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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 21 KB, 787x237, 2018-05-02 14_53_26.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11090107 No.11090107 [Reply] [Original]

this is reddit's Top 10 books of all time list.
say something nice about it

>> No.11090117

Well, none of these books are found on the middle shelf at an airport book store.

>> No.11090125

Only thing I accept on there is the bible

>> No.11090130

"Entry level soft sci-fi with baby's first ideological leanings thrown in for good mix"

>> No.11090133

Dune is good but whyd they pick the first one and not CoD? Also the Bible is good

>> No.11090141

It's very reddit

>> No.11090145

>calling hugely popular classics entry level
Why is this a criticism

>> No.11090149

All pretty good books besides the Bible

>> No.11090155

this was probably off of r/books or some shit

>> No.11090162

That’s a great list desu. Reddit is a civilized place, AND they’ve read 10 more books than (You)

>> No.11090198

>Slaughterhouse 5
Why is it here? It's the worst book of Vonnegut. Did they read it only because it's (apparently) in the american school curriculum, and they somehow felt compelled to put it in the list of their favourite books because it's the most literary thing they ever read?

>> No.11090233

It's an incredibly boring, reddit-tier list.

>> No.11090244

A majority of those are in the /lit/ top 100 as well. By insulting those, you're just insulting yourself

>> No.11090250

/lit/ is just reddit that hates itself. And in this self-deprecation, it can sometimes transcend itself and achieve some higher form. Though it never really stops being reddit.

>> No.11090256


Some of those books belong in the top 100, sure, but I think out of that whole list only the Bible really belongs in there. Honestly it amazes me that the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy made it all the way to #1.

>> No.11090267

disgustingly degrading

>> No.11090278

>reddit put the Bible in its top ten
i-is there still hope?

>> No.11090292

>Reservoir Dogs is good but why didn't they start the movie at the beginning???

>> No.11090295

Cat’s Cradle is better but Slaughterhouse-Five is still a solid read anon.

>> No.11090297

Its actually a 'top 10 fictional novels' list ;)

>> No.11090309

what's r/literature's?

>> No.11090447

>/lit/ is just reddit that hates itself.
then what isn't reddit

>> No.11090481

Do you guys not get bored of shitting on popular taste. What is the point? Plus this list is years old.

>> No.11090500
File: 323 KB, 1273x955, Christian fedora.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The Bible
>no new atheism books
Does this prove once and for all that christlarpers are the true reddit?

>> No.11090536

At least Salinger and Vonnegut are there, even if only because these people (were forced to) read them in high school.

>> No.11090544

Nice try, fedora.

>> No.11090649

I don't think the Harry Potter series would even make /lit/'s Top 10,000. It's really just a disgracefully childish list.

>> No.11090679

most people here are in their late teens so it still feels transgressive to hate on Harry Potter and stuff.

>> No.11090703

>but whyd they pick the first one and not God Emperor of Dune*
Sorry fixed it for you

>> No.11090980

Snow Crash shouldn't be on any top 10, and neither should Harry Potter. Overall, pretty entry-level.

>> No.11091001

No wonder there's so much Bible posting here, it's all the redditors who think this is a place for serious discussion

>> No.11091016

why is ender's game so popular? i read it when i was like 12 years old and it was just really uninteresting and shitty and the only thing i remember is this one part where ender said something like "all niggers must die" or something along those lines, and i feel like reddit should hate it for this reason

>> No.11091025

So it goes.

>> No.11091047

The Bible is the Bible.

Dune is among the greatest sci-fi novels ever written.

Snow crash and Enders Game are good examples of what YA ought to be.

The rest are trash.

>> No.11091068

It's always on the list, though usually as a joke. Snow Crash and Ender's Game aren't on it iirc. Not sure about the sci-fi novels, though I remember Hitchhiker's made at least one list.
Don't point the finger at me, I didn't vote for them.

>> No.11091832

Harry Potter and Hitchhiker's were on the /lit/ 2014 list

>> No.11091911

>Catcher in the Rye is trash
>Enders game is good
14 year old, please go

>> No.11091925

because people who are smart enough to read but not smart enough to have good taste are worse than niggers unironically. 100 to 115 IQ should be gassd.

>> No.11091929

Honestly surprised.

>> No.11091932

Where's Ready Player One? :(

>> No.11091956

>The Bible has good stories in it bro. One of the most important books of all time

>> No.11091959

A lot of supposedly 'good' books are only known of because of the American school curriculum and often just because they're American authors. They'd be mediocre to shit otherwise.

>> No.11091962

they can suck our patrician dick

>> No.11091966


>> No.11092065

>dune and Ender's game over the Bible

Can't tip that fedora more.

>> No.11092076

>my favorite movie is Star Wars
>wow are you seriously calling this hugely popular classic movie entry level?
Stop making excuses for leddit

>> No.11092084

Ditto. Everything else is basically YA-tier fluff.

>> No.11092092

I mean, that list is really fucking laughable, but I'm sure you're no better, calling yourself patrician and all. Lose the ego.

>> No.11092095

Its mostly shit.

>> No.11092140

good or bad, it is definitely a "reddit" list

surprised to see The Bible that high up though, i thought reddit was supposed to be some hyper-liberal atheist circlejerk

>> No.11092150

Well, I'm not actually patrician but these people read Goosebumps at age 28...

>> No.11092151

>burns catcher in the rye copy

>> No.11092152

>say something nice about it

I have read all of these books and enjoyed them.

>> No.11092165

Why is Harry Potter so low?

>> No.11092170

i mean, it could be worse. it would be a struggle figure out how it could be worse, but, it could be worse

>> No.11092179

1. Twilight series
2. Hunger Games series
3. John Green's entire work
4. Goosebumps
5. 50 shades of grey

>> No.11092183

It could be 70% Ayn Rand and L. Ron Hubbard

>> No.11092188

well 1/10 is pretty good considering its r*ddit.

>> No.11092190

jesus, they are mostly sci-fi and fantasy (which I have nothing against) but... seriously? Why is reddit so gay now

>> No.11092197

>baby's first ideological leanings

>> No.11092198


>> No.11092210

sry typo

>> No.11092228

>Bible's is babby's first ideological leanings
I don't even disagree

>> No.11092249

Being "entry level" and being a classic or popular isn't mutually exclusive. Also entry level doesn't mean bad.

>> No.11092291

That's not fedora. It's just manchild.

>> No.11092443

They're books

>> No.11092483

>Also entry level doesn't mean bad.
It does at this shit heap

>> No.11092570

>The Bible
Surprising. Rest is shit besides Catcher.

>> No.11092580

It isn't surprising at all you deluded christlarpers

>> No.11092608

This. Reminder that Lit is an atheist subchan.
Christoids get out!

>> No.11092671
File: 27 KB, 300x100, woah are you sure you want to go there.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mean,aside from Harry Potter that's a decent list, I don't know what reddit's age group is but I assuem it's young and if this is what they're reading then that's fine. Better than pretending they're all reading Kant and Hegel like here.

>> No.11092675

Reminder that im laughing at your insults deluded fedoras

>> No.11092680

Those are all books respondents read and enjoyed and not listed to impress people on an anonymous internet message board

>> No.11092688


>> No.11092704

>top ten books
>one of them is actually multiple books

>> No.11092708

It's exactly how I imagined it'd b. Slightly surprised by the bible, but i'm sure it's only posturing.

>> No.11092711

Only 4 of them are on the list

>> No.11092714

What's so good about the bible?

>> No.11092718

Literally almost everything

>> No.11092731

>Orson Scott Card
Uhm, no, sweetie. Reddit doesn't support homophobes.

>> No.11093035
File: 215 KB, 1200x675, monkaS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>100 to 115 IQ should be gassd.

>> No.11093041

>t. reddit

>> No.11093061


>> No.11093125

This is why i get on better with lads and turbonormies than ebin redditors

>> No.11093133

Most redditors are probably apathetic to the idea of religion, or maybe they believe in "something higher" but not the Christian god.

>> No.11093205

Top: Dune, Bible
Good: 1984, HGG, S5, Ender's, Catcher in the Rye
Re: Harry Potter
I haven't read the other two. This is pretty reddit, certainly not the top 10 ever, a far, far cry away, but they are able to pick some non-trash books. Except for fucking harry potter. The only good thing about Harry Potter was the certainty it let me leave Young Adult fiction with during my teenagehood.

>> No.11093244

It's alright to have a few meme fluff entries on a top 100 list, it shows that you aren't just listing off the greatest classics you've heard of to appear like an intellectual, but that it actually reflects what you think ( for instance I read a lot of discworld novels when I was in my teens, and small gods and mort still have a place in my heart, even though they don't measure up to most of what I've read since then), but the only reasonable conclusion one can come to when your communities top book of all time is hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy is that most of you have not read more than 10 or 20 books in your life. That's not to say that Adam's work is trash in the vein of ender's game or bloody slaughterhouse 5 - it's a fine piece of popcorn entertainment -, but DESU I'm willing to bet that half the people who voted for it either only listened to the abridged audiobook or straight up voted for the movie.

>> No.11093261


>> No.11093317

This. It's just an atrocious top ten except for the Bible. It's basically a popularity contest though, so I wouldn't be surprised if these were the one or two books in their lives these redditors actually read.

>> No.11093326

considering it is a "books top10" and not a "literature top10", and is basically rated by popularity, its actually a legit list, although I have only read the bible

>> No.11093340

remember that part in ender's game when ender said "i just wish these alieniggers could die as easily as the zipperheads in vietnam my great great grandfather fought,". revolutionary for its time.

>> No.11093944

>Lose the ego.

>> No.11093949

its got a lot of 25-30 year old "IT guys"

>> No.11093962

Cuz it's a bunch of pseud hipsters and NEETs trying to show their NEET points. I'm going to leave after I do this huge shit! ARRGHHH! Bye for now; and forever!

>> No.11093975
File: 137 KB, 885x808, 1518906345045.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everything is trash, including the bible

>> No.11094037
File: 140 KB, 353x465, .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11094046

>say something nice about it
It's better than Goodreads top 10.

>> No.11094305

Jesus Christ this is too true. Capeshit loving Redditors who are intelligent enough to spend their free time reading, but too stupid to move past Harry Potter, Lotr, and game of thrones tier books are the worst. They are just smart enough to have an inflated ego, but too stupid to look at themselves critically.

>> No.11094314


>> No.11094322

Pagans are even worse than Christcucks.

>> No.11094413

Hey lads rate my taste
>1. Bible
>2. El criticon
>3. El libro del buen amor
>4. A philosophical enquiry of the ideas of beauty and the sublime
>5. El Quijote
>6. Luces de Bohemia
>7. Pedro Paramo
>8. Los santos inocentes
>9. La Celestina
>10. Crime and punishment
A lot of Spanish lit thrown in there but it is my native language

>> No.11094420

>100 115 IQ should be gassd
more like 0 to 145. It's always the 130iq that boast about it the most.

>> No.11094839

This... This is so reddit.

>> No.11094849

More like top 10 fiction books, but don't let me get in the way of your bait

>> No.11095073

I agree with Catcher its the best American novel. No other has been consumed by so many different opinions and intense feelings towards it. Every teenager in the world can relate to poor Holden.

>> No.11095204

Kek, amerimutts are such plebs

>> No.11095209

Hah ha ha ha hah hah ha! That guy is FAAAATTTT!

>> No.11095229

>Mandatory High School reading list

>> No.11095238

Moby Dick is quite divisive as well.

>> No.11095244

I stopped reading Snow Crash because it seemed completely retarded. Does it actually get good?

>> No.11095250
File: 35 KB, 494x425, modern library readers top 10.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So like the modern library's reader's top 100 list?

>> No.11095275

Am I the only one who actuallyenjoyed brave new world?
>inb4 leddit fag

>> No.11095428
File: 40 KB, 634x650, laugh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11095735

>no joyce
>no nabokov
>no borges
it's a shit top ten compared to /lit/'s lists

>> No.11095841

Yeah, the woeful 130 Island. Smart enough to outwit most people, but not smart enough to realize what real intelligence looks like.

>> No.11095848

jesus christ

>> No.11095853

At least it stopped at ten

>> No.11096241

Exactly what I would expect from Reddit in the best way possible.

>> No.11096844

Frankly it should really be 0-155 that gets gassed. The tragedy of the 155er, smart enough to see the whole picture only to be forever unable to understand it.

>> No.11097192

This. Very much this.

>> No.11097246

They can use enter. However, they can't even count. The Bible alone has more than six times the number of books.

>> No.11097268


No fucking way. Allowing jews to take control of our culture has dumbed whites down so much.

>> No.11097281

>tfw high 140's on amphetamine and 125 off amphetamine

>> No.11097522

The only one's ive read are 1 5 & 10. Dece books though.

>> No.11098172

At least the Bible is up there.

>> No.11098273

I read a lot more British authors in school; the only one American's I can remember of having read a book by was John Steinbeck. Generally I would place the insufferable blame of which's speaking you'd have of us having read bad American authors on Californian movies and Ohioary and Massachussettsary beguilement to overly straight students who live as if in one's own California movie. The rest of this wise country is thankfully behind the times.

>> No.11098278 [DELETED] 

The Bible fucking sucks

Why do people overrate it

>> No.11098284

>the insufferable blame of which's speaking you'd have of us having read

Ouch. Want to try again?

>> No.11098394

It's perfectly correct text
>of which's speaking
has been adapted into an adjective phrase and since which doesn't have a natural possessive form I am permitted by necessity to add an apostrophe.

Don't be admonishing toward me when's you're having a log in your own eye, patrolling the depths of 4chan for oppurtune positions to strike down with the fury of a schoolbird 'pon soldiers of zion such as myself.

>> No.11098412

Not a great top ten list but you could have much worse books than 1984, Dune, Slaughterhouse 5, Brave New World, Catcher in the Rye and The Bible. Others on /lit/ would probably agree these aren't bad books and books like 1984 and Brave New World aren't bad books for those who want to get into reading

>> No.11098545

agreed, my best mates are weed smoking retards, and reddit tier people just seem to piss me off
>132 iq tested (lmao whatever bs that means)

>> No.11098557

Whatever fantasy shit you're into, stop now.

>> No.11098566

>Christcucks will still defend the Bible

>> No.11098626


I've found junger's storm of steel in an airport book store.

>> No.11099012

it's not too far off from this board's

>> No.11099460

>brave new world
i can accept or rationalize the others, but not this one

>> No.11100183

green text it or else you're just signing off by referring to yourself as a newfag

>> No.11100200

t. someguys arent greentexted

>> No.11100213

They are somewhat consistent with their choices. Plus the Bible is a solid read.

>> No.11100230

Half of the list is multiple books (Dune, Ender's, Hitchhiker's, the Bible, Harry Potter);

>> No.11100238

Tbqb not that bad

>> No.11100272

holy shit lmao I'm a pleb but even I know what a god awful list that is

>> No.11100469

What if my top IQ was 147 and my lowest IQ (during depression) 113?

>> No.11102014

maybe redditors doesn't read more than one scifi book?

>> No.11103630

Don't get me wrong 2 and 6 are great books but there not too ten greatest books of all time.

The Bible is at least a solid choice though I don't know how those sperggy atheist incels managed to actually make a good choice and get it on the list.

Number 10 is the only proof you need that Hitler did nothing wrong

>> No.11103657
File: 20 KB, 458x288, DFW Green.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11103665

>Catcher in the Rye isn't trash
15 year old go home, Houlden Caulfeild was the original onions boy

>> No.11103696

I actually like Ayn Rand and this is cringe

>> No.11103701

To be honest it should be any one from 0-180, smart enough for basic to sophisticated concepts but not intelligent enough to not let there biology cloud there judgement in seeking truth

>> No.11103706

What a shitty list. Now I understand the hate toward reddit on this place.

>> No.11103710
File: 87 KB, 1000x1000, 1514791399700.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11104066

How much money did the Ayn Rand Institute and the Church of Scientology pay to bump the fuck out of those pieces of trash-lit?

>> No.11104434


>> No.11104487
File: 43 KB, 674x433, IMG_0068.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what the fuck

>> No.11104650
File: 37 KB, 908x467, sight and sound 2012.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there an Of Sight and Sound type poll for books? Updated every ten years or so, large voter base, an industry/critic list and a separate creator list.

>> No.11104661


>> No.11104666
File: 18 KB, 628x314, anon....jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the absolute state

>> No.11104684

Dune is ok and I would not begrudge someone for putting on their "favorite books list. Likewise for Hitchhikers.

But really, it's impossible to grade a ranking made by multiple people. These rankings are an inherently personal thing, this is just a list of popular books.

>> No.11104687


>> No.11104699

>not people in their mid teens who are just beginning to read The Canon as part of their high school curriculum making fun of Harry Potter because they legitimate hate Harry Potter.

>> No.11104709

Was this penned in Clearwater Florida? What's with all the L Ron Hubbard?

>> No.11104735

based 116 reporting in

>> No.11104756

They are literally used in high schools to introduce kids to classic literature

>> No.11105494

It's Evangelion for people who are literally too dumb for Evangelion

>> No.11105505

>ftw you have 117 iq.
Whew barely made it...

>> No.11105945

100 IQ are very tolerable normies, they don't have taste in literature at all. It's more of a 110-120IQ trap. The crowd that is unironically proud of their college degree.

>> No.11105963

The disclaimer before the list reads like a /pol/ shitpost.

>> No.11105988

Yeah, though it's funny that the results are basically the same as always.

>> No.11106006

That's pretty much my top 10 too (minus the bible).

>> No.11106381

t. 116 IQ

>> No.11107917
File: 166 KB, 1920x1080, 1502512415373.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

damn didn't know there were so many christfags on this board

>> No.11107977

To be 17 again.

>> No.11108066

Couldn't have summed it up better.

>> No.11108079

Through self-deprecation comes self awareness, and through self awareness, comes transcendence. Something along those lines?

>> No.11108081

They aren't the main problem around here, the jews are.

>> No.11108244

Begum Christian

>> No.11108906

> Catcher in the Rye
> no Botchan


>> No.11109549
File: 10 KB, 238x255, 3b70d9553e22578e3f5a839ab44e58465941cd5321330886f762878aaf92a23a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This but unironically.


Aside from that, I think it's hilarious that this thread is essentially an angry bandwagon. Smh.
4chan and Reddit are the same thing,

>> No.11109561

There is no need to meme arrow it and that was part f my point

>> No.11109577

This is a joke right 4 Ayan Rand books wtf, suddenly Reddit seems fine

>> No.11109600

At least they put Ender's Game abover catcher in the shit

>> No.11109608

Did 1984 need to be spelled out?

>> No.11109618

>read it when I was like 12

Well why don't you try reading it again, dummy.

You think completely differently now.

>> No.11109626

proof that verbal iq is real and elitist casteism is absolutely necessary

>> No.11109630

seen worse top 10's

>> No.11110066
File: 15 KB, 480x534, 1524758072781.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice bait, but even if it isn't, we all understand Reddit is far too popular its' opinions have averaged out to those held by the median citizens of Western countires, right?

Those citizens that have IQs of around 100.

You wouldn't be surprised if the average person said that he considers Harry Potter to be one of the greatest books of all time, right?

>> No.11111293


How can one man hate Snow Crash so much?

>> No.11111308

Unironically good except for the adolescent fiction that manchildren begrudgingly call "young adult" in order to sound less retarded.

>> No.11111347

I hate everything that robs me of my time with no return, my friend.