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File: 159 KB, 768x432, Adorno+and+the+Reproach+that+a+View+is+‘Too+Subjective’+.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11079185 No.11079185 [Reply] [Original]

What do you think of Adorno? Have his observations aged well? Was he merely stating the obvious?

>> No.11079196

he was literally right about everything besides his aesthetic theory which is depressing trash

>> No.11079337

Where do you fall on his f test anon?

I'm a liberal airhead

>> No.11079367

He was right about jazz music - I thought he was nuts for a while, but h was correct in identifying the stuff as demotic, pseudo-expressive trash that isn't capable of structuring any sort of approach to the issues of modernity. It's the cotton candy of modern music.

>> No.11079375

You know someone is really right when his denouncers steal his critiques

>> No.11079411

Is this really the original F scale test?
Because if it is, it is a really poor test with a strong confirmation bias!

>> No.11079413

It is clear from his writings that he is quite knowledgeable but knowledge alone is not enough here.
I think he lacks a certain genius to actually be of significance. It seems like he mostly just regurgitates other people's works without adding anything substantially new.
He is one of those "paraphraser" types of writer.

>> No.11079421

I'm a massive fascist and I got true American kek

>> No.11079423

lel i am a whining rotter

>> No.11079436

I've heard this a lot. I remember a few years back a lot of neo-reactionary bloggers were saying how contrarian he was for being a leftists, but nobody really expounded on it. Can I get the basic gestalt?

>> No.11079439

he's an autistic effeminate 'male' who attempted to intellectualise his gut instinct about things

>> No.11079450

2,57, liberal airhead
>Well, there you have it. For more information, consult T. W. Adorno et al., The Authoritarian Personality (New York: Harper & Brothers, 1950). It should be noted here that that the authors concluded that it had "still to be demonstrated" if the F-scale actually did, in fact, measure fascist receptivity at a personality level. They were sure it measured something --- but not exactly sure what. T. W. Adorno returned to the University of Frankfurt, where he amused himself as a principal figure in the Frankfurt school of "critical theory", producing a Freudian-Marxist melange of pseudo-scientific speculative nonsense.

>> No.11079473

>Your F Score is: 3.20
>You are disciplined but tolerant; a true American.
Shit test can't even tell I'm a leaf.

>> No.11079475

2.3, liberal airhead
inbred dipshit

>> No.11079476

and his instincts were right nearly always, save for his aesthetics which, as has been mentioned above, are weak but that’s alright he did what was necessary

>> No.11079481

meant for

>> No.11079488

wow, anon, is it like looking into a mirror?

>> No.11079491

He was a subversive jew, nothing more. A good example whites should consult while learning about how jews undermine the culture of others and get expunged so often.

>> No.11079500

He's one of those thinkers who induces his biggest readers to become autists

>> No.11079509
File: 5 KB, 216x234, masterrace.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no one puts as much emphasis on tradition and family as you, yet you are one of the few, if not the only person, here who will never have a remote chance of continuing your family and tradition

>> No.11079519
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3.33 true american with infinitely repeating digits reporting in
stand and check them

>> No.11079531

This type of jewish pathologizing doesn't work anymore.

>> No.11079541

Based JQ poster

>> No.11079551

fuck up kike

>> No.11079553

yeah burgers, hotdogs, baseball, beer and hotrods bro, perfect culture, ride your bike, take sally on a hot date to bocaccio’s, watch our white president talk about building more nukes and then in the mornig head off to the ford factory to work 14 hours building scheduled obsolescent trash mobiles, go on vacation to FLORIDA wow

HUWHYTE culture, not even once

>> No.11079561


>> No.11079564
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2.53 lel

What would Adorno himself have?

>> No.11079585

Your F Score is: 3.17
You are disciplined but tolerant; a true American.

>> No.11079592
File: 605 KB, 240x180, airhead.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>liberal airhead

>> No.11079595

as opposed to mud roads, mud huts, rap music about killing, mosquito burgers, and raping children because you believe having sex with a virgin cures STDs?
or how about living in disgusting pollution all day

just fuck high trust societies with high IQ beautiful people amirite?

>> No.11079601

>4.87: you should practice doing things with your left hand
I dont consider myself a fascist at all. Is the left hand comment trying to imply I have a heavy left hemisphere preference? Because according to the Wagner inventory I have no preference. Thats enough pseudoscience for now jesus

>> No.11079611

>this many jewish media-contrived stereotypes in one post
Why are you living in a white country right now?

>> No.11079615

See >>11079509

>> No.11079616

>beautiful people

>> No.11079630

>not wanting mud roads with rap music playing means I'm an incel
white people are objectively more attractive than other races.

>> No.11079658


>> No.11079660

mud detected

>> No.11079716

All of the outcomes are smarmy except the middle option. I think it's just poking fun at the idea that you favor the right.

>> No.11079748
File: 33 KB, 500x354, 1343756559664.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>brags about the marvels of modern western civilization
>also hates the jew/minority filled liberal cities and only wants to live on dirt road farms in fly over states, barely better than subsaharan africa

>> No.11079750

3.93 reporting in

>> No.11079756

3.90. I score exactly like the average of the American males that passed the test in 1950.

>> No.11079815 [DELETED] 

do u have a pic of a fat guy named master race saved on ur computer for these occasions. thats really cool man

>> No.11079890

really? who did he regurgitate? next thing you're gonna tell me is that lacan just regurgitated freud.

>> No.11079899

Let's be honest, Lacan just regurgitated.

>> No.11080010

Great observations. Stuff like the culture industry is mind blowing.

>> No.11080692

i'm a dirty commie and also barely got true american

>> No.11080745

My favourite thing about him is that some girls flashed her tits at him while he was lecturing and he got so triggered that he died of a heart attack

>> No.11080824

They were from a Socialist student group who protested against him as a "left-wing fascist." Poetic, really.

>> No.11080834

Ressentiment pro. That the shitty political scale you see bandied about the internet is reliant on his authoritarian personality test nauseates me.

>> No.11080852

That event confirmed what he was saying though.

>> No.11080871

How so? Adorno is one of those philosophers whose theories are general enough that you can leftwank them onto anything with enough epicycling.

>> No.11080881

Based, both of them

>> No.11081000

don't usually like reddit but since it's askhistorians it's good enough.

>> No.11081533

Ok, but that doesn't seem to confirm Adorno's theories in any direct way, as even he was baffled by the resistance against him.

>> No.11081628

On of the most insightful thinkers I ever read. Had great taste in music too.

>> No.11081653


>> No.11081668

I was being sincere.

>> No.11081755


>> No.11081786

What's so bad about his aesthetics?

>> No.11081807

You and him are talking about really different things when you talk about jazz. I think you're just reading what you want from his theories into what you perceive as jazz, otherwise you would barely be able to associate the text with the music.
Either that or you're the only human being in the 21st century who associates jazz with ragtime rather than bebop;

>> No.11081815

From what I understand, he never changed his view on the subject, and in all honest, I think his work fits later developments in jazz better than the earlier jazz he heard at the time.
>Either that or you're the only human being in the 21st century who associates jazz with ragtime rather than bebop;
I know a number of people who associate it more with dixieland and big band music than bebop.

>> No.11081821

I don't think he even kept up with the progression of jazz and I don't think he should have, but you have to admit at times it seems like jazz's "journey" through the 40s and 50s seem like an active attempt to refute Teddy.

>> No.11081826

forgot to reply to
>I know a number of people who associate it more with dixieland and big band music than bebop.
Huh from what I've gathered amongst people I know, everyone associates jazz with dudes in high necks and berets jamming on the sax and maybe some slam poetry idk

>> No.11082039

avant-teens and firetruckers HATE HIM

>> No.11082165

>no more poetry after Auschwitz

Not even meming, but what the fuck did he mean by this? Doesn't he know that far worse things have happened?

>> No.11082168

Adorno and Horkheimer from the Frankfurt school have produced literally nothing of value and are cancers upon western society. Next.

>> No.11082173

They are inferior in every possible way to Kant's theories on aesthetics.

>> No.11082180

When do i start with him?

>> No.11082338

Had he not been born a jew, he would pirobably have been right wing.
So many of his ideas and statements can be coopted by the right that it just can-t be a coincidence.

>> No.11082358

Look up the culture industry and you'll know you're mistaken.

>> No.11082487

What ideas? He seems to be unironically pro-communist with maybe some conservative traits.

>> No.11082584

It’s too Romantic

>> No.11082587

Adorno’s mother was an Italian Catholic and his father was an assimilated Jew who converted to Protestantism.

>> No.11082597

Adorno was literally a Bolshevik who admired Lenin and Trotsky.

>> No.11082607

>Your F Score is: 3.73
>You are disciplined but tolerant; a true American.
wtf, i'm not even american

>> No.11082620

Why is this test suggesting that valuing a traditional family is fascist? And what does astrology have to do with fascism?

>> No.11082628

The average was 3.84 and American men averaged slightly higher. That's why you scored slightly lower, because a non-American man is the equivalent of an American woman.

>> No.11082682

Lol, fucking destroyed

>> No.11083824

He was a jew.

>> No.11083870

Dialectic of Enlightenment

>> No.11084060

I play jazz piano. I think what you said is nonesense. Jazz is immesnly complicated and requires a more extended understanding of classical music theory than you would think. Like barry harris says, Jazz piano is the continuation of classical music theory

>> No.11084096

Sauce me up

>> No.11084147

I am disciplined but tolerant, a true American. Fun fact: Canadian

>> No.11084170

It has an explanation at the bottom of the page. Strong beliefs that the status quo must be obtained and/or beliefs based in superstition may lead you towards authoritarian/fascist politics. The test isn't supposed to tell you if you're a fascist, it's supposed to tell you if you have a personality that may lead you to buying into fascist ideology. If you're dumb enough to fall for astrology, you're probably dumb enough to fall for national socialism. Likewise if you think it's wrong for anyone to break the nuclear family, you're probably going to be ok with politics that target those people.

>> No.11084196


>If you're dumb enough to fall for astrology, you're probably dumb enough to fall for national socialism.

That's a pretty crappy test then, because some of the most dangerous aspects of fascism (and all totalitarian offshoots) is that it can force smart people to adopt/defend very stupid ideas.

>> No.11084203

Can someone answer this?

>> No.11084216

If you paid any attention to the questions you would have realized the very PLAINLY fascist ones appeal to people in general, intelligent or not. IE: "do you believe children should listen to authority"

>> No.11084374

No, not blindly. They should be taught to evaluate whether an "authority" is worth respecting or not

>> No.11084455

I bet you could not write a chorale to save your life nor orchestrate for an ensemble larger than a quartet.

>> No.11084554

He is trying to further entrench the jewish victim complex. Even though jewish culture literally revolves around genocide and the jews committed a genocide in Russia earlier in the century, they still must portray themselves as the ultimate victims. As the old Polish saying goes, "the jew cries out in pain as it strikes you."

>> No.11084641

The actual quote is something more like "Poetry after Auschwitz is barbaric." The idea is that we are still living with the cold conditions which gave rise to those death camps, but we can no longer claim the naivete which allowed poetry to continue on into the modern age. To play at naivete after this realisation suggests a similar barbarism of the mind.
I don't know if this would be his critique, but the death camps can be seen as a particular form of cruelty in which barbarism had become mechanised. This allows for true psychopathic brutality combined with the coldness of industrial processing.
Categorising the 'worst exterminations' would not only be difficult but would also entail taking on a similarly brutal and cold eye. To say that something was far worse is simply ridiculous.

>> No.11084674

What a liberal airhead

>> No.11084694 [DELETED] 

I know this is a fiction board but people aren't buying this narrative anymore. Let's face it, jews are liars and went overboard making up bullshit about soap and lampshades and roller coasters of death to try and play poor-us to the goyim. Even if you accept the jewish narrative who the hell thinks they did nothing to cause it? People don't wake up and decide to kill jews, jews do shit that makes people want to kill them.

>> No.11084703

Honestly people should just be smart enough to understand that he's not talking about literal poetry but romantic notions of the world popular before WWI and the Holocaust. You can still write poetry anons, but let's not kid ourselves of the potential for absolute brutality that hidden around every corner.

>> No.11084709
File: 327 KB, 900x900, 1515332141815.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shoo, shoo

>> No.11084747

Are you aware that the jews murdered millions of Russians after the bolshevik revolution and tried to foment the same bolshevik-style uprisings in Germany? The party playing victim ain't no victim, they instigated the war in more ways than one. The reason you don't understand this is because they own all of your media.

>> No.11084770

Why Auschwitz, rather than any other event in history where people died? Genghis Khan's Mongols killed approx 5% of the human population, that didn't stop people from writing poetry.

>> No.11084772

>people unironically believe in the frankfurt school conspiracy

>> No.11084780

wrong you fucking pseud. he meant all poetry and it's clear when you read when he later retracted his statement

>> No.11084805

What conspiracy? The frankfurt school was a group of conspiring jews who hated whites, nothing theoretical about it.

>> No.11084810

I'm sure you'll back that up with textual evidence from Frankfurt School authors.

>> No.11084825

No, you have to back what you're saying up. They were jews who literally got kicked out of Germany for conspiring and promoting ideas that were harmful to the natives.

>> No.11084834


>> No.11084842

Okay, bud. So you believe in a conspiracy theory for which you have no proof. That's all I needed to know.

>> No.11084853

I already explained why.
Remember that Adorno was a historical materialist and primarily concerned with modern industrial society and the failure of Marxism.

>> No.11084863

Then why did so many of the Nazis document what happened?
And why are neo-Nazis so insistent that Jews truly are the master race? Bit of a silly perspective, don't you think?

>> No.11084913

You need to look into that "documentation" lol, cause it's sparse to nonexistent. You've been lied to. Jews are liars.

>> No.11084931

I didn't initially like or have interest in Adorno but the older I get I understand that this man was like the modern day Socrates. So much of the conspiracy in this thread even proves this.

>> No.11084935

It means that songs of human grandeur, inescapable progress, the value of a genius and belief in humanism have turned into an empty slogan after such a horrible event of denigration of human life based merely on their ethnicity has occured.

>> No.11084945

There are photos.
And why would Nazis lie and tarnish their own legacy? Literally makes no sense.

>> No.11084995

You're a jew

>> No.11085005

This is your brain on /pol/ infographics

>> No.11085025

There are also fake photos. Anyone who has looked into this topic knows about the fakery and coercion that came about after the war, be it from every supposed death camp being under Soviet govership (the Soviet Union then being run almost entirely by jews), the kangaroo trials, or all of the lies jews told afterwards about jewish death roller coasters and so forth, who to this day still get caught in these lies.

Google "jewish holocaust survivor caught lying" and you'll find a bunch of hushed mainstream stories about jews pretending to be survivors to further their tribe's victim narrative, who literally just made shit up. Jews have no shame, these are 80 year old dudes touring grade schools on the shoah circuit and telling their lies to children.

>> No.11085035

^^^"jewish holocaust survivor caught lying"
-one word answer:
The communist Eugene Levine.

>> No.11085056

Jazz is a sloppy mess compared to actual European classical music. It's a regression from actual form and complexity into formlessness and complexity without purpose.

>> No.11085085

Complexity does not equate to good music.
Generally speaking, it's the exact opposite.

>> No.11085092
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Oh boy...

>> No.11085120

>whining rotter
i thought i was pretty conservative for a latinamerican

>> No.11085146

But doesn't a real man always acts according to his instincts?

>> No.11086234

I agree from the snips I've learned of him. I will meme him in his honor after I've read his works.

>> No.11086284 [DELETED] 

>t. jews
>jews still posting on /lit/
It's almost like to get rid of them you have to put them in an oven or something.

>> No.11086294

Had some good ideas but mostly right wing scum. I don't get how this guy isn't considered right wing. Even his take on Marxism is right wing as fuck. Fuck him.

>> No.11086322 [DELETED] 

>right wing
Perhaps you should attain a better understanding of jews; that way you won't fumble with the obvious on public forums like this.

>> No.11087664

>Likewise if you think it's wrong for anyone to break the nuclear family, you're probably going to be ok with politics that target those people.
It's wrong because of the costs to society, which are well documented, you degenerate pedo lefty,

>> No.11088410

About treee fiddy
>You are disciplined but tolerant; a true American.

>> No.11088452

>muh left right

>> No.11088602

Sounds about right.

Also, Adorno was right about consumerism and those who disagree haven't read him.

>> No.11088656


Your F Score is: 3.07
You are disciplined but tolerant; a true American.