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1108407 No.1108407 [Reply] [Original]

itt: Eastern European writers that are/were not Russian

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>> No.1108425

Prus sucks donkey dicks, go read Sienkiewicz instead

>> No.1108426
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>> No.1108431
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actually never finished The Good Soldier Švejk, but I'm so tired of Dostoyevsky and Tolstoy fagging /lit/ up every day

>> No.1108435


obviously you've never read Prus, his works triumph over 99% of Sienkiewicz's

>> No.1108447

Prus is a lot better you illiterate nigger.

>> No.1108451

john cowper powys...

>> No.1108455

then get yo ass up and read it, it doesn't get funnier than hasek

>> No.1108456
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Mickiewicz > Sienkiewicz and Prus, always

>> No.1108462
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Conrad, Eastern European?

>> No.1108486


Mickiewicz was a fucking douchebag, the only good thing he wrote was the second part of Dziady.

Pan Tadeusz has lolis though.

>> No.1108518

neither did he

>> No.1108526

Joseph Conrad (Józef Teodor Konrad Korzeniowski) was born in Poland

>> No.1108528
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>> No.1108529



still wrote in English though

>> No.1108530

Pan Tadeusz fucking rocks, shut your proletarian mouth.
Why would you be? He was from Poland and shit, go read some wikipedia or whatever (inb4 lol wikipedia shitstorm).

>> No.1108532

Orhan Pamuk

>> No.1108540

wow that's an interesting insight you've made there, man

>> No.1108541


I think the Conrad poster was being a little facetious. Poland wasn't officially a country of its own at that time, instead occupied by the Russians. Conrad seems to have inherited some of the nationalism from his executed father, along with a persistent dislike for the oppressors (they appear as villains in The Secret Agent and Under Western Eyes), so he was very emphatically "not russian" even though technically he'd been a russian subject.

>> No.1108542


>Eastern Europe

u wot m8

>> No.1108546


Pan Tadeusz was good until Tadeusz chose Zosia over Telimena.

Conrad's relevancy to this thread is discussable. While he was of Polish descent, none of his works - to my knowledge at least - dealt with the country or its people. Anon would rather discuss someone who has both the former (Slavic/Eastern European descent) and latter (writes about his country and people).

>> No.1108554

>implying that Turkey is in Asia but that Russia is in Europe.

They're both Eurasian countries sport, and both marked by a sense of East Europe.

>> No.1108559


It seems pretty clear that many of his works deal with Poland in coded ways. There's 'Amy Foster', and 'Under Western Eyes', and all the constant conern with how easily a person's whole identity can be disrupted and distorted by other people - like that of a 'Russian subject' who wishes to be nothing of the sort.

But you're right that none of it is direct, and I wasn't arguing that he fits into this thread. Someone was just picking up on the OP's "not Russian". If anything his serious (rather than trolly) inclusion in such a discussion could be taken as vaguely insulting, considering how seamlessly he's been integrated into the English canon.

>> No.1108571

Well I like it for the language mostly, so you know. But I don't really see how Thadeus chosing Telimena would make things better in any way.

>> No.1108572


Huh. I don't recall those, and wikipedia isn't helpful, but good to know! Thanks, anon.

Also, nobody remembers that Guillaume Apollinaire was Polish, either. I prefer thinking it was a troll though.

Now can we please go back to Pan Tadeusz ;_;

>> No.1108573


Nobody actually lives in the Asian parts of Russia, they are profoundly influenced by European culture, they have tons more in common religiously, ethnically, and more importantly, artistically, with Europe than Turkey does. Reducing culture to bare geographical terms is silly and wildly inaccurate. Turkey is middle eastern.

>> No.1108575


Telimena had more character than just 'innocent young girl that symbolises hope', for instance.

>> No.1108580

madach imre

or imre madach

depending on what language you're speaking.

>> No.1108585

>Nobody actually lives in the Asian parts of Russia
stop doing drugs

>> No.1108588

no. no one does. do your research.

>> No.1108596

OP here.
consider 'Eastern European' changed to 'Slavic'.

>> No.1108598


Only a quarter of Russians live in Siberia, infa 100%

>> No.1108609
File: 7 KB, 250x255, mrozek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Telimena had just as much character as Zosia. They were both shallow in their own way. Similar case with Tadeusz himself - and it was very well intended; 'Pan Tadeusz' was supposed to bring rest and hope to people of Poland/Lithuania after the years of struggle (shown clearly in Mickiewicz's earlier works).

Also, the guy on the left. Discuss.

>> No.1108610

OP here, consider 'OP' changed to 'faggot'.

>> No.1108614

Yup, the main character is Jacek Soplica anyway, not his faggot-ass son

>> No.1108619

There live around 45 different tribes not even mentioning russians. Are you fucking retarded ?

>> No.1108620


Clearly the only interesting character in the book is Hrabia. Telimena at least had something interesting to say, though.

Also, re: Mrożek - I honestly never got the appeal. I've read some stories and plays and was disappoint.

>> No.1108623


cut this shit out, this is /lit/, not /mywikifuisbetter/

>> No.1108627


>implying this thread didn't start with people rushing to look up non-Russians

>> No.1108635

>>implying everyone is a dumb fag like you

>> No.1108639


>implying I was participating in this thread

>> No.1108641

Any particular prose work of his you'd reccomend?

>> No.1108644


Start with Švejk. It's the Catch-22, except earlier and - some would argue - better.

>> No.1108645

Schweik, duh.
>implying most people in this thread aren't polish
>implying he implied that

>> No.1108651


>implying implied implications were not implied when said implications were in fact being implied

>> No.1108655

>implying there are people who aren't Polish in this thread

>> No.1108662
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>> No.1108667


it's like I never left /v/!

>> No.1108681
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surprised he hasn't been mentioned yet

>> No.1108689
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>Eastern European

>> No.1108694
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>> No.1108697



>> No.1108699
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How about russian, but never talked about on here?

>> No.1108764
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>> No.1108812

gogol is ukrainian

>> No.1108821
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>> No.1108830

>Eastern Europe
what the fuck....

>> No.1108832


>> No.1108833
File: 64 KB, 314x452, Ivan_Cankar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bitches don't know bout my Ivan Cankar

>> No.1108847

Czech rep is central Europe, as is Slovenia>>1108833
Culturaly those countries have more to do with ''Western Europe'' than anything east.