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/lit/ - Literature

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11078411 No.11078411 [Reply] [Original]

How do you budget your time, in order to commit to a doable writing schedule? Living the NEET life, and feeling like my time has been allotted to unproductive or unfulfilling areas, and my writing time is beginning to suffer. I had momentum for awhile. But, this month feels like I'm beginning from scratch, again. So, what routine/schedule do you prefer and allows you to balance work and play?

>> No.11078431

I don't get how people can be creative for such a long time but i also write short prose.
How can you be in a characters head-space for such a long time? I would get mad.

>> No.11078438

short prose is the danish name for really small borderline poem short stories

>> No.11078494

I have no idea. I'm having a hard enough time conquering the clock demon. I get envious when reading (most likely exaggerated) about authors spending long hours banging out content. My only hope might be living as a Luddite. Or, stop whining and do what I'm passionate about.

>> No.11078516


Half 7 to 9pm every night. I aim for a minimum of 500 words in that time.

>> No.11078669

That seems like a reachable goal. I have a weird shift, so it's hard to commit to a specific time every day.

>> No.11078699
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You're making a fundamental mistake in thinking that writing a novel is about achieving some sort of inner state regularly. It's not. It's a fucking slog. You sit down every day and you make a sincere attempt to write 500 - 1500 words that advance your story in some way. That's how you write a novel. Some times empathy with the characters come in that period of time, sometimes you get interesting insights into your themes and record them, sometimes you feel the sentences coming fluidly, but honestly, most of the time, you just write shit. Then, in a few months, you sit down again and you start fixing. That works basically the same way.

The way I do it is I just start writing as soon as I have the time to in the day. I work variable shifts so it's not possible to, say, wake up an hour early or two early a day every day and use that. So when I get home I write, or when I get up, I write.

>> No.11078827

Good answer