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11088423 No.11088423 [Reply] [Original]

Right wing racist nazi here
I unironically enjoyed Wage Labor and Capital.
Did I read it incorrectly?

>> No.11088434
File: 66 KB, 1000x1000, Otto-Strasser-1939.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, you did not.

>> No.11088438

capitalism and communism are two sides of the same jewish coin, the false dichotomy. You took the National Socialism pill, you can be both a nationalist and a socialist

>> No.11088442

the labour theory of value is wrong, and that's the end of it.

>> No.11088447

Well I'm glad Strasser has my back desu :3
Where do i go from here without diving into whole commie territory?

>> No.11088457
File: 46 KB, 504x792, Bundesarchiv_Bild_183-R16259,_Gottfried_Feder.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you ever looked into the actual economic backbone of Nazi ideology? If not, try Gottfreid Feder.

>> No.11088463

Hmm, i remember some Hitler speech where he said he didnt want to get too involved with economics iirc. Will do, thanks for the hookup

>> No.11088478

Join the NazBol gang~

>> No.11088481

Take this opportunity I would like to ask you for reliable sources and outlooks on Reich's economy and money policy. Was it really economic miracle or good propaganda? Let me discover it.

>> No.11088487

How can anyone rate it when the whole government lasted for only a decade or so?

>> No.11088559

ok, maybe it's western propaganda that has pulled the wool over my eyes, but why should I support Stalin and Pol Pot??

>> No.11088573

Honestly I don't see how anyone could have liked that book.
It's the driest prose writing about some of the most uninteresting shit ever. I read it and as soon as I finished I was like "wew, at least I can say I've read it".
I mean, at least the conquest of bread is sort of fun fun even if hopelessly wrong and idealistic.

>> No.11088577

It surprises me that anyone thinks any of these autistic old theories apply to governance or the economy today. Even capitalism has very little meaning in a global economy which necessitates massive state intervention on the level of trade. Have economists begun to redefine their terms i can't be bothered to read that stuff.

>> No.11088621
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It's not a novelette man it's a political/economic philosophy, it's supposed to be dry! Try reading Han Fei Zi (or any ancient Chinese philosophy for that matter), dryer than bone but it packs a real wallop! Same with SUn Tzu, and Lao Zi, Confucius, it's not supposed to be entertaining.

I mean, you have a point, but why do MBAs study romanticism, transcendentalism, classicism, realism? The genres aren't used in their strict sense today, but are certainly influencing modern stuff. Same when you get a masters or bachelors in Music, you don't study math rock, post rock, and electronica, you study jazz and classical... but the jazz and classical is very influential to those genres. I may be making shit up, but it makes sense to me here and now.

>> No.11088625

>Did I read it incorrectly?
No, you're on a path of becoming a reasonable human being worthy of respect that you certainly are not at the moment.

>> No.11088632
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*blocks your path*

>> No.11088637

I get what you are saying but i don't understand why tradition has such a role in education either, except as a kind of cultural indoctrination. I suspect that if i reviewed an MIT course on economics or something there would be no talk of "free market vs. planned economy"; it just seems like that question is already irrelevant.

>> No.11088663

>People who I disagree with politically are not worthy of respect
This is why nobody likes us, Tovarish.

>> No.11088678

I have a theory on that. I actually brought it up in my 'hurr durr ethics 101' class the other day and basically shut down the argument. My point is/was that we don't teach things that are cutting edge. no computer science university department is teaching undergrads about blockchain, quantumn computing, and AI for the mandatory curriculum, maybe a small percentage of the best schools have those classes are elective courses. Instead we teach algorithms, data structures, and java. It's because we haven't worked out the kinks yet. Same goes for music schools, they teach classical and jazz, no prog rock, no post rock, no electronica, aka the shit that's been known to work for decades. Same thing fi you look at any university department.

By the way, the classroom argument was about teaching transgenderism to elementary school kids. my point was we should wait til we work out the 'kinks' no pun intended. Not that the newers tuff has no value, it just hasn't stood the test of time yet. I for one wish they still taught civics in high school. I've never had a civics lesson in my life.

For reference, I am OP .

>> No.11088683

edit: the good schools actually teach LISP which is older than god!

>> No.11088703

I think it is good to teach and refine first principals, and i suppose that as a theory of value marxism may still have some unmined potential, but going on what you were seeing to me it seems like education plays a gatekeeping role into the professional world, it encourages specialization when in reality generalists are the greatest creators

>> No.11088714


>> No.11088739

Something R Spencer said on one of the recent altright youtube podcasts was that the average bumpkin knew more about the classics (literature and humanities) than the average freshman or sophomore undergrad nowadays. The discussion was about whether we would ever see another Enoch Powell, he said no because Powell was a refined intellectual, which basically don't exist any more.

as an aside, my fathers health class in the 70s didn't mention homosexuality, when i took it in ~2005 they mentioned homosexuality and the focus was on using condoms and safe sex etc. Nowadays they're teaching transgenderism to 2nd graders... it's not the proper place. If you're going to teach about TG do it in a health class when they're 13-14 years old and ready to learn about it.

>> No.11088747

the average bumpkin 80 years ago*

>> No.11088752

Schools have always been blatant indoctrination tools; i suppose the right is finally catching up to the far left in seeing it but only because they don't like the doctrine. I dont see why transgenderism is being taught to kids, or even mentioned is it more common than before?

>> No.11088768

Some people I disagree with deserve respect. But surely not Nazis.

>> No.11088782

>R Spencer said on one of the recent altright youtube podcasts was that the average bumpkin knew more about the classics (literature and humanities) than the average freshman or sophomore undergrad nowadays

>> No.11088783

Well, i think it's more accepted in western(american) cultures. For example, they have parades on the streets nowadays when in the 60s they'd be shot or not given permits. Also, it's celebrated. you get bonus points for being TG in some peoples eyes. Furthermore, there are tons of examples of people taking pictures of elementary school teachers teaching the kids about homosexuality, bisexual, and TG definitions and stuff. I don't mind teaching kids about it, but that's too young. I didn't learn about sex until i was 13 in middle school health class.

>> No.11088792

>taking the bait
The autism levels within this commie are >9000

>> No.11088793

No, Nazis absolutely deserve respect and honest discussion. Also, just in case you're about to pull out some quip about WWII, you can still respect someone while being totally honest about the fact that you'd kill them en masse if you had absolute power.

>> No.11088803

Yeah it does seem overzealous, and even though it is more accepted i cant imagine there are a ton more people actually becoming transgender or if that is the case it is a really strange development like..obviously all these people werent "born that way"

>> No.11088813

Please fellas dont be baited

>> No.11088836

I heard a good point IDK if I believe or not, that population levels are high enough where reproduction isn't necessary so humans are not thinking about sex strictly as reproduction nowadays and stretching out but will eventually come back to a norm.

I don't think I agree, though it makes sense.

I would make the more generic statement that while sex is strictly a biological thing developed for reproduction humans are the only species with the abilities to question our identities and functions. Where every other species just has sex because they have to, without questioning why they have sex, or what their sexual identity is, humans DO questions why we have sex or what our identities are. I compare this to a colony of bees or ants, they have their jobs and they perform their jobs, there are no bee philosophers questioning the nature of their existence or challenging bee society. To them the individual means nothing. humans are the opposite, we jump between 10 jobs in a lifetime, we have over 100 systems of government, and we constantly question why we do what we do. well, at least most of us do. Why wouldn't it be like that for sex as well?

>> No.11088844

What makes you think this thread is bait?

>> No.11088850
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I am OP, let me clear it up, I did read Wage Labor and Capital, and I did enjoy it. And I am alt-right. But the 'racist nazi' thing was certainly (really good) bait. I am trying to catch more people to throw out from helicopters.

>> No.11088860

Wait till you read what noted race realist Karl Marx writes about Lasalle

>> No.11088865

I agree that sex is something we can and should question, experiment, etc. And possibly a growing population would engender increased anomalies idk enough to say; i take issue with the idea that people are "born gay" and i think it is almost a prejudicial way of looking at it so it is surprising that the "progressives" seem to be most attached to that narrative. I have been a far left retard most of my life but coming up i was under the impression that gender roles were meant to be disposed with, not reasserted with multiplicity and an insistence on "getting it right" it seems to me that all this "acceptance" is more or less the predominant culture recuperating places where individual rebellion is taking place; like when i was a young punk rocker and dressed as a girl or whatever dumb shit i did it despite gender norm, but now the tendency is towards normalization which to me is only entrenching the institutional domination over identity.

>> No.11088949

Good point about being a rebel, but i think that most people (in my university anyways) who do it, do it because they really actually feel like they are the other sex. I know one who is transitioning, he started showing up to class with a choker, then it was a choker and nail polish, now it's a choker nail polish and lipstick. I asked him if he was trying to make people feel uncomfortable and he said no, he was trying to make himself feel comfortable.
Though being 'born gay' is up for debate. You can be born with the gene for cancer, or born with a gene for schizophrenia, or addiction, and never develop any symptoms. OR one can be born without the gene and then get cancer! our understanding of the brain and genome is infantile. which is why I disagree with teaching 2nd graders about it!

>> No.11088986

I have no problem with the people who are trans but i think the narrative of trans acceptance is actually kind of limiting to the human potential for growth, change, ambiguity to me the state of uncertainty is what is most necessary..don't just act, think ! Or whatever.

>> No.11089009

I met a trans boy on the bus about 3 months ago, she said that she didn't like when teachers on the first day said "ok write down your name hobbies and preferred pronouns on this card and we will all introduce ourselves" because it was demeaning and invasive, and belittling. Just because the teacher heard some thing on some radio program now she's gotta be all tolerant and politically correct. I think Caitlin Jenner is of the same opinion though I don't really know. Just going by his independentness.

>> No.11089030

Yeah to me this is just another way of being invasive , but maybe i am just a shut in type. There is a difference between expression and declaration and when i look at progressive politics it tends towards the latter, people like that must have a bureaucratic soul. Nazis are the same, they larp as pagans and then praise the absolute peak of state technocratic intervention in their lives.

>> No.11089035

My local library doesn't have anything, neither does any public library in the state, and none of the local colleges have anything either. Should I search public domain? Or was he heavily sited in someone elses work?

>> No.11089057

I'm pretty sure his works are available on amazon and not that expensive. Also, I think there's an audiobook of Manifesto for the Abolition of Interest-Slavery on YouTube.

>> No.11089094

>completely incapable of thinking for self
>im a nazi :3 lol lmao gen0cide heehee

>> No.11089120

that's because hitler thought reality was like an anime

>> No.11089272
File: 77 KB, 645x729, 80c.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When did the brainlets post on this board? I literally don't understand what he's saying but I can tell it's supposed to be an insult by the pitch of his grunting.

pic related, it's him.

>> No.11089278

Since when do we let brainlets post on this board?**

>> No.11089460

so, i found this PDF for the Gottfried Feder Manifesto for the Abolition of Interest Slavery in PDF form. Why isn't the res tof his stuff public domain? It was written almost 100 years ago.
