Wittgenstein
>Political Theorist
Christian or something idk

Why do you like Plato so much OP? Let's make this thread have at least some conversation...

>> No.11108291

Explain your novel choices NOW.

>> No.11108320

Madame Bovary is the first modern novel. It was basically 80 years ahead of its time. It was a modernist novel before that term even existed. It has some of the best prose ever written and Flaubert was somehow able to turn a subject that's boring into a work of art.

The other choices are indeed pleb trash and this book should not be lumped in with them.

>> No.11108386

c'est probablement que j'ai lu une traduction