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/lit/ - Literature

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11082256 No.11082256 [Reply] [Original]

why is /lit/ obsessed with obscurantist pseudo-intellectuals?

>> No.11082271

Obscurantist pseudo-intellectuals are very /lit/. It's just this board's nature.

>> No.11082284

>obscurantist pseudo-intellectuals
do they make your lil head hurt?

>> No.11082303

We are neighbors of pol, people who get confused by any sentence longer that five words.Who consider Evola or Memerson, pseudoscience and conspiracies as genuine source for anything. Plenty of intellectuals for you up there, check it.

>> No.11082320
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>anyone my professor hasn't name-dropped is a pseudo-intellectual

>> No.11082371

>implying you can't detect his blatant pseudery from that written, vapid diarrhea of his

>> No.11082378

>implying you can't detect self-aware tongue-in-cheek semi-ironic humour

>> No.11082382

>implying that wasn't written unironically by a schizo

>> No.11082460

Nick's a bit crazy but not in a schizo kind of way.

>> No.11082491

Because we are failures. We are just above average intelligence but nothing more. Were are not intelligent enough to study STEM and so we have to entertain ourselves with intellectual pursuits that we can handle, i.e. pseudoscience.

I wish I was a /sci/ master race. Feels bad being a filthy stupid /lit/let.

>> No.11082523

I just want him to find a means of expressing the cosmic horror mood while still having literary and intellectual savvy, ie, poetic style.

Lovecraft style shit gets so bogged down in genre and cautious, nervous prose. I’m just rooting for him to break that threshold.

>> No.11082555

Land is no more obscure than any run-of-the-mill leftist theorist, and he is righter than them

>> No.11082864
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hi, nick land fanboy here.

land isn't an obscurantist pseudo-intellectual. listen to this interview. understand where he's coming from: he's basically gone through the complete marxist ringer, come out on the other side as a hyper-libertarian, and is asking a very serious question about whether or not the ideals of libertarianism - which are those of classical liberalism - are actually compatible with those of democracy.

that is a clear, cogent, and simple message. it is not that difficult to understand. it's in fact a brilliant question to ask and effectively like placing a small bundle of C4 directly in the heart of an academic culture gone absolutely moribund from postmodernity and now in a process of devouring itself. everybody can see this happening everywhere.


it doesn't mean all of his conclusions are correct. but it does mean that the answers probably aren't going to be found among bloodthirsty mobs of virtue-signaling puritans who can't even understand that capitalism itself is and remains the only question, and that the fractalization/atomization of idpol only accelerates this process.

like marxism? hey, you should read nick land.
hate marxism? hey you should read nick land.

he's a fucking genius and easily one of the most important non-bullshit continental philosophers of the last 30 years.

>> No.11082877

That sounds like a bunch of nerd shit. I hate Silicon Valley dorks like this.

>> No.11082906

Land isn't an obscurantist. His use of language is machinic. Don't analyze every made-up word, but observe the underlying mechanics of his sentence structure.

Remind yourself it was all written under the influence of amphetamines. Those familiar with the substance know just how shallow it can be.

>> No.11082911
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it is a bunch of nerd shit. nerd shit also rules the world.

land even has a nice imperative to follow: optimize for intelligence. whatever intelligence is, it's adaptive, and whatever capital is, it likes intelligence. it's a nice little bromance like that and trends towards artificial selection in culture. business selects for its own.

in that video, you'll hear him raising another interesting question: why not formalize government in the same way? this is moldbug's question also, which is why they got along so well.

the point isn't to immediately arrive on one side of the fence or the other. the point is to raise pertinent and useful questions. that is what he is doing. the craziest part about all of this is that even after orthodox marxism was basically slain in the 60s and 70s he's bringing the need to re-think it all back again with horrorcore theory. which is also interesting.

silicon valley is a major slice of the US economy. whatever they are doing matters. whatever happened to make singapore work clearly says and means something, a third-world state bootstrapping itself into a first-world state. there are approximately 746, 383 useful and interesting questions raised about psychology, society and technology from the study of acceleration and capitalism. they aren't all castle-in-the-sky metaphysics.

the current - and absolutely fucking stupid - revolts against Nerd Shit take the form of huge dumb political wings in the united states today. everybody wants to make things really stupid and really simple so that they can smash somebody else's face and feel good about themselves afterwards. the lunatic progressives are no less odious than the hardcore ethnats on the alt-right. but they aren't being produced or fed by mysteries or by accidents. they are being fed by human nature, and the future history of said human nature is deeply and inextricably bound up with a thing called capitalism that land wants you to think about. libertarianism is a consequential thing. so is conservatism. but it is not even all that difficult to connect the dots.

personally? i think politics is a trap. but these are useful and interesting questions, and they absolutely emerge out of a whole intellectual trajectory that is not that hard to follow, and which land mapped in his own way in useful and interesting ways.

people shit-meme on him because he's fucking *complicated.* but when you get the essential message of what he's telling you nothing could be more fucking basic either. the economic ideals of classical liberalism are not necessarily compatible with those of democracy. this isn't atlas shrugged redux. this is an invitation to think more carefully. which is what philosophy does.

just listen to the damn video.

>> No.11082935

Because kiddos prefer interesting theories over good theories

>> No.11083543


>> No.11083694

Nice false-flag, STEMbot

>> No.11083985
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>polítics is a trap
>the lunatic progressives are no less odious than the hardcore ethnats on the alt-right
Behold the power of Land's followers' intellect and make your own conclusions about Land himself, kek.

>> No.11084436

inferiority complex

>> No.11084453

every profound thinker of history has had some sort of mental illness. dull minds provide dull thoughts. now go pop another xanax you fucking neurotypical reprobate

>> No.11084460

idiot frogposter

>> No.11084472
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it's called /lit/, not /smart/. have you SEEN some of the shit that comes out of philosophers' minds?

>> No.11084732


why is this term always thrown in there?