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File: 20 KB, 400x400, michel-houellebecq_400x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11098422 No.11098422 [Reply] [Original]

>It's a fact that in societies like ours sex truly represents a second system of differentiation, completely independent of money; and as a system of differentiation it functions just as mercilessly. The effects of these two systems are, furthermore, strictly equivalent. Just like unrestrained economic liberalism, and for similar reasons, sexual liberalism produces phenomena of absolute pauperization . Some men make love every day; others five or six times in their life, or never. Some make love with dozens of women; others with none. It's what's known as 'the law of the market'...Economic liberalism is an extension of the domain of the struggle, its extension to all ages and all classes of society. Sexual liberalism is likewise an extension of the domain of the struggle, its extension to all ages and all classes of society
Will the incel movement spawn great literature?

>> No.11098428

The libidinal economy has been addressed in less whiney terms.

>> No.11098433

Thats not what the libidinal economy is at all you pseud retard.

>> No.11098436


>> No.11098437

Actually that is exactly what it is but feel free to give us your hot take anytime.

>> No.11098440

In Lyotard, in Reich, in Deleuze.

>> No.11098454

Christ I want to strangle you, you absolute
fucking ignoramous. The libidinal economy is not a literal economy between people it describes an individuals interior relationship between pleasure and pain. Its nothing directly to do with status its about how we as individuals feel we need to expend pain for pleasure and vice versa
In the context of Houellebecq for instance one can accuse him in his obsession with his own misery as actually in fact earning his own pleasures at a far more intense degree than if he were a mere straight forward hedonist

>> No.11098458

Is he suggesting that this dynamic was brought about by societal moves towards sexual liberation, meaning that there was a time when the situation he described *was not* the norm?

>> No.11098462

How can you be so wrong? The political economy is a micropolitics of sexuality. It is the exchange of desires, and has nothing at all to do with subjective emotive experience; it is manifest in people fucking! If you want to separate libido from the act of fucking return to whatever neokantian shithole you came from.

>> No.11098467

The libidinal economy* i meant to say

>> No.11098470

Imagine if every individuals net worth was capped.

>> No.11098473

You have zero idea what you're talking about. Go read Lacan before trying to emulate Deleuze

>> No.11098474

You faggots should stop reading the French.

>> No.11098480

Refer to my neokantian remark. Lacan is not a prophet. Go read some Willhelm Reich and go get fucking laid.

>> No.11098482

>A tension between rights and prohibitions determines heterosexual seduction in our politically correct times.
>Or, to put it differently, there is no seduction which cannot at some point be construed as intrusion or harassment because there will always be a point when one has to expose oneself and ‘make a pass’. But, of course, seduction doesn’t involve incorrect harassment throughout. When you make a pass, you expose yourself to the Other (the potential partner), and her reaction will determine whether what you just did was harassment or a successful act of seduction.
>There is no way to tell in advance what her response will be (which is why assertive women often despise ‘weak’ men, who fear to take the necessary risk). This holds even more in our pc times: the pc prohibitions are rules which, in one way or another, are to be violated in the seduction process.
>Isn’t the seducer’s art to accomplish the violation in such a way that, afterwards, by its acceptance, any suggestion of harassment has disappeared?

>> No.11098491

80/20 is real and constant wanking will only hold the robot army back for so long

>> No.11098495

81% of all men will reproduce in their lifetime. With women it is like 85%. Have you ever actually looked into the 80/20 claim?

>> No.11098497

those percentages are meaningless without giving precise context

>> No.11098514

They are clear as day. If you are born, you have an 80% chance of reproducing. The 20% includes the deformed, impotent and mentally disabled as well i would imagine so if you are somewhat healthy your chances are even better.

>> No.11098520

>sex is independent of money
Sure thing.

>> No.11098523

No, they are totally meaningless and nonsensical without context you stupid faggot. Are you aware that statistical figures vary with scale and location?
give me the source if you even have one

>> No.11098525

Literally starving poo in loos reproducing at astronomical rates

>> No.11098530

They don't reproduce with rich people.

>> No.11098535

Does this include older generations?
How can you make these claim when significant portion of the "incels" are in a age group that likely would not have children yet.

>> No.11098540


>> No.11098541

Percentage of adults ages 45 and older who have ever had a biological
child (2000)
Males: 84%
Females: 86%

US Department of Health & Human Services
"Charting Parenthood: A Statistical Portrait of Fathers and Mothers in

Im sure there are a lot of gay men who dont reproduce as well. Your manosphere myth is busted son

>> No.11098546

Honestly this may be true. Or you may have been led to believe it by engaging in internet echo chambers. Come back when you are in your 30s.

>> No.11098547

He's just gonna tell you how in ye olden days it was easier and how he was born in the wrong generation. Don't bother.

>> No.11098548

DNA does not care about wealth, statistically.

>> No.11098549
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Ok, now whats the figure in Japan, or Germany?
Things change and we have hard figures to prove it

>the world can only ever get better in every single aspect forever

>> No.11098551

Whats funny is that it is much easier now than ever.

>> No.11098552

For women and highly desirable men yeah

>> No.11098553

>45 and older
completely irrelevant to the incel topic and the rapidly changing sexual market
are you reddit or CNN

>> No.11098556
File: 352 KB, 1088x722, Screen Shot 2018-05-03 at 10.21.16 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This will absolutely not hold true for current or future generations. This is an outdated statistic. Online dating changed the game completely.

>> No.11098558

Did you even look at the y axis on that LMFAO

>> No.11098559

No it isn't. Male celibacy is on the rise.

>> No.11098561
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>a dry spell means you will never reproduce

>> No.11098562

Not an argument. Statistics like this will always be under-represented since no one wants to admit being an incel
When you compare it to these figures >>11098556 you see a clear coherency

>> No.11098563

>not citing a single statistic or fact
Once again

>> No.11098564

I'm on a 23 year dryspell and counting

>> No.11098565

there's nothing on the y-axis you mongoloid

>> No.11098567
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>statistics that don't match my bias are clearly falsified even though i was the one who posted it to prove my point

>> No.11098569

Its labeled on the top

>> No.11098570

Not sure how this is a response to my question. I mean, as far as I'm understanding the OP's quote correctly, Houellebecq is saying that this:
> Some men make love every day; others five or six times in their life, or never. Some make love with dozens of women; others with none.
... was at some point in time *not* the case, that it is a new phenomenon, and I'm not really seeing any justification for this belief. Powerful or otherwise desirable men have always had a more active sex life than their opposites, men of royalty have always had mistresses, for example, and famous artists throughout the centuries have always womanized the hell out of their status. It's just bizarre to me to assume that this "inequality" in the availability of sexual options is something brought about by any recent development.

>> No.11098571

>pre-economic collapse
>pre-millennial men making less money than millennial women
Also, Houellebecq isn't referring to reproduction, he's referring to sex in a casual sense, which is inherently non-monogamous. Men being nearly as likely to have children as women do says nothing about the distribution of sex pre-marriage (marriage rates are declining btw).

>> No.11098573

Percentage range from 0 to 0.2 percent is the y axis you fucking retard

>> No.11098574

no, feminism is killing art

>> No.11098576

You're making the exact same argument in reverse retard. When data conflicts you have to interpret. Regardless the exact numbers are irrelevant to the points being made

>> No.11098577

Celibacy rates for men are going up. This is literally a fact. However you feel about it, denying it doesn't make it disappear.

>> No.11098579
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>> No.11098580

>everything is different now just believe me!

>> No.11098582

Imagine being this much of an obstuse chucklefuck

>> No.11098585

1/5 children born today is a bastard. I don't that 81% figure would apply to Gen X onwards

>> No.11098587

>the introduction of online dating has had zero impact on the distribution of sex
Look at statistics for how often men get right swiped compared to women

>> No.11098588
File: 15 KB, 220x312, 220px-Vladimir_Putin_(2017-07-08)_(cropped).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the numbers dont matter how i feel matters

>> No.11098589

We already know there's enormous differences in demographics, economic opportunity, technology use between generations.
Why would sex be any different?

>> No.11098592

>a fact
Citation needed

>> No.11098593

>don't that
don't think that*

>> No.11098594

Heterosexuality is so fucked up.

>> No.11098595

What I said is that its the trend that matters. The trend is indisputable

>> No.11098596

Two-step guide to getting laid in 2018:
1. Go to the nearest bar or club at 4-5 am
2. Talk to the first drunk sloot you see
That's it.

>> No.11098597

The differences are not that enormous actually
>tinder is ubiquitous

>> No.11098598

>get arrested for rape when she sees what you look like the next day

>> No.11098599

3. Get accused of rape for sexing a drunk.

>> No.11098601

Trends are purely speculative

>> No.11098602

Everything is speculative

>> No.11098606

t. woman

>> No.11098608

Not muh analytical statements.

>> No.11098610

That's a complete myth. Just disappear before she wakes up if you're that paranoid.

>> No.11098612

You can get laid you are just convinced by porn and capeshit that it is not worth trying unless a virginal thot comes on to you and declares undying lust

>> No.11098616

Whoa i guess casual sex is just as common now as it has always been.

>> No.11098617

Didn't Bill Cosby was convicted of rape, for doing something like that?

>> No.11098619
File: 14 KB, 245x249, 1523881140726.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All the white knighting syoboys and roasties in this thread getting hysterical about basic facts being raised.
Face it, its over. Blackpill terms like Incel and Chad are on the mainstream news and awareness is only going to accelerate. The game is up and we're coming for you

>> No.11098620

Tinder doesn't have to be 100% ubiquitous for it to affect dating choices for the average man

>> No.11098621

>You can get laid you are just convinced by porn and capeshit that it is not worth trying unless a virginal thot comes on to you and declares undying lust

For 99% of history this was a completely ordinary opinion

>> No.11098622
File: 124 KB, 1480x630, Screen Shot 2018-05-04 at 2.19.30 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. It's a legitimate movement now.

>> No.11098623
File: 49 KB, 640x855, jakejosie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>That's a complete myth.
No, that's literally the law.

>> No.11098625

This, its a combination of Instagram, snapchat even Facebook. I remember five years ago people reacted to Tinder calling it a "sex app" and using it was treated like visiting a porn site, now its perfectly acceptable and wholesome for women to talk about using it

>> No.11098627

>The game is up and we're coming for you
Meaning what? What do you think is gonna change?

>> No.11098629

Either we return to a monogomous culture or we're going to start finna dabbing on niggas

>> No.11098631
File: 43 KB, 416x354, 0F44A889-00E7-45C2-9373-CAB7A42D89AC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Will the incel movement spawn great literature?
He had some talent

>> No.11098633

The more interesting thing about the incel community is the fact that so few of them are actually the kind of genetic dead ends we imagine them to be. Reminder that in Elliot Rodger's manifesto he has literally one approach encounter with a female and it consists of him saying "hi" to a pretty girl walking past him and her not responding, which he takes as proof of his rejection by females. I'm genuinely not trying to be unsympathetic, and many incels do have incredibly difficult lives, but I think most of them aren't as romantically doomed as they make out

The real question then becomes, what about our culture or society would make "guy who can't get laid" a desirable identity under any circumstances?

>> No.11098634

>return to a monogomous culture
You're fucking retarded if you seriously believe this.

>> No.11098637

Well then you better start learning to avoid trucks broseph

>> No.11098640

mass incel islamic conversion
the jigs up Houellbebecq predicted this

>> No.11098643

If those are literally the only two options, then I guess it's gonna be the trucks. There's just no way in hell you'll ever put the sex lib Genie back into its bottle.

>> No.11098645

This desu. My roommate has gotten laid with random chicks he met at bars maybe three or four times in the last year, and he isn't 'alpha' or 'chad' or any of the buzzwords /r9k/ likes to throw around. It's just a matter of whether you want to invest your time into pursuing that kind of lifestyle, go to bars 2 or 3 times a week and talk to random girls you don't give a shit about to (((get lucky))).
It's interesting to see that it really hasn't improved his life in the slightest, and that he's starting to pay the price for not working on something more productive.
Not saying being a kissless virgin is preferable, mind you, but I'm pretty much at the point where I think that a deep emotional connection and long term commitment are something that really can't be cut out of ones sex life without it becoming ungratifying and self-destructive.

>> No.11098647

>There is no way to tell in advance what her response will be

Spoken like someone with poor social skills. I bet the author is that guy who starts spanking it in the car before dropping his date off, and then wonders why he has a restraining order. Buying a girl a present or asking her out is not harassment, but you might have to deal with rejection. If it's in the workplace, however, it's a different story. Just keep your hands to yourself.

>> No.11098649

Tried this for years. Didn't work once.

>> No.11098650

ITT: Leftists telling people to pull themselves up by their bootstraps

>> No.11098653

You aight incel boy

>> No.11098655
File: 221 KB, 764x605, 2018-04-28_015531.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11098659

Honest question, why don't incels just go to prostitutes?

>> No.11098662

In this post: paranoid, alarmist soweebowee reacting spasmodically to things he has read on reddit

>> No.11098664

Hey can the people talking about h*ving s*x with str*ngers in this thread please stop

/lit/ is a volcel board

>> No.11098666

You talk like a fag.

>> No.11098667


Bill gates and Kim Kardashian and Justin Bieber are richer than you because they're better people. Stop being such an awful person

>> No.11098670

It's still volcel when you only suck dick, right?

>> No.11098672

Most comments are really ignorant of the topic at hand

>> No.11098674

It's illegal in most of the US and parts of Europe

>> No.11098673

If a large group of people had literally any other problem people would want to help you, maybe even spend government money on it.
But you're a virgin so they'll shit on you instead.

They wouldn't be gaining the approval of a woman, may as well just be jerking off as far as self esteem goes.

>> No.11098675

They want the Disney romance

>> No.11098676

I did a few times, it doesn't change anything. the

>> No.11098678

>Buying a girl a present or asking her out is not harassment
It also does not work within the more modern framework of dating. That's the traditional model that is slowly but surely getting torn apart.

>> No.11098679

>yfw Islam saves the western civilization for the second time in 2000 years

>> No.11098681

>asked a girl to dinner
>still together 7 years later


>> No.11098682


[/spoilers] yes but only if you brush your teeth before and after [spoilers]

>> No.11098684

wtf I didn't know Zizek was this woke when it comes to dating

>> No.11098685

>that is slowly but surely getting torn apart
7 years ago was different, and in 7 years ago things will be even more different.

>> No.11098686

No, I want an anime romance.

>> No.11098689

hierarchies based on navigating social mores are righteous because leftoids are capable of dealing with those.

>> No.11098690


how many more times does this need to be said?

>> No.11098693

Same thing

>> No.11098697

Imagine believing this were true. I miss being naïve

>> No.11098698

Not really. In a Disney movie the man has to be a prince or something. In anime he can just be some random loser. One is targeted at women and the other targeted at men.

>> No.11098702

See how badly this poor lad was treated for being ugly. It's not about only sex and relationships for most, most are just a ok, if the normals actually show little humanity

>> No.11098707

Not him but you're seriously deluded if you're saying that sexual dynamics would not profoundly change while communicating globally with a set of strangers through fucking satellites in space to the palm of your hand

>> No.11098708

Islam will be west's salvation

>> No.11098711

Explain Aladin

>> No.11098712

I once saw a post on /a/ explaining it like that: in the western romantic fantasy (at the traditional one, not the recent things) a woman is a battle to be conquered and a prize to be won. In the Japanese romantic fantasy, woman is like a pet that simply admires you unconditionally.

>> No.11098714

Maybe people are looking for lasting meaningful relationships and not fucking bar whores too drunk to even see you properly

>> No.11098715

He's still a "dashing rogue" type.

>> No.11098720

Goal post moved

>> No.11098724

No it really does not change it when the ultimate scene is you and another person with no clothes on.

>> No.11098725

What >>11098698 said is at least half correct, the Disney formula is archetypal storytelling, and its romances are examples of what the archetypal romantic plot looks like. Disney movies don't have relationship building for shit. The characters just look into each others eyes, romantic music plays in the background, then they move on with their lives, but the magic force of ((love)), which is really the hand of the script writer, pulls them toward each other like a gravitational force.

>> No.11098727

christ that is depressing. I hope that guy didn't really kill himself.

>> No.11098729

Read Lacan, sex itself is virtual

>> No.11098730

Not really. I said "prince or something." Point being that they have qualities that would be widely appealing to women, because the romance is targeted at women viewers.

>> No.11098732

People are actually trash, they're just looking for a socially acceptable target.

>> No.11098733

The fact that he isn't a prince is a subplot precisely because it's atypical, something Jasmine and the audience are expected to need some handholding in order to come to terms with.

>> No.11098734

>a pet that simply admires you unconditionally.
That's basically what I want out of a woman.

>> No.11098736

The only Disney movie this is true for is Cinderella and Sleeping Beauty. In Beauty and the Beast, Aladdin, Black Cauldron and Mulan the love interests all originally one into friction of repulsion initially

>> No.11098737

Nigga you didn't even read my post beyond the first sentence, did you? What are you even doing on /lit/?

>> No.11098739

Yeah, I think the unique ire that incels arouse in people has a lot to do with how they are a socially acceptable target for unrestrained aggression against one's perceived inferiors, something which is pretty much our society's greatest taboo, but is also deeply ingrained in human beings

>> No.11098743

Which is how relationships are meant to work

>> No.11098744

If more attractive man is just a swipe away, why would women have go out with less attractive man, who asked her out irl?

>> No.11098745

>The only Disney movie this is true for is Cinderella and Sleeping Beauty.
What about The Little Mermaid?

>> No.11098747

Dude I don't have time to actually read every post I reply to. I just glimpse at the first sentence and make a guess

>> No.11098750

I guess. But she was basically a deranged stalker so it was different in another way

>> No.11098751

beauty and the beast is archetypal in portraying the prince as a monster which needs to be 'tamed' by the feminine in order to become a real man, someone who has integrated his shadow

>> No.11098753

Because believe it or not there are people who dont spend 80% of their day online

>> No.11098756

>sex is virtual
fucking jews i swear, how is sex even virtual is the literal act of creation

>> No.11098757

How many millennial women aren't on their phones 80% of their free time?

>> No.11098759

You don't have to spend your time online to use tinder. It's as normalfaggey as fucking Facebook.

>> No.11098760

This is the only way to do things around here you have the right idea

>> No.11098761

But its still a completely different archetype than the Disney one being cited before.

>> No.11098762

>what are smartphones
the regular person spends all his waking ours connected

>> No.11098770

the Disney archetype isn't one of "a relationship", is about Alchemical Wedding, which is also why new Dinsey movies (except pixar-tier stuff which aren't love stories but coming-of-age ones) are crap, they lack the esoteric direction of Walt and those guys who were most likely into perennialism given their sociocultural position

>> No.11098771

The actual stupid act of mounting her gash and rubbing about for a bit is real but the reasons why its so powerful and meaningful to us is completely tied up with everything surrounding it, who we think we are to each other, what we think each other and feeling about you, the story you think is unfolding up to and after the contact.
There's no dividing the moment of sex and things like Tinder, its all profoundly connected

>> No.11098772
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>> No.11098775

the prince and the princess archetype has two modes, the naive mode in which prince rescues princess and they live happily ever after as passive feminine and active masculine, completing each other, and the dialectical mode, in which girl needs to learn to assert herself a bit, integrating the masculine into her femininity and dude needs to learn to control his overabundance of activeness, doing the reverse.

>> No.11098777

Incels seem to be a very special case in the eyes of the public. Absolutely no one will come to defend them except for themselves, but their number are so low that it amounts to nothing. I believe they deserve what they get. Associating with the incel label and their ideology is a choice, though many can be indoctrinated into it. I myself almost was.
Incels refuse help and cannot be helped. They believe they are right. They will not admit that they are incorrect because it would shatter what little bit of self-respect they still have (at their core they are very much self-loathing).
But what's even more important is that the larger consensus from the most people will be that incels don't deserve help. If you let them into society, they will spread their rhetoric and hurt others in the end. If you don't let them in, they will continue to lash out violently anyways. No one wants to be associated with these people, and they don't think they can change (because they really can't). Even if they were to change, the mark of their former inceldom will weigh on their shoulders. And the incels also provide an easy target for ridicule, because they are so worthy of it. Nobody would want to get rid of such a wonderful punching bag.
So normals don't want incels to change, they want them to 'disappear'.

>> No.11098779

Materialism is the problem, and it affects how society treats women more than it does men. If you look at a body and only see a body, then you can't help but react that way to ugly people.

>> No.11098781

This is becoming less of an archetype and more a schema for relation. This is why I much prefer Lacan to Jung

>> No.11098782

>if you're too ugly to date you're a bad person
Is ethics ultimately an offshoot of aesthetics?

>> No.11098783

It is true, if you look at the figures young women are far more likely to be on anti-depressents than young guys and the amount they use is just increasing in time

>> No.11098785

how does that mean sex is virtual though?
>the story you think is unfolding up
I never had this experience, quite the opposite, its like a trance state or some deep meditation shit, i don't have more words in my head its like playing music, you just jam with sensory i/o system of each other

>> No.11098786

>Buying a girl a present or asking her out is not harassment

Flirting can be construed as harassment if the woman is not receptive to it.

>> No.11098787

It certainly seems to be the natural starting point

>> No.11098788

Misinterpretation. I'm well acquainted with incels. I've been on one of their forums. Incels are not just ugly people who can't get a date. Those are just awkward virgins. Those are plentiful and harmless. Inceldom is an ideology that goes much deeper than its simple name and predicates itself on victimhood, self-pity, and the intense hatred of normals.

>> No.11098789

What exactly are you complaining about? All archetypes are dualities, and both of my examples are the same notion of a duality relating to itself in an other. The difference is like that between a regular ying yang symbol and one where each dot is another ying yang.

>> No.11098792

>their number are so low that it amounts to nothing
Even 5% of men between 20 and 30 being virgins amounts to a lot. And the actual number for virginity rates is probably higher. Incels are easily ignited because being incels, most of them have nothing to live for (as the majority of people cannot conceive themselves a meaning of life beyond the sexual relationships and a family, and I don't mean to say it in a derogatory way)

>> No.11098793

Step 1: be attractive and extroverted
Step 2: get laid

It's literally that easy. I don't know what your problem is.

>> No.11098795

That itself is completely virtual. Virtual as in the actual meat in front of you is the vehicle for what is a completely personal and mental experience.
You can feel all you want while having sex but if I was to watch a video of you it would be like watching you play an X-box or using your phone. I understand the action going on but the depth of experience is independent from the material

>> No.11098796

A big problem with incels is that society doesn't treat their alienation seriously, and sees it as a form of entitlement. Women who express the weight beauty standards has on them psychologically are drowned in empathy on social media, while ugly men expressing similar concerns are often either ignored or laughed at. I bet just a bit of sympathy would go a long way with these guys.

>> No.11098799

At a certain point you add so many abstractions and caveats that you lose any particularity of the formula to describe it as an archetype and not simply a description of the mind and interaction

>> No.11098802

Incel is used synonymously with awkward virgin, especially on twitter. A problem is that the rhetoric of making fun of ugly virgin men (which you see everywhere on twitter and tumblr) might drive some of them to more extreme subcultures in despair.

>> No.11098805

>what is a completely personal and mental experience
i don't experience that at all, i experience ultimate unification

>if I was to watch a video of you it would be like watching you play an X-box or using your phone
what is porn then

> I understand the action going on but the depth of experience is independent from the material
its not independent from the material, this is where the jewish snake bites again, its a complete veil-lifting of the abstract, its the unification of the subject and the object, again, is creation itself

>> No.11098806

No normal will ever give sympathy to incels. It just will not happen. There are no redeeming qualities to incels that would induce such a reaction from normal people. People are always reluctant to give out sympathy because they fear they will be 'tricked' into giving it to someone unworthy.

>> No.11098810

The Ethics, based in the Absolute, died with the fall of the Hegelian philosophy. Western societies moving after that point are just like a chicken running without its head, postmodernists and the such merely proclaiming the obvious. Nowadays the aesthetics reigns everywhere. I just read Either/Or, and it became very obvious, just how modern, how topical the first half sounds.

>> No.11098811

XXI century will see the liberation of incels, just how XX century saw the liberation of women, the blacks and the gays.

>> No.11098812

does he have a nose, jawline and a happy smile, or a sad mouth and a double chin?

>> No.11098813

there must be a million messages going around the world explaining people how to get laid, incels are the ultimate pityful being

>> No.11098815

This does happen, and its incredibly annoying and damaging.
That kind of generalization is something that occurs so often on bloated social media outlets, done in order to play up reactions and create simple meaning.
Whenever they get called out, it always ends like this:
>person A: B people do Y bad thing LOL
>person B: I do not do bad thing Y
>person A: it's not about you! XDDD learn to take a joke!

>> No.11098818

cant unsee, now it looks like he has cheeto powder on his forehead

>> No.11098820

>i experience ultimate unification
You don't, that's horseshit, you just think you do. You have absolutely no direct access to what she is thinking or what she is aware of you thinking, it is at best speculation.
With porn in turn we know that 99% of the time they're actors and are merely faking contact but what we do is project onto the actors our own individual fantasies of what they may be thinking if such a circumstance were true or if you were in that position and so on.
You're right though I should never say independent of the physical basis on which it is occurring, more that there is an countless amount of possibilities to any particular experience of an interaction and it comes down to what we bring to it

>> No.11098825

Highly doubtful. The liberals, the group that is changing things up the most right now, despises incels for obvious reasons. Incels will be grouped in with the alt-right somehow.

>> No.11098826

Not necessarily to incels as a group, but to men expressing some of the plights shared by incels. Using a lot of the same language feminists use with regards to objectification and the psychological effects of imposed beauty standards will either get some academics talking about it, or will make women too embarrassed to complain about how society treats female bodies.

>> No.11098834

he's just saying that at some point you have to show your romantic intentions and that that's crossing a line of sorts

>> No.11098836

Feminists at large genuinely do not think there are any imposed beauty standards on men because they believe all media in the past has been created for the purpose of stroking men's egos and creating fantasies for them, because they believe the "patriarchy" is a bunch of men shaking hands and patting themselves on the back and handing out promotions like candy.
It won't get academic attention. And media attention will only be limited to simple ridicule.

>> No.11098838

Nobody is going to accuse you of shit so there won't be any case.

>> No.11098839

You're thinking in very narrow terms. The liberals, the alt-right, all that shit will probably not be around 30 years from now. The collective frustration of men denied sexual relationships is the one thing that isn't going anywhere as long as there are incels. And as long as there's a sexual liberation, there will be a lot of incels.

>> No.11098840

>you just think you do
>it is at best speculation
no its not, this is why i likened it to jamming, in music you get the same effect, nobody has to talk or even look at each other, the shared creation of music leads everyone to the same places, there's an unification of the different subjects into a supra-subjective sensibility, the same happens with sex, and with really fine-tuned sports-teams (i heard)

>You have absolutely no direct access to what she is thinking or what she is aware of you thinking
there's no thinking involved, its not mental, its spiritual-physical , think of animal sex

>With porn in turn we know that 99%
what i meant was that porn turns you on, videos of people playing xbox dont, you even connect your jackingoff with the rhythmic qualities of the sex. Using the same music-based allegories it would be like someone dancing to the jam

>there is an countless amount of possibilities to any particular experience of an interaction and it comes down to what we bring to it
i still stand by the opinion its not mediated by thought at all

>> No.11098848

they will be, if you see the basis of both currents of thought it looks like liberalism is at its dying stages (the symbol went full simulacrum) and getting replaced by what is now embodied by the "alt-right" which is at the prime stages of signyifing new phenomena

>> No.11098849

>I believe, the cultured Greek felt himself absorbed into the satyr chorus, and in the next development of Greek tragedy state and society, in fact everything that separates man from man, gave way before an overwhelming sense of unity that led back into the heart of nature.

>> No.11098855

Millennial women make more money than millennial men. This narrative isn't going to survive this century.

>> No.11098862

>Nietzsche never married. Nietzsche proposed to Lou Salomé three times, but his proposal was rejected each time.

>> No.11098864

And yet some people are totally indifferent to the music others find life changing. Again its not the bare algebra of the frequencies and notes that affects us. On the purely physical ground music is nothing. Its how it fits into our entire nexus of experience. What we in my minds independently create when we are given it as a vehicle. Even if we create together it is in the end our experience alone

>> No.11098867

>Millennial women make more money than millennial men.
And every cultural, economic, and educational institution with any significant power will tell you that women are disadvantaged and make less money.
>This narrative isn't going to survive this century.
I hope you're right but I don't see any reason to think that. The narrative is an ideological commitment, and if it's contrary to reality, then it means your reality is wrong.

>> No.11098869

The only solution is state mandated gfs

>> No.11098874

Ideology that's contrary to reality tends not to live for long, because it's unable to address real problems it's blind for. Like the actual sources of tension in society.

>> No.11098880
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Liberals fellate articles like pic related and have the audacity to claim it isn't racist.
Feminists included, their backwards way of thought will not change.

>> No.11098885

What does Nietzsche not being able to successfully court the woman he wanted say about the nature of romantic relationships? Are you implying that he was a bitter virgin and everything he said should be disregarded? Or are you a bitter virgin yourself, and trying to justify your own existence through his?

>> No.11098888

This but unironically.

>> No.11098895

The problem it seeks to address is how to make things better for women, at the expense of men if necessary. That's not going to run out anytime soon.

>> No.11098905

>And yet some people are totally indifferent to the music others find life changing
we were talking about jamming, not listening, its impossible to both jam and be indifferent, the jam doesnt happen if you are indifferent, the jam is the physical expression of the compatible sensibilities

>What we in my minds independently create when we are given it as a vehicle
>Even if we create together it is in the end our experience alone
No, when this happens the jam dies in discordance, the jam is being created in real time and is proof of synched experiences, musicians become like limbs of the music

>> No.11098906

Yes it is going to run out when men start to get fed up with this bullshit. Take for example the incels. Modern ideology isn't suited to solve the problem of incels in the slightest (regardless of whether one considers incels responsible for their misfortunes or not, because you can hold a person responsible, but cannot hold a societal phenomenon responsible). Therefore this problem is only going to get more acute.

>> No.11098913

Soon maybe not but it will eventually. Especially if women expect things to remain as productive (as Capitalism needs to be) while men become increasingly disenfranchised and women are placed in positions they simply don't have the capability to perform in

>> No.11098915

Nietzsche was the ultimate incel

>> No.11098916

>Being sexually frustrated and voicing that frustration online is "entitlement"
>Meanwhile almost all welfare demands that women have in society are essential provided for women by men because men make more money on average and are taxed

I personally think women are more entitled than men are. Men are capable of working on an oil platform or a coal mine without complaining, whereas women who break a nail think society is at fault.

The reality is that the incel phenomenon is just another thing that enunciates the double standards between men and women.

>> No.11098920

>its impossible to both jam and be indifferent

Tautological. Of course it is

>> No.11098927

no it isnt otherwise the jam wouldnt happen at all

>> No.11098937

Exactly dumb dumb

>> No.11098944

>The reality is that the incel phenomenon is just another thing that enunciates the double standards between men and women.
I think it's way deeper. It gives insight on why traditional societies had their sex life rules shaped the way they had. What's going on is important because it allows the society to reflect on why it was shaped the certain way instead of continuing the same old "traditional is evil" narrative. Now, I don't advocate returning to the traditional sexual values, if only because it's impossible without a major societal collapse. But to actually construct a society that works better than before we ought to at least understand how the society worked before.

>> No.11098951

The roasties of 2018 have become chronically prolapsed STD hostels. Despite their steady dribble of viscous snail trails, their dangly beef curtains, even their near constant harvesting of new strains of HPV and gonorhea, Chads and Betas line up to service them, to wallow and worship in beefed out body horror. It's been said the bow-legged sluts of our era are now so rotten, their eviscerated vaginas actually "spit" every time they take a step. Sometimes with an audible queef, other times quiet, these whores jettison whatever melange of fluids are sloshing within their polygamous caverns. It's not unusual to spy spotty trails and blood tinged puddles wherever the posterior of a sexually liberated woman has rested.

>> No.11098953

i thought you meant its possible, learn to express yourself better, bud

>> No.11098961

No the point is you are defining something as impossible on the condition it doesn't happen, that's tautology. In reality there's good connections and bad connections between musicians and everything in between

>> No.11098983

my point is the lack of connection isn't a "bad connection", connection either happens or doesnt, its binary, not a spectrum

>> No.11098996

and let me add the whole spectrum shit is a problem in itself, the gradualization of simple ontological categories only serves a political function and it actually muddles understanding, which is its whole reason of being in the first place

>> No.11099006

ha! sex as transformation into structure. never thought of it that way.

>> No.11099007

yeah while kings had concubines and others not, it wasnt a domain of struggle. back then sure some people had more sex than others, but there wasnt any struggle to gain more sexual partners like there is now.

>> No.11099056

go ask into the traditionalist thread, the idea is commonplace in those sort of authors, goes beyond sex, thats why i brought up jamming, which is normally brought up by those authors in the context of tribal drumming rituals and in a lesser degree jazz

>> No.11099058

And....if you happened to be unlucky genetically you could retire into a monastery and get away from it all.
Now you have to sit and watch and pay in your taxes so the show goes on.

>> No.11099075

From the individual perspective, being so ugly you can't get married 200 years ago and being so unattractive you can't get laid nowadays isn't too different. From the perspective of the society, it's very different, however, because in the first case, the percentage of such people was negligible, and in the second, it's not.

>> No.11099077

marriage among nobles was for entirely strategic and non-romantic reasons. few people retired to monasteries voluntarily: most often they were "donated" by noble families who had children to spare and wanted to get on God's good side. what you're spouting is incel revisionism

>> No.11099097

>it doesn't matter if you have sucked socially since childhood you can just fix you-


>> No.11099115
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The whole problem with "incel culture" is caused by liberal humanism, which is in turned part of modernism and you could argue a part of Christianity.

The final consequence is that now people feel entitled as fuck. Whether it's niggers, poor people, ugly people, the whole lot. It never fucking ends.

Ultimately this system will collapse and we'll go back/forward to a system that is less modern and humanistic. It's inevitable.

>> No.11099142

Well fuck. I guess i'll be broken forever. Maybe I can turn it into literature.

>> No.11099151

>Thus it appears that social defeat during adolescence causes specific changes to the adult dopamine system, which may contribute to behavioral alterations and increased drug seeking.
t-thanks evolution

>> No.11099152
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A self-made prince, which is some feat.

>> No.11099194

listen there's no one and nothing to blame, it's just Darwinian capitalism. those who are hot, successful, talented, charismatic, people are going to obviously gravitate to them as they've always did, and they exist in a society where this is easier than ever. those who aren't, won't suddenly go places because of facebook, they'll just retreat into their own little cubby holes and do themselves because they're painfully average and mediocre and will never take the world by storm so why try?

biological, even spiritual inequalities have been stamped out (race doesn't exist, there is no chain of being, etc.), but social/sexual inequalities, never will be.

>> No.11099204

God forbid people want human intimacy and to follow their biological drive to reproduce.

>> No.11099221

i was and incel and lost my virginity. after i started trying hard. got laid and had a gf. wasn't worth it.
they constantly want to be social and attention. but i can't give them the same amount of attention back or im being "needy"
she was probably not the 'one" for me. but my friends in relationships say the same thing.
im okay with being alone. having a gf is mentally drain and I'm too busy getting my degree in biology atm. don't care for casual sex either.

>> No.11099287

>but i can't give them the same amount of attention back or im being "needy"
Fuck this. Both girls I've gone out with were like this.

It's like a heavily moderated chatroom, so constricting, you can't really let loose and be yourself fully and it feels like you're carrying huge weight because of it.
I can't think of anything more miserable then spending your life constantly trying to "game" your gf.

>> No.11099293

>found the person you're supposed to love and be yourself with
>affection and love is weakness
>always have to be monitoring how you're coming off to your """""soulmate"""""


>> No.11099319

It's just the usual tradifag rambling about how it was better before.

>> No.11099345

They are not actively doing that though, otherwise they would better themselves until they become lovable. That's actually one of the basic ideas behind the PUA movement - the other one being a sociopathic tendency to manipulate people into sex.

Incels are basically whin losers.

>> No.11099348

More like fuck buddies
You cant forcr an authentic relationship

>> No.11099356

>they would better themselves until they become lovable
>if you lift this object enough times, someone will love you
>if you gather enough resources, someone will love you

Honestly nothing more depressing than this.

>> No.11099359

>Have to make a tinder profile like optimizing for SEO on google
It's a pain in the ass. Not worth it when i can go jerk off and satisfy myself in 10 mins

>> No.11099360

yeah it crashed because Z U C C announced that he wants to release a facebook tinder. really makes you think

>> No.11099366

Why is everything always about economies and commodification and an intense disdain for other people's freedoms?

>> No.11099371

>bettering yourself in purely physical and materialistic ways
You missed his point.

>> No.11099379

>being so retarded and devoid of empathy that you belittle attractiveness to ressources and aesthetic
>implying you putting in effort to appeal to other people should not start with you taking interest in other people
It's like people are lacking basic psychological skills, not even mentionning empathy. See

>> No.11099388

What exactly is the 'alt-right', though?

>> No.11099397

i mean its not girls fault. when other guys are making it tougher for average guys.
can't blame women when other guys better then them are giving them attention. which is why I don't bother trying. its a video game that im lvls way behind.

>> No.11099398

Damn that's fascinating. Thanks for the news. I wonder if the GAFA will get dismembered, as the rockfeller has been for example.

>> No.11099400

Reddit told me being a nice guy isn't enough.

>taking interest in other people

Unless you're attractive, that gets interpreted badly and results in being called a creep.

>> No.11099406

humanity desu

>> No.11099412

>take a genuine interest in women
Id rather study geology because women are dumber than rocks.

>> No.11099428

Its a total delusion to believe that. It may feel as if that is the case but it certainly is not. We constantly have very inaccurate impressions of people that are subject to endless reinterpretations of character once we come to learn we were mistaken about them.
You can get close but you can never get the complete picture and the picture is always shifting

>> No.11099429

>confirmed for being a creep
A creep is someone from whom you detect a low level of threat, not high enough to asctertain danger, yet existing. Creepiness comes from uncertainty.

If your interest is thinly veiled lust, then yes you will be deemed creepy. If you are willing to listen and to exchange ideas in a non-confrontational way, you will probably not get rejected.

Exhibit A: If a lonely weirdo goes to the hottest and most popular girl in his college to start a conversation, it will be deemed creepy. If he just strikes conversation with people closer to his social status or simply more open to random conversation, chances are he will not get shut down. It would be a first step to become socially accepted and to gain useful knowledge about people in general.

Try walking before you start running.

>> No.11099431

The problem isn't them wanting stuff. The problem is they feel entitled to it.

>> No.11099437

>whaa whaa why am I not getting sex from people I despise
Oh wow, it's like women are people too!

>> No.11099443

> If you are willing to listen and to exchange ideas in a non-confrontational way, you will probably not get rejected.
not him but how do i do this. whenever I discuss things with ppl especially about subjects i know. i have a bad habit of going into-depth too much because I don't wanna come off as dumb. but some ppl say i come off as arrogant on the subject when i'm not trying to be come off as that at all.
>tfw ppl think im cocky when im just a nervous wreck with bad social anxiety

>> No.11099454

Nouvelle Droite + Duguin + NRx + smaller factions who agree on the basis

all tied up together in an alliance of internet propaganda using early computer culture strategies for informational warfare, think guerilla ontology, cult of the dead cow, flamewars, cultural hijacking, etc

>> No.11099463

>ever listening to Reddit
Honestly, if you think "a nice guy" is the highest form of human being achievable, you don't deserve getting laid

>> No.11099467

its not an impression of nobody, is an ephemeral sensible superstructure made out of minds connecting via locking their attention on rhythmic patterns

>> No.11099468

don't be nice. be kind

>> No.11099471

>pudgy critter who does nothing but stare at her phone and cry over trivial shit
Oh wow, it's like women just arent that interesting!

>> No.11099474

no one gives a fuck about your kindness or love, they only give a fuck about the high you give them

>> No.11099475

every fucking time /lit/

every fucking time

a compelling and insightful quote gets posted that also happens to be controversial because it's either about sex, gender, or race, and you fucking dimwitted STEM wannabes have to start pulling out statistics and arguing about 'le scientific proofs' like our society is explicable in those kinds of terms alone. you fuckers spend so much time mocking all the STEMfags but you're so fucking cucked by neopositivism that you can't even hold a rational debate about something as basic as a sexual free market.

every fucking time

you're all so goddamn boring i swear idk why i ever come back here

>> No.11099476

If you are really interested in a subject, chances are you are way more knowledgeable about it than most people. If you are on 4chan, chances are that you are also a bit of a nerd - you tend to know your shit on very specific subjects, and to be somehow genuinely curious.
>because I don't wanna come off as dumb.
this stems from your own insecurities. I would know, because I had the same problem for the longest time. I come from a scholarly family where you would get shot down anytime you didn't know something.

But thing is, most people don't want to live like that because it sucks. As a general rule, try to think of people as non-aggressive/neutral when you start a conversation. You could be wrong, but you also - and it is actually the most likely - be right. Worst comes to worst they will judge you. On the other hand, they might start to like you because you are interesting and nice.

Listen to this anon

Everyone is afraid of being judged and hurt. We are almost all the same: we want to feel good when interacting with others

>implying kindness does not procur the highest kind of high

>> No.11099477

Before you even start the interaction, people already project a personality unto you based on physical looks or status.

>If your interest is thinly veiled lust, then yes you will be deemed creepy.

That's pretty much every frat boy's motivation and they have no problem getting laid, my dude.
Nice assumptions, tho.

How about just not being?

>> No.11099478
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t. Chad

>> No.11099480

Alright, but don't a lot of members of NRx deny being alt-right, though? I mostly say this because the notion of being alt-right mostly strikes me as something that was constructed by its opponents after the fact.

>> No.11099481

I was half-forced to watch the last Avengers movie with a group of friends, and the theater was like 80% male. Men consume garbage; men aren't interesting. Being interesting is a rare characteristic.

>> No.11099482

By adding hollow phrazes like "of course that's just my opinion", "what you're saying makes sense as well" and "it's nice to hear what you think about this" to everything you say, and taking careful note of what kinds of view are acceptable in a given social context.

Have fun!

>> No.11099484

Come on anon, the convo has now devolve into anons helping each other out to get out of their inner basement and go into the world with kindness and love. Isn't it beautiful?

Also, why don't you refute or defend Houellebecq in your own way? Complaining does not bring anything to the thread.

>> No.11099487

The alt right defines itself as being "white nationalist" any stricter definition is inaccurate.

>> No.11099490

You can, if you inscribe in your culture that it's the ethical duty of a person to commit to a relationship with the (randomly) state-mandated partner. Relationship is the product of a choice and an effort in any case, not of some divine predisposition. And supposing your society has medicine and cosmetology advanced enough to fix the most appearance flaws, it won't even require some great sacrifices from either partner.

>> No.11099491

all highs come down buddy. don't waste your time with children who chase pleasure only
not being is fine also. but too many guys think being nice = i didnt say anything that could lead to a disagreement.

>> No.11099499

>implying the whole issue isn't that there are no women who appreciate love and kindness in and of itself

obviously they're out there but I'm not seeing them

>> No.11099502

because sooner or later you hit a limit where the moral higher ground of 'le freedom' engenders an unstable society. we think we can just keep progressing on the virtuous fuel reserves of multiculturalism and tolerance and the endless fucking hedonistic pursuit of pleasure but it's becoming more and more obvious that these morality games are A. rooted in the religious devotion to capital and B. causing widespread poverty and rage, the causes of which are becoming more and more obscure.

this is why people go on random killing sprees. because who is to blame for any of this? there is no big corporate meanie. there is only the constant advertising campaign of pleasure pleasure pleasure freedom freedom freedom safety safety safety. that is why hoeullebecq talks about a market economy, he knows that in the end it's only a matter of who wins and who loses, and the losers will blame the market for their loss. and they're right. obviously their solution is wrong but that's another issue.

>> No.11099503

Would it be exclusively a man being prescribed a woman or exclusively a woman being prescribed a man, though, or perhaps both?

>> No.11099505

lol, women by definition need men. just like the opposite is true. we are a dimorphic specie for a reason. sooner or later they will realize this

>> No.11099506

all women want that. but some women don't show it until months or maybe years into the relationship due to previous bad ones.
some girls(in the minority if single) appreciate it from the beginning.

practice non-attachment.

>> No.11099507

Of course, nobody is a blank slate. That was the point of exhibit A.

If you show thinly veiled lust while being attractive, it's not a problem, and it is called being flirtatious. If you are ugly as sin and socially awkward, it will be deemed creepy - because your expectation are not in line with your social status. People will only see the fact that you are conceiling something - lust made obvious by a lower status individual is an embarassment for everyone.

That's why you should first and foremost try to go back into society and get to know people. Not in order to fuck them, but simply because knowing people usually makes you better - if only better at dealing with them.

>> No.11099509

thats cause alt-right got zeroed down into the NPI cause journalists are cheap and Spencer said he was alt-right, "so that must mean alt-right is Spencer"

initially the term was used to unite disparate movements into a single push for the kind of policies of the Nouvelle Droite, which includes neoreactionary approaches, Duguinism, white nationalists, neoconfederates, libertarians, anarcho-primitivists and whole lot of other rather esoteric small groups within the right that don't have a proper representation

>> No.11099512

and worse, the whole thing is predicated on the notion that there are no losers in reality, not anymore, so if you're an incel, suicidal, or just a sadbrain, it's a chemical imbalance or irremediable character flaw. I'm not saying these greasy overweight guys deserve to have pussy thrown at them. i'm saying these guys are so out of the loop internally and externally they're living in a society denies the existence of untouchables while making them feel entitled to everything they're not, AND puts them down for it too.

>> No.11099520

I'd define alt-right as an American "white nationalist" movement, sprinkled with some internet memes and ultimately the latter ended up defining it more than the intellectual stuff.
Richard Spencer did even read some of those authors, but the overwhelming low brow character of the internet masses took the whole thing elsewhere.

European movements like the GI don't call themselves alt-right or white nationalist.

>Alright, but don't a lot of members of NRx deny being alt-right, though?
>the notion of being alt-right mostly strikes me as something that was constructed by its opponents after the fact.
IDK where this meme comes from. Richard Spencer and others used this term way before Trump and all that.

>> No.11099521

>jump through hoops
>never show vulnerability, that's weakness
>show vulnerability, that's strength
>blah blah blah

i was born a genetic failure and that's that

>> No.11099524

Both. In the global world, it seems to me, the search for the best partner, male or female (which didn't exist in small communities but made sense in the medium-to-big ones) does more harm than good to a society. What I talk about sounds as a dystopia, and in a way it is, but that would be the consequence of having innumerable potential social links. For a regular person, being committed to the "search for the best" in these conditions is destructive for both humans and the society, and best be eliminated.

>> No.11099528

I've been getting laid on a regular basis since I was 14 (degenerate reporting in) and I can tell you, you are not looking in the right places - or you don't understand what is love and kindness for female.
It's a thing maybe 50% of my partners have told me: there are not enough guys willing to connect. Willing to listen to what they have to say about the world, about their family, about them, willing to exchange views on an equal footing.

It might sounds bulshit, but that's my experience and that of my female friends; considering women to be your equal and engaging them with kindness (not niceness; even though it often comes along) get you places. And not only sexually, emotionnaly too.

>> No.11099530
File: 77 KB, 460x767, zp5ecnFwPeB2jrKMmiGsKR2nxTvDu5wfcJF4mV4fFGI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I do this with books

>> No.11099536

>Just accept your place in the hierarchy, vermin!

OK, fair enough.

>> No.11099537

lmao dude, I do all these things and never get anywhere, meanwhile I used to chill with a guy who was just like me with the interest in "weird", niche topics and random musings on the nature of fucking man but bitches loved it cause he was good looking. face it dude, you pretty much confirmed my post, females only give a shit about these things if you're already magnetic enough to be worth listening to. and of course they would be, it makes sense, it's the way it is, doesn't mean I have to just accept my mediocrity tho

>> No.11099538

i admit it sucks being an avg male right now getting laid. but if you're only using tinder its gonna suck ass.
are you in college?

>> No.11099540

>European movements like the GI don't call themselves alt-right or white nationalist.

alt-right wasnt strictly about white nationalism a couple of years ago, it isn't that even now, what it was, and is, is a lose connection of pro-white groups, a pro-white direction being defined as any policy that benefits the interests of whites

they don't call themselves that cause the name is murkied, but in between 2014 and now they have built relationships with the groups and cells inside the "proper" alt-right

>> No.11099543

Younger people today are demonstrably less hedonistic than their parents. Young people drink less, have sex later in life and less, and are better educated.
People could always pursue hedonistic pleasures, and social stigma is not a good deterrent and often causes far more pain by demonizing people who are engaging in nearly harmless activity.
Instead, removing the stigma and the social pressures prohibiting pleasure seeking activity has in reality reduced their occurrence I’m young people. Giving people the choice to either engage in or refrain from activities with nothing but the natural consequences of actions leads to wiser and decision making and more moral character building in individuals.

>> No.11099547

The way you talk sounds completely mired in the idea of your perceived inferiority or mediocrity, which certainly seems like both a turn-off and something that you're not necessarily in the best position to change right now.

>> No.11099549

I don't use tinder and college was a desert and just confirmed for me how fundamentally unattractive I am as a human being compared to others. i don't like hate girls for this, i see what attractiveness is and most importantly I understand WHY the market is the why it is.

the years since have just been me trying to internalize that once and for all without installing a skylight in my head with a shotgun

>> No.11099550

it won't cause they're too usy jerking off and complaining about womz.

>> No.11099551

Yea I'm really not sure about that. The wiki article is an awful mess so I don't really know how to check this.
But no, "alt right" was a term coined by spencer, there was a brief period during the last US election where many more moderate groups were using the term but they scattered away from it near instantly the second spencer got publicity. It seemed like they were just ignorant.
Meanwhile the alt right always referred to these people as the "alt lite"
Its funny how often spencer comes up in this, he's not even that popular within the alt right.

>> No.11099552

also "sprinkled with some internet memes" is an understatement, the biggest thing they did was an abuse of fake-personas to accelerate the discourse of the democrats into something unpalatable for regular joes

>> No.11099557

yeah no shit, let me know when you've found the secret to turning off 20 years of social conditioning

>> No.11099561
File: 494 KB, 394x693, ayy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

have you tried seeing a psych?
i can't imagine you being that unattractive.
im black with pretty bad skin and listed to the whitest of indie music and still do decently.
pic related me.

>> No.11099562


>> No.11099568

what i've learned is unattractiveness is the whole package, my vibe or aura, the way i comport myself, my voice, my inflections, my syntax, my eyes my energy everything. the package is fucked my man, return to sender

>> No.11099569

>I've been getting laid on a regular basis since I was 14 (degenerate reporting in) and I can tell you,

You are like a fat kid who has lived his own life in a state of abundance. You are the equivalent of a rich guy born with connections and status trying to give life advice to someone who has only experienced destituteness and poverty. The arrogance you espouse by pretending that your 'advice' is in any way valuable or useful is so grotesque that it's making me physically nauseous.

You are advocating empathy yet are so tone-deaf when it actually comes to employing it by considering the circumstances of someone who doesn't share your privileged background. This is probably the most ridiculous chain of posts I have read on the entirety of 4chan during the last month.

>> No.11099572

If you were looking at it at the time then you saw it all happen. In fact i'd even go further and say that Spencer's claim of leadership was blackmonked by Duke and other guys in that older circle into trying to "coup" what was a decentralized youth movement and carry the current into their own mill, which was resented and it fragmented back into what it was before the unified push during the election, which also explains its quick deflation right after the term got popularized

>> No.11099574


>> No.11099576
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>> No.11099579

I was inside it when it at the time and i'm saying you're wrong.

>> No.11099584

You are telling me people were using the term and then when Spencer claimed it was his they all stopped

>> No.11099588

Am I missing something? It looks like while women are more likely to find men unattractive, their messages skew towards those same men, and don't gravitate towards attractive men; cf. the upper-right graph.

>> No.11099593

lol youre a hysterical faggot

>> No.11099596

ahh i see. yeah that sucks.have you least tried CBT?
I have a speech impediment also. i just don't talk much. i watched lots of youtube videos on improving my voice.

>> No.11099598

People like paul joseph watson and his ilk.
They scattered and disavowed the term soon after the whole heilgate thing.

And everyone left is some sort of vague white nationalist or white identitarian at the very least.

>> No.11099603

psychiatry and therapy are gay, I'm my own therapist, I read philosophy extensively, ive got a better understanding of my issues than most paying 100 dollars a fucking hour to talk it out

>> No.11099604

>bettering yourself in purely physical and materialistic ways

These are the only viable options for most people though. Most psychological literature is pretty clear that changing your personality is exceptionally difficult if not impossible.

If you are in the 99th percentile of neuroticism, good luck changing it to the 50th percentile without seeing a psychiatrist for 20 years and following their plan rigorously, or taking ayahuasca with a shaman twice a year.

>> No.11099605

Spencer is controversial character, because although he seems to read books he also often acts like an edgy teenager. His persona isn't fine tuned enough to the current meta-political situation in the US. In some ways he's two steps ahead of the people who should be his target audience (think MAGA hat wearing redditors) and so he ends up going over their heads and alienating them.
And the mainstream media dumbs it all down by just calling him a Nazi, it's game over.
He also made some obvious mistakes, like going to that Unite The Right event...

>> No.11099606

lift weights and learn to not give a fuck. bang fatties and work your way up from there.

>> No.11099610

But those are gay philosophers, nobody wants to read that pretentious, boring-ass shit.

>> No.11099612

in my group of friends i'm the only one to never had a gf despite being objectively more fit and more attractive than them. and i'm ready to admit that it is at least 80% my fault

>> No.11099614

Maybe the motive but not the effect.

>> No.11099615

That was fast. It didn't take you that long to drop your faux-samaritan mask, hah.

>> No.11099620
File: 29 KB, 238x400, 0718030.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you can learn about cbt for free.
pic related is a great book. you can pirate for free. tho its awesome you are self-learning!

>> No.11099621

>because your expectation are not in line with your social status
Today even ugly girls tinder is filled with normies desu. So ugly guy has no chance with them

>> No.11099624

not even the same dude

you are emotional like woman

>> No.11099627

thats not womens fault. men are desperate for a quick fuck.

>> No.11099634

Guys, create a tulpa.
I'm not joking, there's a general on /trash/ about it and

This isn't the best research, just online surveys (read from page 5, ignore the other bullshit)
But it really seems to help people, especially autists.

>> No.11099635

everyone that wasnt an american white nationalist went away

dunno if "two steps ahead of people", surely the whole internet propaganda stuff was even beyond the capabilities of party troll brigades, and he couldnt live up to it, he just lacks the tact to deal with normies, he doesn't lay down his points slowly, he starts with the politically incorrect conclusion and then tries to lay down the steps to get there but he cant cause people get flustered by the conclusion and don't let him go, he is like anti-socratic, a full retard

>> No.11099637

PJW seems like a regular conservative, nothing "alt" about him.

>> No.11099638

He looks like eggman sort of

>> No.11099645

Honestly i can't stand looking at him long enough to get a deep knowledge of him.
But he was using the term for a while.

>> No.11099646

CBT reduces to "if you make yourself feel bad, you're making yourself irrational" which is dumb. Besides, Stoicism did it better

>> No.11099647

So whats the likelyhood of women dating down?

>> No.11099650

lol. you mean have practice conversations with straw men?

>> No.11099657

Zero, unless severely mentally ill or broken somehow, making her undesirable to men of her level.

>> No.11099658

You don't have anything interesting to contribute bro.

>> No.11099659

> there are not enough guys willing to connect. Willing to listen to what they have to say about the world, about their family, about them, willing to exchange views on an equal footing.
Ok Chad. will do

>> No.11099660

>45 and older
So gen x and boomers lol

>> No.11099661

its the opposite. if higher status men refuse to date them. they would be forced to go back to their level

>> No.11099667

im honestly asking. the wiki page makes it sound like bullshit.

>> No.11099672

They don’t date down they sleep down.
Or “fling” down.

>> No.11099678

Not what I said at all. Acknowledge the fact that you are not on top of the food chain and work your way up, if that's what you want.

You guys seem to believe I was handed everything on a silver plater. You are projecting shit tons of thing unto me. I get my panic attacks, went through 7 years of therapy, used meds, had a sibling commit suicide, and come from an abusive family in general (I'm talking incest and rape kind of shit).
I always have been a weird guy. I was painting warhammer and dabbling around RPG maker or moviemaker making AMV on my own because I was a weeb. I was shit at sport and skinnyfat, didn't play an instrument and puberty hit me pretty late.

Granted I was not ugly, but I was always hanging out with girls and my gay best friend. That was my crowd in junior high and it clearly wasn't the cool kids.

I simply considered women to be interesting enough to be treated as fellow human. We discussed stuf, we exchanged views. We shared. I went through a PUA phase, where I started lifting and paying attention to the social game, and I grew out of it when I realized it lead me astray by deshumanizing women.

I know some dudes that have it worse, and some that have it better - and usually yes, being handsome is an unfair advantage, even though I've seen 8+ guys fail to get laid because they were socialy retarded. Life is not exactly fair, but shielding yourself from other people with resentment won't get you anywhere.

And dude >>11099569
I hear you. I seriously do. My older brother who killed himself actually was a mess with women. I saw him destroying himself years after years; and he was mad as fuck at everyone, especially women, and couldn't open up. It killed him.

>> No.11099680

I think we basically agree on Spencer, mostly in that he can't connect to normies properly, which is what I meant with "two steps ahead"... he's skipping the necessary baby steps.
The whole alt-right focuses too much on adversarial tactics instead of employing compassion (which shouldn't be dumb victim playing either, but should come from strength/love). The internet nature of the movement makes it all worse, because it brings up the edgiest autistic non-compassionate aspects out of people.

>> No.11099685

thats true. but to the girl they think its "dating"
i had a friend who was a 8/10 lawyer. met some girl who was a 6/10 on tinder who had a big ass but just started nursing school. because 2-3 matches she wanted to meet and fuck
tl:dr he fucked 3 times and she started stalking him and lying to ppl they was dating.

>> No.11099705

i agree, i think thats why they have switched to self-improvement, which is sth that they did within the cells but now they are kinda making it a public approach too

>> No.11099716

It's like an imaginary friend that seems to act independently from your own thoughts, some report being able to touch and feel them as well. Nothing mystical.
Consider the fact that lucid dreaming is a thing and its not that hard to believe.

In those surveys most autists claimed that it had improved their ability to read other people and probably more importantly helped with the crushing loneliness and feelings of worthlessness.

>> No.11099717
File: 62 KB, 283x390, 1481691099619.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd have more sex if i didn't hate women

>> No.11099726

>there are not enough guys willing to connect. Willing to listen to what they have to say about the world, about their family, about them, willing to exchange views on an equal footing.
Do you realise this is literally the basis of the "nice guy" meme?

>> No.11099737

migrate to new thread or just let it die?

>> No.11099738

sounds like demon channeling

>> No.11099739

this. just stop feeding the troll once and for all

>> No.11099743

No, because people he talks about genuinely want to be kind and connect to people
"nice guy" acts this way because he treats it as a ticket to pussy-town, and it shows that it's fake and creepy

>> No.11099746

theres a difference between hearing somebody out and just agreeing with whatever dumb shit she says.

>> No.11099749

>8+ guys fail to get laid because they were socialy retarded

This says it all. When I asked my sister if she has any hobbies, she half-jokingly replied, "Socialising." It seems that male pursuits are becoming more solitary, while women are as sociable as they've ever been.

>> No.11099753

You can always take a good idea (for example, Christianity) and turn it into something completely different and retarded (for example, Calvinism). That Reddit turns a reasonable thought of treating women like people into some "nice guy" myth where a man acts superficially "nice" and for that reason is entitled to a pussy, and then seeing this myth for the bullshit it is should not be of any surprise to you.

>> No.11099761

Also the nice guy meme is more of a "acting nice gets you sex" kind of mentality. It's actually manipulative as fuck. If you approach people with a hidden - and retarded agenda - of course you will become a meme. The idea is that if you take interest in people (not men or women, people) you will live a better life and be a better person. And then, eventually, you'll get laid. Again, that's ALSO basic PUA advice: you're not getting some because you are not offering what people want.

>> No.11099765

Women have always been more social. I'd say it's probably in their nature.

>> No.11099778

No its about a guy wondering why women don't like him even though he's so nice to them.
Because being friendly is not what determines whether or not a woman wants to fuck you.

The whole entitlement thing is just feminist slant.

>> No.11099779

you had a base level of attractiveness to compensate for these setbacks, that's the point, some of us don't have that

>> No.11099783

The same could be said from a lot of men, as another anon pointed out before. Also, you're sister don't account for more than half of the world population right?
My best women friends are painters, writers, dancers, readers or else.
Come to Paris, France, we have /lit/ cuties waiting for pseuds everywhere

>> No.11099785

nigger I genuinely want to connect with women but they don't give a fuck about you if you're not someone you're not someone worth being connected to, just stop dude, everything you're able to do is an effect of whatever primal fucking impression you make on women and not the other way around

>> No.11099805

That's not true though. How could you explain Sartres, Zizek or any other ugly monster who still get laid? And you don't have to be a superstar achieve that, I'm just taking well known /lit/ example.

>> No.11099808

Normals and their just world fallacies.

>> No.11099815

attractiveness is just a catch-all for personal magnetism, obviously Sartre and zizek can get laid because they're not mediocre, their minds are developed enough to compensate for the rest, and this comes down to genetic luck of the draw as does a jawline

>> No.11099821
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He looks pretty handsome to me.

>> No.11099825

>Sartre and Zizek
>And you don't have to be a superstar achieve that
you have to either-or

>> No.11099842

Look at what this guy said
>The idea is that if you take interest in people (not men or women, people) you will live a better life and be a better person. And then, eventually, you'll get laid.
I act this way towards some of my female friends but I don't really want to fuck them, you still think as if acting this way is supposed to give you pussy, it makes you a more enjoyable and worthwile person to be around and it's attractive too believe it or not, but it doesn't mean that someone has to bhe instantly attracted to you, some fit faggots look way better than me but they are still autistic/hostile and can't get any.

>> No.11099853

0.2 = 20% you fucking moron

>> No.11099858

Ok so the idea is that you need to be attractive to women to get women to sleep with you? I mean, bottom line, it's pretty straightforward and true.

But what >>11099842
is also true. It's not contradictory. Being able to connect, to be honest and kind with another human being is a desirable trait for most people. It's interesting because while criticizing liberalism in so far as it has supposedly skewed intersex relations, you guys seem to abide by a pretty harsh liberal logic of rational self interest, devoid of factors like empathy.

>> No.11099862

Now do it for 25 year olds

>> No.11099863

no, there's a threshold of attractiveness that's becoming higher and higher for the average person. and even if it isn't, there are some of us who will never break it. that's a fact. and I'm only posting here to sublimate my suicidal urges

>> No.11099866

A baseline level of kindness will not get you laid i'm sorry but yea he literally did offer it as a way to get laid.>>11099528

>> No.11099872

post your face faggot

>> No.11099879

You didn't get my post at all then. I was explaining how caring for other people was not a way to get laid in itself, but a way out of the hole of social and emotional despair anons where describing further up the thread.

Yes, down the line it might help, but that was not the point.

>> No.11099884

>A baseline level of kindness will not get you laid i'm sorry
you know that I've said that, right? you missed my point again, crap.

>> No.11099888

>source needed. Other anons pointed it out earlier, but sounds like magical thinking. Cuckold husbands who couldn't get any and lonely men have been around forever.

>> No.11099889

lol no

>> No.11099894


>> No.11099897

Then its irrelevant. He's not asking how to make friends here. And no, it's not the same process.

>> No.11099900

blah blah blah, buzzwords and meme arguments. I used to work at a nightclub, I know what I saw, men don't see me as a man, I don't exist for women, these are all inextricably tied to simple properties of my body and mind I can't change, I haven't had sex 5+ years, I know where I stand on the pecking order. that's that.

>> No.11099905

>literally a fact

nice source

>> No.11099915

People are looking for empathy, not solutions.
Stop trying to "fix" them, you aren't going to convince someone away from an emotional state or a lifetime of learning.

>> No.11099933

Yeah, but then they'll realize that that empathy is just as conditional as the female attention and that some are better at getting it than others.

>> No.11099964
File: 628 KB, 1074x5453, QBEexyc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

daily reminder that this guy could get a wife and kids.

>> No.11099965

You're wrong, I do that all the time. It all depends on people's willingness to listen and receive. What better moment to do that than when you've hit rock bottom?

>> No.11099967

I just someone to tell me I'm right for feeling like a mediocre sack of shit in today's world, that whether or not it is my fault, I /should/ feel like a subhuman for making every pretty girl I make eye contact with click their eyes away, that people do have needs and yearnings that kill them inside when they aren't met, and they shouldn't feel lazy or crazy for taking the planet's hint that you're not wanted

>> No.11099997

Pre social media era dude. It was literally different time

>> No.11100141

that's clearly his mother and the kid is blonde...does that not raise any question mark?

>> No.11100259

But no one is denying your pain or the unfairness of life. People here are just trying to help.

>> No.11100663

i'm confused. are you writing some kind of abstract for a sociological master's thesis or something? how could you possibly measure this statistically? or why would you even want to do that when you could get a much better readout of these kinds of things from trends in culture?

take a look at any university newspaper and try to flip a page without coming across something about 'sex positivity' or hookup culture. google 'university student alcohol poisoning' and tell me how many results you got from the last month alone. people are fucking at 16-17 on average.

i'm not suggesting a campaign of 'awareness' about not fucking everything in sight and not guzzling booze every other evening. that would obviously fail in the current climate. the point i was making was that we are living in an absolute free-for-all when it comes to moral values. the animalistic pursuit of pleasure (some people call it hypergamy, which is apt even though it has become the shorthand for incels to talk about women in general) is one example, but there are many others.

>> No.11100693

i forgot to address your comment 'young people are better educated' which is a patent false flag. motherfucking gorillions of young people go to university because it has become an obscene cash cow. they can take out loans with zero qualifications and attend some dogshit university where they are spoonfed the absolute bare minimum of surveyed material from whatever discipline they've enrolled in. the humanities, which was one the entire basis of the university, have become a laughingstock. don't even get me started on the clusterfuck of political correctness and the mindnumbing criteria of 'publishable' that is graduate school.

unless you're talking about STEM, which is literally just a puppy mill for people who want to get Good Jobs (tm). a gigantic bubble waiting to burst. recently someone posted a picture of a CS lecture from my old uni and it looked like a fucking roman colosseum. 2k+ students writing like feverish rodents.

>> No.11101649

>Even sex is capitalism