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11075140 No.11075140[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

If you're born into the bottom of society (or the near bottom), and your future is always being someone's low-tier lackey, or working soul crushing minimum wage jobs with retards, or settling for partners that are well below what you'd like, why should you not just take what you want from society? Why should you just submissively eat the dog shit fed to you by other people? Why not just set your morals aside and be bad?

>> No.11075148

Because chickenbutt. Who cares? Nigga.

>> No.11075149


Because you're unlikely to get away with it long term. Any evil "worth doing" costs too much. That's why laws exist; to disincentivize evil. The worst you can probably get away with is rent scamming people or some other petty bullshit that's not very robin-hood-esque at all.

>> No.11075152

That situation turned me to the redpill. It's nice to get to vent all my frustration on women, jews, and blacks while framing yourself as a paragon of virtue. I get tons of validation for my opinions on 4chan, and most of the user base here think that I am superior to about 90% of the population, which is really a nice feeling when I've got little else going on for me.

>> No.11075156

T. Charlie Manson

>> No.11075157

letzter mensch: the post
but this too though. end yourself op

>> No.11075159

>Why not just set your morals aside and be bad?
because then you'll get assfucked in prison instead of only being figuratively assfucked

>> No.11075161

And how exactly would go on about this?
I hope you're aware there's a special group in place who's sole purpose is to beat you senseless in case you forget your designated place.

>> No.11075167

Just do us and yourself a favour and it's so we don't have to hear your whining

>> No.11075170
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>> No.11075171

>If you're born into the bottom of society (or the near bottom), and your future is always being someone's low-tier lackey, or working soul crushing minimum wage jobs with retards,
>why should you not just take what you want from society?
The people who would take what they want are those that get proper careers

>> No.11075174

Because that's what already happens. Most gangbangers are from poor neighborhoods, and most crime is committed by the lower class

>> No.11075175



>> No.11075176

they’ll kill you and scare everyone who does this by making an example of you, social contract is enforced with bloodletting and rayp

there’s a reason normalfags have massive cog diss with how criminals and terrorists are treated, you will find out how much the majority loves cruelty as soon as you stop eating their shit

>> No.11075181

I'd join the military and save money, take college classes while I was in or use the GI bill when I was out
I would major in a sensible degree and make sure to complete internships
I would also make sure not to waste money on shoes or drugs, or complaining about the unfairness of life

>> No.11075184

Because my conscience doesn't allow me to enact malicious intentions to others. Were everyone to adopt your MO, the skyline would be in flames. Such an unsustainable mentality therefore certainly cannot be healthy for society at large; that is to say, if everyone was acting in that way.

>> No.11075185


>> No.11075186

>and your future is always...
No, it's never always.
>why... why... why...
Stop asking and try, you might understand why.

>> No.11075190

t. cuck

>> No.11075192


In the longest of long runs, I'll be vindicated. Life is a fleeting thing anyway, and it takes more moral courage to suffer and forgive than it takes bravery to break laws. I've broken tons of laws that I just plain didn't like or care about. Breaking laws is just about realizing one is free. But forgiving others and accepting what one is subjected to requires actually changing ones character, not just choosing to act. Pain is temporary, glory is eternal.

>> No.11075195

t. teenager

>> No.11075205

Be bad, and write a manifesto about how it sucks to be unattractive, unwanted, and how it leads to a miserable life. Advocate genetic engineering before opening fire on an NFL sideline

>> No.11075213
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>> No.11075219

Bar none OP, that is just simply not how the world works.

>> No.11075218

Actually, glory lasts as long as you're alive, if you're not experiencing it then it's not there.

Definitely true, I would never expect society to adopt this mentality. I was simply looking for some arguments for and against it.

>> No.11075232


> Actually, glory lasts as long as you're alive, if you're not experiencing it then it's not there.

I've sure as hell experienced something

>> No.11075234

Sure, call me immature but with that kind of defeatist attitude you're merely enabling the same kind of bullshit that's been happening ever since mankind first decided to plant seeds in the ground.

>> No.11075243

I have morals because I'm not a psychopath like you OP

>> No.11075249

>why should you not just take what you want from society?
Because then society will just take what it wants from you. What cynical little turds like you fail to understand is that those rules that shackle you also protect you. When you cast off their limitations you cast off their protections. Go rob a store and see how quickly society exacts its violent retribution on you. The minute you transgress on society's rules is the minute they stop seeing your health and well being as important, and once that happens there is no limit to the cruelty and brutality that can be visited on you.

>> No.11075252 [DELETED] 

Lol you seem upset

>> No.11075253

I want to punch that guy in the face for writing shit like that unironically. I'm no shithead NEET, but nearly all of these are flat-out untrue if you've worked any sort of wagecuck job in the last 20 years, and 1 and 10 are flat-out contradictions.

>> No.11075257

You don't, that's why, if you're smart enough, you become anti-social and create alternative dominance hierarchies, sometimes even entire new tribes/cities/countries, with other rejects.

The problem is that those worlds are usually not mature enough, lack authority and justice, etc, so it turns into gangsterhood.

>> No.11075266

Not black or white

That's the thing with the smarter kind of anti-social behavior - you learn how to get away with it. A proper sociopath can even make you feel shame while they're getting away with having absolutely zero regard for anything.

>> No.11075271

Society doesn't see your health or well being as important anyway? Especially if you're at the bottom of it?

>> No.11075272

Psychopaths are prone to poor impulse control, this is why so many of them end up as repeat offenders in prison. The majority of the ones who don't go to jail end up as executives in major companies.

>> No.11075280

>A proper sociopath can even make you feel shame while they're getting away with having absolutely zero regard for anything.
journalists and politicians in a nutshell

>> No.11075283

You are weak

>> No.11075284

You can. You just get bored because it's not a replacement for intelligence.

>> No.11075288

It does. The fact you don't realize this shows how blind you are to the power structures inherent in society. Modern society is built around the control of life, it's the single biggest impetus to passing new laws and extending the reach of government power. Must protect consumers, must protect the children. The field of psychology blew up rapidly over the last century and it is based almost entirely on the precept of maintaining the well being of people and society. Every public school now employs at least one psychiatrist, they are considered vital for ensuring children are properly raised so they can become productive members of society.

Hell, all I need to do is point out that suicide is against the law. You do not even have the right to take your own life, it does not belong to you. Your health and well being are of grave concern to the state, they don't want you to fuck it up. That's why they ban so many unhealthy and potentially dangerous things.

>> No.11075290

sociopathy and psychopathy are not the same. not exactly.

sociopathy is a less severe case of psychopathy where the affected can actually empathise and have meaningful relationships.

>> No.11075291

>sociopathy and psychopathy are not the same.
They are literally the same thing. Find me a reputable journal of psychology which claims they are different or shut up.

>> No.11075294

You could always adopt a slave morality and reject the world entirely, happily accepting whatever you have. Christianity, Stoicism, mystic systems, etc. can make you feel accomplished when you haven't actually done anything.

>> No.11075295

As a skilled tradesmen I disagree with this opera singer's slave morality

>> No.11075296

they dont seem to have consistent definitions
i consider psychopaths amoral sadists and sociopaths as just amoral

>> No.11075300

I don't see how that's relevant to what I posted

>> No.11075307

You are a worthless faggot

>> No.11075313

Well it doesn't really matter what you consider. The DSM 5's entry for APD states:
>APD (Antisocial Personality Disorder) is a DSM-5 (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, fifth edition), diagnosis assigned to individuals who habitually and pervasively disregard or violate the rights and considerations of others without remorse ... The terms psychopathy or sociopathy are also used, in some contexts synonymously, in others, sociopath is differentiated from a psychopath, in that a sociopathy is rooted in environmental causes, while psychopathy is genetically based.
But in terms of behavior, they are the same thing.

>> No.11075315

Specifically for "untrue if wagecuck"...working several shit jobs have caused me to learn things...
3. Yes, there IS such a thing as a "bad job", as some jobs will destroy you physically (poultry processing), and in others you'll never be good enough because people will hate you and that's that. Worse, if the wrong people are in charge you could get blackballed in the industry.
4. Passion and enthusiasm can only get you so far, just delay the inevitable. Trust me, I've been there.
5. Debt is unavoidable, lose one job as an adult or some other devastating event (medical emergency) and you can be financially fucked
6. There are a lot of less-than-safe practices employers do, but even trying to alter them can be seen as defiance or cowardice, and that contradicts the "be a good employee and do everything they say"
7. Showing up early and staying late is a good way to get your hours cut back. Or get fired.
11. It's easy to "not resent the success of others" if you have a good job and things are going alright. I once had a call center job that was already outsourced twice, and I was basically calling people that among other things, would give the chairmen of the fund board a million dollar RAISE that year. The fact that I was doing that as a temporary part time job was infuriating.

>> No.11075318

I meant that psychopaths are more likely to do sadistic shit like humiliate you

>> No.11075320

>treating a shrink dictionary like the bible
then again, psychology and religion have about the same level of validity, so...

>> No.11075326

These are not rules to live by if you have any ambition whatsoever. This reads like propaganda intended to keep the underclasses content, convincing them that they are living a fulfilling and virtuous life.

>> No.11075330

It sees it as important because it realises that a queen bee without it's workers is nothing.

Ah yes they ban lots of unhealthy and dangerous things, like alcohol and cigar- oh wait! Those aren't banned, despite being far more unhealthy than most drugs that actually are banned.

You are talking shit, how could a school psychiatrist impact how a child is being raised? That's entirely down to the parents.

>> No.11075331

Ah yes silly me for consulting the diagnostic manual of the people who invented the disorder in the first place! If not the professionals who first described psychopathy who would you pick to get an "accurate" definition? You?

>> No.11075333

Eh actually I see what you mean nevermind

>> No.11075334

>psychology and religion have about the same level of validity
depends on your perspective of validity, so you could get autistically pedantic about it if you want

>> No.11075337

Don't take what you want from society. Take your revenge on the people causing the structural problems that fucked you and your family in the first place.

>> No.11075347

>implying everyday innocents aren't system perpetuators who rub their slavish rewards in your face daily

>> No.11075348

I disagree on one aspect...if you are near the bottom society actually does not care about you. Sure they'll throw you a few bones and maybe you'll rise above the heap, but if not it doesn't care. You aren't a blue chipper. If you act out they will put you down. Work those three jobs to survive; watch Netflix or play vidya to vent your frustrations (and watch porn).

We will need less people as time goes on. Now its simply placating the ever increasing bottom of the country. They are only important for votes.

>> No.11075352

Hi leftypol.

>> No.11075356

This one hurts anon...

>> No.11075357

You seem to have completely missed the point of what I was talking about, and also don't seem to know very much about anything you brought up.

>> No.11075358

Um, so I should take revenge on my own family then? Who do you think has fucked my family?


>> No.11075363

>Refutes zero of my points
>Y-you just don't know what you're talking about!

Fuck off spacker.

>> No.11075366

>if you are near the bottom society actually does not care about you
I don't see how this point still stands given my own examples.

>Now its simply placating the ever increasing bottom of the country. They are only important for votes.
Your thinking is sadly constrained and not broad enough.

>> No.11075376

Your points were focused on examples and did not actually tackle the point of my argument, which is that the impetus of laws is life, that the primary concern of a modern state is to extend power over more and more areas of life. Instead you decided to nitpick my examples by pointing out that some harmful things have escaped the state's dragnet, and by doing so put on display your own appalling ignorance. Did you stop to consider the US is not the whole world? Alcohol and cigarettes are illegal in many modern states, indeed they are illegal in parts of the US itself, and in the US's own recent history there was a massive effort by the state to completely outlaw alcohol, but I guess the fact that it was overturned somehow negates this?

You just seem to not really know much about this topic and seem unwilling to think abstractly about power structures, you just want to stay down in nitpicky details which you cannot even get correct in the first place.

>> No.11075382

Well define "care".
>Your thinking is sadly constrained and not broad enough.
Yeah well I think your thinking is diluted and spread thinly.
You cannot disagree that people are far less necessary economically then before. They'll try to turn you into a blue chipper but if you fall off the wagon they'll leave you there.

>> No.11075383

>Because that's what already happens. Most gangbangers are from poor neighborhoods, and most crime is committed by the lower class

Only person in the thread who gets it, lol at the idiots here who think what OP is talking about is impossible. Plenty of people live completely moral-less lives and get away with it to no Earthly consequence

>> No.11075387

>implying reading fiction cant be an accomplishment

>> No.11075395

>muh affirmation
kys nitch
id rather live to take a big shit on the world out of spite than accept it let alone take pleasure in it.

>> No.11075396

Hahahahaaha this shit >>11075152 is an exact text adaptation of >>11075170

What's it like being a walking pathetic meme?

>> No.11075400

Christianity is a revolutionary faith Anon, its anything but being content with society and Capitalism especially

>> No.11075405

Underrated post.

>> No.11075410

1 John 2:15-17 King James Version (KJV)

15 Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him.

16 For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life, is not of the Father, but is of the world.

17 And the world passeth away, and the lust thereof: but he that doeth the will of God abideth for ever.

>> No.11075413

and look at its current state
it's time to move on, anon

>> No.11075415

Tgis shit thread again faggot? Kill yourself

>> No.11075417

>he thinks he can escape societal determination
>he thinks he is a subject

>> No.11075420

just go become a commie, then you can do the same thing without being a fucking idiot.

>> No.11075426

There's nothing to move on to. Christianity was the end of human history, atheism is the end of human life

>> No.11075428

Stop throwing around trendy Neetshit vocab you don't understand the meaning of.

>> No.11075430

The sun existed before Christ, and it will exist after Christ.

>> No.11075433

okay bigboy tell me what resentiment really means

>> No.11075440

Not any sun worth speaking about

>> No.11075467

So you don't care about life? What I said originally?

>> No.11075469

Because the bourgies will lock you in a cage for "theft" despite the fact they steal 80% of what you produce.

>> No.11075476

how do commies define things like "steal" and determine the rightful owner of things objectively? seems to me they just define them in ways that happen to benefit them, not that there's anything wrong with wanting what's best for yourself.

>> No.11075482

Making a victim of one's self, submitting to rules only to oppress the weaker.

>> No.11075483

They don't. I'm just pointing out why the capitalist definition of theft is hypocritical. You always see right wingers whining about taxes being theft, their boss takes far, far more of them than the government does.

>> No.11075485

good post

>> No.11075488

I think OP's sentiment was felt most strongly by me when I was walking to my minimum wage job and read that the prime minister's hairdresser got a knighthood or something like that.

Oh yeah, and when I read recently about female university students getting £750 a night from sugar daddies when my main choice for extra money is £7.50 per hour minimum wage jobs

>> No.11075491

Read das kapital if you want to know
Basically if the owner profits off of the labor of the worker then the worker isn't getting his full cut

>> No.11075492

>hehe upvoted Xd
Fuck off retard

>> No.11075509

no, i have decided to set my morals aside and upvote the post

>> No.11075527

As an atheist, not a Christian. Yes

>> No.11075573

and we have to sit here and live with it
if only soldiers and cops were smart enough to turn their guns on those giving them orders instead of the people

>> No.11075622

>This reads like propaganda intended to keep the underclasses content, convincing them that they are living a fulfilling and virtuous life.
That's exactly what it is, but it also happens to be true.

>> No.11075627

Sugar Daddies are definitely a black pill.
I don't entirely blame the women.

>> No.11075633

That can be an innuendo too

>> No.11075634

>if only soldiers and cops were smart enough to turn their guns on those giving them money instead of the people who talk shit about them every day

>> No.11075644

>take goycheck like a good little boy vs shoot the guy paying you and take all the money
choice is obvious? the only things stopping these jarheads are their own stupid morals and fear of retribution from their peers

>> No.11075663

You're an edgy little faggot reddit is melting your brain

>> No.11075668


>> No.11075673

>shoot the guy paying you
>look for money
>it's in a bank

>> No.11075678

After killing them they would take their place and keep you being their wageslave, you stupid moron.

>> No.11075689

>go take the money from the bank
>90% of it is just numbers in computers

>> No.11075690

Isnt it hilarious that communism basically affirms that administration is parasitic and then every practical application of communism eventually becomes a despotic state bloated with red tape.

>> No.11075691

>rob the bank
more likely the army splits into loyalist and rebelling factions and destroy each other. the power vacuum could be exploited by populists

>> No.11075697


>> No.11075700

yeah well maybe robot communism will be a thing
You can't cheat the workers if there are no workers

>> No.11075702

reverse this

>> No.11075703

A worker should never be entitled to their "full cut". A certain proportion of their income has to be deferred back to company coffers to satisfy the cost of administrative and maintenance costs, since neither administration nor maintenance are in a way "productive" pursuits. You can cry about muh boss making too much money, but you can't cry about not receiving 100% of the value of the goods you produced in the form of take-home pay. It's everyone's duty to maintain the establishment for self-perpetuated gainful employment.

>> No.11075705

Then the populists would keep you being their slave.
You just can't win unless you are the one being a psycho killing gorillions.
Why is life this way?

>> No.11075708

>Then the populists would keep you being their slave
eh ill probably be dead by the time that happens
it takes a while for tyranny to actually become tyrannical

>> No.11075713

I don't want to

>> No.11075716

Then robots take over the struggle of human life and we're left without a purpose. Population control allows just about any political system to thrive, since we're only concerned with the distribution of resources. If we implement robot workers, we would have to kill off the people who would normally work those jobs, else they'd just feed off the system. People wonder why we work so much, why there's so many poor people still, when technology has advanced so much.

>> No.11075718

>Then robots take over the struggle of human life and we're left without a purpose
if we're living in sci-fi, we can just dope ourselves up so we always feel fulfilled

>> No.11075719

in a gay liberal society? no reason.
nice strawman cope post

>> No.11075727

Awfully dystopic desire, brethren

>> No.11075735

sounds good to me
i cant wait for humanity to be lobotomized
or forcibly turned into mechanical life and all the meatbags who resist get turned into fuel

>> No.11075744

Why are you so edgy

>> No.11075749

Why do you care?

>> No.11075759

deriving purpose from struggle is a lot edgier
at least to me

>> No.11075768

Why would you turn to a life of crime? Isn’t it easier to just pick up a decent paying trade via an apprenticeship or community college? Even people in the lowest tax bracket can afford that with a little effort.

>> No.11075771

I hope technology of the future will be good enough to please us consistently, because we've lost all understanding of what it means to be human. Having sex used to represent the accomplishment of spreading your genes, ensuring the survival of your species. In ancient times, this meant you were strong enough to survive and successfully find a mate. But soon all we'll have to do is select what kind of child we want from an artificial womb and call it "ours." If work isn't abolished by then, we'd have to be retarded to not understand that we don't actually need to work, that a robot can do it much better than we can, that the work isn't necessary for our surivival, but directly necessary for our feeling that it is necessary for our survival. We'd have to pretend that we need to work, which can hardly bring the same satisfaction as the work of our ancestors. Today people are struggling to find the meaning of life, but the meaning of life has always been inside of us, as it is in every organism on the planet. But we've removed those desires and urges through technological advancement, thinking there is something greater. Everything has become so easy, a video game stuck on level one. We weren't meant to exert ourselves beyond basic needs, which is why we stress over paperwork, scheduling, and all other artificial work that makes no sense to our monkey brains. But the people who really have it the worst are those who can't reproduce, who aren't accepted by society in this oversocialized place.

Ted was right.

>> No.11075779

ooga booga me want smash rocks and fuck women

>> No.11075780

What else can I do then? Is the only point of view that has made me progress at least a bit
Because I want to understand the endgame of the edge

>> No.11075782

this grug no want desk job
grug miss old ways where all you need get woman is rock her head

>> No.11075792

>What else can I do then
sustainably dope yourself up when the tech arrives
it wont be glamorous or respectable, but who needs that anymore?
keep struggling until then, i guess

>> No.11075799

>Times are changing and it makes me uncomfortable
Reminder that Humans have been living comfortably this way for a couple thousand years and the illusion of Man in nature stumbling in the darkness, without language or clothes or technology is a complete fetishization of a time where Humans (as we know them) were animals themselves.

>> No.11075803

I'm done with dope. Not even opiates help me get peace anymore.
If I could only get me a nice loving woman, but I'm too much of an insect.

>> No.11075805

kill yourselves, both of you

>> No.11075835

If I could only dare to do it I would, but I'm a coward who can't handle infinite nothingness and stays sheltered in vapid melancholia and faux suffering. I have managed to be a person of friends, but I deeply despite them when I have the time to destroy any value in anything I could say is at least something and not a lack of connection.
I'm not even sad, I'm so detached, apathy has got the best from me to the point I desire to be able to hate myself, but my body just doesn't care and my mind and soul ignore at their will.

>> No.11075889

What are some novels that read like this thread?

>> No.11075900

i'd say ready player one is about on the same intellectual level

>> No.11075954

Something of higher intellectual level, please, Mr. Sir.

>> No.11075957

pure ideology

>> No.11075961

you said "like this thread"

>> No.11075969

"Like" doesnt mean "same", sir.

>> No.11075972

well, ready player one is "like" and not the "same", m'lord

>> No.11075986

You are not being really polite, my lady. But is all good and well, it is a lovely day today and the sky smiles, I feel no negative sensations towards your persona or anything on existence right now, only good and good only.

>> No.11075994


>> No.11076076

It's night time you freak

>> No.11076085

Maybe for you. For me, sunshine is always above me, with its warm hug!

>> No.11076113

>why do you care
Because you are signing me up to some sort of agreement in flagrant disregard of my will or my desire because you don't like some thing or another. You are a totalitarian-minded person who is a threat to my agency. How could I not care about someone imposing themselves on me?

>> No.11076126

Because you'll hurt people

>> No.11076166
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Wow , you lack creativity op.
We must all live outside the box to progress.
Even the rich, life is a slide rule of interdimentional difficulties.
There will allways be an uper and lower fate then you.

>> No.11076243

Nice false flag

>> No.11076264

the enjoyment of others admiration and the ability to feel superior makes morality worth striving for. reminds me though of that classic "What keeps atheists from raping and murdering for fun?" and the atheist replies "I dont think those things are fun, do you?"

>> No.11076567
File: 16 KB, 590x386, suffer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's just the ressentiment speaking.

>> No.11076609

A long line of emaciated people are waiting. At the front of the line, the lucky fellow is being jeered at by an ugly fat man with a gun. "Bark for me!" he yells. The poor fellow obeys, and is given a generous helping of dog food.

Do you stand in line, or die in protest?

It isn't that hard to just give in, but will you do so knowing that your submissives is what gives him power over everyone else?

>> No.11076731

Sure, the thrill of breaking the law and taking what you want might be fun for a little while, but it'll wear off, and by then you'll just be keeping up with the the criminal acts out of habit. You'll very likely become a disheveled, godless person who either ends up in life in prison or dead after a coke overdose at the age of 38.

And yeah, sure, maybe you think "this is all that I'll ever amount to, might as well fuck with people while I'm alive", but you don't really KNOW that, you only assume that. You could very well make something of yourself, if you had the genuine will to get there.

>> No.11076913

The most disgusting thing about this list is that is is based on some good ideas, but twists them into a complete self-cuckoldry

>> No.11077532

red pill: marxism, but replace economic capital with sexual and social capital
seize the means of reproduction and socialization

>> No.11077539

only if op said it was all wrong
resentment isnt ressentiment

>> No.11077543

nice meme pic OP

>> No.11077546
File: 55 KB, 768x768, 18766012_1479766262084533_8732937902888335232_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maga, fellow peed

>> No.11077560
File: 49 KB, 496x341, epicurus.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Being a reasonably good citizen actually maximises your well-being. Most pleasures that can be reaped with crime are short-lived in their satisfaction but cause long term stress and fear. Suffering has a greater impact than pleasure most of the time, so the key is to take something resembling a negative hedonist approach and remove sources of stress and dissatisfaction from your life.

Epicureanism is sort of a wholesome Stirnerism avant-la-lettre. He was equally unimpressed with conventional morals, religion, politics et cetera, but his reaction was to live the comfy NEET life with a few good friends and disregard the rest. I've experimented with being a wild cunt for a bit but I think Epicurus is ultimately right, the laid back NEET life is the comfiest brand of egoism and the most viable one in the long term.

>> No.11077580
File: 7 KB, 183x276, epicurus2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The same goes for lifestyle, by the way. You may think that someone who maximises pleasure and does what he wants is a typical folk hedonism stereotypical chainsmoking drunk who does a lot of drugs at first, but after a few years you start to realise that living healthily is actually the most pleasurable.

Contemplatives in all traditions figured this out a long time ago: The most pleasant life is a simple one without much hassle.

>> No.11077619

Breh, you live in a society where you have free education, public libraries and most likely a connection to the Internet. If you live in a good country outside of the US you probably have free or effectively free tertiary education as well.
Basically if you have an IQ >=100 you will be perfectly fine as long as you:
>Keep striving
>Earn a degree or learn a trade that will keep you gainfully employed (hint: computers are a sure bet)
>Learn to manage your finances
>Don't get on the wrong side of the law
Of course if you live in a shithole it's an entirely different story.
If you want to steal shit, thats fine, but don't expect it to improve your standing. Even if you successfully pull off some kind of heist, that cash will eventually disappear unless you learn to invest it right.

>> No.11078055



>> No.11078248


Can discomfirm

>> No.11078303



>> No.11078307


see >>11075175

>> No.11078361
File: 235 KB, 1024x792, Screen_Shot_2017-03-24_at_4.10.16_pm_1024x1024.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well OP, you know that old and cliche saying of "dont do to others what you wouden't want done to yourself" right? This is just entry level. This has less to do with social contract and more to do with if everyone started doing crazy shit, everyone would eventualy kill one another and society would fall apart. Fortunately, the human species has developed to live in society. Sure, not all societies are good to live in, but the state of anarchy is much, much worst. The state of anarchy truly is a war of all against all, because the natural state is of misery. Not only that, but working as a society has show that is much more effiecient than alone. This dosen't mean you need to surrender to whatever bullshit the majority say to you, but much less that you should just ignore others and do your every wishe. If you live in northern countries, fuck, I envy you, so you should have a pretty okay life. Isen't like my god awfull country where everything is trash and I can get robbed or killed, or both at any minute and then the police won't do shit and there will still be political forces who will say it's my fault for being robbed and killed. Wish I had acess to jobs lately, nobody hires me and I am fucking on edge because of that. Yet, you don't see me doing crazy shit, because I know very well that I ain't the only one gettinf fucked in life. If I should fuck someone, I would fuck big people, not the average joe. But still, I probably wouden't fuck the big people, because they are fuckine people too, and I wouden't like it done to me if I were them.
People usualy do stupid shit in their lifetime, heck, I do it from time to time myself, but majority isen't realy serious. But if you want to try fucking around, well I can't hold you, just keep in mind that, if you take from society whatever you want, society will take from you whatever it wants. And it will hurt more on you than in society.

>> No.11078375


>> No.11078458

Okay buddy hit me

>> No.11078595

It's true though. There's a reason moderation is preached so much, excess actually sucks in the long run.

>> No.11078607

State of nature isn't as bad as it's made out to be by civilised propaganda desu. Traditional hunter-gatherer bands have harsh lives in certain ways but very comfy ones in other ways. They work very little, don't suffer from mental illness and general alienation and tend to be very healthy.

>> No.11078642

>we are protecting you from having to not work 60 hours a week
>we are protecting you from having a satisfying sex life and a lover
>we are protecting you from having friends
>we are protecting you from being allowed to experience a full range of emotions
>we are protecting you from becoming what you are
>we are protecting you from being free
ah good to know
>we are protecting you by throwing you in a rape cage
>we are protecting you by hoarding resources
>we are protecting you by subjecting you to ridiculous slavish costs of living
>we are protecting you by making women, gays and blacks hate you
>we are protecting you by forcing you to be someone’s servant
>we are protecting you by committing fake terrorist attacks against you and then profitting off of the ensuing wars
>we are protecting you by breaking the law behind your backs with impunity and funding drug trafficking and raping little kids we kidnap and sell at hotels
>we are protecting you by selling weapons to groups that commit terrorist attacks on public venues you frequent
>we are protecting you by funding and encouraging soul raping culture
>we are protecting you by lying to you about how your brain works
>we are protecting you by lying about its relationship with matter
>we are protecting you by putting poisonous psychotropics and birth control in your water and food indirectly
>we are protecting you by shaming anyone publicly who challenges our authority
>we are protecting you from warning others about this by turning herd consciousness against you
>we are protecting you anon