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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 326 KB, 2500x1800, Copy of THAL.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1109362 No.1109362 [Reply] [Original]

what is missing?
i don't know much about contemporary philosophy and who should be included
im thinking to just stop it at Wittgenstein but i don't know

>> No.1109374

I don't see the Buddha, Confucius, Lao Tzu, Dogen, Kukai, the Kyoto School and countless other EASTERN philosophers on that list bro.

Nice though

>> No.1109377
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>eastern philosophy

>> No.1109385

do zizek or you are a twat

>> No.1109391

this is the fsjal history of western philosophy

the fsjal history of eastern philosophy will have to wait for another day

>> No.1109393
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>western dogmatism

Also, Quine. Baudrillard. Derrida. Rawls. That sort of thing.

>> No.1109402
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>includes Bertrand Russell
>Foucault is no where to be seen
I'm disappointed DeepandEdgy

>> No.1109405


>> No.1109407

Are Linguists part of this thing?

>> No.1109408


also peter singer

>> No.1109410

I did consider it, but the guy was as much of historian as a philosopher. That's kind of the thing with a lot of these guys in the latter part of the century, their work spills over into different areas of discursivity.

>> No.1109412

Is dat sum Bakunin?!

>> No.1109418

I mean, shit, is Habermas a social theorist first or a philosopher? What about the Frankfurt School?

>> No.1109423

Well did Russell ever do anything notable? I thought half his career was shown to be shit by his own logic?

>> No.1109427

As far as I recall, he and Frege more or less set the foundation for the Philosophy of Language, and the work of Wittgenstein, some of Godel's work, that sort of thing.
They may have failed to make maths logic, but the project and their overall corpus was still undeniably significant

>> No.1109437

saussure was actually the one who laid the foundation for the philosophy of language.

>> No.1109440

who is that next to sartre? merleau ponty? simone de beauvoir?

>> No.1109447

List of names of each in order please.

>> No.1109453

Foucault one of the most cited scholar in the humanities.
He is one of the most influential thinkers of the 20th century.
He needs to be there.

>> No.1109454
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Avatar: the novelization

>> No.1109455

Where is Camus?!

>> No.1109458

Foucault was also a gay sadomasochist who spread AIDS around France

>> No.1109461

That's nice. Got an image with writers instead of philosophers?

>> No.1109464

Newton and Kepler but no Einstein? Unless I missed him....

>> No.1109468
File: 15 KB, 320x278, tj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you forgot this one OP

>> No.1109474

funny how there's nothing wrong with either of those things & the third is a lie by someone trying to get famous.

>> No.1109489

funny how all three of those things would make you lose your job as a politician, but I guess it's cool with philosophers, right?

>> No.1109496
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>> No.1109498

In politics you lose your job over it, in Philosophy it's called an ad hominem fallacy

>> No.1109499

maybe in your philistine country, not in mine.

>> No.1109505

I like how all the people in this image that matter are male.

>> No.1109508

who the fuck is next to Sartre?

>> No.1109510

What the fuck is jesus doing there?

>> No.1109514

He had some OK ideas and you can't deny how influential he was.

>> No.1109517

you might have heard of that thick philosophy book Jesus wrote, it's called the fucking Bible.

>> No.1109520

Why not Jesus?

>> No.1109521
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>you might have heard of that thick philosophy book Jesus wrote, it's called the fucking Bible
sigh, am I the only who reads it on /lit?

>> No.1109526

I've read the majority of it.

>> No.1109531

Jesus didn't write the Bible, he's just the subject matter.

>> No.1109532


>> No.1109535
File: 44 KB, 446x400, girls-laughing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He thinks Jesus didn't exist

>> No.1109536

There's much evidence suggesting that he is the son of God.

There's even more evidence suggesting he existed at the very least as a normal man.

>> No.1109537
File: 4 KB, 127x123, ohya.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he still thinks laughinggirls.bmp is funny

>> No.1109539

>There's even more evidence suggesting he existed at the very least as a normal man.


>There's much evidence suggesting that he is the son of God.


>> No.1109544
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>he can't read a file extension.

>> No.1109545

even if he was a normal man, everything he said had been said before.

>> No.1109549

That point is moot, the fact is he was influential in philosophy, that's why he should be noted.

>> No.1109550

You're wrong. There is evidence.

By God. He isn't great for being a philosopher. I think maybe you should read The Bible to find out why he really was great...

>> No.1109557

There is only one primary source to his supposed godhood, the bible.

I wouldn't call one source much evidence.

>> No.1109561

I would when there's absolutely no evidence suggesting otherwise...

>> No.1109564
File: 350 KB, 527x703, Carl Sagan 001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>thats the joke

>> No.1109566

Even if it had been said before he still formed his philosophy completely on his own without outside influences.

>> No.1109567

Jesus did actually exist, he was not the son of god and I don't think he ever claimed to be.

>> No.1109568

I lol'd at your pic, OP. Congrats, please make more

>> No.1109569

tru nuf

>> No.1109570

>I believe I am a giant pink elephant and tell others so
>a book is written chronicling my adventures as a giant pink elephant
>2000 years later someone decides there is no evidence suggesting I was not, in fact, a giant pink elephant
>Thus, I was a giant pink elephant

Do you grasp the meaning of this?

>> No.1109574

Simone de Beauvoir

>> No.1109575

>a book
>the bible

>> No.1109576

that is not how burden of proof works.

the 'philosophy' of jesus is clearly influenced by buddhism

>> No.1109580

>implying the Bible is any different from any other kind of religious text

I'm getting trolled, I'm out.

>> No.1109581
File: 1.03 MB, 900x1302, korean laughs at youre math.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know tripfags are generally retarded, but how could you fall for such obvious trolling?

>> No.1109582

"Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence."
~ Carl Sagan

>> No.1109583

whoa, how did an evangelist make its way onto 4chan?

>> No.1109584

Good point. That would fit considering the long period of running away that his family did back when Hered wanted him dead.

>> No.1109587
File: 26 KB, 354x351, robert-burns.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Doesn't mean what you think it does.

"There is no such uncertainty as a sure thing"
~ Rabbie Burns

>> No.1109588

>Doesn't understand how burden of proof works.
>Doesn't know that the bible is filled with things that we know for sure didn't happen.

>> No.1109589
File: 90 KB, 490x591, ayn_rand.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP, you fail for not adding Ayn Rand

>> No.1109590
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Won't you tell?

>> No.1109600

excuse me, bible thumper.

>> No.1109601

Between Schopenhauer and Nietzsche = Kierkegaard

>> No.1109603

thats because you are a moron and ignorant

>> No.1109605


It's Simone de Beauvoir, a famous feminist philosopher and wife of Jean-Paul Sartre

>> No.1109611
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>> No.1109622

Reported for spam/intolerance.

>> No.1109623



Because Rand and Sartre were lovers

Simone de Beauvoir

>> No.1109628
File: 7 KB, 197x183, 0121110121021.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I only recognize about 5 of the philosophers

Is Bertrand Russel there?

>> No.1109632
File: 176 KB, 540x540, Problem-God.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1109635

>oppose God
>get crippled

>> No.1109636


Pretty sure Archimedes is after Democritus

>> No.1109639


He wasn't even an outright atheist until VERY recently.

>> No.1109642
File: 73 KB, 468x668, Aristotle_Plato.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


If the finger up and the flat hand are meant to be a refernce to this painting, than the man pointing to the heavens is Plato, and the man with the flat hand is Aristotle.

>> No.1109644


The man with the laurel is Dante.

>> No.1109646


Pretty sure he was a crip long before he pwned god

>> No.1109648


In that case it is Socrates, Aristotle, Plato.

The first one I don't know, the second one is Archimedes

>> No.1109652

Not Rand, Camus.

>> No.1109655

Why are half of them not philosophers

>> No.1109658


first 2 are definitely thales & heraclitus.

fat guy before hume is surely berkely.

dude with the windmill is j.s. mill (get it?)

last one is wittgenstein (as OP explained).

>> No.1109663

after democritus it's socrates, then plato (have you never seen the school of athens?), then aristotle

the guy next to the pillars is Zeno founder of stoicism

the guy after jesus is Augustine, then it's Thomas aquinas

The muslim dude is Avicenna, next to him is Petrarch

After locke is Berkeley

the guy with the windmill is JS mill (get it?)

The handsome Dane is Kierkegaard

Beauvoir is loving Sartre

The last dude is Wittgenstein, it was in the OP post dude...

>> No.1109668


above-you-fag says we are telepathic.

>> No.1109679
File: 170 KB, 320x497, theartoftrolling.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1109717

op here, been thinking about adding contemporary thinkers, here is what i have so far
Herbert Marcuse
Antonio Gramsci

G. E. Moore
AJ Ayer
G.E.M. Anscombe
John Rawls
Robert Nozick
Alasdair MacIntyre
Hilary Putnam
Peter Singer

>> No.1109730
File: 270 KB, 764x988, RothbardSmile.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seconding this. Also if you add Murray Rothbard I'll suck your dick

>> No.1109744

i dunno, i was thinking Hayek for Austrian school

im kinda thinking of trimming that list down though, it seems too big

>> No.1109764

Swap Jesus for Confucius.

>> No.1109769



>> No.1109797


Alain Badiou, perhaps? the greatest living philosopher

>> No.1109873

you said baudrillard twice. add the mofo. altho derrida has a better look.

and foucault yes. einstein yes. obama yes.

dont even mention žižek until you add lacan.

gödel? von neumann?

you need someone in consciousness/neuroscience. serle? altho david chalmers has a better look.

>> No.1109908

You should make one with writers /lit/ likes (haters gonna hate):

Thomas Pynchon
Albert Camus
Franz Kafka
JD Salinger
Kurt Vonnegut
David Foster Wallace
Herman Melville
Yukio Mishima
Alexandre Dumas
George Orwell
Virginia FUCKING Woolf
Mark Z. Danielewski
Douglas Adams
Bret Easton Ellis
Stephen King
JRR Tolkien
Neal Stephenson
William Gibson
Christopher Hitchens
James Joyce
Marcel Proust
Vladimir Nabokov
Sylvia Plath
William Shakespeare

>> No.1110032

Is the guy with the American flag CS Peirce, William James or someone else?

>> No.1110042

What about de Saussure? He pretty much founded linguistics and the semeiotics that many of the continental figures being suggested operate under

Also he had a cool mustache

>> No.1110072

yesss OP plz make one for writers/poets :D

>> No.1110085


i want to do this eventually
be on the lookout

>> No.1110108

awesome thanks im gonna be checking, i love these kinds of things (also add Murakami to the list? and Dostoyevski & Tolstoy?)

>> No.1110112
File: 65 KB, 460x516, 1276124501080.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, I've finally got it. It's Adam Smith because he has an INVISIBLE HAND

Holy shit

>> No.1110119


>> No.1110127

Emma Goldman