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/lit/ - Literature

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11097087 No.11097087[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Is reading a lot of philosophy and mature novels gonna turn me into a more interesting person? Assuming I don't have friends nor do I socialize.

>> No.11097095
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If it broadens your knowledge and your capability for empathy then yes. If it just reinforces your viewpoints and habits, whatever those may be, then it makes you an even greater social weakling.

>> No.11097104

Not really. It’ll probably only raise the value you place on your own opinions (and by “your own,” I mean those stolen from whatever philosopher you’re currently studying), and in turn will likely make you more insufferable.

Like it or not, the human mind/body/soul is shaped predominately through experiences. Nothing can grow or mature you quite like actual, tangible life experience.

>> No.11097114


>> No.11097120

>Wants to be a more interesting person
>Doesn’t socialize

>> No.11097170

Unless you're creating something for other people to view or socializing there's no point in being interesting.

>> No.11097178

But men don't need empathy.

That's a bummer.

>> No.11097202

Ok but can reading make me become more sociable?

>> No.11097227

With whom and where? When, if ever? Do you even want it?

>> No.11097234

With coworkers etc. Normally I don't really want to socialize but I always feel like I have to, and everyone is like expecting me to do so, otherwise I'd be labeled as an asshole.

>> No.11097322

If you start right with Plato you won't.

>> No.11097323

Not really. Bookish is practically an antonym to sociable.

>> No.11097338

it's something you have to feel the need to do
you cant come to some rational conclusion XYZ therefore i should socialize
even if you could you would still hate doing it

>> No.11097346

yes, it will certainly help you grow as a person

>> No.11097450

Reading well will increase your depth. In a sense it will. Life experience and being more social also will make you more interesting. Just don't become a shut in incel and you'll be fine.

>> No.11097464

why do you want to be a more interesting person [to others] if you aren't going to socialize? what? you just want to be interesting to admire yourself? what's the end goal here.

and no, the best way to be interesting is to have knowledge and experience others in your group do not. philosophical knowledge is one way, but it's not the only one and you shouldn't limit yourself.

>> No.11097488

I think he wants to learn how to socialize through literature. I honestly think that it can help in that department. People who read tend to be much more interesting conversationalists

>> No.11097501
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If you think about your education as a vanity to climb the social ladder, then no, you will suffer the same fate as Timon of Athens. You will only enjoy shallow patronage in life until you can learn for yourself, lest you destroy yourself in the process.

>> No.11097509

If you havent had several impactful life experiences through reading you need to read some better books

>> No.11097513
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>> No.11097516

>But men don't need empathy.
If you honestly believe this, perhaps you should read some books for empathy

>> No.11097530

I'm not just talking about emotional books. I'm talking about books that had a profound influence on your perspective of life.

>> No.11097536

>The only impact life experiences are laughing or crying

>> No.11097826

>interesting conversationalists
you mean pretentious

>> No.11097834

and about open border as well, i believe?

>> No.11097838

It's turned me into a faggot.

>> No.11097845 [DELETED] 

your choice. Either will accomodate posters of your shallow intelligence.

>> No.11097849

On campus, it seems like reading philosophy mostly turns people into obnoxious cunts who constantly regurgitate said philosophy without reflection.

>> No.11097854

OP here. What I meant to ask was whether reading more will make me automatically more relaxed and open to people. Like idk maybe it’s the “trying to paste yourself in something” or idk.

>> No.11097858

Or idk, what should I read in order to change myself as a personality? Don’t tell me I can’t do it and that I should always force myself to go out of my comfort zone and challenge my anxiety.

>> No.11097867

I really don't think so. It might do the opposite, might make you more "heady" and introspective.

>> No.11097876

But will it make me more depressed? Like, now, I’m really insecure about a lot of things, and I’m really drowned into my insecurities, which makes me unable to connect emotionally with other people. I don’t even want love or companionship, I don’t plan for marriage, I don’t long for a gf, I can’t appreciate people’s personalities or insights.

>> No.11097878

That's literally what you should do, though. Not in a "Once you do it, it'll all be rainbows and roses" sort of way, but more like having to force yourself into situations of exposure *constantly* and for a long time without any immediate improvement.

From my experience, it's a constant battle that won't ever end, and it certainly won't be won from behind a book.

>> No.11097886 [DELETED] 

To whom?

Reading will make you more interested in yourself. If you just keep reading anything and don't stop to work with your knowledge then it will be as interesting and as useful as television.

If you want to be interesting to us: practice being provoking. The more learned you become, the less people will bother to reply.

You can also pick one thing and get absurdly good at it. Then maybe you can inspire one or two followers to dedicate twenty minutes a week to thinking about you.

>> No.11097890

OK look, I don’t need or want to win big, I don’t want it enough. I don’t want socializing enough to actually be willing to pay the high price of repeatedly being ashamed and embarassed and always on a mental roller coaster, but it’s a nice thing I would have if it could be acquired at a low price even for a long time, like reading.

I’m overthinking, will reading change that? What kind of books?

>> No.11097912

No it doesn't. Literature makes you more empathetic

>> No.11098048


>> No.11098245

>But men don't need empathy.
This, except unironically.

>> No.11098322

Reading killed my /pol/ /r9k/ mentality, made me believe in God, and made me more content.

As for more interesting... Eh, maybe. Depends who you talk to

>> No.11098330

How do you become more content?

>> No.11098346

>made me believe in God
so now you're even more passive and submissive than you already were?

>> No.11098392
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>empathy means opening borders

>> No.11098441

Empathy also means being so emotional and sometimes abandoning self needs for the sake of others. It’s a stupid thing that women do, and that’s why they need men to discipline them.

>> No.11098444


>> No.11098459
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its a great thing women have people like you who are so clearly unemotional and logical

>> No.11098484

Embarrassing post. I suggest you delete it A.S.A.P

>> No.11098490

You don't know what empathy is. You are confusing it with agreeableness.

>> No.11098513

Empathy can’t exist without agreeableness

>> No.11099838

I don't know if reading will help you be more interesting, but maybe it'll make you something more than an edgy faggot who merely reacts to the problems of his century.