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11083603 No.11083603 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.11083623

It's terrifying and nauseating

>> No.11083627

if you're a permavirgin yes

>> No.11083629

and funny.

>> No.11083637

Whenever an anon says "my diary desu," this is what they are talking about.

>> No.11083642

Yes. Considering you are browsing this board I assume you will be able to relate.

>> No.11083648

not OP but I'm not a virgin and approaching females is a problem, still.

>> No.11083655

It's 100 pages, you can read it in an afternoon. In the time you spend making and monitoring this thread you could read it.

>> No.11083658


1) stop referring to them as "females"

2) take care of yourself

3) be an interesting person

4) fake confidence/happiness (the whole awkward-self-deprecating thing isn't as cute as you think)

>> No.11083710

>3) be an interesting person

>> No.11083713

work out, play sports, read books, learn an instrument
literally have anything you can talk about other than weeb/vidyafaggot things

>> No.11083765


>> No.11083778

If you think doing some activity like sports and then talking about that activity is not autisitic wew lad. The key to getting love is to be in the right place and time and act boldly. Also just ask her a lot of questions about herself, people love that and it takes the pressure off of you.

t. Married a qt who i met at a poetry reading and now we have a kid together and im pretty happy

>> No.11083784

pics from your wedding or it didn't happen faggot

>> No.11083793

We got married in the court house we are both nonreligious, just wanted to cover her under my company health insurance desu.

>> No.11083806

what if I fell in love with someone who's still in love with her ex-bf and can't give me her 100% beause she doesn't feel a strong connection with me?

>> No.11083811

Have fun in hell

>> No.11083825

That is very tough; have you told her how you feel?
At least William Blake and Tolstoy will be there.

>> No.11083954
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>4) fake confidence/happiness (the whole awkward-self-deprecating thing isn't as cute as you think)



>work out, play sports, read books, learn an instrument
How the fuck is any of this shit interesting? Literally the most basic list of things to do god put on this earth.

>> No.11083982


>> No.11084002

Oh I'd do it for a quick shag no doubt but to try maintain it for a whole relationship is fucking retarded.

>> No.11084032


>> No.11084080

Top tier debut novel. Very much worth it but I wouldn't stop there with Houellebecq because it gets better in his next one.

>> No.11084082

You don't deserve no damn GF

>> No.11084175

Faking happiness is adulthood? Is that all there is anon? Is that all you are?

>> No.11084277


I don't know but I'm very awkward and some girls do seem to find that cute. "Faking confidence" never really worked for me, being comfortable with my awkwardness did.
The problem is not your default state of awkwardness anon, but how uncomfortable you are with it.
If you are worried and super self conscious about it you are gonna screw up everything by being annoying, by trying to pretend to be something you are not (which is usually pretty easy to tell) or by looking like "oh I'm this way but I hate it I'm sorry for this".

If you just accept that you are awkward and act the way you are without excusing yourself for every little awkward thing you do, then that's fine.
Everyone has flaws, if she doesn't like yours whatever, a lot of people don't give a damn about it, her loss.
Sounds like an oxymoron, but you can be confident with your own awkwardness.

Just accept who you are. The parts you don't like, strive to improve, but don't be excusing yourself to other because of that, cause if that it's your default state you don't really owe any apologies for being you.

>> No.11084282

>americans health insurance is dependant on their employer

literally serfs

>> No.11084302



>> No.11084330


no you stupid third worlder we're freer than you will ever be enjoy your no guns, no police shooting innocent citizens and most likely jerking off to it, your good food, your good jobs, your leisure time, your housing, your healthcare, your happiness ratings

fuck you you're not american what's it like to be a disgusting subhuman lmao

>> No.11084497
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>tfw saving a few hundred euros a month after rent, bills, health and dental insurance, groceries, booze, smokes and books on welfare.

>> No.11084511
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Literally /r9k/ the book

>> No.11084553

>I don’t want to put in any effort to get a gf

Then you won’t get a gf

>> No.11084571

actual onions-boy confirmed

>> No.11084823

That's what I try and do anon. Most women find my awkwardness cute but not cute in a fuckable sense, more cute in the sense that a one eyed puppy with three legs is cute. You hope somebody takes it home, you just don't want it to be you.

>> No.11084860

Not necessarily true, I had gfs because I didn't feel like refusing enough.

I'm not wildly handsome either. Feels like I'm in some Algerian hate crime novella.

>> No.11085229

do you really say what you wanna say and do what you wanna do without worrying if it's gonna be awkward or not?

asking because I feel like for most of my life I was awkward as fuck, but the answer to that would be no. and apparently, in the last few years, after I stopped caring that much and the answer has become "yes", it started to work quite well.
and I also feel like I totally lacked action and since I started caring less I started to act more. like, if I like someone and it seems like there's a remote possibility that she likes me back, I usually say something or do something even though 99% is very awkward and it works. and looking back I realized that a lot of times there were girls that I liked that actually liked me and I was just to dumb/shy/awkward to do anything.
and after a while I think I also realized that when it doesn't work and the person doesn't like me back in that sense it's not the end of the world anyway so whatever (and actually that's actually much better than me being anxious over it and being even more awkward while hoping something would happen eventually).

anyway, just saying this because
>Most women find my awkwardness cute but not cute in a fuckable sense, more cute in the sense that a one eyed puppy with three legs is cute. You hope somebody takes it home, you just don't want it to be you.
= basically me a few years ago
and now I'm just honest about it and don't care (that much) about it and it seems to be working fine, so I hope this helps somehow

>> No.11085256


>> No.11085274

Thanks for the advice anon.

I think my main problem is I never really know what I want to say or what I want to do (which leads the the awkwardness). My mind blanks out so much that when I have to speak for longer than a sentence, I turn into a stuttering mess, trying to work out what the next word is going to be. Maybe I'm trying too hard to say something smart or witty, or trying to perform instead of just being.

But then I get worried that if if I don't perform then I'll just fade into the wallpaper and I'll never get anywhere.

Why do I struggle with this shit?

>> No.11085288

my greatest fear is dying like tisserand.

>> No.11085502

I don't know, anon, I do too
Tbqh, as much as it got waay better, I still do that a lot.
I think I have a very big tendency to screw up after the 1st time I meet someone, cause it's like

>meet a girl randomly
>we get along well
>I'm not caring about shit, we're having fun

then when we meet again or I wanna message her to meet again I'm like
>what do I say how the fuck I don't screw this up why are we not talking easily like that other time what do I do oh shit maybe she doesn't like me anymore this silence is awkward I have to say something what do I say
then it goes very bad

but still, the problem is all this worry, not the awkwardness.
it won't go away overnight, but if you realize it and stop caring it goes away little by little.

like, the last girl I am/was dating (I think I sort of dumped her 3 days ago lol) we were out together the whole night, for almost 12 hours and I didn't do anything cause I am awkward af
then walked her to her home, left, walked one block, "oh, fuck this shit", turned back, ringed the bell.
>hi haha, what?
>weird silence
>you wanna use the bathroom?
>no, it's just that..
>tonight was really nice and I really liked it and..
>me too
>and you are also really nice and I really like you..
>hm, me too, and?
>and.. I don't know, I'm very bad at this stuff, but I wanted to kiss you
then she laughed, we kissed and we were seeing each other regularly for a little more than a month after that
and all my lines in that dialogue were said in a very awkward way with awkward stops and sort-of-stuttering at some points cause I am that way and I don't think that's gonna change (and desu, this part I don't really see why I would have to)
and if she didn't want it I would probably just have laughed about it and be glad I did/say what I was thinking instead of overthinking the situation

>> No.11085602

Huh I guess this is true for me too on reflection. I liked this girl that I volunteered with at a charity shop. She went off to uni and I thought, well that's that.

Then all of a sudden, she came back, totally unannounced and I was on fire. I was charming as fuck, anon. Then the next week, I resolved that I was gonna ask her out but then the awkwardness took over and it was just awful. The silences were nigh on deadly - such a contrast to the week before.

I ended up asking her out, like a puss over messenger, cus I knew I wouldn't be able to live with myself if I never did it. She fobbed me off with the old
>Ooh I'm busy at the mo
>Let me get back to you.
She never did.

But thanks for this, anon. I will go forth into the world with your teachings by my side.

>> No.11085611


>> No.11086149
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>> No.11086198

I read Soumission a few years ago, and literally just finished reading Les Particules élémentaires half an hour ago. Houellbecq is one hell of a societal critic. I need breaks between his books though - while very readable they hit pretty heavily.

>> No.11086213

>Algerian hate crime novella.
Thats oddly specific, any examples?

>> No.11086258

I'm >>11083806

Basically she told me:
"I can tell by the way you look at me that you love or that you're in love with me but I don't think that I'm the woman for you. I can't get over my ex. Sometimes I look for features of him in other people. I have an immature mind, sort of like a 16 year old. I feel a physical and mental connection with you, but sometimes we fight and squabble, and when I don't feel a connection with someone at 100%, I can get to cheat on them and you don't deserve that."

So what the fuck...

>> No.11086264

literally everything in my life is going incredibly well except for being a virgin. The incongruity is p hilarious in a frustrating way at this point

>> No.11086298

Move on. She is telling you that she will cheat on you. Unless you feel you need to put yourself through that for your writing (and really, if you're any good you don't), the only thing you will get from pursuing her further is pain and heartache.

>> No.11086359

Well, we're just friends now, we go out for drinks and nightclubing sometimes and we have friends in common. But she's a very toxic and damaged woman who grew up fatherless. I thought I could, you know, "change" her and all that, I fell for the meme, but should I just avoid all contact? Seems harsh, but I guess it's the only way to forget her.

>> No.11086369

If you have it within you to drop all romantic pursuit and just treat her as a friend, then go ahead and hang out with her, but make sure you don't progress to doing anything romantic.

On the other hand, if you still carry a bit of a torch for her and think that spending any time with her is likely to keep that torch kindled, then ultimately it's best to move on, unless you have some desire to go through ongoing heartbreak.

>> No.11086392

listen to this shit.

good luck bud.

ditch her.

>> No.11086393 [DELETED] 

Well, we're just friends now, we go out for drinks and nightclubing sometimes and we have friends in common. But she's a very toxic and damaged woman who grew up fatherless. I thought I could, you know, "change" her and all that, I fell for the meme, but should I just avoid all contact? Seems harsh, but I guess it's the only way to forget her.

>> No.11086456

I'd say so. Got through it a little while ago. Good read over all. Felt pretty fleshed out for such a short book. As a young white WEIRD male who has depression and trust issues and is horribly lonely most of the time I'd say quite a bit of it hit pretty close to home.

>> No.11086496

just rent a hooker or go to a shitty bar

>> No.11086563

Ditch her unless you're into cuckhold shit, she basically told you "nice try, but I'll be a slut anyway". Run, dude.

>> No.11086611

>I’m mentally a 16 year old
>I feel a mental connection to you

Top kek, anon doesn’t realize when he’s been insulted.

>> No.11086650 [DELETED] 

>I thought I could, you know, "change" her and all that
This is a meme and you need to stop thinking like this. Stop romanticizing misery because it will only being you more misery. Get yourself together and then find a chill girl who also has herself together. You need a partnership where you are both focused and driven with independent lives so when you are together it's because you really want to be and there are no co-dependent factors at play. A miserable woman is a co-dependent one. If you want to be Lancelot a play save-a-hoe then good luck to you but it is going to end badly guaranteed. Listen to the other anon and don't be a fool.

She was a good egg for warning you about it though. That was a real move on her part. She cares about you just enough to not want to explode you. Now get out of her way of that ticking time bomb take your path elsewhere.

>> No.11086678

God as a fag watching you straight guys grieve and moan over how to understand women as if they were some kind of advanced math problem makes me pity you.

Women are simple. All you have to do is stop thinking like a primitive and they will pick up on you.

>> No.11086689

>Women are simple. All you have to do is stop thinking like a primitive and they will pick up on you.
Care to explain?

>> No.11086692

>All you have to do is stop thinking like a primitive and they will pick up on you.

Hi, primitive here, what the fuck does this even mean?

>> No.11086699

you should stop talking to them and then never post on /lit/ again because you’re an attention seeking narcissistic normalfag who disgusts me viscerally
it by definition is not going well if you can’t find a female lover
shut the fuck up
shut the fuck up faggot
he doesn’t know

all of you >>>/out/ NOW

>> No.11086711

stfu punk

>> No.11086715

He is talking shite. Most women out there still want a man who can let out the primitive in him, cultured or not. The key is knowing when to use it. To say that you need to stop thinking like that altogether is exactly the sort of thing that a fag would say.

>> No.11086727

You can start by throwing out what other straight guys are saying about how to seduce women and actually listen to and acknowledge them. All of that ends up treating women as stimulus response automatons that only react to status and wealth.

Instead you should actually try to "get to know them as a person," I know this sounds "onions" but this is what gay guys do and the women we befriend most of the time always secretly want to fuck us.

It might seem counterintuitive but if you can manage to imitate the way women talk to other women, you'll win them over. They place a lot of value in empathy and and guy who can match them at their own games will come off as sophisticated and sexy.

Obviously it helps to be rich and attractive and to have a high prestige job but what i'm saying here is at the core of it.

>> No.11086741

>Obviously it helps to be rich and attractive and to have a high prestige job but what i'm saying here is at the core of it.
ayo hol up hol up
is u be meanin
to say
that u been ruse makin dis whole time???

>> No.11086767

was in a relationship with a toxic person for pretty much the last entire year, every attempt to "let's just be friends" ended up with me feeling very bad
pretty much every time we would either end up having a fight or getting back together, which honestly was worse
the thing is that you're not gonna change her (and that's unlikely that she's gonna change by herself anytime soon)
and the longer you take to jump off the boat the more damaging it's gonna be to you
don't make the same mistake as me and ditch her, anon

it's been 6 months since I last saw or talked to her and I always think I'm over it but then out of nowhere I see something about her and it's enough for me to feel bad for days in a row
I seriously wish I would have never talked to her again after the first time I "broke up" (which was after a month of being together), or after the first night instead of ignoring every fucking red flag.

tl;dr: run, anon

>> No.11087039

how come this doesn't work on men.

>> No.11087308

listen to what the other anons said; had the same experience and unless you specifically want to fuck up yourself, leave.

good luck anon. it's been 1 year for me and i'm at the point where pills no longer help.

yes, give it a try.

>> No.11087479
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>enter the thread expecting a Houellebecq discussion
>turns out to be an /r9k/ thread

The absolute state of /lit/...

>> No.11087481

>pretend to be a woman to reel in a faghag.

Absolute retardation

>what gay guys do and the women we befriend most of the time always secretly want to fuck us.

You realize this is a meme right? Most of the time they befriend you because they KNOW you don't want to fuck them, also you make nice pets

>> No.11087725

>thinking that Houellebecq and /r9k/ aren't the exact same thing.

>> No.11087787

>even the "smart" board on 4chan is completely retarded about women.

>> No.11087881

Explain yourself

>> No.11087983
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>> No.11087988

Yeah I've read Soumission and then Whatever, Elementary Particles and Platform one after another.

I'm on a bit of a break now because it became a bit much but I have Possibility of an Island ready to go. I'm just going through everything chronologically now.

>> No.11088352

What are your thoughts on woman Mr Fuckypants?

>> No.11088661

why the fuck would I listen to a fagret?

Amazing book OP. Houellebecq is to this era what Tolstoy was to his.

>> No.11090182

Shit tier tome.

>> No.11090377

It's alright, just overhyped.

I think The Plague is his comfiest novel though.

>> No.11090396
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>tfw have been faking confidence for years
>tfw people are politely uninterested in interacting, ignore me and think I'm Mr. Generico #9000
I probably am, but still. Really wish someone thought of me at least as a Generico they'd want to be friends with.

>> No.11090425 [SPOILER] 
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My greatest wish is dying like Tisserand

>> No.11091196

Top tier advice.

Bottom feeder advice.