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11088736 No.11088736 [Reply] [Original]

Post your novel ideas. It's not like they're going anywhere.

>> No.11088744

Guy finds a mysterious package and people start chasing him cause they want it. He meets a sexy lady who helps him get away from them, but then when she kisses him she steals the mystery package from him too! Then she gets captured by the people chasing him and he has to chase them now to get the package back. During the rescue mission he is faced with a terrible choice but he throws the package away and saves the sexy lady because love is the real prize!

>> No.11088745

A Tapir goes into a bar

>> No.11088750

One enemy remains. Two if you count god

>> No.11088771

A gas station attendant working night shifts near the small town of Cantwell, Alaska witnesses strange sightings of a ghostly cult in the woods across the road during his smoke breaks.
Being a brain cancer survivor he does not know if he is facing hallucinations from the aftermath of his illness or if the cult is in fact real.
Everything changes when one of his colleagues that sometimes works nights with him tells him about a similar account.

>> No.11088828

A guy masturbate to the mannequin in front of a boutique shop. A dog comes out of nowhere biting his dick off. Owner of the boutique recognized the guy, it is her long lost brother. The guy accidentally killed the dog by swinging a wooden plank with a sorted of rusty nails spiked all over it on the side of the road. Later, the boutique owner brought the guy for lunch break at nearest restaurant. The guy then proposing that he would like to buy the mannequin. Saying the he is now an art collector, and has a (basement) dungeon full of headless female mannequin. He said the collection is his life work and all he ever live for. The girl agreed, but instead of selling the mannequin, she gave it to her newly found long lost brother for free.

The guy brought the prized mannequin to the back alley, close to the neighborhood that is not far from the shape. He unzipped himself before realized that there is a colony of dogs watching him. He proceed to run while swinging the mannequin toward the chasing dogs those were now almost outrun him.

>> No.11088830

*not far from the *shop

>> No.11088864

A guy spends the day walking around Dublin, trying not to think about his wife's infidelity.

Each chapter will be written in a wildly different style from the others, and -get this- the whole thing will be patterned after the Odyssey!

>> No.11088883

Write it, you'll make millions and be the envy of this entire board.

Sounds pretty spoopy, won't reach mainstream success because people can't idealise and self insert into a gas station attendant, but might actually be decent.

You won't write this story, even if you do you'll be appalled that you ever thought a lolsorandum story with violence might've ever been worth spending time on.

Sounds dumb, you should write some indeciperable nonsense about the wake of some Irish nonce but invent your own language and combine several words with those of other languages and combine it into completely unreadeable 100 letter monoliths.

>> No.11089016

Arriving at a house on the outskirts of a small town, a door to door salesman hears lots of strange noises but nobody answers the door despite his knocks.
Over his 4 day canvas of this town the salesman decides to revisit the house again and again.
The noises get stranger each day but still nobody opens the door despite the deep muffled voices he can hear inside.
He decides to climb the side gate and have a closer look.
Cut to three months later.
The salesman sits in an interrogation room, arrested with 15 counts of murder against him.
The story of the the house with the strange noises and the three month killing spree unfold across the interrogation table between the salesman and the detective.

>> No.11089096

god tier

>> No.11089322
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A desert sky-pirate culture developing "money" and banks when a "rich" kid runs away with pirate/traders to follow in his Uncles footsteps

>> No.11089786
File: 228 KB, 750x749, D8AB9917-0DB5-4A92-ABD5-A391D93ED93C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

114k words into this. Working towards the end

>> No.11089813

>15k words into my "book"
>Can't write anymore, hate it and myself
Why am I shit anon?

>> No.11089957
File: 701 KB, 2048x1536, 749CBCCC-6D0C-4817-B640-F1D0326A1A87.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does the story you’re writing get you excited? It should. If your heart isn’t in it and you don’t feel compelled to write it then you need to rethink what you want to write. Take a blank sheet of paper with no lines on it and start writing down all the things you want to see in a book. Things, places, people, action, etc. once you have all those things written down, start creating the plot of what’s going to happen to bring all those things together. Don’t feel bad if you don’t get all of them in. Try to get most in and work on a story where you feel you’re writing the book you’ve always wanted to write. Set it down and walk away. If you’re still thinking about it when you’re away from it, that’s the story for you to make. Try that. Hope it works.

>> No.11089973

I adore it, I've had good feedback (Admittedly from friends so I don't take their word as shit)
>Start writing down everything you want to see
>Then the plot
That's sort of the problem, I have that. I could make a wiki entry on every character and event in my book, I just don't feel like I'm doing it justice. I write a chapter, cringe and want to make excuses or (even dumber) want to write it once I'm better so it isn't butchered.

It's like telling someone a really long joke and watching them smile awkwardly and not find it funny and going "I swear it's hilarious I just ruined it"

Except I'm the one telling the joke. Also the person hearing it. Also I'm the joke.

>> No.11090190

Long lines of people in a future utopian universe are condemned for various crimes against humanity, which sadly still exist, to be placed in prison, which involves being rendered unconscious in a large medical warehouse for some variable amount of time, during which your memory will be erased, but stored in a super-computer, and you will be force fed the experience of being born, living the amount of time of your sentence, then dying, in the world of Earth in the 20th and 21st centuries (if your sentence is long enough). Heinous criminals have to spend a hundred years living into long decrepitude, while minor misdemeanors get to die during childbirth. You retain the memory of your penalty life when you wake up to your restored future Utopian self as an iron-clad guarantee against recidivism.

>> No.11090258

Can it be abused as a theme park of sorts? Sounds like you could scam the government for "more lifetime'

>> No.11090269

This has potential.

>> No.11090298

A man gets replaced in all social circles by his more charismatic doppelganger with a huge head and big nose

>> No.11090329
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Prelapsarian story about a conniving, spirited Lilith and her lackey, a fedora-tier Satan, plotting against a perverted but powerful Yahweh and a depressive Adam as revenge against creation. Meanwhile, Eve is a perpetually drunk arsonist who, through slapstick and pratfalls, ruins Lilith's plots.

Secretly, Eve is working against both parties because she loves creation, and wants to protect it from the psychotic Yahweh and the thotty Lilith, but lacks power and allies for a frontal assault.

>> No.11090356

I dig it

>> No.11090368

Short story about a man robbing a bank to escape the monotony of his life

>> No.11090395

There are many possibilities, but the emergent point is supposed to be that you and I and all these other anons and all of Earth itself as we know it are just criminals serving out our sentences. "Only The Good Die Young."

>> No.11090515

Just finished writing a 40'000 word story about a teenage boy being kidnapped and raped by a group of 3 men and 2 women
Gonna start work on improving it now

>> No.11090546
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Posted here before but actually started writing a little since then.

Psuedo-Noir throwback to Lovecraft horror, set in 1950s America.

Starting as a report from a Detective for his new employer, describing the events leading up to his hiring. He returns to his to his home city after a letter from a client apparently referred to him. Finding the client dead he meets up with a childhood friend on the police force and begins a two pronged witch hunt for the killer and a conspiracy of the cities rapid industrialization at the cost of a standards creepy/cultish remote town deep in the mountains.

The Lovecraft aspect comes into it when they realize that the small town isn't run evil cult, but the victims of a seemingly sentient oil that corrupts those exposed to it physically and mentally and the goal becomes to save as many people as possible before the town is obliterated in an attempt to hide/subdue the horrors they've been exposed to.

The oil is in fact just the conduit for a god that, being immortal and omnipotent, has watched it's own universe die and is trying to break into another

>> No.11090564
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>sentient oil

>> No.11090574

Write this or I will

>> No.11090605

Is that the plot? I've never heard of that but I doubt I'm the most original person ever.
As I suggested at the end of that post, that's how it appears at first rather than the case. It does take another worse form later.

>> No.11090650

It's still different from your idea--it's not a detective novel, though it is Lovecraftian--and I recommend it if you want to read a strange experimental novel. It was unsettling and made me paranoid.

>> No.11090652

Well you know what they say Anon; write what you know.

>> No.11090664

Thanks for the recommendation, glad I've got my framework laid out so I don't feel like I'm ripping it off if I like it.

>> No.11090667

a plane full of teenage girl volleyball teams crashlands on a prison colony: pedoph-isle

>> No.11090671

You may have been joking but im actually a rape victim

>> No.11090672

I wrote 200 words today but it's pretty much all dialogue joined together by basic English. It's difficult to think of clever ways to do the most basic things, like introducing character's names.

Writing is hard. Who knew?

>> No.11090685

Sounds like a screenplay desu

>> No.11090686

>tfw no tapir reserve
>wouldn’t even sell them or use them
>just tapirs wandering about my property
why live

>> No.11090700

I'm sorry that happened to you, anon.

>> No.11090706

Bought this a couple days ago. Can't wait to start it

>> No.11090709

Sounds like the plot to a B movie from the 80s

If I were you I would probably just leave the oil unexplained

>> No.11090815
File: 2.01 MB, 2560x1600, Tajic_Blade_of_the_Legion_DGM_2560x1600_Wallpaper.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A fantasy adventure story involving a church-associated military going on a crusade to a foreign land filled with wastelands and swampland. Over time, the main character, a lieutenant, is opportunistically taken through the ranks until a chance encounter shows him a deep conspiracy and corruption in the church involving the enslavement of faithful souls among other carelessness and old Catholic-esque corruption and decides to lead a popular revolt using his popularity in the military and recruiting local tribals, heretic militants (who have a love for fire -- a symbolism for fiery and swift justice), and various creatures and monsters previously despised by the church to found a sort of Crusader-order-esque Legion that fixates upon military adventures and battle. Not much deep substance to it, prefer to just focus on cool fights and adventure. A lot of political intrigue and highly detailed fights and battles.

>> No.11090820

Don't feel bad about writing and rewriting and going back and forth. I'm not an expert but I hear professional authors frequently rewrite whole chapters because they're not comfortable with the results. What's important is just writing period. Getting it down and proceeding and then looking back on it and sewing it all together.

>> No.11090996

Id read that shit.

>> No.11091002

Thats better than "it sounds like shit" so thanks.

>> No.11091021

A man dies, panics at the sight of the great light and jumps out into darkness. He falls out of space-time and keeps being reborn as different people at different points in history, while Death tries to chase him down.

>> No.11091029

I become a Tapir and wander into a qt Finnish girls house, get adopted by her and then reveal myself in my true form once we've spiritually bonded. We then get married and have children who experience the reverse, starting off as human but then turning back into tapirs as they choose morally degenerate paths.

>> No.11091032

Three if you count the golden retriever.

>> No.11091035

sounds absolutely awful

>> No.11091095
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Are you the guy that kept working on that space opera?

>> No.11091483

It is almost entirely unexplained, except why it takes a different form. Feeling 80s is probably accurate and not entirely avoidable.

>> No.11093136


>> No.11093163
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Imagine writing over 100,000 words about a vampire

>> No.11093166


>> No.11093171

book kino

>> No.11093247

Its about a deranged sex addict college counciller.
Cut to councilling sessions, gratuitous sex with college girls and hyperviolent crimes against the homeless. All while trying to maintain his front as a good, decent member of the school faculty.
"Its simple Janey. You have father issues as well as abandonment issues from him fleeing in the night.
Can't say i blame him, your mother sounds like an insufferable cunt."
"Excuse me?" Janeys mouth hung ajar.
"Do you want my advice or not?"
Janey creased her brow suspiciously but nodded.
"Okay Janey. The first step for coming to terms with this is to unzip my pants and slobber all over my fat cock."
Janey again looked like a deer in headlights but was starting to blush heavily.

You get the fuckin idea guys

>> No.11093362

>tfw your novel idea sounds like shit no matter how you try and describe it
I'm not gonna make it bros

>> No.11093573

I'm in the same situation
I've been crafting this thing for almost ten years now and it's become a strange frankenstein monster that's about everything and nothing at the same time.

>> No.11093626


>> No.11093630

The Bible but in reverse

>> No.11093685


Sounds like the bastard child of The Dice Man and American Psycho.

How are you going to avoid getting pulled in by the tractor beam of the latter?

>> No.11093698

Not unique but I like the idea

Task force sent to investigate planetary region that is the last known location for several missing vessels in recent months. Upon entering atmosphere of the second moon of the planet, total power failure of task force ship. They crash and are unable to communicate outward for help. As they work on an escape plan they also continue the investigation. Finally they discover the crash site of one of the vessels they've been sent to find. While scavenging for supplies they find strange markings on the walls of the ship, painted with an unknown but vibrant substance. As the intelligence officer analyzes the markings, a man bursts from a nearby door. His eyes glow and his skin is shot through with veins of the same glowing substance. In an instant he launches towards the Intel officer in a sprint faster than any normal human. The security officer quickly draws her taser and subdues the man. With some supplies salvaged and the sick man in tow, they return to their base camp to hopefully figure out what the hell is happening on this moon.

>> No.11093762

It's the diary of a teenage girl in the 1840's. She reads lots of commercial fiction and starts thinking of alternate endings to Scott's novels. Her dad is an upstart, that only came into money later in life, which has them blundering through high society a lot.
She and her best friend also go on to have akward lesbian sex in their boarding school dorm room.

>> No.11093768


This sounds splendid. I hope you will have Space Tapirs.

>> No.11093859

I very well could. The setting moon supports life but it has different ecological properties than earth. Allows for creative world design I think

>> No.11093968

>Has to collect every seed of grain (taxes were collected in grain)
>Can only enter with permission
>Mind controlling powers
>Drinking blood to kill, but also to add members to their tribe
>Dead inside, but flashy and 'lively' outside
>Rapine and sexual debauchery
>Wealthy nobility, thinks they are above 'the cattle'
>Absolutely can't stand crucifixes or holy water (baptism and rebirth)
>Can't stand sunlight
The only thing I don't understand is the onions.

>> No.11094026

Tapir-anon gets raped by an actual tapir. And he loves it. The rest of the book is an unrelated series of stories about men and women committing suicide rather than giving in to fatal diseases.

>> No.11094199

It's about a lazy retard who works at a call center and leads up to his landlord inspecting his apartment. He's too much of a pansy to stay while the landlord observes the cups full of mold littered around his apartment so he takes a walk around the surrounding area and tries to avoid being spotted by his landlord.

>> No.11094611

Im not sure and it could very easily happen. I guess it'd be okay to be similar as long as its not pure plagarism.
Need to find a sufficient difference in plot and characters

>> No.11094647

>Tapir-anon gets raped by an actual tapir. And he loves it.
We're talking novels here, not biographies

>> No.11094699

I have no idea.
Make it more porn-y i guess.

>> No.11094722
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I was thinking of a pseudo-Enlightenment setting without the revolutionary ideals being on the run. More of an exploring of the divine king concept, yet not through actual monarchs, but merely the victims of the system. Not just any victims who are defined by that status, but monsters - or, in some cases, those far too ambitious or curious - deserving of their fate.

It's a fantasy world for a purpose, and I will use gods of many kinds. I will observe esoteric traditions of many kinds, with their curses and blessings. I will have abandoned gods seeking new flesh to burrow in, I will have a blue sun fighting the grey. I want a macabre dance of mercy and mercilessness that will leave none without hope, but all shall taste despair. I want to write a beautiful world, terrifying and magnificent!
I want so much in my book I must restrain myself - for my readers. In this way, it is also a tale of me and my journey. If I were to not restrain myself, I would say: My diary, desu. This is the very reason I have to restrain myself. I am too institutionalized to this world of image boards. Though it allows me to see beyond the light pollution of enlightenment that digests those around me. It needs to be poetic in the Lucasian way, and it will be in Finnish for maximizing poetic and organic use of language.

The main character will be a woman, but to make her have the sanity of a man, she shall be intersex. Sanity includes, obviously, both meanings, of cleanliness and (mental) health. A female has a womb so they can not, and should not be "sane" in the masculine way. However, I cannot be familiarized with that mode of thinking, but I love the female form, so I go around it. Like a man would. This will also tie in with her relationship with the divine and the monstrous, so it's source isn't merely out of the pragmatic and the erotic realms. My writing will have no smut in it, but the erotic implications of the world should be clear. I want a full mythology, with dancing languages, foul gods and lucrative forms.

I believe beauty is a theme, and I want to explore the notion of the traumatic danger of exposing it to all eyes. I also want to explore the chaotic subversion of a personal experience; why the psychedelic childhood rhymes with everything profound.

>> No.11094733
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>The main character will be a woman, but to make her have the sanity of a man, she shall be intersex.

>> No.11094735

tapirs are ugly animals

>> No.11094755


But a Tapir's got personality. Personality counts for a lot.

>> No.11094770

Every month, women lose their minds to hormonal storm. They also bleed. This is disgusting, insane and dirty.

>> No.11094923


Mom made pancakes...

>> No.11094974
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A man interested in the occult travels to China in order to further his study of ritualistic sex magic.
After having sex with a man for the first time on a beach, he inadvertently summons his own ghost.
He must now find a way to reunite with his spirit before his death or face eternal nonexistence.

Should be finished this summer.

>> No.11095012

I'm writing the Ulysses of crime fiction set in Alaska and inspired by the first season of True Detective just in its tone and length of the investigation. There's an unusually level headed cult that a hiker joins of his own accord, a councilwomen who runs her own prositution ring, a police conspiracy that isn't connected to "higher ups" and kids' being found in a daze with missing fingers.

>> No.11095053

Creation first, and last?

>> No.11095089

Isn't that just american monogatari ?

>> No.11095106

it is but don't tell him just wait and laugh at him when he posts the whole thing for self gratification

>> No.11095247

Paul dismantles a budding young religious martyr/messiah movement, when suddenly a thunderstorm reanimates the dead crucified body of an itinerant Jewish preacher who briefly visits Pontius Pilate when a Jewish mob disperses, leaving him free to wander Judea, leaving a trail of sick, hungry, and dead people everywhere he goes, aging in reverse until he disappears into the womb of a displaced refugee woman of unknown origins, under circumstances of dubious cosmic appearances.

>> No.11095252

Sup? Just read the Wiki on monogatari.
Not even close.

>> No.11095292
File: 889 KB, 2883x3607, EBB4FA3B-19F9-49D7-BAB4-35687AC219E0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

An incel takes life in stride
He’s average, low income, and generally not that special, except he’s literally the only person who’s happy in the story
The message of the story is life is what you make of it; you can cry about it, you can fight it, or you can accept it. Any of these are an appropriate response.
The adventure’s of the incel will be in retrospect boring but the imagery will be equal to grandiose tales.

>> No.11095309

Stop the bully.

>> No.11095337

Lol fag

>> No.11095342

Jesus man. Be polite.

>> No.11095452

I hope you didn't turn into another pedo.

>> No.11095478

Rule number 3 Mr. shitposter. It wasn't funny the first time.

>> No.11095538

I'm not joking. It's a real threat with these cases. Probably the largest unifying factor with pedophiles is that they were targets themselves. It's like bullying, violence... It turns to a sphere.
I am a broken man myself. There's no blame if he doesn't join his enemy.

>> No.11096309

I don’t buy it.
“Boy howdy I sure hated a peen in muh buho! Guess I better throw muh peen in some strangers buho!”

>> No.11096399

its about me and i have many sexytimes and kill all the bad men

>> No.11096433
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Still waiting desu~.

>> No.11096478
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Absurdist novel in which a man experiences increasingly bizzare and unrealistic situations until he is convinced everything around him is a hallucination. The only time he has any grounding in reality is when he meets with his friend once per week, until one week his friend doesn't show up. To test his hypothesis that everything is fake and he's entered some sort of purgatory, he violently murders his wife, but then realises all of the experiences were real.

>> No.11096488

would the guy really murder his wife to test the reality of the situation? surely doing something less drastic would be safer?

>> No.11096492
File: 3.10 MB, 3504x2336, 1518414163214.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>TTs attempt to find a temple in the jungle
>Gather Tapir bros on the way
>Stalked by hungry Jaguars all the way
>Finally reach Z
>Ritual space preparations languorous
>Jaguars a fuck
>A grand conjunction: ritual works
>Jaguars were tulpas too
>Both turned back into men
>A lot more former Tapir bros than Jaguar Cunts
>Form a village on the temple complex and seek out other animals that may be trapped souls
>Western explorers arrive in the wake of disease
>Some Tapir Temple Bros had the misfortune of dying just before, on the same date of the founding, turning back into Tapirs
>Explorers low on supplies, cannibalize Tapir Bros

>> No.11096541

What such thing would he do? I want it to be drastic and absurd

>> No.11096553

I think you should escalate things into increasingly drastic and absurd situations, culminating in the murder of his own wife.
Like he could use "less drastic" ways of checking but find the evidence inconclusive and tries another way to test the reality of the situation.

>> No.11096664

Sounds pretty good, thanks anon

>> No.11096720

This is an idea I had recently. Tell me what you think anons.
After living an aimless life for almost thirty years, a man suffering from sociopathy and psychosis decides on a whim to seek employ at a crematorium. He comes to enjoy the work, mostly because he finds pleasure in burning people and getting paid for it, but he also enjoys putting himself into the shoes of his charges and imagining that it is he who is being turned to ash. Eventually he encounters the body of a man with whom he is inexplicably fascinated, and so during the burning process he removes the man's skull from the oven. He brings it home with him and hides it in a shoebox under his bed, occasionally taking it and interacting with it. He grows very fond of the skull.
Through chance events, he happens to meet the daughter of the man whose skull he stole. They become close and some other stuff happens.
That's as far as I've got, still trying to figure out the end and the overall purpose of the story.

>> No.11096730

11/10 would read
please do this
the potential philosophical value in that idea is unreal

>> No.11096737


Yeah, this has got something. Not sure it's something that anyone wants, but still, it exists.

Man-Skull dialogue scenes allow endless room for witty back-and-forth, of course.

The problem will be the skull upstaging the girl when she eventually appears.

>> No.11096746


College educated son of Jamaican immigrants is conscripted into the British Army in 1960, vowing to win respect and recognition with the Army’s Intelligence Corps by tracking down and stopping a violent communist fanatic in the waning days of colonial Singapore. Things become more complicated when he and his close-knit squad must not only stop an increasingly brazen terrorist but support brutal Singapore Special Branch Officers.

>> No.11096749


I can just picture the cosy post-coital scene as the girl relaxes on the man's chest and he cradles her skull gently in his fingers, probing the contours of the bone under the skin...

>> No.11096903
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Right? My thoughts exactly. I appreciate your endorsement anon, and I'll do my best.
>The problem will be the skull upstaging the girl when she eventually appears.
That's a good idea. Skull vs girl jealousy and drama. Stealing, thanks anon.
>I can just picture the cosy post-coital scene as the girl relaxes on the man's chest and he cradles her skull gently in his fingers, probing the contours of the bone under the skin...
Another good idea. That's good stuff. Thank you anon.

I'm glad I posted now. You guys have given me some food for thought, and honestly I didn't expect such enthusiasm.
Gave me a boost.

>> No.11096923
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>cuddling after sex while stroking the skull of her father
10/10 would read.

>> No.11097065

Still writing, desu~

>> No.11097240
File: 44 KB, 500x406, thumbsuparnie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>1109524would read fucking kek

>> No.11097249

Sounds good

>> No.11097308

The diverses chronicles and tales of a drunken japanese whale hunter during after the second world war.

Expect a lot of spicy and slightly dark humour.

>> No.11097460

I hate this image. What the fuck is that? I hate it.