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11088012 No.11088012 [Reply] [Original]

>Kant was a STEMfag who changed his mind
>Freud was a psychiatrist
>Nietzsche was a philologist
>Stirner had no degree lmao
>Wittgenstein was an engineer
>Russell was a mathematician
>Kripke is a mathematician
>Chomsky is a linguist
>Foucault was a historian/sociologist
>Adorno was a musician and sociologist
>Spengler was a mathematician
>Guenon was a mathematician
>Popper was a psychologist, mathematician and physicist

Are there any philosophers who were actually philosophers? It seems all the influential ones just did philosophy as an afterthought.

>> No.11088023

It's my birthday today!

>> No.11088028

Well I mean its not exactly a profitable field. No one eating being a philosopher especially before like the 20th century. Why die in poverty if you're that smart? But besides (obvious) context any worthwhile philosopher or writer should want to absorb as much information available during their time. Otherwise they're probably scrubs.

>> No.11088029

Philosophy isn't a paying job, unless you teach it.

>> No.11088036

It seems like being an actual philosopher does you no good. You study the works of others so much there is probably no originality in your own thought, while, as you can see by your own examples, having a different kind of occupation leads to revelational experiences.

>> No.11088070

Kant was a philosophy professor.

>> No.11088083

>stirner had no degree

So can I to become the ultimate meme through autodidactism?

>> No.11088088

>who changed his mind
Literally the first line anon

>> No.11088098

Kant was a philosopher
also Plato, Aristotle, Diogenes etc.

>> No.11088105
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>people in fields that require high intelligence tend to also be good at other things they have an interest in

>> No.11088107

and ? I don't understand how that devalues the fact that he was an actual philosophy professor.

>> No.11088113
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>you can't be two things at once

>> No.11088114

I don't think you understand the tone of the post anon. Are you not a native speaker?

>> No.11088127

Friedrich! alles Gute zum Geburtstag!!
My rising sign is Taurus FWIW. My lady Venus..

>> No.11088131

Adam Smith

>> No.11088174

I don't understand your post period.
What does the fact that he was a "STEMfag who changed his mind" have to do with the post you were replying to ?

>> No.11088180

Its in the first line

>> No.11088197

Oh, I thought you were OP and you were trying to point out that somehow the first line was contradicting this which is why I was confused

Fair enough

>> No.11088433


>> No.11088475

Jerking off to Philosophy academia bullshit doesn't teach you the real philosophy. It requires learned life experience.

>> No.11088482

This. I think philosophy becomes most interesting when it becomes heavily informed by the thought in some quasirelated field.

>> No.11088503

Nice BBOBB get

>> No.11088538

It's pretty wrong to say Wittgenstein was an engineer. He literally viewed his turning to philosophy as an abandonment of engineering, and later would view his work in things such as architecture distinct as well.

>> No.11088545


>> No.11088557

He made one shitty building though

>> No.11088563

there is no philosophy.

there is only failed attempts to become something.

and then the history of those attempts is what is taught as philosophy.

>> No.11088612

>>Stirner had no degree lmao
did you even read his biography?

>> No.11088617

Imma zoologist. (majoring in it in college).
philosophy is actually the most interesting and insightful field desu so it's actually not surprising at all if anyone turned their academic interest/intellectual prowess toward philosophy

I also would like to mention Haneke (who first studied philosophy in college), Terrence Malick (studied phd in philosophy) and Wes Anderson (majoring in philosophy in college), they all later turned into very interesting talent of auteurs.

>> No.11088705

philosophy overlaps with other fields
math is just logic anyway

>> No.11088716

popper was not a physicist but you could add Kuhn for that one

>> No.11088725

He was a customs officer or something like that. His job already had him dealing with money and taxes all the time.

>> No.11088755

Philsophy is a science

>> No.11088795

Science is a philosophy

>> No.11088798

Thus a philosopher is born rather than made.
You see, many learn philosophy but hardly anyone learns to philosophize, which is a natural innate talent of those natural philosophers and that which people who jerk off to their thoughts only fantasize about having.
Learning philosophy makes you a philosopher just as much as studying a building makes you an architect. At best you can hope you be able to reconstruct their thoughts but you'll never have the mind to think up those thoughts in the first place. Such is life.

>> No.11088810
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No, being a real philosopher necessitates having actually done things in the real world. DOERS not THINKERS. Praise Baal.

>> No.11088838

Yea like how you cant be a real scotsman without wearing those skirts. lol, you idiot

>> No.11088908

Schopenhauer because he could live off his daddy’s neetbux.
Hegel and a slew of french faggots too.

>> No.11088944

Spinoza. I guess that's one of the reasons people ride his dick so hard.

>> No.11089221

This is why /ourleb/ Taleb is king, while Jordan 'I cant answer that' Peterson is an ivory tower psychologist on antidepressants

>> No.11089472

Spinoza was trained as a biblical scholar

>> No.11089476

But he was a jew

>> No.11089491

Analytics are not philosophers (except Wittgenstein, who was not properly an analytic)

>> No.11089537
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>Are there any philosophers who were actually philosophers?

>> No.11089903
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>people can only specialize in one field
>mathematicians aren't practicing a type of highly abstract formal logic
Also, Nietzsche hated the philology department for what it's worth and tried to transfer to philosophy more than once; they only got him to stay by making him chair.

>> No.11089932

Socrates and Plato’s only jobs were philosophy and being obnoxious, Aristotle was the same. Their interests in math were secondary and Socrates’ service as a soldier was incidental and had almost nothing at all to do with his ideas

>> No.11089953

Almost all of your examples were doing philosophy in those specialized fields that overlap with their subject of interest. Popper was not just a scientist, but a philosopher of science. Chomsky is not just a linguist, but a philosopher of mind. Russell was a philosopher of mathematics. Spengler did philosophy of history. Wittgenstein changed his focus from engineering to philosophy. Kripke and Kant did/do pure metaphysics.

I know this is bait, but at least put some effort into it.

>> No.11089999

why would i put effort in it when i can get replies with this anyway?

>> No.11090427

because i'll appreciate more than your quads if you do. It's not the post count, but the quality of your shitposting that ensures you will be remembered

>> No.11090918
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>> No.11090921

and yet stirner, who had no degree, was the best of them all. makes ya think.

>> No.11090939

>we wuz mathematicians
the absolute state of philosophy

>> No.11090953
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you don't need to get a degree to say "do what you want lmao"

>> No.11090991
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>almost every famous logician just happens to coincidentally to be a mathematician