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11097206 No.11097206 [Reply] [Original]

I've read hundreds of books in the last few years and haven't enjoyed a single one for a single second. Books for this feel?

>> No.11097211


You're a fag

>> No.11097216
File: 54 KB, 499x499, feelscaptain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

luckily for you, the book for this feel doesn't exist

>> No.11097217

Madame Bovary

>> No.11097218

No I'm not.

>> No.11097219

>3 kilobyte pepe
>supposedly reads books
go to a bar mate, buy a girl a drink then fuck her brains out (with her consent)

>> No.11097225

I've already read it and didn't enjoy it.

>> No.11097229


>> No.11097239

ew. extramarital sexual relations are for degenerate peasants

>> No.11097253

>degenerate peasants
you realize where you are, right

>> No.11097563


>> No.11097580

Maps of Meaning

>> No.11097584

I've listened to some of his talks and didn't like them.

>> No.11097586

if you read that much youre probably a moody faggot and youll change your mind again in a few days

>> No.11097600

And? Any given talk doesn't have a particular breadth to expound upon its focus. It's at best an hour long or something. It's shallow and referential of the body of work it draws from, at best.

>> No.11097619

Not going to happen.

>> No.11097630
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>he doesn't like Jungian dialectics

>> No.11097650

Start eating better, exercising, and socializing more. You don't even need to "lift". Brisk walking will do. Then return to books and you'll find you enjoy many of them.

>> No.11097657


>> No.11097753

Then you will never enjoy books.

>> No.11097824

Yes I will.

>> No.11097825

Read Schopenhauer's essays.

>> No.11097830

Stop reading your own books

>> No.11097831

Already have.

>> No.11097844


>> No.11097866

do you have general anhedonia?

>> No.11098638

Faust obviously

>> No.11098763

wait, is this you OP? are you actually serious? How on earth have you even finished the books if you did not enjoy them in the slightest?
I have a similar problem but I just stop like 10% into the book. What is your secret?

>> No.11098784

>you don’t even need to lift
t. bugman

>> No.11098809
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>You don't even need to "lift".
Mate don't be out here saying this sort of nonce shite. Git gud.

>> No.11098847
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but seriously, you're just reading the wrong goddamn books. pick one you actually like, you fucking frogposter

>> No.11099251

thats because most books are garbage. i've also read hundreds, perhaps thuosadns of books, and the more i read the fewer of them i enjoy. perhaps you would like the works of the marquis de sade. those books are extremely edgy but also show a talent for prose and humour, and contain very amusing philosophical diatribes.

>> No.11099671


>> No.11099675

Good suggestion. Thanks, I'll try it.

I'm trying to do that

>> No.11099875

read my book, nigger. it is very amusing, you will like it:

>> No.11099966

Lifting is nu-male-tier. You'll have a retarded-looking body incapable of anything and weighed down in anything you attempt to do except some very specific lifting motions that are useless even for general lifting of non-equipment. It's not just retarded physically, it also lacks any decent culture or any spiritual aspects. It's a stark example of the degradation of society, a pretense of being in-tune with one's body and movement, for social credit. Do a sport of some sort and do callisthenics in addition to it. Or just callisthenics.

>> No.11099974


>> No.11100807

This is plainly obvious.

>> No.11101413

Lifting is bugman tier

>> No.11101428

your diary desu

>> No.11101429

>pretense of being in-tune with one's body and movement, for social credit.
Wow silly me! How did I not recognize that? I guess I'll have to do everything this random guy on the internet tells me to because I don't want to do stuff just for social credit.

>> No.11101435
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>> No.11101443

Okay. Doesn't matter.