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11100662 No.11100662 [Reply] [Original]

>If you had asked Tolkien, he would have said the SIMARILLION was his main story, his life’s work. Yet he was never able to complete it during his lifetime.

>> No.11100669

>when a TV adaptation of your books becomes more important than your books and you find yourself afraid to touch them because you don't know how to top the show but you refuse to admit that you lost so you keep making up excuses and hoping a well-timed heart attack will save you from having to actually write the books

>> No.11100686

I hope GRRM is under contract to write the book so he gets utterly fucked by lawyers when he fails to deliver.

>> No.11100705

I mean that's not how it's spelled but he is right about that and that's obvious to anyone who has read it. I hate this fat fuck though.

>> No.11100721

top fuckin' KEK

>> No.11100761

>Just for the sake of argument, let me point out that many many people invest their time into works without endings. F. Scott Fitzgerald never finished THE LAST TYCOON, Charles Dickens never finished EDWIN DROOD, Mervyn Peake never finished TITUS ALONE, yet those works are still read.

How can you hate his generation's Dickens?

>> No.11100766

Titus Alone is depressing to read, Peake's mind was barely functioning at that point

>> No.11100809


>> No.11100934

accurate. Capped

>> No.11101186

>your books

The state of things my friends

>> No.11102032


>> No.11102111

>I find it offensive when people dare to think a morbidly obese 70 year old won't live another hundred years

>> No.11102129

Some people want to be outraged, because a part of them has an irrational desire to be in conflict with their fellow man, whatever the reason may be.

>> No.11102391

Why can't the TV show be the Canon of the story? Now that the seasons have surpassed the written works,why not embrace the idea that the books were the start of the epic and the show its continuance? It's the story that matters,not the medium of the media.

>> No.11102463

The TV show couldn’t be canon for just some of the following:
>Griff and Young Griff
>Iron Islands (specifically in regards to Damphair and Victarion)
>Lady Stoneheart
Among others things.

>> No.11102564

>Lady Stoneheart

>> No.11102616

Perhaps, but Tolkien was able to finish two excellent novels that were able to stand on their own.

GRRM will leave behind a sprawling, mediocre, and unfinished series

>> No.11102633

>how to top the show
The show itself is garbage in comparison to the books series. His problem is that he has too many loos ends and he won't be able to give a satisfactory conclusion without it being cliche and stereotypical.

>> No.11102767

Isn't this the purpose of psychedelics? Someone give this man a bag of mushrooms, quick!