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11099331 No.11099331 [Reply] [Original]

Tell me, anons.
Why the fuck did he felt the need to ruin the amazing first 2 hard-scifi parts with the awful weird shit part 3?

>> No.11099394

without spoiling it, can you describe why it's weird? I've been looking for a scifishit with lots of infodumps and technology and Stephenson seems to do that.

>> No.11099472

I guess I can't, really. It's just a terrible slog and a complete change of pace from the first two parts of it, and not in a good way.

If I had to make up an analogy of some sort, I imagine it'd be like reading up a recount of World War 2 with all the juicy technical details. Then, in 1944, it cuts off, says "lol 100 years later" and reveals that the world is actually some World of Warcraft shit now that doesn't even make any sense. The last part barely holds up to the label of sci-fi, and hard-scifi? Not at all.. It's not tastefully done as well, like the author of Dragon's Egg did it at that book's end. There it was just natural for it to end like it did.
You won't trick me for the third time, Neil Stevenson. You pulled this shit on me in the middle of Snow Crash, and I won't read any of your shit again.

Just read the first 2 parts. They are amazing and exactly what you are looking for. Fuck it, you can just skim the third part too. I have done that after realising it was shit, and will now be erasing it from my memory.

>> No.11099629

>amazing first 2 hard-scifi parts

You think Neil DeGrasse Tyson deciding who gets to repopulate humanity based on an atheist eugenics program is "amazing?" If anything his WH40k fanfiction salvaged the shitty book.

>> No.11099688

The Black Science Man was the weaker part, but he still fit in. Remember why he was sent up? Yeah, to keep being TBSM in space, for the sake of the doomed humans on surface. But he was an actual scientist as well, which the book makes clear. He wasn't just an obnoxious dumb cunt like Neil is. As a side note, I'm a rabid fan of astronomy and I was continously surprised with how much the author actually knew his shit (until the last part).

>> No.11099787

Time jump and change of genre, from post-apocalyptic to Conan adventure.

>> No.11100627

But that sounds cool as fuck though.

>> No.11100657

It's because he doesn't like you, and he wanted to upset you. He knew you wouldn't like it.

>> No.11101563

You know what else he wrote that was a fucking slog? Anathem. Try and change my mind. Fuck that whole book. Fucking masturbatory bullshit.

>> No.11101647

Not really
It's 2/3rds of a book and 1/3rd of another glued together

>> No.11101753


reamde was porn for /k/

>> No.11102322

stephenson isn't known for strong closures

>> No.11103756

That was an entire last 1/3 though.

Basically this: >>11101647
It's not cool if you've been reading hard sci-fi, being hyped for it every day when you come home from work, and then it becomes something else that's not hard sci-fi at all.

>> No.11104262

i liked when she killed a guy with a Love Actually DVD