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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 96 KB, 1000x1000, Jean-Paul-Sartre1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11092622 No.11092622 [Reply] [Original]

Obviously it would be vulgar and anti-intellectual to dismiss this guy just because he was a hideous turbo manlet, but can we really forgive his appalling sexual deviancy, preying on students and forcing threesomes with his wife?

>> No.11092651


>> No.11092676

Even if we would ignore all those facts, there is one we cannot ignore : his philosophy is shit.

>> No.11092683

What with all these moralfags crying about authors' personal lives on a fucking anime imageboard?
Curiously enough, you never see someone bash Dostoevsky for wasting all of his money on gambling and having to rely on daddy Turgenev's money in order not to starve.

>> No.11092766

I don't think there's anything redeeming about that man. Aside from what you mentioned, there's also the fact that he was an apologist for the USSR after we started knowing about what was really going on.
Also, I find his philosophical work wrong to a degree that can't possibly be caused by chance alone.

>> No.11092786


fuck all that, his eye creeps me out

>> No.11092788

Anon, don't you think it's less toxic to be poor and addicted to gambling than to force your wife to open the relationship?

But mostly, his philosophy is kinda bad and he was the worst kind of pseudo-marxist bourgeois. The guy called himself a communist but hated workers.
Even if he's not such a good philosopher either, Camus seems really more interesting to me.

>> No.11092791

>Anon, don't you think it's less toxic to be poor and addicted to gambling than to force your wife to open the relationship?
Only if you have daddy Turgenev giving you money when you need it

>> No.11092809
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Dostoy's reprobate gambling habits hardly compare to this guy's degenerate sexual behavior, effectively using Simone as a pimp to groom teenage students who were bright-eyed over his authoritative position. He was the Sorbonne's Harvey Weinstein.

Also we can't ignore how much he admired Che Guevara, Castro and the USSR.

>> No.11093461
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He signed a letter urging the French government to remove the minimum age of consent. De Beauvoir and Foucault also signed it.

The dude was disgusting

>> No.11093475

>be remarkably, Biblically hideous
>still hit teenage poon on the regular
This guy won at life, leave him aline

>> No.11094470

>virginal, ugly, pseudointellectual failures are angry at an equally ugly goblin who made mad dosh with his pseudointellectuality and had a sex life that most chads can only dream of
You don't need a Freud to realize why /lit/ hates Sartre, just connect the dots.

>> No.11094716
File: 94 KB, 556x699, sartre-jp-1576729276.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

^fucking this
/lit/ bitches endlessly about Sartre and Camus as pseuds because they each banged more pussy than most of this boards halfwits will ever be in the same room as. not to mention they did so on top of monopolizing post-war French philosophy for the rest of the century despite being mainly play-wrights

>> No.11094745

>Everyone disgusted by immorality is secretly envious
Fuck off, nihilists.

>> No.11094766

>liberty and enlightenment is disgusting
kill yourself my man

>> No.11094767


>> No.11094775
File: 216 KB, 644x1188, 6b05bdb16c66e0aa120bb42abd9a5024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Manlets are superior big "man" and the future is small male large female

>> No.11094779
File: 52 KB, 620x372, sartre-hunter-s-thompson-620x372.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

one eye on the future and the other on the bitches


>> No.11094780

this pic never makes me not laugh

>> No.11094783

those were the Sixties

>> No.11094788
File: 36 KB, 564x461, sartre.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>life is meanigless lol
>just b urself
>gommunism gud

>> No.11094820

I unironically dismiss him because he was a hideous turbo manlet. His sex life I'm jealous of, but that's another thing

You can't trust someone with these eyes to have a clear vision of the world

>> No.11094825
File: 113 KB, 170x286, 24234.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>crying about immorality while on fucking 4chan of all places

>> No.11094840

I don't like Sartre (Nausea a shit) but the amount of author trashing based on personal details on this board his skyrocketed. Are we being invaded by art hoes?

>> No.11094845

In the context of his philosophical work the character is relevant and not tangential. If we were discussing his plays it would be different.

>> No.11094889

This. And I love reading Sartre too

>> No.11094977

>I don’t read much; I don’t have the time. So many years already lost in so much foolishness and prison! But people press me, abjure me, badger me. I must, it appears, read a kind of article, the “Portrait of an Anti-Semite’ by Jean-Baptiste Sartre (Temps Modernes, December 1945). I browse through this long homework assignment, glance at it, it’s neither good nor bad, it’s nothing at all, a pastiche...a kind of “Copycatwriters”... ....This little J.B.S. read “L’Étourdi,” “The Tulip Lover,” etc. He was caught up in them and can’t escape...Still in high school, this J.B.S.! Still with his pastiches, with his “copycatworks”... Céline’s style too... and many others...“Whores” etc... “Replacement heads”... “Maya.”.. Nothing too serious, of course. I have a few trailing behind my ass, these “Copycatwriters”... what can I do about it? Suffocating, hateful, half-baked, traitors, half-bloodsucker, half-tapeworm, they don’t do me any honor, I never speak of them, and that’s all. Children of the shadows. Decency! Oh, I don’t wish little J.B.S. any harm! There where he is his fate is cruel enough! Since we’re talking about a homework assignment I would give him a seven out of a possible twenty and let’s not talk about it anymore... But on page 462 the little turd shocks me! The damned rotten asshole! What does he dare to write? “If Céline supported the socialist theses of the Nazis it’s because he was paid.” And I quote. Yes! This then is what this little dung-beetle wrote while I was in prison risking a hanging. Filthy little bastard full of shit, you come out from between my ass cheeks to soil me from outside! Cain anus ptooey! What are you hoping for? That they murder me! It’s obvious! Here! Let me squash you! Yes!... I see his photos, those bug eyes...that hook...that slobbering leech...he’s a cestode! What won’t he invent, this monster, so that they assassinate me! Barely out of my caca and he denounces me! What’s best is that on page 451 he has the venom to warn us: “A man who finds it natural to denounce men can’t have our notion of honor. He doesn’t even see those for whom he is a benefactor with our eyes; his generosity, his kindness is not like our kindness and generosity: it isn’t possible to localize passion.”

>> No.11094991

>In my asshole where he can be found we can’t ask of J.B.S. too see clearly or to explain himself simply. J.B.S. it seems has nevertheless foreseen the solitude and obscurity of my anus...J.B.S. obviously is talking about himself when he writes on page 451: “This man fears every kind of solitude, that of the genius as well as that of the assassin.” Let’s understand what this means...Based on the weeklies J.B.S. only sees himself in the skin of a genius. For my part and based on his texts, I am forced to see J.B.S. only in the skin of an assassin, and even more, of a fucking police informant, cursed, hideous, a pain in the ass, rumor monger, a donkey in glasses. Here I am getting carried away! It’s not appropriate for my age or condition!... I was going to close here...disgusted, that’s all...I think it over...Assassin and brilliant? We’ve seen this before...After all...Maybe that’s the case with Sartre. An assassin he is, he wants to be one, that’s understood, but brilliant? Brilliant tiny turd of my ass ? Hmmm?...That remains to be seen...yes, to be sure, that could blossom...make itself known...but J.B.S.? His embryo eyes? His mean and petty shoulders? That fat little gut... and philosopher!...that add up to a lot of things...It seems he freed Paris on bicycle. He played around... at the Theater, the City [1], with the horrors of the era, the war, torture, irons, fire. But times change, and there he is growing, swelling up enormously, J.B.S.! He can’t control himself anymore...he no longer knows himself...from the embryo he is he’s becoming a creature...the cycle...he’s had enough of toys, cheating...he’s running after ordeals, real ordeals...prison...expiation... the stick, and the biggest of all sticks, the stake... J.B.S. becomes destiny.... the Furies! No more bagatelles... He wants to become a true monster! Now he’s yelling at De Gaulle.
What a way of doing things! He wants to commit the irreparable! He insists on it! The witches are going to make him crazy, he came to tease them, they’ll never let him go...Tapeworm of a turd, fake tadpole, you’re going to eat the mandrake! You’ll be promoted to a succubus! The illness of being cursed evolves in Sartre...Old illness, as old as the world, that all of literature of literature is rotted with...Wait, J.B.S. before committing the ultimate mistake! Palpate yourself! Realize that horror is nothing without the Dream and without Music... I clearly see you a tapeworm, but not a cobra, not a cobra at all...no good at the flute! Macbeth is nothing but a Punch and Judy show, and that on a bad day, without music, without dream... You are wicked, filthy, ungrateful, hateful, pig-headed, and that’s not all J.B.S.! That’s not enough... You have to dance!...I could be mistaken, of course... I couldn’t ask for more..

>> No.11095000

>I’ll go applaud you when you finally become a true monster, when you’ll have paid them, the witches, what you have to, their price, so they transmute you, blossom you, into a true phenomenon. Into a tapeworm that plays the flute. Didn’t you ask me directly and through Dullin [2], through Denoël [3], beg me “under the boot” to please come down and applaud you! I didn’t find you either danceable or fluteable, a terrible vice in my opinion, I confess... But let’s forget all this! Let’s only think of the future! Try to have your demons inculcate the flute in you! The flute before all! Later on for Shakespeare, high schooler! ¾ of flute, ¼ of blood... ¼ suffices, I assure you... but first yours before all the other blood! Alchemy has its laws... the “blood of others” doesn’t please the Muses... Let’s think... even so you had your little success at the Sarah [4] under the boot with your “Flies” [5]... Can’t you now find three little acts, quickly, for the occasion, in a hurry, “The Informants” [6]? A retrospective little revue... We’ll see you there in person, with your little buddies, sending your detested colleagues, called “Collaborators,” to the penal colonies, to the firing squad, into exile... Would this be comical enough? You, of course, strong in your text in the starring role...as a mocking and philosophical tapeworm... It’s easy to imagine a hundred of the most farcical coups de theatre, happenings, and developments in the course of a fairy tale of this kind... and then in the final tableau one of those “general massacres” that would shake all of Europe with mad laughter! (It’s about time!) The most joyous of the decade! They’ll still be pissing, bungling at the 500th performance! And even beyond... (The Beyond! Ha, ha, ha.) The assassination of the “signatories,” all shooting each other!... Yourself by Cassou [7] ... The latter by Eluard [8]! The other by his wife and Mauriac [9]! And so on until the last one!... Can you imagine!... The hecatomb of apotheosis! Not to mention the flesh, of course!... A great parade of superb, naked, waddling girls... the orchestra of the Grand Tabarin... The jazz band of the “Builders of the Wall"... “Atlanticist boys"... assistance guaranteed... and the great orgy of ghosts in luminous double exposure... 200,000 assassinated, prisoners, cholera, unworthy... and women with their heads shaved! Dance the farandole! Heaven’s orchestra seats! Chorus of the “Hangmen of Nuremberg"... And in the tone you see more-than-existence, instantaneist, massacrist... Ambience set by hiccoughs of death throes, noises of colics, sobs, metal... “Help!"... As background noise: “Hurrah machine!"... You see? And the main attraction, at intermission: auction of handcuffs. And a drink of blood at the snack bar. The absolutist Futurist Bar. Nothing but real blood! By the glass, raw, certified by hospitals... from that very morning!

>> No.11095002

Out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh. The best men bring forth the best works, a good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, nor an evil tree good fruit. By their fruits ye shall know them.
It should come as a surprise to no one that degenerates such as Sartre and Russell produced garbage philosophy; actually, the mere fact that they produced garbage philosophy is a solid indicator that they were degenerate. Good, honest men produce good, honest philosophy. It is the simplest thing in the world—one's output reflects one's own nature. Look at the works of Kafka or Joyce, their writings are just their own lives again.
All is preaching, and Kierkegaard reminds us that preaching is inseparable from the character of the preacher. So when you see such a man as Sam Harris going around spouting drivel, you know without any further evidence that he is of low moral character.

>> No.11095013

>Aortic blood, fetal blood, hymenal blood, blood of the executed!.. For all tastes! What a future! For J.B.S.! What miracles you will do when you will blossom as a True Monster! I already see you out of the asshole, playing the flute, a real little flute! Marvelously!...already almost a real artist! Damned J.B.S.
As an aside, the forward to this on Marxists.org is a glut of nauseating ideological nonsense.

>> No.11095024

such as? Also is that written by Celine?

>> No.11095044

speak for yourself faggot you probably admire Hitler and 1950’s America
Im not ugly at all you projecting pussy, i have women tell me im handsome often and have had gorgeous partners. I also have control over my libido and don’t try to rape 15 year olds using my SO to do so. Camus was a nitwit who didn’t understand how futility compounds itself in the subconscious over time and causes fatal neuroses, Sartre misinterpreted Nietzsche and Heidegger for a kind of fake existentialist marxism that was basically for lifestylist college students and rich kids. People dislike both of them because they were talentless and shallow. You know why you see N and Heidegger threads filled with rich textual examples, discussion, cross referencing and empassioned debate? Because their ideas were Olympian, necessitated being refuted, demanded praise or condemnation. They summoned up the Spirit, Culture, Mind, Time and every other notion, causing their audience to meet them face-to-face and either rebuke them or walk with them. Heidegger made up his own philosophical language, Nietzsche his own open ended system and morality. These two have nothing like that, even the king pseud Kierkegaard was more endearing in his exaltation of the Individual and personalist faith.

You mistake righteous indignation with ressentiment, usually a sign of shallowness and unsteady eyes

>> No.11095180

You had me until you dissed based Kierk

>> No.11095193

Yeah, it was Celine. Here is the foreward:
>Translator’s note: Louis-Ferdinand Céline (1894-1961) published two of the greatest French novels of the twentieth century, “Voyage au Bout de la Nuit” (Journey to the End of the Night) and “Mort à Crédit” (Death on the Installment Plan) in 1932 and 1936. His genius was immediately recognized on all sides, including by Leon Trotsky. The uncompromising misanthropy of these two novels mutated in 1937 into ferocious anti-Semitism in 1937 with the publication of “Bagatelles Pour un Massacre” (Bagatelles for a Massacre), and Céline was now well on his way to his destiny as a collaborationist who attacked the Vichy government for its lack of rigor in its pursuit of the Jews. He fled France for Germany after the Allied debarkation and joined the remains of the collaborationist government in its last redoubt, Sigmaringen in Germany. He later reached Denmark where he served a year in prison for collaborationism, and returned to France in 1951 when he was amnestied, returning to literature and his original career as a doctor. “À l’Agité du Bocal” was provoked by an article written by Sartre in Les Temps Modernes in 1945 attacking Céline for defending the Nazis for pecuniary reasons. This response originally appeared in 1948 in the book “La Gala des Vaches” by the French writer and defender of Céline, Albert Paraz.
It's not so bad as to render it underhanded, it's just that they use Sartre's terminology (e.g. "collaborationist")

>> No.11096370

Why are people cool with Lovecraft being racist but not Sartre for being a pedophile?

>> No.11096410

>force your wife to open the relationship?
I'm sorry, have you read debeauvoir?

>> No.11096484

because racism is based, pedophilia is not

>> No.11096508

>dude niggers suck lmao
equivalent to
>dude let me shove my rotten gob on some prepubescent cunny because objective truth and morality doesn't even real lmao

>> No.11096535

Did Lovecraft ever act on his racism by violently attacking a black person? Nobody cares much if you want to fuck underage girls, it's when you actually do it that people starting thinking you're a creep.

>> No.11097446

I think his opinion on blacks wasn't much diferent from most common people around that time

>> No.11097452

snoo snoo

>> No.11097477

>but can we really forgive his appalling sexual deviancy, preying on students and forcing threesomes with his wife?
No, you are going to sit there, and tell us more about this Chad's sexual conquests.

>> No.11097542

Which is his good eye?

>> No.11098061

What proof is there that he actually hated workers?

>> No.11098068

>speak for yourself faggot you probably admire Hitler and 1950’s America
those are pretty close to guevera, castro, and the ussr.

>> No.11098098
File: 108 KB, 834x438, 1519151908435.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It wouldn't however be vulgar and anti-intellectual to dismiss this guy on the basis of his flimsy philosophy.