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11092724 No.11092724 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.11092728

if you can't think, sure

>> No.11092748

Nobody overrates him aside from marxist inclined continental philosophers.
To psychologist, he's basically an alchimist. Sure he might have gotten something right but most of what he thought was garbage.

>> No.11092764

it wasn't garbage. I feel like you faggots try to apply the way of thinking from other fields to psychology and it doesn't work, retard.

>> No.11092767

>it wuznt real knowledge

>> No.11092769

Underrated as a literary figure. He has not been overrrated since the 60s in terms of clinical psychology. Reading him is a joy, morbid but with a rye humanity.

>> No.11092773

*rewrites Little Hans' brain to prove his psychoanalytic theories about castration anxiety without an ounce of self-skepticism*
pshhhhtt... nothin personnel, kid...

The Freud hate and epic "HAHA LOL FREUDD AM I RITE???" meme in psychology is embarrassing and totally a conceited attempt to dissociate itself from one of its most important theorists though.

>> No.11092783

To anglo psychologists*
The rest who are interested in the reasons behind mental illness instead of selling goy pills and CBT repression of unconscious problems do not dismiss Freud as much as the former

>> No.11092793
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>> No.11092937

Is there even anything in Freud's theories worth salvaging? The only good thing that came out of his treatments was that they provided a space for people to talk freely about their problems without much judgement, a sort of secularized confessional. Not much more than that.

>> No.11092941

>Nobody overrates him aside from marxist inclined continental philosophers.
Do people actually believe this? Read more.

>> No.11092956

>The Freud hate and epic "HAHA LOL FREUDD AM I RITE???" meme in psychology is embarrassing and totally a conceited attempt to dissociate itself from one of its most important theorists though.
Yeah it totally isn't a product of a century of epistemological debates haha you're right those frigging psychologists are just brainwashed morons and everyone who disagrees with Freud is just a clueless positivist trying to sell pills to dumb people hahahahahaha

>> No.11092978

Not what I said. I'm talking about the attitude and culture. The casual petty stuff that sort of grows over the results of hard-won battles. Some psych textbooks appear to try to mention Freud as little as possible, which is ludicrous. A lot of those important epistemological developments come from reaction to Freud & Co. It's a pathology, self-doubt. Shameful past.

>> No.11092983


>> No.11093070

I think you just mean wrong.

>> No.11093162

This. His biggest contribution is the new way of thinking that spiraled in the science we have today. Freud is praised for his method, not all the motherfucking bullshit.

>> No.11093164


>> No.11093248

Some people in continental philosophy, who tend to be marxist, keep using freudian ideas even if they're completely debunked, yes.
>it wasn't garbage
The parts that are falsifiable are wrong, the rest is unfalsifiable drivel.
>To anglo psychologists*
No, to anyone who cares about evidence based practice.

>> No.11093289

This. Psychology shouldn't be embarrassed by Freud. Freud's like Plato in a way, it feels underwhelming to anyone who has an education in the field, but the fact that much of what came after Freud was a reaction to both him and depth psychology in general is reason enough for his ideas to still be taken up.

>> No.11093349

he actually did alot. With many of these types, such as Jung as well. Their better contributions, get kind of overshadowed by all the dumb shit they did.

>> No.11093397

Literally THE greatest mind of the 20th century.

>> No.11093523

that was my mum :)