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11093885 No.11093885 [Reply] [Original]

it is 80 fucking degrees outside summer is near.
post some comfy summer core.

>> No.11093893

The Stranger is essential summer core.

>> No.11093908

A friend said Alan Lightman's Einstein's Dreams is a perfect spring/summer read. I read it, and I'm not sure.

>> No.11093929


Fahrenheit 451

>> No.11093934

Heart of Darkness

>> No.11093959

FUCK. Why can't spring last longer?? It is so fucking comfy. Spring and fall. Fuck summer.

>> No.11093963

Is light in August summer core?

>> No.11094016

>80 fucking degrees outside summer
is that what you temperate pussies consider """hot"""?

>> No.11094030

Inherent Vice is a great summer book.

>> No.11094049

What do you mean? Its just reaching the 20s now

>> No.11094054

Death in Midsummer

>> No.11094065

Any Faulkner. That hot, sticky summer country feel.

>> No.11094066

30 degrees c already. On top of my allergies I have to sweat like a pig and summer's not even that close.

This summer I'll reread Plato. That's as comfy as it can get.

>> No.11094130

Murakami's rat trilogy. The first two were collected in a book called "Wind/Pinball" and are exceedingly comfy with a nice summer feel.

>> No.11094142

In the Penal Colony

Every book by Hesse

>> No.11094145

for real, son. it sometimes get up to ~115 here during the summer.

>> No.11094168

Tbh this year, anything that isn't 60 degrees is hot

>> No.11094184

80 degrees C ? you must be cooking lol

>> No.11094197
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>> No.11094288

anything that is above 60 make me sweat :c

>> No.11094319
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>> No.11094325

This. Where I live averages in the 90s all summer, and is humid as hell. Beats living in Central Florida though.

>> No.11094674

Middlemarch XD
To Kill A Mockingbird

>> No.11094700

What's up with units of measure in America? Are you guys just fucking retarded?

>> No.11094719
File: 178 KB, 1176x775, that freedom when.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>celcicucks OBSESSED with freedom units

>> No.11094737

Waves by Keyserling

>> No.11095098

>tfw we're gonna reach 40 celsius in august/september

>> No.11095108

People who hate summer are the weakest race.
>Grilling out by the pool
>Ice cold beer
>reading Cheever
bu-but.... m-muh comfy blankets!

>> No.11095117

No one hates summer, but there is such a thing as too uncomfortably hot.

>> No.11095148

Should I apply for the seasonal park ranger job at my local park? I don't meet the requirements but it's certifications I can get before I start which I will mention if I get an interview. I'm hesitant to apply, though, since I don't have the requirements.

Should I do it? I like the environment and being outdoors and maybe I'll get to shoot people messing with geese. I'm kidding. I'm American, I can shoot whomever I wish.

>> No.11095154

Go for it, the worst thing that happens is you don't get the job.

>> No.11095161


You do have a point.

>> No.11095197

The Sound of Waves is Mishima at his kindest i m o. Loved it

>> No.11095219


>> No.11095280

Do it, Firewatch gave me comfy feels and i'd love to try it myself some day

>> No.11095291


It's not that kind of job. It's just part-time making sure people don't mess with the park that I take my dog to sometimes. Watching over the animals and making sure no one fucks with the geese as I have seen some people do which I will SHOOT THEM. Going to make sure I say that in the interview. No remorse.

>> No.11095400

Still, best of luck when applying, sounds like a nice seasonal job

>> No.11095415


I just read it again and apparently I need a driver's license to do stuff, which I don't have because I hate driving. Welp. I wanted to get my driver's license anyway (I'm late 20s, it's about time) so I guess I'll just wait for the winter seasonal thing. Probably better for my allergies anyway as it's been a hell of a season already.

>> No.11095490

honeymoon by modiano

>> No.11096122

>odyssey or plato

>> No.11096163

I'm going to be reading Proust starting in a week or so. I'll probably take it slow and read it through summer.

>> No.11096386

Come on let's get more /lit/ approved comfy summer reading.

>> No.11096547

I'm going to kill myself at the end of summer. What are some comfy books to put me in a peaceful state of mind before then?

>> No.11097980


>> No.11098301

Graham Greene's Our Man in Havana is essential summercomfortcore

>> No.11098380
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Ive read this last week, the english one is called "the road to the bazaar"
Very light and enjoyable read, very comfy to read on a hot day.

>> No.11098419

All fags complaining about summer should know that the best place to live in around the 45th parrallel

>> No.11098696

Oh yeah I read that last summer. Having the sun in my eyes while reading was totally immersive. Made me want to shoot an Arab dead, if you know what I mean.

>> No.11099636

A Month In the Country by JL Carr

Fucking top stuff, comfy too

>> No.11099719

came here to post, should replace stoner as the first nyrb book everyone reads

>> No.11099843

"Kurtz had a power over the jungle and its people which was inexplicable. Kurtz is one of many men sent into the jungle to rape the land and its people of its natural resources. Many men have journeyed into the jungle also refereed as the heart of darkness never to return."

Kurtz was the übermensch Nietzsche spoke of. Kurtz completes loses himself to create a version of himself so much powerful then his prior being. Where every other white man failed, Kurtz succeeded. Through pure force of will he thrives. He was the master of his domain.

>> No.11099881

I read Norwegian Wood by Murikami over a few days sitting outside marinating in the sun, it was bliss.

Last summer I read Ferrante’s Neapolitan series about two girls growing up and becoming women in Naples. It was a beautiful read with great imagery, meaningful themes, a smooth read, and just the right amount of joy and sadness.