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11078021 No.11078021 [Reply] [Original]

Why couldn't I have been raised to be even a fraction of the man Ahab, Glanton or Miller is?

>> No.11078047

Cuz your gay nigga

>> No.11078053

A. Glanton was an asshole
B. What exactly is stopping you?

>> No.11078071
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>the judge
>a man

>> No.11078081


The idea that "men aren't what they used to be" is not a new one, anon. Many people have felt like this.

>The Ancient Heroes and the Bomber Pilot
>(Ted Hughes)

>With nothing to brag about but the size of their hearts,
>Tearing boar-flesh and swilling ale,
>A fermenting of huge-chested braggarts

>Got nowhere by sitting still
>To hear some timorous poet enlarge heroisms,
>To suffer their veins stifle and swell —

>Soon, far easier, imagination all flames,
>In the white orbit of a sword,
>Their chariot-wheels tumbling the necks of screams,

>In a glory of hair and beard,
>They thinned down their fat fulsome blood in war,
>Replenishing both bed and board,

>Making their own good news, restuffing their dear
>Fame with fresh sacks-full of heads,
>Roaring, burdened, back over the wet moor.

>When archaeologists dig their remainder out —
>Bits of bone, rust —
>The grandeur of their wars humbles my thought.

>Even though I can boast
>The enemy capital will jump to a fume
>At a turn of my wrist

>And the huge earth be shaken in its frame —
>I am pale.
>When I imagine one of those warriors in the room

>And hear his heart-beat burl
>The centuries are a stopped clock; my heart
>Is cold and small.

>> No.11078091

Most of us just get cucked by not having very interesting parents. It's a pain in the ass to teach yourself so much bullshit as an adult.

>> No.11078113

heh I got the feeling Miller was gay with Charley Hoge after he showed no interest in women whatsoever, was amused by schneider and andrews fighting over francine, brushed off the whores even after they had spent 8 months out in the mountains, him and charley both shared the same dugout, charley looked to him like a master not only because of his arm and his mental difficulties and Miller shared the same room/bath with him after they got to the empty hotel.
I'd like to think they weren't gay though, he ignored the whores for business and went to them later, him and charley had bonded due to the harsh conditions alone and he treated him like he was fond of a dog so didn't think to get him another room, he had already had his fun with francine and preferred the methodic killing of buffalo to the methodic fucking of whores. Yeah I prefer to think that, already had enough of the other in moby dick.
He was a proper man.
>cannot read
>Most of us just get cucked by not having very interesting parents. It's a pain in the ass to teach yourself so much bullshit as an adult.
I'm not talking about learning about the world, either through life experience or academia or whatever, I mean being raised to be a man, not being coddled like a daughter or a boy until you're into adulthood you never learn to deal with hardship and never will because you're already grown.

>> No.11078130

>cannot read
>then how did I read blood meridian

>> No.11078144

>>cannot read
>>then how did I read blood meridian
I wanted to leave out the judge, Glanton, Miller and Ahab were all leaders. l guess they sort of merge into one man after you read about their stubbornness and insanity towards the end of each novel, whereas The Judge is always distinct from man.

>> No.11078156

I cannot read, no. I mixed up Glanton with Holden. I'm a retard, forgive me.
And Glanton's a fucking dickbag, don't let a book about an 1800s scalping gang dictate manliness you silly.

>> No.11078167
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>> No.11078174

Glanton literally walked up to an old lady, shot her in the fucking face, and scalped her
Anytime his friends were injured he shot them and scalped them
He turned a ferry into a pirate shit
That’s no man, that’s an ass

>> No.11078217

What's up NYRB advertiser

>> No.11078363

You don't understand. The old woman was practically dead, had no family, no purpose, probably lost her mind when they rode up to her, was a savage who probably mothered savages. The mexicans had bred a little with the injinns they were one and the same. Anyone brown and south of the border was fair game.
>that's an ass
Fair game, besides they weren't his friends they were all part of his number. They were paid and they had fun, they could've left at anytime. Its what everyone thinks of anyone they work with anyway if they aren't a woman, they were all receipts it was business. Now someone like sancho the squire would be an ass.
The ferry owner glanton probably felt didn't deserve the money he had earned, he was weak and he took what he wanted from him. If that isn't what you call a man then I don't know what is. He wasn't overly sadistic like the judge, he was just methodical and impassive.

>> No.11080049
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>> No.11080080

Miller is a loser, you're not supposed to idolize him.

>> No.11080125

He loses sure but he was invincible in the mountains, you could say each one of them was a loser in the end but what they had already accomplished up to that point was admirable.
>“My God!” one of the townspeople behind Andrews said. “Them bales must weigh three, four hundred pounds.”
>when he spites mcdonald by riding away from him repeatedly
Heh, the only one who really made it out on top would've been schneider so of course he had to die