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File: 186 KB, 1131x834, stoic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11096110 No.11096110[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

They're coming after you Stoibros

>> No.11096115

It don't mean a thing if it ain't got that swing.

>> No.11096143

>think capitalism isn't always good and is bad in its modern incarnation
>also hate people like this
Am I just a bitter person in general?

>> No.11096145

>he says posting on 4chan

>> No.11096147

how do i reconcile being a stoic when its founder was an opiate addict ?

>> No.11096150

The point of the first sentence has literally no connection the point of the second.

>> No.11096151

Inequality in power and right to a decent life, there’ll always be unequal humans. For instance women with gay twitter takes are not equal to pseudanonymous schizo stim addicts who get banned for calling journalists obscenities and threatening to give them seizures

>> No.11096152

Anyone who falls for a modern incarnation of Stoicism deserves what they get, as well as anyone who falls for an ancient incarnation.

>> No.11096216

You hate them because while you agree that late stage capitalism is bad, you disagree with the solution to it and what they primary causes are. All she wants is for trannies to have positive rights or something to that effect.

>> No.11096269

>her answer is socialism
fucking materialists

>> No.11096283

I've seen some critzise meditation the same way since it can help tolerate stress.

>> No.11096285

I'm not a leftist but I've already said that Stoicism is cuck: the philosophy

>> No.11096296

I agree with except for that the main side-effect of late stage capitalism is inequality. Although it is one of them, the reality of it is probably not what she means by the word.

>> No.11096302

Why do people think being stoic means to let people walk all over you or to just sit idly by while bad shit happens happens around you? The way I understood it to be stoic is to not get emotional over things that CAN’T be helped or fixed. Like if a hurricane is coming to your home it’s stoic to not freak out and become irrational but that doesn’t mean you don’t board up your house and do your best to make your situation better.

>> No.11096307


will women ever understand stoicism?

>> No.11096308

You may not be a leftist but you are a brainlet

>> No.11096326

Any attempt to help someone improve their life instead of incite revolution is seen as staus quo enabling by marxists because they are mentally diseased.

>> No.11096328

I think it's a mix of these two

>> No.11096330


That's absolutely correct, though. Everyone will eventually get consumed by consumerism and will become a marketed thing. It's impossible to avoid until we dismantle capitalism and hang all capitalists and the cuckolds that support their oppression and exploitation.

>> No.11096334

If late stage capitalism is the boot loader for gay space luxury communism or whatever they believe, why don't gommies love it? I'd be having a permanent party

>> No.11096350

commies are cringey

>> No.11096375

>implying capitialism is even close to late stage.

Commies please.

>> No.11096392


>> No.11096422

I don't understand these people. This person acts like the end to all means is just capitalism or socialism and labor.
>late stage capitalism is a real thing

>> No.11096578

>not Stoiboys

>> No.11096581

I want Americans to leave this world

>> No.11096624
File: 872 KB, 326x300, 1521177024838.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love how they call it "late-stage capitalism". Sweetie, capitalism is the most natural and beneficial form of an economic system and will be around for as long as humans are around. I imagine her head would explode if someone sat down and explained that to her.

>> No.11096637

this but ironically

>> No.11096640

>the "capitalism has always existed" kiddies have finished their homework
time to get off /lit/

>> No.11096644

t. Ben Shapiro

>> No.11096645

>aurelius founded stoicism

are you a brainlet or fucking what?

>> No.11096661

"Beneficial" is a point that can be argued, but "natural"? In hundreds of thousands of years of human society, it's a real latecomer.

>> No.11096671

I agree, capitalism hasn't always existed. It's existed ever since homo-sapiens have existed and traded with one another.

>> No.11096676
File: 96 KB, 500x482, 1512324510318.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Explain to me how the manufacturing and commodification of identities is "natural" and "beneficial."

>> No.11096682

>free trade is capitalism
you went to a public school, didn't you?

>> No.11096687

Capitalism is simply trading for profit between private individuals rather than a state being in control of it. So ever since humans have traded privately, capitalism has existed to some degree.

>> No.11096688

capitalism is gay but so are these people

>> No.11096696

>trading a commodity for money isn’t capitalism
Wew lad

>> No.11096704

>what is a barter economy

>> No.11096707

Free trade is a form of capitalism. That's pretty obvious, bud.

>> No.11096711

>implying human sexual relationships since the beginning of civilization have not been transactional

natural to a civilizaed species, yes. just as natural as rights.

>> No.11096715

it's not exclusive to capitalism, friendo. if you believe that, you're a dummy.

>> No.11096716

Barter economy is a form of capitalism.

>> No.11096723

>Capitalism is simply trading for profit
opinion discarded, please fuck off high schooler

>> No.11096725

the absolute state of /lit/

>> No.11096742

> stoicism is great
> but [physical problem]

>> No.11096743
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Keep dreaming, red scum.

>> No.11096753
File: 37 KB, 586x578, 1524853596933.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>t. can't form an argument so appeals to some imaginary ideal standard of a board on a Kyrgyzstani sock-puppet website.

>> No.11096766

Nice argument. Are you president of the debate team in you kindergarten class?

>> No.11096769

Modern medicine encourages dysgenic breeding since the people with weaker genes are kept alive, instead of being naturally removed from the gene pool.

>> No.11096770

This is some funny shit. Are you saying capitalism has little to do with capital?

>> No.11096777

facebook has been around for a while.

>> No.11096790

She can have her fixed America all she wants, human misery will go nowhere.

>> No.11096811

>the absolute state of /lit/

>> No.11096824

radical liberals are proles fighting the bourgouise for their fair share of consumerist heroin. All of them are disgusting animals. At this point I only consider deeply religious and/or schizophrenic people to be morally clean.

>> No.11096827
File: 42 KB, 641x729, 2ee.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>t. can't form an argument so appeals to some imaginary ideal standard of a board on a Kyrgyzstani sock-puppet website.

>> No.11096829


These people seem to be confused about what is capitalism at its core (the concept of value and the free trade derived from it in all human history) and the shape it has taken after the industrial revolution.

>> No.11096836


*what capitalism is

>> No.11096837

material goods have no value in themselves apart from sustaining life and facilitating production of things with spiritual value

>> No.11096841

Get a twitter account and tell her. Your desires are wasted here.

>> No.11096850

Stoicism is just kynicism for cucks.

>> No.11096851

What people? The ones in the OP, or those saying that capitalism has always existed, since it's synonymous with trade for profit?

>> No.11096855
File: 232 KB, 499x625, youregarbage.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying a tweet made by some degenerate commie can dismantle a 2000 year-old philosophy
wew lad

>> No.11096856

>All she wants is for trannies to have positive rights or something to that effect.
The rise of gender identity issues is a result of late-stage capitalism.

>> No.11096858

Literally who is this and why is she at all relevant to anything intellectually?

>> No.11096906

she's not, people just want to complain
literally 6 retweets

>> No.11097012


>> No.11097083

Why did you go looking for this? Why did you post it? how long did it take you?

>> No.11097177

>naturalistic fallacy

>> No.11097180

that's commerce

>> No.11097293


>I don't know what capitalism is: the post

No wonder you dumb Americans are so exploited. It's because you're fucking troglodytes.

>> No.11097326

I can't care less about what those degenerate bugmen think

>> No.11097333
File: 37 KB, 634x153, 1520803006494.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even if it's not even a retarded opinion, it's still obnoxious

>> No.11097456
File: 31 KB, 590x350, 1489806304036.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11097835

Stoicism helps no one. It's pussy coping. Revolt and go down like a man.

>> No.11098085

I doubt she could define stoicism.

>> No.11098090


>> No.11099800

she looks like a boy

>> No.11099844
File: 82 KB, 1024x710, Marcus-Aurelius-Quotes-1024x683.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
